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Engleza Oral 2011

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PROBA ORAL DE VERIFICARE A CUNOTINELOR LA LIMBA ENGLEZ pentru admiterea n clasa a IX-a cu program bilingv 2 IUNIE 2011

BILET DE EXAMEN NR.1 1.READ THE FOLLOWING TEXT AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW: Out in the woods stood a nice little Fir Tree. The place he had was a very good one: the sun shone on him: as to fresh air, there was enough of that, and round him grew many large-sized comrades, pines as well as firs. But the little Fir wanted so very much to be a grown-up tree. He did not think of the warm sun and of the fresh air; he did not care for the little cottage children that ran about and prattled when they were in the woods looking for wildstrawberries. The children often came with a whole pitcher full of berries, or a long row of them threaded on a straw, and sat down near the young tree and said, "Oh, how pretty he is! What a nice little fir!" But this was what the Tree could not bear to hear. At the end of a year he had shot up a good deal, and after another year he was another long bit taller; for with fir trees one can always tell by the shoots how many years old they are. "Oh! Were I but such a high tree as the others are," sighed he. "Then I should be able to spread out my branches, and with the tops to look into the wide world! Then would the birds build nests among my branches: and when there was a breeze, I could bend with as much stateliness as the others!" Neither the sunbeams, nor the birds, nor the red clouds which morning and evening sailed above him, gave the little Tree any pleasure.

QUESTIONS: 1. 2. 3. 4. What is the text about? What did the tree want? How can we tell the age of a fir tree? How can we tell the age of a person?


1.READ THE FOLLOWING TEXT AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW: The federal government, displaying even less sense than usual, has yielded to the French fry industry. Frozen French friessliced, fried in oil, and then packagedare now approved as fresh vegetables by the US Department of Agriculture. The French fry industry has been petitioning the USDA for years to get this approval. They say that their product is similar to cucumbers that have a wax coating. They argue that they use 100 percent vegetable oil, which is much healthier for consumers than plain wax. Most consumers, of course, beg to differ. You must be joking, said Annie, 50. How can you consider a product thats deep-fried in oil to be a fresh vegetable? Even if I steamed broccoli, I could no longer call it fresh broccoliits cooked! I wish I were a lobbyist, so my congressman would help me. Unfortunately, Im only a tax-paying citizen. QUESTIONS: 1. What is the text about? 2. Do you agree with the USDA or with Annie? 3. What are your favourite vegetables? 4. Why is it important for people to eat fresh vegetables?


1.READ THE FOLLOWING TEXT AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW: Mark was cursing the driver in front of him because she was creeping along. He was running late for a golf game with his friend Barney. He was on a two-lane road that led to the golf course. The road was straight uphill. It went for six blocks through a busy residential neighborhood. There was a four-way stop sign at the end of each block. Mark was pulling his hair out. Never be in a hurry in LA, he muttered to himself. Mark didn't pass her because there was too much oncoming traffic. At the very last stop sign, she turned right. At last, no one was in front of him. Mark put the pedal to the metal to make up for lost time. However, as soon as he rounded the first curve, he had to immediately brake for a cement truck crawling up the hill at about 5 mph. Mark couldn't believe it. His tee time was 11:45 and it was 11:39. Mark ignored the solid yellow line and passed the truck. It was 11:40 when he got to the parking lot. He walked quickly to the clubhouse to tell Mel, the assistant pro, that he had arrived. QUESTIONS: 1.Why was Mark upset? 2. Where does Mark live? 3. Did he arrive in time? 4. Are you often in a hurry?


1.READ THE FOLLOWING TEXT AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW: Julia was 12 years old. Her best friend Betsy was 13. Summer was almost over. School was about to start. Julia and Betsy were having lunch at BurgerBoy. Betsy had decided that Julia needed a boyfriend. But why? asked Julia. Im okay without one. What good is a 12-year-old boy anyway? All theyre interested in is playing baseball or riding their skateboards. Where does a girl fit into that picture? Dont be silly, replied Betsy. And forget about 12-year-olds. Theyre immature. You should go for someone more experiencedsomeone at least 13 years old. Someone who will carry your books and walk you to your classes. You need someone wholl give you a Valentines Day card and remember your birthday. You need someone to comfort you when youre sad and lonely. You need someone to protect you. But my dad does that! Thats what dads are for. He comforts me; he protects me. And he remembers my birthday, too. Ive got a backpack to carry my books, and I know where all my classes are. I dont need an escort. And a Valentines Day card means that someone loves you. What if I dont love them back? I dont want a Valentines Day card from someone I dont love. I dont love anyone anyway. Im too young. I dont think I even know what love is. Besides, you dont have a boyfriend. Why should I? QUESTIONS: 1. What is the text about? 2. Does Julia want to have a boyfriend? 3. What reasons does she give? 4. What is in your opinion the best age to have the first boyfriend/girlfriend?


1.READ THE FOLLOWING TEXT AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW: Dave needed to pack for Saturdays fishing trip. He went into his hall closet, where he had more than 20 rods and reels. Nowadays he went fishing twice a year at Big Bear, a huge lake in southern California about 7,000 feet up in the mountains. California tries to boost the fishing industry by sponsoring a Free Fishing Day twice a year, once in June and once in September. That sufficed for Dave. He went mostly because it was a social event with a few friends, not so much to catch fish. Even by itself, the scenic drive up a twisty two-lane road was worth the trip. Not to mention the big, beautiful houses and trees that lined the shore of the lake. Packing was a project in itself. Dave had even created a computer file named Fishing Trip. It was a checklist of 45 things to take to Big Bear. He took two rods, because on Free Fishing Day you were allowed to fish with two rods instead of the usual one rod. He took a hooded sweatshirt, jeans, two pair of socks, a heavy hooded denim jacket, winter gloves, and a scarf. He also took flip-flops, shorts, a T-shirt, #30 sun block, sunglasses, a big hat, and a lightweight raincoat. If you go to Big Bear in June, youd better be prepared for hot or cold, rain or shine. QUESTIONS: 1.What is the text about? 2.What kind of weather does the man prepare for? 3. Why do you think fishing is so popular among men? 4.What is your favourite passtime?


1.READ THE FOLLOWING TEXT AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW: A Continental Pacific Railroad freight train derailed on Tuesday about 40 miles north of Sacramento. The exact cause is still being investigated, but authorities say it was no accident. The head engineer said everything was fine; then suddenly, everything wasn't. Of the freight train's 86 cars, 22 went off the tracks. Fortunately, this incident did not involve any fatalities, human or otherwise. The head engineer was treated for a broken wrist at a nearby hospital. He was the only casualty. A Continental Pacific Railroad freight train derailed on Tuesday about 40 miles north of Sacramento. The exact cause is still being investigated, but authorities say it was no accident. The head engineer said everything was fine; then suddenly, everything wasn't. Of the freight train's 86 cars, 22 went off the tracks. Fortunately, this incident did not involve any fatalities, human or otherwise. The head engineer was treated for a broken wrist at a nearby hospital. He was the only casualty. QUESTIONS: 1.What si the text about? 2.How many people died? 3.Have you ever been involved in an accident? 4.What do you think is the safest means of transport?


1.READ THE FOLLOWING TEXT AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW: Trains throughout California frequently carry dangerous cargoes, such as chemicals. When these trains derail, authorities immediately evacuate nearby communities because of the danger of explosions or of harmful fumes. However, this train carried only lumber, new automobiles, and cattle destined for slaughter. After the mishap, lumber was scattered on either side of the tracks. About 20 automobiles were damaged. The biggest problem, however, was the cattle. About 300 of them were standing on or near the tracks, wandering into the nearby woods, or standing on the nearby highway. Traffic on the two-lane highway was backed up for almost a mile in each direction. We know who did this, said a California Highway Patrol spokesman. The train was sabotaged by a group called Tofu for You. They left their pamphlets all over the crime scene. They 'liberate' animals that are on their way to the slaughterhouse. They think Americans should eat tofu instead of meat. Theyre wasting their time. All these cows are going to be burgers by tomorrow night. QUESTIONS: 1.What is the text about? 2. What happened to the train? 3.What will happen to the cows? 4.What is your favourite food?


1.READ THE FOLLOWING TEXT AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW: A classical guitarist was thrilled to hear from New York City police that his valuable guitar had been found. It disappeared almost a year ago when he got out of a taxicab and forgot to take the guitar with him. Laurence Lennon, 44, said he was running late that day. He was talking to his manager on his cell phone when he dashed out of the cab. He said that he gave the driver $60 and told him to keep the change. He walked through the front doors of the concert hall still talking on the phone to his manager. Upon discovering his loss, Lennon used his cell phone to call the police. The policewoman asked him for the name of the cab company, the number of the cab, and the name of the driver. He said that she had to be kidding. She told Lennon that he could file a missing items report at the police station or online. Lennon asked for the online address. It was www.nypd.gov/toprotectandtoserve/haveaniceday. She told him that finding the guitar might take a couple of yearsfinding guitars was not as important as finding murderers and marijuana smokers. Then she told him to have a nice day. QUESTIONS: 1. What is the text about? 2. How did it happen? 3. Can you play any instrument or would you like to? 4. What is your favourite type of music?



"This year has been depressing," said Lennon. I had to postpone the recording of two new CDs. Ive been using borrowed guitars. And I was losing hope of ever recovering my guitar. Lennon was reunited with his $100,000 guitar yesterday. The case and the guitar had been discovered in the corner of a coffeehouse only two blocks from where Lennon had lost it in the first place. Lennon had offered a $10,000 reward for its return. He said he would give the reward to the coffeehouse owner, who had notified the police. The police department prepared a news release about its success in tracking down the guitar. QUESTIONS: 1.What is the text about? 2. Would you pay this kind of money for a guitar? 3. What is your favourite instrument? 4. What kind of music do you listen to?


1.READ THE FOLLOWING TEXT AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW: Six consecutive days of spring rain had created a raging river running by Nancy Browns farm. As she tried to herd her cows to higher ground, she slipped and hit her head on a fallen tree trunk. The fall knocked her out for a moment or two. When she came to, Lizzie, one of her oldest and favorite cows, was licking her face. The water was rising. Nancy got up and began walking slowly with Lizzie. The water was now waist high. Nancys pace got slower and slower. Finally, all she could do was to throw her arm around Lizzies neck and try to hang on. About 20 minutes later, Lizzie managed to successfully pull herself and Nancy out of the raging water and onto a bit of high land, a small island now in the middle of acres of white water.Even though it was about noon, the sky was so dark and the rain and lightning so bad that it took rescuers another two hours to discover Nancy. A helicopter lowered a paramedic, who attached Nancy to a life-support hoist. They raised her into the helicopter and took her to the school gym, where the Red Cross had set up an emergency shelter. When the flood subsided two days later, Nancy immediately went back to the island. Lizzie was gone. She was one of 19 cows that Nancy lost. I owe my life to her, said Nancy sobbingly. QUESTIONS: 1.Who was Nancy? 2.Who was Lizzie? 3.What is your favourite animal and why? 4.Do you know any famous books about animals?

BILET DE EXAMEN NR.11 1.READ THE FOLLOWING TEXT AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW: A fifteen-year-old boy was injured in a car accident when the minivan he was traveling in was hit by a pickup truck at an intersection. The boy was taken to a nearby hospital. The paramedics said that it appeared that the boy had nothing more serious than a broken left leg, but that internal injuries were always a possibility. The boy was conscious and alert. His mother, who was driving, was uninjured. She said that the truck appeared out of nowhere, and she thought she was going to die. She turned the steering wheel sharply to the left, and the truck hit her minivan on the passenger side. The driver of the truck was a 50-year-old man who was unemployed and apparently had been drinkingpolice found 18 empty beer cans inside the truck. The man denied drinking, but he failed the police test for sobriety. When asked to touch his nose with his arms outstretched and eyes closed, he was unable to touch any part of his head. The handcuffed man asked the police if they knew where Mabel was as he was put into the back seat of the police vehicle. The police asked him if Mabel was his wife. He said, Shes my dog, my dog! Wheres my baby? A dog with a collar, but no identification, was found minutes later, half a block away. The man was taken to the city jail and booked on suspicion of driving while intoxicated and on causing an accident. QUESTIONS: 1.What is the text about? 2.What kind of test did the man fail? 3.Who was the man looking for? 4. What do you think happened to the boy in the end.


1.READ THE FOLLOWING TEXT AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW: Jerry Baldwin was 30 years old. He was the manager of a pizza restaurant. He lived in an apartment about one mile north of the restaurant. He walked to and from work. When it was raining, he took the bus. Jerry loved gangster movies. When a new one came out, he would go to the theater and watch the new movie three or four times. Then, when it went to video, Jerry would buy the video at Barneys Video Store. Jerry had a home collection of over 1,000 gangster videos. Old ones, new ones, color, black and white, English, Spanish, Japanese--he loved them all. He could tell you the name of the movie, the director, the stars, and the plot. Did you say you liked Pulp Fiction? Well, Jerry would rattle off all the details of that movie. And then he would invite you to his place to watch it some time. He was a nice guy.Jerry finally decided that he would like to own a gun, just like the gangsters. So he saved his money for a couple of years. Then he went to a gun store and bought a used .38 caliber revolver for $300. While there, he also bought a couple of boxes of ammunition. The following Saturday morning, he went to the gun club to practice with his new revolver. He was in the club for only 10 minutes when he accidentally dropped his pistol. The gun went off, and the bullet went into Jerrys right knee. Jerry now walks with a limp and a cane, just like some gangsters. QUESTIONS: 1. What is the text about? 2. What kind of movies do you like? 3. Do you think movies influence peoples behaviour? 4. In your opinion should children be forbidden to watch certain movies?


1.READ THE FOLLOWING TEXT AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW: A 24-year-old Los Angeles man was taken to a hospital and then to county jail after leading police on a one-hour freeway chase in a stolen SUV. The chase ended in downtown Los Angeles in front of the Spring Hotel. Most of the chase was uneventful, except for an empty bottle of whiskey that the driver threw at one police vehicle. When the driver got into downtown, things started to happen. He ran over a fire hydrant. The water spewed out of the hydrant, causing a geyser that ruined all the books in several carts that a vendor had put outside to attract customers into his bookstore. The driver hurriedly turned west onto Grand Avenue and managed to bang into three parked cars on one side of that street and two cars on the other side. The driver also tried to run over a police officer, who was standing in the crosswalk ordering him to halt. Turning north, the driver caused a bus to slam on its brakes to avoid a collision. The bus was empty, and the bus driver was uninjured. However, two police cars that were pursuing the SUV from different directions were not so lucky. One of them ran into the front of the bus, and the other into the back. Because the drivers had braked early enough, the damage to their cars was minor. Both officers resumed the chase. They only went two blocks north to find that the SUV had come to a full stop because it had plowed into a newspaper stand. The driver, who was not wearing a seatbelt, was slumped behind the steering wheel. The proprietor of the newsstand was yelling at the driver and shaking a magazine at him. The police called for the ambulance. They charged the driver with failure to yield to a police officer and driving under the influence. QUESTIONS: 1.What is the text about? 2. What happened during the chase? 3.Why do you think people do such things? 4.What is your favourite type of car?

BILET DE EXAMEN NR.14 1.READ THE FOLLOWING TEXT AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW: Sam, an unemployed piano tuner, said it was only the second thing he had ever won in his life. The first thing was an Afghan blanket at a church raffle when he was 25 years old. But this was much bigger: it was $120,000! He had won the Big Cube, a state lottery game. To win, a contestant must first guess which number a spinning cube will stop on. The cube has six numbers on it: 1X, 10X, 50X, 100X, 500X, and 1000X. If he is correct, the contestant must then guess which of two selected variables is going to be greater. So, just guessing which number appears on the cube does not guarantee that you will win any money. Sam correctly guessed 1000X, but he still had to choose between two variables. One variable was the number of cars that would run the stop sign at Hill Street and Lake Avenue in six hours. The other variable was the number of times that a teenage boy would change TV channels in a three-hour period. This was a tough decision. Finally, Sam flipped a coin. It came up heads, so Sam picked the teenager. He picked right. The stop sign was run only 76 times, but the teen clicked 120 times. Sixty-year-old Sam jumped for joy, for he had just won 1000 times 120, or $120,000. Sam dreamily left the lottery studio. Talking excitedly on his cell phone while crossing the street, he got hit by a little sports car. Sam is slowly getting better. He was in the hospital for a month. His hospital bill was $110,000. And the insurance company for the little sports cars owner sued Sam for $9,000 worth of repairs. Also, Sam still has to pay federal taxes on his winnings. Sam doesnt play the state lottery any more. He says its better to be unlucky. QUESTIONS: 1.What is the text about? 2.How does Sam choose between the 2 variables? 3. What happened to Sam? 4.What happened to the money?


1.READ THE FOLLOWING TEXT AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW: Inmates released two correctional officers they had held for a week in the tower at the state prison complex. The inmates captured the officers a week ago after the two officers tried to quell a food fight in the main dining room. The food fight erupted when the prisoners discovered that their candy ration had been cut in half. The candy is a popular bartering item. Inmates trade it for cigarettes, cigars, magazines, stationery, legal dictionaries, and other items. Prison officials said it was necessary to cut back on this luxury item in order to provide basic items, like soap and razors and toilet paper. The prisoners went berserk over the reduction. They threw food, plates, and silverware at the doors, windows, and guards. Then they grabbed two guards and hauled them up to the tower. Once they had the tower door secured, they sent messages to prison officials demanding big bags of candy in exchange for sparing the guards lives. The warden complied with their demands. After a week of negotiations, the prisoners approved a deal which restored their candy ration, but in return the administration said they would have to reduce daily soap allotments by 75 percent. QUESTIONS: 1.What is the text about? 2.Why are they so keen on sweets? 3.What did they have to give up in the end? 4.What kind of sweets do you like?


Read the text below and answer the questions.

Do you grab quick snacks at work, eat late at night and drink too much tea and coffee? If so, youre probably under stress and your eating habits are making the problem worse. The effects of stress can be beaten by following some simple advice. First, cut down on coffee, tea and cola drinks. They all contain caffeine, which makes you feel better for a few minutes, but which also destroys the vitamin in your bodies. Try not to eat sweets, biscuits and cakes. A quick burst of sugar suddenly increases blood-sugar levels, however, after 2 or 3 minutes, you are left feeling tired and irritable. Dont drink alcohol to forget your worries. In the long term, alcohol causes depression. Eat plenty of citrus fruit and green vegetables as they contain Vitamin C. Red meat and seafood contain iron, which helps fight nervous tiredness. Remember to eat a good breakfast to start the day well. Take care to eat properly and to avoid eating late at night. Avoid junk food. Fresh is best!

1. What are the negative effects of tea, coffee and cola drinks? 2. What are blood-sugar levels raised by? 3. Name three ways to avoid stress.


Read the text below and answer the questions.

The history of writing and drawing on walls, nowadays known as graffiti is much longer than most realise. People were painting on walls thousands of years ago. Although the paintings have been done for religious reasons, there is also the possibility that the artists wanted to express their individuality at the same time. These days graffiti can be seen almost everywhere, from the Paris Metro to the outside walls of houses in Northern Ireland. It is often viewed as the work of vandals, but some people actually claim that it is a work of art. Certainly, there have been a number of examples of graffiti which have been shown at art exhibitions. However, as most graffiti is not appreciated, there are continuous attempts to have it removed, which costs a great deal of money. For instance, London Underground had to spend 5 million a year cleaning its stations. Unfortunately, the stations do not remain clean for very long. But recent research has led to the development of a new type of paint. This is effective in the fight against graffiti because paint will not dry on it so it is much easier to clean the walls.

1. Why were the ancient paintings on walls made? 2. Where can one find graffiti nowadays? 3. What is the solution against graffiti on public places?


Read the text below and answer the questions.

Over recent years, Jersey, an island in the English Channel, has become a very popular destination for British tourists. They are attracted by its mild climate and magnificent scenery. Jersey was popularised as a resort by an English television series called Bergerac, which follows a police detective on his adventures around the island. The producers of the series were careful to show the island at its best. Scenes were shot in all the most beautiful parts of the island so, although Bergerac was not intended to boost the islands tourist industry, the number of visitors to the island steadily rose as the series became more popular. Most of the tourists who come to Jersey are English. Jersey appeals to them because the ferry crossing or plane journey gives the sense of travelling abroad, yet the island has all the conveniences of home. For instance, English is spoken all over the island (only the older generation still speak Jersey French) and the currency and many of the shops are familiar. Yet, because the island is so close to France, it is easy to sense a French influence in the food, the architecture and the way of life. It is this added cultural element that makes Jersey a popular holiday destination.

1. How did Jersey become popular with British tourists? 2. What do some people on the island speak? 3. How is Jersey different from the rest of Great Britain?


Read the text below and answer the questions.

Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument on an area of land called Salisbury Plain - about seven miles north of the town of Salisbury in England. Stonehenge consists of a series of stone settings arranged in a circle and is considered one of the most complex stone circles in the world. Built as a religious temple, Stonehenge was first recorded by John Aubrey in the 17th century, although excavation of the site did not begin until 1919. Research has shown that there were three main periods of construction, beginning around 1800 BC and finishing in the 15th century BC, when Stonehenge was completely restructured. The fact that the monument is so large implies that many people must have worked together in a team to help build it. There has always been controversy about the exact function of Stonehenge. Although there is no doubt that it had religious importance, it was also known to have a special significance with regard to the sun. Records show that the site was used as a place of worship during the summer months and especially on June 21st, the longest day of the year. Today, Stonehenge is a major attraction and is still believed to have a spiritual force, even to this day.

1. Where is Stonehenge situated? 2. When was Stonehenge first mentioned? 3. What are the theories regarding the intended purpose of Stonehenge?


Read the text below and answer the questions.

Paris, the capital of France, is a city where both the modern and the historical can be appreciated at the same time. One of the best examples of this is the Louvre. The worldfamous art gallery was once a royal palace and now houses five thousand works of art including the Mona Lisa. Visitors come from all over the world to see these and to admire the grand architecture of the building itself. However, in the eighties, a more contemporary attraction was built in the gallerys courtyard; giant glass pyraminds which, because of their sharp contrast, look surprisingly spectacular. The Musee dOrsay is another art gallery whose present function differs greatly from its original use. Now filled with paintings by Van Gogh and Monet, the building was once a railway station. On the other hand, the Beaubourg, also known as the Pompidou Centre, is a thoroughly modern building. The home of contemporary culture, it is unique in that all of its pipes and ducts are on the outside. For those who prefer to watch the world go by rather than look at the world in pictures, Les Deux Magots and the Cafe de Flore are definitely worth a visit. These two streets cafes are where many famous writers and intellectuals from the past met for coffee and stimulating discussions.

1. Where can one find the Mona Lisa? 2. How does the Musee dOrsay differ nowadays from the past? 3. What is special about the Pompidou Centre?


Read the text below and answer the questions.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not true that we use only 10 percent of our brain power; it is one of the myths of modern times. The brain controls all of our bodily functions as well as carrying out the most complicated processes of thought and imagination. There must however be some spare capacity built into the system because brain cells - unlike most of the bodys other cells - are not able to divide and therefore are incapable of replacing themselves when they die. It is possible to increase the abilities of our brain. We do this when we learn to read, for example. Current research shows that the learning process creates new connections between brain cells which increases our mental powers. But scientists are unable to say exactly how much of our brains we dont use. Despite a lot of research, the brain is still the most mysterious organ in the body and it will be many years before enough information can be gathered to explain all its functions.

1. What is one of the myths of modern times? 2. How can we increase the abilities of our brain? 3. Why is the brain the most mysterious organ?


Read the text below and answer the questions.

Stress is important. We all need a certain amount of it in order to lead fulfilling lives. However, if we have too much of it, it can have the opposite effect. Some people can tolerate greater levels of stress than others, but most of us will suffer at some time in our lives. It is therefore a good idea to learn a few stress management techniques. Identifying the cause of the problem we have, so that we can solve it more effectively, is one of the first steps towards reducing stress. The second is talking to a person you can trust, who will listen, and if necessary, give you some positive advice. Not only are smoking and drinking harmful to our health, they actually increase stress rather than reduce it. So, next time you want to relax, instead of reaching for that glass of wine or a cigarette, have a warm bath or go for a walk. Walking has more than health benefits, it helps you think more clearly too. Pets have a calming influence on us, unless they make noise, which irritates us. In fact, unwanted noise should be avoided as far as possible. On the other hand, laughter is one of the best ways to make yourself feel considerably better.

1. When does stress have a negative effect on people? 2. What are some steps people can take in order to reduce stress? 3. How do pets help people to avoid stress?


Read the text below and answer the questions.

Until recently, few people went cycling but during the last few years more bikes have been sold in Britain than cars. Now approximately two million are bought each year, the majority of which are mountain bikes. There are over 500 different models to choose from and the prices vary enormously. The cheapest can be bought for under 200, but you will need over 4,000 for a bike at the top end of the range. The reason for this difference is the quality of the frame. Bikes costing less than 350 are not recommended because they are very heavy and therefore not much fun to ride. Furthermore, they often break because they are not very well made. The more expensive models are much lighter because they are made of metals like aluminium. When buying a new bike it is best to go to a specialist bike shop rather than a toy shop or garage. One reason for this is that a specialist will make sure that the bike fits you properly, as a bike which is the wrong size can be both uncomfortable and dangerous. To reduce the risk of injury, cyclists are advised to wear a helmet. Although bikes travel at slower speeds than motorbikes, you can still suffer serious injuries to the head when you fall off.

1. What kind of bike sells the best in Britain? 2. Why do some bikes cost more than others? 3. What advice can a specialist tell you when you want to buy a bike?


Read the text below and answer the questions.

A diary is a daily record of events, thoughts and feelings, kept either for the writers own personal satisfaction or for later use. Most diarists neither expect nor necessarily want anyone else to read what they have written, so, on the whole only they and perhaps their relatives and close friends ever see their writings. On the other hand, some people do write with the intention of informing and entertaining the public, although often diaries are only discovered and published after the authors death. One example of a diarist who never ex pected his diary to be seen by the public was Samuel Pepys, who lived in the 17th century. His diary is the most impressive in the English language, recording some of the greatest events in English history, yet it is also the story of a most lovable mans life. Another example is that of Anne Frank, a young Jewish girl who was in hiding from the Nazis in Amsterdam during the Second World War. It is a unique and moving account of her unbearable life and the courage she needed to tolerate it.

1. Why do people keep diaries? 2. What did Emanuel Pepys write in his diary? 3. Why did Anne Frank keep a diary?


Read the text below and answer the questions.

The Isle of Wight is a small island just off the south Coast of England near the towns of Portsmouth and Southampton. Queen Victoria loved the island so much that she had Osborne House built, which has not changed at all since the days when she used to visit with her huge family. Other tourist attractions include Butterfly World, where, as the name suggests, visitors can see a large range of butterflies, and two zoos. In summer it is usually warm and sunny enough for holidaymakers to enjoy the miles of clean beaches. Alternatively, for those who want to be out of doors but dont like sunbathing, the Isle of Wight is an excellent place for cyclists. There are numerous little paths, which lead to picturesque villages all over the island. Newport, the islands capital, is also worth a visit. It is a busy little town with lots of small specialist shops. At the beginning of August, there is the most famous yachting week in the world, which takes place at Cowes. During that week, Cowes is full of carnival atmosphere and every bar and restaurant is packed.

1. Where is the Isle of Wight situated? 2. What are three attractions of the Isle of Wight? 3. Which is the main event on the island?


Read the text below and answer the questions.

For thousands of years, the moon has caught our imagination. Although it can be seen during the day, it is associated with things that come out after dark, like werewolves and witches. For thousands of years the moon has been considered to have magical powers and it is still a symbol of the supernatural. Despite moon-landings in the second half of this century, the idea that the moon affects our minds and bodies remains popular. American studies have reported more murders at full moon, more bleeding during surgery, a greater number of accidents and suicides, and more disturbed behaviour in psychiatric hospitals. This apparent lunar influence has been called the Transylvania effect. In fact, there are at least two theories put forward by scientists claiming to explain this effect. However, Ivan Kelly of University of Saskatchewan and James Rotton of Florida International University found that the Transylvania effect did not frequently exist at all. Furthermore, they rejected the Transylvania effect theories, saying they were scientifically incorrect. Kelly claims moon moods are probably caused by psychological factors. If you believe the moon affects you, you alter your behaviour accordingly. There is no magic involved at all.

1. What is the moon linked with? 2. What is the Transylvania effect supposed to be? 3. Why did scientists deny the existence of such an effect?


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There are roughly 140 countries which belong to the Third World and which are known as developing, less developed and poor countries. Although there are great differences between them, they do have a number of features in common. For instance, much of the Third World is in poverty. A few exceptions to this rule are Saudi Arabia, Kuweit and Libya. However, because the economies of these three countries depend largely on one export, oil, they are still vulnerable in the world market. Most of the developing countries still have very little industry. Farming is often the only way in which the country can make money. Even worse, many of the countries only produce enough food to keep their own population alive. India is a classic example of this, as no less than 70 percent of its 870 million people work the land for a living. Another feature which links less developed countries is life expectancy. People die younger in the Third World because of the poverty in which they live. The poor have much less healthy diets than in developed countries and health care is also more likely to be inadequate.

1. What is the common characteristic of the developing countries? 2. What is said about the economy of these countries? 3. Why do people die younger in developing countries?


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Regular exercise such as jogging or swimming is good for the heart. It can also give you more energy to enjoy life. As a result of regular exercise, your body gets better at using oxygen. It becomes easier for your heart to pump blood round your body. After a while, the heart doesnt need to work quite as hard. Exercise is often thought to be an easy way of losing weight. But in fact, exercise tends to increase your appetite. Many people discover they lose no weight with exercise alone. Both diet and exercise are needed to achieve this. Some people exercise because they think it will help them to live longer. If that is your reason for exercising, then you must avoid short, intensive exercise. Squash, for example, which is a fast game, may be harmful if youre unfit or middle-aged. Other sports can be dangerous too. Although both rugby and football are popular sports, a rugby player is three times more likely to be injured than a tennis player. It is advisable, then, to choose a sport that suits you and not one that is going to harm you.

1. What are the health benefits of regular exercise? 2. What should people who want to lose weight do? 3. Which sports are considered dangerous and why?


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Mountain biking is becoming an increasingly popular sport, as people become more interested in keeping fit and doing activities which take them out of their homes. It is not only a pleasurable way of improving your fitness, but also one of the most rewarding ways to explore the countryside. However, it is important to follow a few simple rules, otherwise you could harm the environment and spoil other peoples enjoyment. Cyclists can use the road but they must pay attention to the type of path they are on. Some paths are only designed for people who are on foot, so if you are cycling along these, you could cause inconvenience to walkers, as well as ending up being taken to court by the owner of the land you are on. On any other path, you should still respect walkers and be careful if you are passing horse riders. Other things which you are asked to do are to close gates behind you, so that farm animals cannot escape and to take your rubbish home with you. Always let someone know where you are going and carry the right equipment and clothing for unexpected conditions, or you could be creating unnecessary problems for yourself.

1. Why is mountain biking becoming more and more popular? 2. Why should people follow some rules when practicing mountain biking? 3. Mention three rules to be followed by mountain-bikers.


Read the text below and answer the questions.

Creative therapy is now regarded as a worthy alternative to the more conventional forms of treatment such as psychoanalysis. Art, music and dance are some of the forms of therapy now available. These therapies are thought to be effective in relieving stress, depression and even emotional problems aroused by tensions in relationships. Art therapy involves painting, sculpture and modelling as a means of expressing ones hidden feelings. The good news is that no particular talent is needed; once you have completed your work of art there is the opportunity to talk it through with a therapist. Those who find it difficult to immediately start up a conversation find this form of therapy useful. Music therapy involves singing or the playing of a musical instrument, using sound to bring hidden emotions to the surface. Again, no special skill is required; you dont have to be Pavarotti to benefit from this type of therapy. This technique is often used to promote self-confidence in the physically or mentally disabled. And for those among you who spend too much time in intellectual pursuits, dance therapy may prove invaluable. It encourages spontaneity and helps the deep thinker become more bodily aware.

1. What forms of alternative therapy are mentioned in the text? 2. What is the purpose of such therapies? 3. Who benefits from such kinds of therapies?

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