Archery Pre-Shoot Warm Up

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Archery Pre-Shoot Warm-ups / stretches

Warm-ups must always be the FIRST part of shooting preparation. If you see someone shooting who has not warmed up, NA them into it!. The following e"er#ises are a good start$ %&' N'T STRAIN! these are stret#hing e"er#ises only(. &on)t *boun#e+ these mo,ements, simply mo,e gently into position and hold. First of all, do a #ouple of minutes of ,igorous a#ti,ity to get your pulse rate up and generally warm up the body, su#h as running or -umping on the spot, s.ipping, et#. The Hug Wrap your arms around you and hold your right shoulder with your left hand and ,i#e-,ersa. /old for a #ount of 0. The Shrug Raise your shoulders as high as they will go, hold for a #ount of 1. Rela" for a #ount of 2. Repeat 2-3 Times Rotating Shrug With arms rela"ed, rotate your shoulders in a #ir#le se,eral times %0-45 repetitions(. Re,erse the rotation and repeat. Horizontal Shoulder Stretch With your left arm hori6ontal, bring your left palm o,er your right shoulder. With your right hand, pull the left elbow towards you and hold for a #ount of 0. Repeat for the other arm. Vertical Shoulder Stretch Raise your left arm up and pla#e your left hand between your shoulder blades. With your right hand, pull your left elbow to the right and hold for a #ount of 0. Repeat for the other arm. Rear Arm Stretch 7la#e your left arm behind your ba#. with the left hand at your right side. 8lasp your left hand with your right hand and pull gently. /old for 0. Repeat for the other arm. The Vertical Arm Stretch 8lasp both hands and stret#h arms upwards. Rotate hands until palms of hands fa#e upwards. 7ush upwards. /old for 0. Arm Circles /old both arms ,erti#al. Swing arms in large #ir#les, both in the same dire#tion. Repeat, but swing left arm forward and right arm ba#.ward. Repeat, but swap arms. Trunk Twists 9ift both arms out sideways and twist at the waist to the left, then to the right! repeat : or 2 times. Neck Stretching straight ahead, tilt head o,er to left and hold for a #ount of 0 ; repeat for the other side. Turn head to the left as far as is #omfortable. /old for a #ount of 0 ; repeat to the right. DO NOT OVERDO THESE . reat #are must be ta.en to a,oid damaging the deli#ate ne#. mus#les and ner,es. arming the shooting muscles <sing rubber bands %#lini-bands, inner-tubes, et#.( =ou #an stret#h the drawing mus#les in a similar way to using a bow.

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