Schedule (Dynamic) Schedule (Dynamic) Schedule (Dynamic, 16) : Parallel Pragma Suspend or Resume of Thread
Schedule (Dynamic) Schedule (Dynamic) Schedule (Dynamic, 16) : Parallel Pragma Suspend or Resume of Thread
Schedule (Dynamic) Schedule (Dynamic) Schedule (Dynamic, 16) : Parallel Pragma Suspend or Resume of Thread
forbids them being executed in parallel !n addition, because OpenMP employs the simple fork-"oin execution model, it allows the compiler and runtime library to compile and run OpenMP programs efficiently with lower threading overhead #owever, you can improve your application performance by further reducing threading overhead $hey provides measured costs of a set of OpenMP constructs and clauses on a %-way !ntel &eon processorbased system running at ' ( gigahertz with the !ntel compiler and runtime library )ou can see that the cost for each construct or clause is small Most of them are less than * microseconds except the schedule+dynamic, clause $he schedule+dynamic, clause takes -( microseconds, because its default chunk size is ., which is too small !f you use schedule+dynamic,./,, its cost is reduced to - ( microseconds