PR - April 24, 2014 - B

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News Release April 24, 2014 References: Bayan Muna Rep. Neri Colmenares, 0917 !"04"9

As the pork barrel scam widens BA#AN M$NA CA%%& '(R A MA)(R R*+AM, (N -.* C(MM/&&/(N (N A$0/Who are guarding the guardians?-Rep. Colmenares
Bayan Muna Rep. Neri Colmenares today called on Pres. Benigno Simeon Aquino III to conduct a major revamp on the Commission on Audit C!A" #ecause this is the missing lin$ on ho% &anet Napoles %as a#le to conduct her du#ious operations 'or years %ithout a hitch. (Aside 'rom the senators) congressmen) agency*department o''icials) traders and middle men Napoles+ a''idavit should contain her contacts in the C!A #ecause her more than ,- years o' operations %as covered up and o'' the grid until just recently). said the senior deputy minority leader. (!ur sources even said that there %as a time that C!A reports should not #e ta$en seriously and are not relia#le #ecause most o' its contents %ere tailored made to hide anomalies). said the progressive solon. (/ith the staggering scope and e0tent o' the por$ #arrel scam) it is high time that the C!A undergo a major revamp) #e placed under stricter scrutiny and erring o''icials and employees should #e punished #ecause as it is %ho are guarding the guardians1. he said. (2he Commission has the po%er) authority and duty to e0amine) audit and settle all accounts and e0penditures o' the 'unds and properties o' the Philippine government. It also may prevent and disallo% irregular) unnecessary) e0cessive) e0travagant or unconsciona#le e0penditures) or uses o' government 'unds and properties) #ut has it done its jo#1. as$ed the la%ma$er. (Napoles should stop her proposal to #e a state %itness and just 'ocus on telling the %hole truth in all her du#ious operations and dealings concerning the 3ilipino people+s money. /e must all #e vigilant #ecause it is along this time that deals may #e struc$ to saniti4e the truth and 'or culprits to escape accounta#ility. /e as a people should #e our o%n untiring guardians). ended Rep. Colmenares. 555 'or more informa1ion, please con1ac1: CAR% A%A ,u2lic /nforma1ion (fficer 0917"1104"9

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