Expectations - Designated Settings
Expectations - Designated Settings
Expectations - Designated Settings
PURPOSE: Our school community, including students, parents, teachers, and administration, will work together to create and maintain a safe and supportive environment that promotes teaching and learning. We have identified a need for structure, consistency and effective parent-teacher communication to ensure optimal student success.
Follow directions quickly. Respect yourself and others. Ask permission. Make wise choices. Excite your teacher.
Hallways Cafeteria
Follow all directions the first time. No arguing with adults/students. Raise your hand for help while seated. Do not leave seat without permission. Use good manners. No playing. Inside voice. Respect all adults/cafeteria monitors. Do not touch others food. Walk at a safe pace.
Dont leave a mess. Take care of needs. Exit quickly. Use good hygiene. Report all problems to adults. No talking in the restroom. Ask permission to go to the restroom. No horseplay. Respect the privacy of others. Check yourself (button/zip).
Computer Lab
Stay on assigned program/task. Enter/Exit in orderly lines. Take care of all lab equipment. Use a whisper voice. Leave computer ready for the next student. Always use your assigned computer. No food in the lab. Log off correctly.
Line up immediately when the whistle blows. Come when teacher calls your name. Ask for permission before leaving area. No rough play. Come down the slide on your bottom. Keep wood chips on the ground. Look for ways to include others.
Go to assigned area. Read or study. Dont throw things. Use good manners. Respect your neighbors. Dont run down the hallway.
Dont run down the hallway. Go to assigned area. Dont throw things. Use good manners. Respect your neighbors. Bus Check in with the bus checker. Do not leave without permission from the bus checker. Do not eat/drink in the gym. Car Line Watch for your ride.
Sit criss/cross on pockets. Enter/Exit in quiet single file lines. Quietly raise hands to answer questions. Ask an adult to go to the restroom/clinic. Listen attentively to the presenter. Use eye contact. Good manners. Hands and feet to yourself.
H.A.L.L. H ands to your side. All eyes forward. Lips zipped. Low speed. Respect hallway decorations/b ulletin boards. Respect all staff members.