School in France
School in France
School in France
LES ALLINGES Hello everyone ! We are going to use the word collge a lot in this article ! First of all it is important to say that a collge in France is not a college like in England ! That s strange !ut people who are "" to "# years old go to a collge in France and then to a lyc$e for their %&levels' (et us descri!e our school ) & Les Allinges is the name of our school !ut you pro!a!ly already know that' *ur +college, welcomes a!out -./ students' To start0 we will tell you a!out the most important place in our +collge,) the canteen of course! 1t is where students eat for lunch almost everyday of the week0 e2cept on Wednesdays' %t the canteen0 there is a lot of choice of what we can eat and the menu is different everyday' 3ou can sit with who you want0 as long as you are not mis!ehaving' 4ore seriously0 there are several important places' %t the ground floor level0 there is the +school life, office 5translated from French la vie scolaire 6 ne2t to the entrance' The +7chool life, office is like a supervisor office where we must come to sign our a!sences notes in our +tag !ook, 5+le carnet de correspondance, in French0 have you got an e8uivalent96' The +tag !ook, is like our passport if you want !ut for school' 1n this !ook we will find the rules and regulations of the school) we ve got our picture on it' 1n this !ook we will also find the letters addressed to our parents !y the +collge, and the words addressed !y our parents to the +collge,' 1f there are any disciplinary pro!lems0 they will !e registered on it also: !ut of course there aren t that many! There is also0 ne2t to the +school life,0 the office of the nurse 5which is very important when you have a pro!lem6' & *n the ground floor there is also the administration office where there is the headteacher s office & *n the first floor of the same !uilding0 we find a place that every!ody knows and that is the favorite place of many students ) the li!rary' & *n the first floor ne2t to the li!rary there is the staffroom and there are also classrooms mainly for !iology0 physics0 geography and history' & *n the second floor we find classrooms where we mainly take language lessons 5French ; Foreign languages6 !ut mathematics too! For sports activities we can practice hand!all0 volley!all0 foot!all and different athletic disciplines' *h0 also on Tuesdays at noon0 two +educators, come to the +collge, with parlour games that you can play with after lunch: it s ama<ing! %fter the meal0 you can also do some sports0 like for e2ample ) foot!all' 7ometimes we do outings or trips' For e2ample0 all the -th graders 5year = students6 went skiing for two days during the winter season' There are trips to foreign countries0 this year for e2ample0 the >rd graders 5year "/ students6 are going to %msterdam! (et s speak a!out the timeta!le now ) The usual French Timeta!le is of course very different from one form to the ne2t' To give an e2ample in -em> 5the num!ers identify a form6) +We start school at .)?/ a'm' and we finish at @ p'm0 !ut it is not the same everyday' *ne lesson lasts one hour 5@@ minutes in fact6' For e2ample0 on Tuesdays we start with French' The ne2t lesson is Ahysics;Bhemistry' We finish the morning with 4athematics' We leave school to go home for
lunch or have lunch at the canteen and we go to school again for a history lesson at > o clock pm or sometimes +Technology, at ? o clock0 it depends on the week' We leave at - o clock every Tuesday' 1tCs not too tiring for some !ut it is e2hausting for others!, 7o the usual week is from 4onday to Friday from .'?/ a'm to @ p'm with a lunch !reak from "?'?/ to ? p'm' ' We never have lessons on Wednesday afternoon so we can have a rest! To finish0 let us present a few su!Dects we study ) EWe have ten su!Dects) %rt0 French0 geography0 history0 technology0 language 5three people do (atin and nine do Ferman60 maths0 music0 physical education and science' 1n French0 we read !ooks0 write poems''' 1n maths0 we make calculations and in music we sing of course,0 says 4illa0 a pupil from -eme-' % lot of pupils in our two forms love our school and think that their friends are nice0 funny0 cool''' and the teachers are great! %s a conclusion0 we hope that you enDoyed our presentation and we look forward to hearing from you and your school! 1f you have any 8uestions0 don t hesitate!! 4ade !y the pupils of -eme > and -eme Borrected !y 4r G%1((30 so if there are still mistakes it s his fault! An intervie )aptiste ith a pupil from !Les Allinges" in the #eme$ form %#eme means #th gra&e' (
*hen &o e start + We start every day at .)?/ e2cept on Thursdays and Fridays' *hen &o e en& school + *n 4ondays0 Thursdays and Fridays we finish at @ p'm' *n Tuesdays we finish at - o clock and "" o clock on Wednesdays' ,o long is one lesson + *ur lessons last one hour' -an .ou give us an e/ample of t.pical &a. in .our timeta0le + 1 don t know0 there s no typical day0 1 think''' *hat &o .ou thin1 a0out it in general then+ 1t s alright' *hat is .our favourite su02ect + 4y favorite su!Dect is sports' *hich one is the most &ifficult + The hardest su!Dect is French' In hich su02ects &o .ou have more home or1+ 1n 4athematics' In hich su02ects &o .ou have more tests + History0 English and 4athematics'