Flores Christiana Digital Citizenship Lesson 2

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Class 2: Manage Your Digital Footprint

Student Handbook

I Know/I Want to Know/I learned

I know How to keep personal information private online. Give Examples: phone numbers,adress full/real name , I want to know How to keep personal information private online. Your questions: don't reply I learned
I learn not to give people my info.

!! How to behave online and what to do if someone misbehaves. Give example: show you parents How to behave online and what to do if someone misbehaves. Your questions: don't reply
I learn if someone misbehaves you tell your parents and don't reply.

!! How to avoid dangers online. Give example: you don't reply and tell an adult. How to avoid dangers online. Your questions: do you reply to dangers online ?




Video Summary Staying Safe Online

Dont post personal information (name, age, school, address, phone number). Make sure you check your safety settings. Keep passwords private. Pick a password no one else is likely to guess. Think before you post or share information.



Guidelines for creating strong passwords

Guidelines for creating strong passwords DOs:
Use at least five characters. Use combinations of letters (upper case and lower case), numbers, and symbols. Dont use any private identity information (name, address, email, phone number, social security number, mothers maiden name, birthdates, etc.). Dont use a password that is easy to guess, like your pets name, your nickname, name of your school, baseball team, etc.


Safety guidelines:
Don't share your password with anyone other than your parents or a trusted adult. Use a different password for every account you have online. Try to change your password regularly -- recommended every six months.

One Idea to Create Memorable but Strong Passwords

1. Think and create a fun sentence you can remember. You can pick your favorite song title, book title, movie title, sports team, etc. (Example: Monica Greem loves to ski and hike at Lake Tahoe). 2. Choose first letters or first two letters. 3. Change some letters to symbols. 4. Make some letters upper case and some lower case.(Example: MGl2s&h@LT)



Password Activity
Monica Green lives in San Francisco with her family (father Frank, mother Margaret, brother John, sister Jessica and a dog Rover) at 914 Noe St. Her birthday is March 4, 1996. She is a Giants fan and loves hiking, skiing and reading books. She just finished reading Harry Potter and the Chambers of Secrets and really loved it! She just opened a new email account and is considering which password to use. Please help her choose between the following passwords: Password Green FrMa0304 914NoeSt Giants914 03041996 Sk@ta96 MGl2s&h@lt
x x x x x x



Weak x

Why last Name

dad,mom bday address team address date of birth sentence sentence

*Strong passwords are based on a descriptive sentence that is easy to remember and difficult to decipher. ** Moderate passwords are passwords that are strong and not easy to guess by bad software but may be guessed by someone who knows you. *** Weak passwords use personal information, are easy to crack and can be guessed by someone who knows you. Please make up 2 more safe passwords for her that will be easy for her to remember. Use these guidelines: - Create a descriptive sentence. - Choose first letters or first two letters. - Change some letters to symbols. - Make some letters upper case and some lower case. The sentence 1. 2.
im at asutin

The password
i@a imy

i miss u



Video Summary: Staying Safe Online, Part 2

1. Be respectful to yourself and others. If you encounter a bully, block and tell a trusted adult. 2. Respect yourself. 3. Dont put up with bullies. Ignore or block people who harass you. 4. Dont be a bully. You can be blocked or banned. 5. If something happens online that makes you uncomfortable, tell a trusted adult.



Online Citizenship Guidelines:

Treat people online as if you are in person. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Be respectful, polite, and considerate to anyone you meet. Dont use anonymity to abuse your power online. Think before you post. Protect your reputation. Dont be a bully. Dont attack or disrespect anyone by swearing, insulting, harassing, or calling names. Do not write or respond to personal insults because it can give you a bad reputation. Learn the rules of different communities online and follow them.

Tips and Tricks:

Avoid using all capital letters. IT LOOKS LIKE SHOUTING and is difficult to read. E-mail: be cautious when choosing Reply to All. (This button enables you to reply to everyone included in the email and not simply to the sender.) E-mail: Dont use CC (Carbon Copy) to copy your message to everyone, just to those who really need it. (Usually used when the message is not sent directly to the individual, but the sender would like them to view the message.) Dont spam.

Community Guidelines for YouTube

Keep it clean. YouTube is not a place for sexually explicit content. Don't post shocking, dangerous or violent content. Don't engage in bullying or threatening behavior on YouTube. Don't post hateful comments or videos. Don't be a spammer! Do respect other people's opinions. If you repeatedly violate the guidelines, your account may be suspended. Be a good citizen.



Community Rules
Name of Group: Purpose of Group: Do: 1. 2. 3. Dont: 1. 2. 3.



Actions to Take with Online Bullies:

Don't respond If someone bullies you, remember that your reaction is usually exactly what the bully wants. It gives him or her power over you. Who wants to empower a bully? Don't retaliate Getting back at the bully turns you into one and reinforces the bully's behavior. If you are bullied in a chat, leave the "room." Save the evidence The only good news about cyber bullying is that the harassing messages can usually be captured, saved, and shown to someone who can help. Save evidence even if it's minor stuff - in case things get worse. Block the bully If the harassment is coming in the form of instant messages, texts, or profile comments, follow these tips: Use preferences or privacy tools to block the person. Reach out for help You deserve backup. Of course you know there are different kinds of help, from talking with a friend to seeing if theres a trusted adult who can help. It's usually good to involve a parent but - if you can't - a school counselor can sometimes be helpful. If you're really nervous about saying something, see if there's a way to report the incident anonymously at school. Sometimes this can result in bullies getting the help they need to change their behavior. Use reporting tools If the bullying took place via a social network, use that services reporting or abuse tools. The social network will likely have social abuse-reporting tools, which allow you to forward hurtful content to a trusted friend or directly ask someone to take offensive content down. If the abuse threatens physical harm, you may have to call the police, but think about involving a parent or trusted adult if you do. Be civil Even if you don't like a person, it's a good idea to be decent and not sink to his or her level. Research shows that gossiping and "trash talking" others increases your risk of being bullied Don't be a bully You know the old saying about walking a mile in someone's shoes; even a few seconds of thinking about how another person might feel can put a big damper on aggression. That's needed in this world. Be an upstander, not a bystander Forwarding mean messages or just standing by and doing nothing empower bullies and hurts victims even more. Stand up for your peers, or report the behavior to a trusted adult.



Video Summary: Staying Safe Online, Part 3

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Be Street Smart. Be cautious with new people you meet online. Use your common sense when you go exploring. Be skeptical of new people you meet online, even if they seem nice. Dont talk or share personal information with strangers. If you decide to meet someone you only know from online: a. Tell an adult where you are going b. Bring friends with you. c. Meet in a public space. 6. Be mindful about how you represent yourself online.



How Much To Share



Date of Birth:







Cell Phone Number:

Email Address:

Status Update:

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