Identify Desired Results (Stage 1) Content Standards: Title of Unit Grade Level Time Frame Developed by
Identify Desired Results (Stage 1) Content Standards: Title of Unit Grade Level Time Frame Developed by
Identify Desired Results (Stage 1) Content Standards: Title of Unit Grade Level Time Frame Developed by
*verar+,ing Understanding
#ssential )uestions
*verar+,ing Topi+al
Students -ill understand t,at$ Contract capacity is the a#ility to understand that a contract is #eing made and its general meaning Age of ma0ority is the age at $hich a person can #e legally #ound to contracts
Related .is+on+eptions
What is contract la$1 Ho$ can contract have legal implications if disregarded1
What is Capacity1 What is 2mancipation1 Can minors #e legally responsi#le for violating contract la$s1
There are no conse3uences for disregarding a legal contract! The actions of minors have no legal conse3uence on their parents or legal guardians!
4tudents $ill &no$5
4tudents $ill #e a#le to5
The conse3uences for violating contract la$ for #oth parents/guardians and themselves! The age of ma0ority% $hen the student is solely responsi#le! Who has contractual capacity in organi6ations!
Define and research important terms in regards to contract la$! Read and analy6e case studies and ma&e an imformed report #ased on information given! 7se a variety of soft$are to complete pro0ects!
*t,er #viden+e
Pro0ect 9 and pro0ect 9" assigned for independent practice $ill #e evaluated $ith the assigned ru#rics! Pro0ect 9: $ill #e evaluated for completion!
http;//$$$!$ordle!net/ D%7 26 4otes to Instru+tor$ A 4ince minors do not have the capacity to #e #ound #y contractual agreements% they $ill need a co)signer $ho legally can #e #ound #y the agreement! Eany students start college as a minor! They $ill #e #ound to apartment rental agreements since housing is a necessity! D2mancipation of a minor can #e the result of many different situations! Fnce a person is emancipated% they $ill have the contractual responsi#ilities of an adult! DAn into.icated person lac&s capacity to #e #ound #y a contractual agreement! 7sing into.ication as a defense for not #eing #ound #y a contract is very em#arrassing! D'nto.ication can #e in the form of alcohol or drugs! *utline ,ttp$""---6s+ri:d6+om"do+"11&18(8;&"*utline'for' apaity'of' ontra+ts Students -ill open and ,ave t,e outline a:ove for use on pro<e+ts6 T,e students -ill also atta+, t,e URL to t,eir pod+ast -it, a 1 paragrap, summary of t,e outline6 '! What is Capacity1 A! Contractual capacity , the a#ility to understand the conse3uences of a contract! 8! Protections for those $ho lac& capacity('ncapacitated* ! Einors a! age of ma0ority is B in most states #! age of ma0ority is + or " in a fe$ states c! minors have yet reached the age of ma0ority d! minority ends the day #efore the #irthday of the age set as the age of ma0ority e! contracts of most parties $ho lac& capacity are considered voida#le f! disaffirmance , refusal to #e #ound #y a previous legal commitment g! minors must pay at least a reasona#le value for necessaries (food% clothing% and shelter* even if they disaffirm the actual purchase contract! h! emancipation , severing of the child)parent relationship (ends the duty of the parent to support child and the duty of the child to o#ey the parent! )The parent and minor agree that the parent $ill cease support!
)The minor marries )The minor moves out of the family home! )The minor #ecomes a mem#er of the armed forces! )The minor gives #irth! )The minor underta&es full)time employment! "! Those mentally 'ncapacitated a! person lac&s the a#ility to understand the conse3uences of his or her contracts #! people $ith severe mental illness% severe mental retardation% or severe senility lac& capacity! :! The 'nto.icated a! from using alcohol in forms such as #eer or vod&a #! from using drugs such as mari0uana or crac& cocaine% or inhaling products such as glue or aerosols! ''! Who Has Contractual Capacity in Frgani6ations1 A! 4omeone $ho has capacity )is $ithin his or her scope of authority 8! When the organi6ation leads others to #elieve that a person has certain authority C! When an employer tells an employee that they are authori6ed to #ind the organi6ation D! Po$er of attorney gives an individual authority to sign for/#ind an organi6ation! The vice president or mar&eting director of a company may have the po$er to sign #inding contracts in the name of the #usiness! Guided !ra+ti+e As& students to give three situations that $ill re3uire them to sign a #inding agreement at an early age! Ans$ers may include college loan% car loan% or an apartment lease! 2.plain ho$ the apartment lease involves shelter (necessity for life* and does not re3uire the co)signature to #ind the minor! The car loan and college loan $ill pro#a#ly re3uire the minor to have a co)signature! ase$ Eatt% age C% entered into a contract $ith Professional 4cu#a Diving% 'nc! Eatt signed a release form% releasing Professional 4cu#a Diving from lia#ility for negligence arising out of in0ury to Eatt $hile he $as participating in Professional 4cu#a Diving/s training or other services contemplated #y the agreement! 2ight months after Eatt/s B th #irthday% he $as in0ured in a scu#a diving lesson! Eatt sued Professional 4cu#a Diving alleging that the contract he signed $ith them $as void #ecause he $as under B years old $hen he signed it! Will Eatt #e a#le to get out of the contract1 2.plain! %ns-er$ Eatt is responsi#le for the contract! While minors have the right to void contracts they enter into as minors% they must do so either $hile they are minors or $ithin a short time period after reaching the age of ma0ority! 2ight months is too long% and Eatt $ill #e held lia#le on the contract!
D%7 86
Independent !ra+ti+e$ 16 La+0ing apa+ity !o-er!oint !resentation$ Design a presentation that sho$s $hich groups of individuals lac& the capacity to #e #ound #y a contract! The presentation should include politically correct and appropriate for classroom use pictures and captions! This pro0ect may not #e completed on Po$erPoint or Pre6i! 4tudent must choose W28 "!presentation program from the attached $e# site! http;//cooltoolsforschools!$i&ispaces!com/PresentationGTools 16 #man+ipated .inors !oster$ Design a poster that illustrates si. informal means of emancipation for a minor! The poster should include pictures and te.t! 7se the W28 "!- tool 8loc&Poster!com! Tutorials are availa#le! http;//$$$!#loc&posters!com/ 26 ase %ssignment$ @ennifer $as a $holesaler of flo$ers! Her friend% Carrie% $or&ed for a grocery store as a chec&er! Fne day @ennifer stopped #y during Carrie/s #rea& and as&ed if she could sell her flo$ers through that store! Carrie said yes and signed a contract to purchase "- do6en roses for the store! When @ennifer tried to deliver the roses% they $ere refused #y the store and @ennifer sued! Can @ennifer $in the la$suit1 %ns-er$ @ennifer cannot $in the la$suit #ecause Carrie does not have the capacity (scope of authority* to sign/#ind the grocery store $ith legal contracts
http;//masha#le!com/"--C/-C/-H/podcasting)tool#o./ http;//podcastans$erman!com/learn)ho$)to)podcast/
La+0ing apa+ity !resentation Business La- = Legal apa+ity to ontra+t Independent !ra+ti+e %ssignment Ru:ri+ 4tudent >ameIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
ategory !resentation
Well)rehearsed $ith smooth delivery that holds audience attention! Ea&es e.cellent use of font% color% graphics% etc! to enhance the presentation Covers topic in)depth $ith details and e.amples! 4u#0ect &no$ledge is e.cellent Content is $ell organi6ed using headings or #ulleted lists to group related material! Product sho$s a large amount of original thought! 'deas are creative and inventive!
Rehearsed $ith fairly smooth delivery that holds audience attention most of the time! Ea&es good use of font% color% graphics% effects% etc! to enhance the presentation 'ncludes essential &no$ledge a#out the topic! 4u#0ect &no$ledge appears to #e good! 7ses headings or #ulleted lists to organi6e% #ut the overall organi6ation of topics appears fla$ed! Product sho$s some original thought! Wor& sho$s ne$ ideas and insights!
Delivery not smooth% #ut a#le to maintain interest of the audience most of the time! Ea&es use of font% color% graphics% effects% etc! #ut occasionally these detract from the presentation content! 'ncludes essential information a#out the topic #ut there are )" factual errors! Content is logically organi6ed for the most part!
; or less
Delivery not smooth and audience attention often lost! 7se of font% color% graphics% effects etc! #ut these often distract from the presentation content! Content is minimal or there are several factual errors! There $as no clear or logical organi6ational structure% 0ust lots of facts! 7ses other peopleJs ideas% #ut does not give them credit!
7ses other peopleJs ideas (giving them credit*% #ut there is little evidence of original thin&ing!
Total S+ore???????? .a9imum 1(( !oints #man+ipated .inors !oster Business La- = Legal apa+ity to ontra+t Independent !ra+ti+e %ssignment Ru:ri+ 4tudent >ameIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
At least C accurate facts are displayed on the poster! The poster includes all re3uired elements as $ell as additional information! 4tudent can accurately ans$er all 3uestions related to facts in the poster and processes used to create the poster!
5= accurate facts are displayed on the poster! All re3uired elements are included on the poster! 4tudent can accurately ans$er most 3uestions related to facts in the poster and processes used to create the poster! Eost graphics are in focus and the content easily vie$ed and identified from = ft! a$ay! The poster is attractive in terms of design% layout and neatness!
:H accurate facts are displayed on the poster! All #ut of the re3uired elements is included on the poster! 4tudent can accurately ans$er a#out C5K of 3uestions related to facts in the poster and processes used to create the poster! Eost graphics are in focus and the content is easily vie$ed and identified from H ft! a$ay! The poster is accepta#ly attractive though it may #e a #it messy!
; or less
Less than : accurate facts are displayed on the poster! 4everal re3uired elements $ere missing!
/no-ledge Gained
4tudent appears to have insufficient &no$ledge a#out the facts or processes used in the poster!
Grap,i+s larity
Lraphics are all in focus and the content easily vie$ed and identified from = ft! a$ay! The poster is e.ceptionally attractive in terms of design% layout% and neatness!
Eany graphics are not clear or are too small! The poster is distractingly messy or very poorly designed! 't is not attractive!
<rom; Wiggins% Lrant and @! Ec Tighe! ( ++B*! Understanding by Design% Association for 4upervision and Curriculum Development '48> 9 -)BC "-): :)B (pp&*