Algorithms Time Complexity Search Type Multiple String Key Ideas Approach

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Algorithms Brute-force Rabin-Karp Boyer-Moore

Time Complexity O((n-m+1)m) (m), (n+m) O(m+||),O(n)

Search Type Prefix Prefix Suffix

Multiple String No No No

Key Ideas Searching with all alphabets Compare the text and the patterns from their hash function Bad-character and good-suffix heuristics to determine the shift distance Constructs an automation from the pattern

Approach Linear searching Hashing based Heuristics based Heuristics based





New Algorithm


Make the sets of pattern location in strings and find out the prefect pattern and its location

STEP 1: Input String. STEP 2: Input Pattern STEP 3: Repeat Step 3a until stringNULL STEP 3a: Compare character by character and store position value in the list. STEP 4: Repeat step 4a until string=pattern STEP 4a: Compare Location by Location and store the location in sequence wise. STEP 5: Print the Output Pattern and their location also. STEP 6: Exit.

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