Lecture - 4: Solution Types, Rate of Cooling (Repeat) Newton's Law of Cooling
Lecture - 4: Solution Types, Rate of Cooling (Repeat) Newton's Law of Cooling
Lecture - 4: Solution Types, Rate of Cooling (Repeat) Newton's Law of Cooling
Solution of differential equation (cont.) Problem (Rate of Cooling) Problem (Newtons law of Cooling)
In terms of x
In terms of t
Function of x, y
Solution Procedure
Partial fraction
Order of numerator should be less than the order of denominator otherwise, Division to lower the degree.
V = -1/3 ; B = 4 V=2 ; A = -1
2(1+3V) V(1+3V)
(2 V)(1+3V)
For Practice
Integration Chapter # 37, 38, 39, 40 Solution of First order Differential Equation Chapter # 46, 47 Problems 1- Rate of Cooling 2- Newtons Law of Cooling
Problem Statement
Model the temperature of an object changes as it loses heat to the surrounding atmosphere:
The rate of change in the temperature of an object is proportional to the difference in temperature between the object and the room temperature
Required Relation:
proportionality constant involves the surface area multiplied by a heat tranfer coefficient heat volume
specific heat
dQ hA(T TRoom ) dt
Substitute Q from sensible heat equation to Newtons Law
dT Vc hA(T TRoom ) dt
where hA V c
T TRoom e t c
A ec
T TRoom Ae t
dT (T TRoom ) dt
Step 1: Separate
dT dt (T TRoom )
A (TInitial TRoom )
Step 2: Integrate
ln(T TRoom ) t c
hA V c
Coming next
Solution of Non Homogeneous DE Higher Order Differential Equation (HODE) Problems Applications in Fluid Mechanics