V. Answer Any TWO of The Following Questions in About 300 Words Each

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21. Detail the love story of Oliver and Celia. V. Answer any TWO of the following questions in about 300 words each : (2 15 = 30) 22. Trace the evolution of thought in The Man with the Hoe. 23. Critically appreciate the poem A challenge to Fate. 24. How does Arnold analyse life in its calmer and sadder moods? 25. What do you understand of the poets sense of appreciation for nature in Snake? 26. What do you understand of the character of Duke of Ferrara?

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B.A. / B.Sc. / B. Music / B.Dance DEGREE EXAMINATION, 2012

630. POETRY AND DRAMA May ] [ Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 100 Marks I. Answer any THREE of the following questions in about 100 words each: (3 5 = 15) 1. How does Gray contrast the meek rustics with the proud and great people ? 2. What does Ulysses say of Telemachus? 3. What in the resolution of the poet after encountering the old leech gatherer? Turn Over

4. How does the poet personify antumn? 5. Why does the poet hail the skylark as a happy spirit? 6. How does the poem Mending wall reflect antithetical attitudes to life? II. Answer any THREE of the following questions in about 100 words each : (3 5 = 15) 7. How do Orlando and Rosalind meet in the forest of Arden? 8. Elaborate Jaquess philosophy of life. 9. Comment on the significance of the forest Arden. 10. How does Adam cater to the welfare of the family of Sir Rowland de Bois? 11. Write a note on the pastoral atmosphere in As You Like It. 12. Sketch the character of Touchstone.

III. Answer any TWO of the following questions in about 100 words each. (2 5 = 10) 13. How do the children save the life of the soldier in Nobody Here But Us Chickens? 14. How does Pip help the convict? 15. Comment on the relationship between the ambassador and Madame De. 16. How does the excution of hijack take place? IV. Answer any TWO of the following questions in about 300 words each: (2 5 = 30) 17. How do different pairs of lovers represent different kinds of love in As You Like It? 18. Consider As You Like It as a Romantic Comedy. 19. Compare and contrast-Duke Senior and Frederick. 20. Discuss the appropriateness of the title As You Like It. Turn Over

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