Internship Offer Letter Sample
Internship Offer Letter Sample
Internship Offer Letter Sample
internship opportunity as a <title or role> intern. You will report directly to <mana ger s name>. his position is located in <city / state>. !s you will "e recei#ing academic credit for this position$ you will not "e paid (or, if hourly wage is provided, include those details). !dditionally$ students do not recei#e "enefits as part of their internship program. %or this position$ your ma&or duties will include <"rief description of &o" responsi"ilities>. Your schedule will "e appro'imately <num"er of hours> per wee( "eginning <MM/DD/YY>. Your assignment will conclude on <MM/DD/YY>. )lease re#iew$ sign and return #ia <mail$ e%a'...> to confirm acceptance$ no later than close of "usiness on <MM/DD/YY>. Congratulations and welcome to the team* +incerely$ <Manager or ,ecruiters Name> <Manager or ,ecruiters itle>
_/ Signature Date
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