Ks Resume

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Kyung-Hee Swihart 7132 Citadel Dr. Huber Heights, OH. 45424-3140 (Home Pho e! "37-233-0#$1 (Cell Pho e!

"37-70#-$0"2 (%or& Pho e! "37-4""-"#55 Profile' (illi g )* +om,lia +e s,e+ialist -ith e.,erie +e i hos,ital, ,h/si+ia , a d s,e+ialt/ billi g, re0ie- a d audit. 1,e+iali2ed i 3a+ilit/ 4edi+are billi g )* audit. 5o g term goal is to be+ome a registered urse 3o+usi g o Case ma ageme t, de ial ma ageme t or be+ome a D67 s,e+ialist Experience' March, 2002- ,rese t ' 7ood 1amarita Hos,ital8 Da/to Heart Hos,ital. Da/to , OH. Billing QA Compliance Specialist: 6e0ie- +li i+al do+ume tatio a d ,ro+ess o 4edi+are o0erla, a++ou ts due to 3-da/ ,a/me t -i do-. *udit 4edi+are a++ou ts 3or billi g a++ura+/ ,er the ,atie t 3i a +ial ser0i+es dire+tor. Pro+ess 5CD, 9CD a d CC: edits o 4edi+are-84edi+are H4O ,art ( +laims a d se d to billi g de,artme t to release the bills. 6e0ie- 4;< o 4edi+are a++ou ts a d se d a,,eals to C71. *udit 4edi+are se+o dar/ ,a/er =uestio aires 3or 4edi+are billi g. 6e0ie- do+ume ts o %or&ers> Com, +laims a d 3or-ard to +odi g de,artme t 3or 3urther re0ie- o diag osis. : 0ol0e i ,ro+ess im,ro0eme t o billi g83ollo- u, a d de0elo, 3lo- +harts. <,i+ a d other billi g-related s/stems trai er. *,,ro0e ,a/me t settleme t re=uests 3rom the +olle+tio age +ies, third ,art/ ,a/ers, attor e/s a d the ,atie ts. Patient A !ocate: Pro+essed es+alated grie0a +e a++ou ts re+ei0ed 3rom the +ustomer ser0i+e, u,,er ma ageme t, a d +o sumer relatio s. *ddressed +are related issues to the ,atie t relatio s de,artme t a d resol0ed u,o re0ie-. 1ig ed a33ida0its o behal3 o3 PHP a d released to the attor e/>s o33i+e. %or&ed -ith 0arious de,artme t heads to address ,atie t issues. *tte ded hos,ital 7rie0a +e Committee meeti gs. "e icare Billing Specialist ' Ha dled i itial billi g o 7ood 1amarita Hos,ital, 4iami ?alle/ Hos,ital, *trium 4edi+al Ce ter @ Da/to Heart a d ?as+ular Hos,ital +laims i H(OC, 4edseries, <,i+, )uada. a d <C2000. Pro+essed 4edi+are reAe+tio s a d u adAudi+ated +laims. *ssisted a d trai ed +o-or&ers -ith i sura +e de ials a d a++ou ts re=uiri g 3ollo- u,. %or&ed as liaiso to * them et-or& ma ageme t i ha dli g +o tra+t a d ,a/me t dis+re,a +ies. Colle+ted o0er B2.54 a mo th (50C o3 e tire hos,ital re0e ue8DH?H!. Ha dled egotiatio s o3 ,a/me t ,ro,osals 3or o0er 30 di33ere t +om,a ies. Pro+essed ,a/me t 0aria +e re,orts to settle u ,aid bala +es o the a++ou ts. 6e,orted o

status o3 3ailed +laims to the de,artme ts to +orre+t the +odi g a d +hargi g issues. 1ubmitted out-o3- et-or& dis+ou t re=uests to the 0i+e-,reside t. Drai ed billers o the billi g s/stems as a ,re+e,tor. Posted dail/ +ash ,a/me t i to the s/stem. 6e=uested to ma&e re3u d +he+&s. *tte ded 0arious meeti gs held b/ 7reater Da/to *rea Hos,ital *sso+iatio (7D*H*! a d semi ars held b/ the i sura +e +om,a ies to e ha +e & o-ledge i health+are. December, 2000- February, 2002 ' Ph/si+ia s *d0isor/ 7rou,. Da/to , OH. Account #epresentati!e : 6es,o sible 3or Premier Heart *sso+iates> a++ou ts 3rom start to 3i ishE e tered ,a/me t, ,osted, 3ollo--u, o de ials a d +ustomer ser0i+es. Pro+essed Da/to Childre >s Cardiolog/, Pediatri+ 1urgeo s o3 Da/to a d Childre >s <merge +/ 1er0i+es a++ou ts. April, 1999- August, 2000 ' Pro3essio al Health+are Co sulta tsE Fra +is+a Ph/si+ia >s (illi g. Da/to , OH. Cash Poster ' Posted i sura +e a d i di0idual ,a/me ts a d re3u ds i the s/stem (0olume o0er B400,000 ,er mo th!. (at+hed dail/ de,osits. September, 1996- April, 1999 ' Com,u et Cli i+al 5aboratories. 4orai e, OH. Account #epresentati!e' 6es,o sible 3or ;HC de ials, u adAu+ated +laims a d re3u ds. * s-ered +ustomers> +alls. 5iasio to billi g +om,a / (4ed 1/stems! a d assisted i matters -ith +laim submissio to the i sura +e +om,a ies a d de ial 3rom the i sura +e +om,a ies. Pro0ided su,,ort 3or 4edi+are limited +o0erage ,oli+/ de ials a d * them agi g re,orts. Drai ed o ele+tro i+ +laim submissio . July, 1992- May, 1996 ' ; ited Health+are o3 Ohio, Ce ter0ille, OH. Physicians Claims Processor : Ge/ed ,arti+i,ati g a d o -,arti+i,ati g ,h/si+ia s +laims i to the s/stem i timel/ ma er -ith high a++ura+/. Drai ed o ma / di33ere t ,ro0iders> billi g methods. *ssisted i ma&i g a esthesia u its. Physicians Claims #e!iewer : 6e0ie-ed ,e di g +laims a d released o the s/stem a++ordi g to i sura +e ,oli+/ a d guideli es. E ucation 1i +lair Commu it/ College, 7raduate 2014 *sso+iate o3 *,,lied 1+ie +e Health : 3ormatio 4a ageme t 6H:D eligible

1i +lair Commu it/ College 200#- 2013 6egistered 9ursi g Program Fi ished 5P9 le0el Special S$ills 1,ea& Gorea 3lue tl/. <.,erie +ed -ith 34 e +oder, <,i+ @ *bilit/ (4edi+are o -li e! Pro3i+ie t i 41 %ord8<.+el8Po-er Poi t8*++ess Pro3i+ie t i :CD-10-C48PC1 Awar s Ge/ Co tributor *-ard, )ualit/ 4a&es Ce ts *-ard a d *.C.< *-ard8 ;HC 7olde Dou+h *-ard8Fra +is+a <m,lo/ee o3 the 4o th8 Da/to Heart a d ?as+ular Hos,ital 7th Floor 1u,erstarsE 7ood 1amarita Hos,ital Dea >s listE %i ter 0#, 1,ri g 0#, 1ummer 10, Fall 12 @ 1,ri g 13 Certificates Certi3ied 9ursi g *ssista t 1i +lair Commu it/ College CP6 *meri+a Heart *sso+iatio "em%erships 1igma *l,ha Pi Dhe 9atio al 1o+iet/ o3 5eadershi, a d 1u++ess *H:4* 4?H:4* Di0ersit/ Committee Premier Health 6e,ubli+a Hudge 4o tgomer/ Cou t/ (oard o3 <le+tio s 2012 Faith Presb/teria Chur+h Huber Heights, Ohio 1""7- ,rese t

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