Performance Analysis of A Three-Phase Induction Motor Under Non-Sinusoidal and Unbalanced Conditions
Performance Analysis of A Three-Phase Induction Motor Under Non-Sinusoidal and Unbalanced Conditions
Performance Analysis of A Three-Phase Induction Motor Under Non-Sinusoidal and Unbalanced Conditions
Lara, P.
Department of Electrical Engineering University of La Rioja. Spain
Abstract--As a result of the increasing use of electronic devices and other non-linear loads, the wave-forms of the electricity supply voltage are being distorted and inequalities are appearing between the phases. This deterioration is associated with problems of electromagnetic incompatibility and reductions in the efficiency of loads such as motors. This paper investigates the additional losses caused to induction motors when connected to supply systems which suffer from these distortions or inequalities. A specific formula is presented for the power factor associated with motors supplied by non-sinusoidal or unbalanced voltages; this has the characteristic of reflecting both the machines efficiency and that of the supply voltage. Index Terms--Performance, three-phase induction motor, nonsinusoidal conditions, power quality.
isolation, but that problems occurred when they were connected via a high tension supply. This present study discusses, firstly, the behaviour of an induction motor supplied by non-sinusoidal, balanced voltages; its operation in networks of sinusoidal, unbalanced networks is then discussed. Finally, an equivalent power factor is defined for the system, modifying its structure in order to give information on the efficiency of the motor/network set.
II. BEHAVIOUR OF AN INDUCTION MOTOR SUPPLIED WITH NON-SINUSOIDAL VOLTAGE When induction motors are connected to a distorted supply voltage, their losses increase [5-6]. These losses can be classified into four groups: 1) Losses in the stator and rotor conductors, known as copper losses or Joule Effect losses. 2) Losses in the terminal sections, due to harmonic dispersion flows. 3) Losses in the iron core, including hysterics and Foucault effects; these increase with the order of the harmonic involved and can reach significant values when feeding motors with skewed rotors with wave forms which contain high frequency harmonics, as occurs with those generated by some ondulators [2,7,8]. 4) Losses in the air gap. The pulsing harmonic torques are produced by the interaction of the flows in the air gap with those of the rotor harmonic currents, causing an increase in the energy consumed. These increased losses reduce the motors life. Further information on each of the groups is given below. The effect of the copper losses intensifies in the presence of high frequency harmonics, which augment the skin effect, reducing the conductors effective section and so increasing their physical resistance. Since the slip in the harmonic currents does not coincide with that of the fundamental component, an effect will appear simultaneously on the equivalent resistance
I. INTRODUCTION Until around twenty years ago, electrical systems were formed principally by linear loads. The technological developments of the last twenty years have led to an everincreasing use of electronic devices, constituting non-linear loads which require non-sinusoidal current. The propagation of these currents through the supply network means that the supply voltage is being distorted and is taking on non-sinusoidal forms, suffering unbalances and asymmetries between the phases. The majority of loads are designed for a three-phase supply system which is sinusoidal, balanced and symmetrical. Some of these are not affected by a distorted and/or unbalanced voltage, such as arc furnaces; however, others do not function correctly and may even be damaged if the supply voltage shows high contamination parameters [1-3]. The electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of a load allows the establishing of the maximum perturbations which the different types of electrical devices can accept without anomalous functioning. For loads such as motors or generators, the problems of EMC are not, in fact, new. The first problem of this kind described in writing dates from the last century [4]; in 1893, Steinmetz detected a resonance between a motor installed in Hartford and the generator at the Rainbow Falls electricity station some 20 km away. On that occasion, it was shown that both machines worked correctly in
of the rotor as seen from the stator and on the loads equivalent resistance. For a harmonic frequency, the value of the equivalent resistance for one phase of the machine is given by: r' (1) R h = r1h + 2h sh where r1h and r2h are the physical resistances of each of the stator and rotors windings, respectively, for the harmonic of order h, and sh is the harmonic split Some authors such as Murphy and Egan [9] have simplified the phenomenon by using in their studies a copper loss factor defined as follows:
Vh L= (2) f h where Vh and fh are the values of the voltage and frequency for a harmonic h in the voltage waveform. It is difficult to evaluate the losses in the terminal regions, even under normal working conditions [6]. However, some authors[10] have derived empirical expressions which evaluate these at one frequency. These are given in terms of the total losses when working at that frequency: c Peh = A I b (3) h fh where A is a function parameter for the frequency, Peh, Ih and fh are respectively the losses, current and frequency of the harmonic involved, and b and c are coefficients which are determined experimentally. The joint effect of the harmonic pairs is nil, although each of them separately has a non-zero effect; they can be calculated by reference to the fundamental component [6] using: , , r2h 1 2 r2h 1 (4) Th = I 2 Vh h sh h X1 h 3 where Th is the value of the harmonic torque of order h and X1 is the stators impedance. The pair pulsations which appear when a positive sequence and a negative sequence harmonic are present simultaneously, of the order of h+= 3 k + 1 and h- = 3 k - 1 respectively, can be calculated from the formula proposed by Williamson [6]:
T3k = I 2 + I2 - 2 I h + I h - cos h + h h+ h2
Laboratory equipment The system used to run the experiments consisted of a true arbitrary waveform generator of three-phase output signals, Hall effect current clamps, a voltage differential sensor, a data acquisition card connected to a PC, a second generation MEPERT unit and the test motors. Each of these elements is now described more fully. The true arbitrary waveform generator comprised three independent single-phase sources, each capable of producing 1750 VA of output. The units had a feedback system for the output signal which ensured a precision of 0.1% of amplitude with a THD lower than 0.25% within the working range. This characteristic meant that measuring the voltage waveform was not necessary; just one of them was taken as a reference to the current distortion. The Hall effect amperimetric clips are active elements which permit the taking of current waveform samples without the need to interpose into the circuit ant extra element which could modify the functioning of the generator or the motor. The voltage differential clip enabled the taking of references on the voltage waveform without having to set up common connections between the measurement and load circuits. The second generation MEPERT unit is an instrumentation set developed by the GPPE at the University of Cantabria, Spain, to allow calculation of algorithms for voltage, current and power measurements which cannot be made on commercial equipment. The unit is shown in Fig. 1.
)]2 p.u.
where I
order 3k+1, I
is the value of the pair pulsation. All these parameters are expressed in p.u. III FUNCTIONING OF THE THREE PHASE INDUCTION MOTOR UNDER UNBALANCED VOLTAGES To evaluate the operation of induction motors supplied by voltages which are sinusoidal but unbalanced, two threeFig. 1. MEPERT instrumentation developed at the University of Cantabria. The system has a keyboard and a color LCD.
The two industrial motors tested were three-phase induction machines; their characteristics are shown in Table 1. The unit denominated as Motor 1 was connected to a geared reducer submerged in an oil bath.
TABLE 1: CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MOTORS TESTED Parameter Motor 1 Motor2 Nominal voltage [V] Nominal current[A] Power [W] Speed [r.p.m.] Frequency [Hz] 220/380 3,2/1,85 550 1357 50 220/380 2/1,15 370 1360 50
Analysis of the measurements The analysis of the measurements taken was used to determine the extent of the influence of unbalanced voltages on the motors. The first effect was that the active power demanded by the machine, due entirely to losses since they were working without loading, was related to the angle between the direct and inverse symmetrical components of the voltage. Figure 3 shows the evolution of this power with the angle.
Motor2_5% 180 Motor2_2% Motor1_5% Motor1_2%
Description of the tests The aim of the tests carried out on the motors was to determine the influence of the inverse component of the voltage on the motors increase in losses. Two series of tests were run to do this. In the first, the units were supplied with a voltage composed 100% of direct component and an inverse of 2% of the nominal value; in the second, the direct component was held at the same value and the inverse increased to 5%. Each of the tests consisted of 36 stages. A supply system was applied to each of these which was generated from the following expressions: + Va = V< (6) 0 + V<10 (n et -1)
+ Vb = V< 240 + V<120 +10 (n et -1) + Vc = V< 120
160 140 120 P1[w] 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 60 120 180 Phase 240 300 360
(7) (8)
where V+ and V are the efficient values of the symmetrical components for the direct and the inverse sequence, respectively, and y < 10 (n et - 1) the phasor of the inverse voltage, expressed as degrees. To carry out the tests within the thermal stability of the motor and the generator, the system was switched on 20 minutes before taking any measurements. During the tests, the machines worked without loading, so that the increases in active power, without any variation in the rotation speed, were due entirely to the changes in the losses.
MEPERT a b c power source n Arbitrary
Fig. 3. Evolution of the active power with the angle between the direct and inverse voltage components.
A study of the curves of Fig. 3 allowed for the carrying out of further tests at intermediate values for the voltage waveform distortion, calculating only the minimum and maximum for the curves. The result of these tests was an empirical expression for the average losses of the motors tested, in terms of the symmetrical component of the inverse voltage, normalised against the direct component, within the range from 0% to 5%. Motor 1
Pl, avg = Pl, v e 0,0202 V Pl, avg = Pl, v e 0,0188 V
Induction motor
Motor 2
where V is expressed as a percentage value of V+. In addition, the variation in the unload losses could be determined, with respect to their average value in terms of the normalised value of the inverse sequence component. 2 Pl Motor 1 = 0,1515 V - - 0,0035 V Pl,avg Motor 2
2 Pl = 0,156 V - - 0,0014 V Pl,avg
Figure 2 shows the connection layout applied for the testing. The tests were run by applying first a right hand rotation and were then repeated with a left hand rotation. The results showed that the motors behaviour was independent of the rotation direction; the study continued using tests with right hand rotation.
where V is expressed as a percentage value of V+. A study of these equations led to the affirmation that the variation in the losses of low power motors with the symmetrical component of the inverse voltage sequence is practically lineal within the range studied. This range amply covers the real work margins and is much greater than the working recommendations [5].
Furthermore, it follows that the exact values of the equations parameters will depend on the machine studied. IV APPLICATION OF THE SYSTEMS EQUIVALENT POWER FACTOR IN AN INDUCTION MOTOR The power factor is a concept which does not require discussion when working with a sinusoidal, balanced and symmetrical supply. It is a parameter which allows the establishment of the efficiency of the energy flow towards a load, and is defined as the proportion between the usable, optimum energy and the equivalent apparent power. P FP = useful (9) S* Over the last few years, the concept of apparent power for poli-phase, non-sinusoidal supply has been interpreted through multiple formulations [11-13]. Of all of these, it is considered that the only one which offers a full meaning is the following[14]: S* = k V* I* (10) where k is the number of phases in the system and V* and I* are its equivalent voltage and current. For a three-phase system connected to three conductors, these are defined as follows:
V* =
2 Vk ; k =a 3 c
the machines axis; that is, the active power supplied to the machine less all the losses occurring within it. + P + - Ploses P1 - P, tick over - Pnon -sinusoidal - Punbalanced FP = 1 = S* S* (14) In this way, the power factor expression proposed includes both the efficiency of the machine itself and that of its supply system. V. CONCLUSIONS This study has investigated the losses caused to induction motors, focusing on the increased losses occurring as the result of distorted voltages and their unbalances in three-phase systems. Empirical expressions have been proposed for the determination of the losses originating from the voltage disequilibria, and references to the determination of the losses caused by harmonic distortion of the voltage waveforms have been reviewed. Based on the results of the study, a specific formulation has been proposed for a power factor for induction motors. This reflects not only the efficiency of the energy transmission system but also its use by the machine. VI. REFERENCES
I* =
I2 k 3 k =a
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The expressions for the equivalent voltage and current allow for the recognition of both the effect of unsymetrical voltage and harmonic distortion. The equivalent voltage and current are related through the function of load transfer. In addition, the equivalent current is directly related to the losses, due to the Joule effect, in the transmission system. 2 PLin = I* R Lin (12) where RLin is the network resistor When the useful power is considered to be the fundamental active power of the direct sequence, the power factor is related to the increase in transmission losses with respect to the minimum value. This characteristic appeared from the definition of the apparent power and is not common to other definitions when dealing with systems connected to four conductors. PLin 1 = -1 (13) 2 min PLin V FP1+ * V1+
+ + where FP1+ = V1+ I1 cos 1 is the power factor for the loads direct sequence. When the power factor expression is applied to a motor, the usable power will be the power transmitted as torque on
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