PBS Checkpoint2
PBS Checkpoint2
PBS Checkpoint2
This section contains questions that are useful for the assessment of the basic Band 1, Band 2 and Band 3. Achievement of students in the given Evidens are essential.
Lukis carta alir untuk menunjukkan laluan daripada rangsangan kepada gerak balas.
3. State the part of the human ear for each function in the table below.
Nyatakan bahagian telinga manusia bagi setiap fungsi dalam jadual di bawah.
(b) Amplify sound vibrations (c) Balance the air pressure on both sides of the eardrum (d) Collects sound wave (e) Vibrates according to the sound wave (f) Channels sound wave to the eardrum (g) Converts sound vibrations into nerve impulses (h) Carries nerve impulses to the brain (i) Send sound vibration to the cochlea
4. State the parts of the human eye that carry the following functions.
Nyatakan bahagian mata manusia yang menjalankan fungsi yang berikut.
(a) Maintains the shape of the eye ball Mengekalkan bentuk bebola mata (b) Refracts and focuses light on the retina Membiaskan dan memfokuskan cahaya ke atas retina (c) Produces nerve impuls Menghasilkan impuls saraf (d) Supplies nutrients and oxygen to the eyes Membekalkan makanan dan oksigen kepada mata (e) Sends impulses to the brain Menghantar impuls ke otak
6. State the types of vision possessed by the following animals and explain how the vision helps the animal to survive in life.
Nyatakan jenis penglihatan yang dimiliki oleh haiwan-haiwan yang berikut dan jelaskan bagaimana penglihatan tersebut membantu haiwan itu untuk terus hidup.
Type of vision
Jenis penglihatan
(a) Tiger Harimau (b) Deer Rusa 7. State the ways to overcome the following defects of hearing.
(a) Defects of hearing involve outer and middle ear Kecacatan pendengaran yang melibatkan telinga luar dan tengah (b) Defects of hearing involve the inner ear Kecacatan pendengaran yang melibatkan telinga dalam 8. Complete the table below.
Lengkapkan jadual di bawah.
How the responses help in the survival of the plant? B3D6E1 Bagaimanakah gerak balas itu membantu dalam kemandirian tumbuhan?
CHAPTER 2 Nutrition 1. Circle the food that carry out the following functions.
Bulatkan makanan yang menjalankan fungsi yang berikut.
(a) Supplies energy / Membekal tenaga Milk / Susu, Vegetables / Sayuran, Fruits / Buahan, Rice / Nasi, Butter / Mentega Milk / Susu, Vegetables / Sayuran, Fruits / Buahan, Rice / Nasi, Butter / Mentega Milk / Susu, Vegetables / Sayuran, Fruits / Buahan, Rice / Nasi, Butter / Mentega (b) For growth / Untuk pertumbuhan (c) Protects internal organs / Melindungi organ dalaman
(d) Prevents diseases / Mencegah penyakit Milk / Susu, Vegetables / Sayuran, Fruits / Buahan, Rice / Nasi, Butter / Mentega Milk / Susu, Vegetables / Sayuran, Fruits / Buahan, Rice / Nasi, Butter / Mentega Milk / Susu, Vegetables / Sayuran, Fruits / Buahan, Rice / Nasi, Butter / Mentega
(e) To dissolve chemical substances / Melarutkan bahan kimia (f) Prevents constipation / Mencegah sembelit
Food / Makanan Curry noodle / Mi kari Papaya / Betik Fruit juice / Jus buah
Calorific value (kJ) / Nilai kalori (kJ) 2 222 231 546 1 glass of fruit juice / 1 gelas jus buah
1 bowl of curry noodle /1 mangkuk mi kari 2 slices of papaya / 2 potong betik 4. List five factors that influence a persons balanced diet.
6. Label the parts of the human digestive system and state their function.
Label bahagian sistem pencernaan manusia dan nyatakan fungsi masing-masing.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(a) (b)
8. State the end products of digestion for the following classes of food.
Nyatakan hasil akhir pencernaan bagi setiap kelas makanan yang berikut.
b) Protein / Protein: .
9. The absorption of digested food takes place in the are absorbed through villi into the bloodstream while through villi into
Penyerapan makanan tercerna berlaku di dalam melalui vilus ke dalam aliran darah manakala . Mineral dan vitamin turut diserap melalui
. dan .
10. (a) What happen to the undigested food in the large intestine?
Apakah yang berlaku pada makanan tidak tercerna di dalam usus besar?
(i) Name the condition faced by the boy. Namakan keadaan yang dialami oleh budak lelaki itu. (ii) What causes the problem? (iii) How to overcome it? Bagaimanakah untuk mengatasinya?
Apakah yang menyebabkan masalah itu?
Cat, Snake, Eagle, Gold fish, Bee, Crab, Crocodile, Jellyfish, Whale, Frog, Hen
Kucing, Ular, Helang, Ikan emas, Lebah, Ketam, Buaya, Obor-obor, Paus, Katak, Ayam betina
(a) Example(s)
CHAPTER 4 Interdependence among Living Organisms and the Environment 1. Write the correct term based on the meaning given. Meaning
(a) A group of organisms with the same characteristics and able to reproduce among themselves. / Sekumpulan organisma yang mempunyai ciri-ciri yang sama dan boleh membiak
dalam kalangan organisma itu.
(b) A group of organisms of the same species living in the same habitat. Sekumpulan organisma daripada spesies yang sama yang tinggal di dalam habitat yang sama. (c) Made up of many populations of organisms living together in the same habitat. Terdiri daripada banyak populasi organisma yang tinggal bersama di dalam habitat yang sama. (d) A natural living place for animals and plants. Tempat tinggal semula jadi bagi haiwan dan tumbuhan. (e) A community of organisms interacting with each other and with their environment. Suatu komuniti organisma yang saling berinteraksi antara satu sama lain dan dengan persekitaran. 2. Underline the word that matches the meaning.
Garis perkataan yang sepadan dengan maksud.
(a) Green plants that produce their own food. (Producer / Decomposer / Consumer)
Tumbuhan hijau yang membuat makanannya sendiri. (Pengeluar / Pengurai / Pengguna)
(a) Draw an arrow in the space provided to show the direction of energy flow.
Lukis satu anak panah dalam ruang yang disediakan untuk menunjukkan arah aliran tenaga.
(b) Predict what will happen to the population of the palm oil plant and snake if all the rats are dead.
Ramalkan apa yang berlaku pada populasi pokok kelapa sawit dan ular jika semua tikus mati.
(i) Palm oil plant / Pokok kelapa sawit: (ii) Snake / Ular:
Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.
4. Explain the role of photosynthesis in the carbon cycle and the oxygen cycle.
Jelaskan peranan fotosintesis dalam kitar karbon dan kitar oksigen.
(a) Carbon cycle / Kitar karbon (b) Oxygen cycle / Kitar oksigen
5. State the suitable terms used based on the following actions. (a)
Using the natural Earth resources efficiently without threatening living organisms and the environment.
Menggunakan sumber-sumber semula jadi Bumi secara cekap tanpa mengancam organisma-organisma hidup dan persekitarannya.
(b) Steps taken to maintain living organisms and the environment in their natural balance state.
Langkah-langkah yang diambil untuk mengekalkan organisma-organisma hidup dan persekitaran dalam keadaan semula jadi dan seimbang.
2. State one similarity and two differences between evaporation and boiling. (a) Similarity / Persamaan (b) Differences / Perbezaan 3. State two applications of evaporation in a daily life.
Nyatakan satu persamaan dan dua perbezaan antara penyejatan dengan pendidihan.
4. State the terms used for the following statements. (a) Substance that dissolves in a solvent
Bahan yang larut di dalam pelarut
(a) Domestic Domestik (b) Agricultural Pertanian (c) Our body Badan kita 6. Explain the word equation below.
7. Explain the usage of the following substances to show the application of neutralisation in a daily life. (a) Calamine lotion is used to treat ant bite.
Losen kalamina digunakan untuk merawat gigitan semut.
Jelaskan penggunaan bahan-bahan yang berikut untuk menunjukkan aplikasi peneutralan dalam kehidupan seharian.
Storage tank / Tangki simpanan Coagulation tank / Tangki penggumpalan Chlorination tank / Tangki pengklorinan Screening tank / Tangki saringan Mixing tank / Tangki pencampuran Filtration tank / Tangki penurasan Dam / Empangan Aeration tank / Tangki pengudaraan Sedimentation tank / Tangki pengenapan
9. State at least two natural water sources and three water pollutants. (a) Natural water sources / Sumber air semula jadi
Nyatakan sekurang-kurangnya dua sumber air semula jadi dan tiga bahan cemar air.
10. Explain the effects of pollution and the ways to overcome it.
Terangkan kesan pencemaran dan cara mengatasinya.
Bahan cemar
Ways to overcome
Cara mengatasi
Industrial waste
Sisa industri
Garbage Sampah-sarap
CHAPTER 6 Air Pressure State one precaution when handling each of the following. (a) Gas cylinder / Tangki gas: (b) Aerosol can / Tin aerosol:
CHAPTER 7 Dynamics 1. Circle the unit of force. Bulatkan unit bagi daya.
Meter (m)
2. Complete the chart on the frictional force below. Lengkapkan carta tentang daya geseran di bawah.
Frictional force
Daya geseran
3. Mark () the action that shows work is done and () if no work is done. (a) A boy is walking to the kitchen
Seorang budak lelaki sedang berjalan ke dapur
Tandakan () tindakan yang menunjukkan kerja dilakukan dan () jika tiada kerja dilakukan.
( ( ( (
) ) ) )
CHAPTER 8 Support and Movement Complete the charts of support systems in animals below.
Lengkapkan carta sistem sokongan dalam haiwan di bawah.
Land vertebrates
Vertebrata darat
Aquatic vertebrates
Vertebrata akuatik
Land invertebrates
Invertebrata darat
Aquatic invertebrates
Invertebrata akuatik
(ii) (vi)
2. State the relationship between the position of centre of gravity and the stability of object.
Nyatakan hubungan antara kedudukan pusat graviti dengan kestabilan objek.
CHAPTER 10 Simple Machines 1. State four objects that functioning using the principle of lever.
Nyatakan empat objek yang berfungsi menggunakan prinsip tuas.
2. Label fulcrum (F), load (L) and effort (E) on each diagram below and state its class of lever. (a)
Labelkan fulkrum (F), beban (L) dan daya (E) pada setiap rajah di bawah dan nyatakan kelas tuas masing-masing.