Programa en Ingles
Programa en Ingles
Programa en Ingles
President: Antonio Caldera Vice-president: Wilfredo Briceo Secretary: Isanevys Urdaneta Treasurer: Jess Urdaneta Membership Director: Geragg Chourio Technical Program Director: Jean Jimnez Director of Public Relations: Laura Mora Technology Program Director: lvaro Ranero Student Chapter Director: Varinia Marcano Computer Director: Keyla Gonzlez Educational Program Director: Maika Gambus Link Section Young Professionals: Johan Balzan Emerging Leaders Program Director: Santiago Zambrano Mentor of Advertising: Rmulo Romero Technical Team Coordinator: Ana Mara Atencio Legal Representative: Miguel Barraez [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
In order of keeping a technically positioning of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in the international oil and gas scope, and at the same time strengthening technical ties with our colleagues in South America, Venezuelan Civil Association of Petroleum Engineers, ASOCIVIP West (SPE - West of Venezuela), under the auspices of Petrleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) - has been offering opportunities to enrich the technical skills of different professional so in that way to promote the use of the valuable tools and to contribute with the technological development of our great South America.
The Venezuelan Civil Association of Petroleum Engineers, ASOCIVIP West (SPE - West of Venezuela), under the auspices of Petrleos de Venezuela - PDVSA and sponsorship of Operators and Service Companies, have the challenge of organizing the Second South American Congress Oil and Gas, 2013 under the theme: Providing opportunities for technical interchange in the integration of the large South American homeland.
Orlando Chacin PDVSA Pedro Len PDVSA Josefina Salazar PDVSA Intevep ngel Gonzlez Saltrn Minister for Energy and Mining
Technical Committee
Osmel Molina Jos Basbush Carlos Mrquez Jess Rafael Padilla Jos H. Snchez Pedro Gamboa Simn Gonzlez Francisco Guevara
Alexis Mrmol Anibal Rojas Guillermo Griborio Omar Depablos Noleydys Gaguar Pablo Castillo Francisco Guerra
Student Chapter
Tuesday, 22th
Hotel Venetur, Isla de Margarita, Room: Salon Bicentenario
Opening National Anthem of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela PDVSA Intevep Coral Directed by Laura Strubinger Opening Speech: Ing. Antonio Caldera President of the Organizing Committee II South American Oil and Gas Congress / President of SPE Western Venezuela Petroleum Section Official Speech II South American Oil and Gas 2013: Ing. Rafael Ramrez Carreo Popular Power Minister for Energy and Mining and President of PDVSA Student Contest Results Ing. Varinia Marcano President of Student Paper Contest Committee Awards Ing. Rafael Ramrez Carreo Popular Power Minister for Energy and Mining and President of PDVSA
Concert by PDVSA Intevep Coral Technology Exhibition Opening Welcome Reception Sponsored by: Chevron of Venezuela Place: Swimming Pool Area, Hotel Venetur, Isla de Margarita
10:45 11:15
11:15 11:45
12:00 01:30
Wednesday, 23 October, 13:30 - 17:00 hours, Room: Room 3 Bicentenario Session # 1: Heavy Oil
Heavy oil is a substantial resource that is becoming increasingly important all over the globe. While production growth is driven by increasing demand and declining conventional oil production, innovation is driven by costs, technical challenges, and environmental hurdles. This session will concentrate on heavy oil related themes around the challenges to increase recovery and productivity in an economic, safely and environmental manner. Co-Chairs: Celia Bejarano, Ledely Chavez, Erwin Hernandez PDVSA, Jos Marcos Baker Hughes, Juan Cova Schlumberger SPE-WVS-144 13:30 - 13:55 hours Feasibility Analysis for the Application of Cyclic Steam Injection, using Reservoir Numerical Simulation. Petrocedeo Field, Junn Area, Orinoco Oil Belt Carmen Carrasco, Andrs Pereiro, Mara Rendn, Rubn Pinto Petrocedeo David Coulon Total 13:55 - 14:20 hours Implementation of In Situ Combustion Process Post-Steam Injected Processes in Stratified Reservoirs Luis Oliveros, Samuel Muoz Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), Jorge Palma Ecopetrol 14:20 - 14:45 hours H2S Treatment Proposal for the Project Continuous Steam Injection in Block C-7, Tia Juana Tierra Field Blanca Guerrero, Ana Mestre , Johnny Mndez PDVSA, Yefrenck Castro PDVSA Intevep 14:45 - 15:10 hours Bioreducer Effect in Heavy and Extraheavy Oil Crudes Edgardo Surez, Josu Gmez Mexican Institute of Complex Systems A.C. (MICS), Arturo Palacio IUNAM, Elena Izquierdo Universidad de la Habana Coffee Break (Sponsored by PDVSA) 15:40 - 16:05 hours Treatment Fluids Model on Developing Kinetics Models of the In Situ Combustion Process Mara Ruiz Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), Gustavo Cabeza, Hernando Botta Ecopetrol, Samuel Muoz Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS)
16:05 - 16:30 hours New Completion Designs for Existing Cold Production Wells for Applying the CSS Technique in an Extra Heavy Oil Field (Venezuela). Petrocedeo CSS Project Ana Patrn, Andreina Ojeda, Roger Castelln, Alberto Uzctegui, Fabin Valentini Petrocedeo 16:30 - 16:55 hours Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emission from Heavy Crude Oil by Adding a Viscosity Bioreductor Vicente Gonzlez Geo Estratos SA, Lucero Ledesma, Juvencio Betancourt, Edgardo Surez Mexican Istitute of Complex Systems, Alejandro Rodrguez Instituto de Ingeniera, UNAM Social Activity: Margarita Night Sponsored by: PDVSA Place: Swimming pool Area, Hotel Venetur, Isla de Margarita
SPE-WVS-152 Study of the Impact of Nafta Injection in Horizontal Wells for Extra Heavy Oil Production in the Field PDVSA Petrocedeo - Orinoco Oil Belt Andrs Hernndez, Federico Villarreal Petrocedeo Heavy Oil Reserve Development by Steam Injection in Horizontal Wells Completed in the Lower Sands (G Unit) Bach-01 Reservoir Hernn Boscn, Carlos Bastidas PDVSA
Wednesday, 23 October, 13:30 - 17:00 hours, Room: Room 2 Bicentenario Session # 2: Production Optimization (Parte I)
This session presents technical advances in well stimulation technology and production enhancement. It also offers case histories on recent hydraulic fracturing, acidizing, and wellbore enlargement technology advances as well as artificial lift and productivity issues. Co-Chairs: Wilfredo Briceo PDVSA Intevep, Zulange Laguna PDVSA Gas, Roberto Saldao Schlumberger, David Atencio Halliburton
13:30 - 13:55 hours Electric Submersible Pump in Deep Wells with High Water cut belonging to the field El Furrial Ana Hernandez, Leonor Gonzalez, Ender Castellanos, Victor Perez, Carlos Andrade, Zulyma Jeschke PDVSA, Daniel Olivia Schlumberger 13:55 - 14:20 hours Conceptual Study and Experimental Protocol for the Selection and Evaluation of Matrix Stimulation Treatments with Biocides, Focused on H2S and Corrosion Control in Producer Wells of Fields undergoing Secondary Recovery Manuel Jaimes, lvaro Villar Ecopetrol, Martn Escobar, Nydia Acevedo Corporation Natfrac 14:20 - 14:45 hours Well Productivity Strategy to Maintain and Increase Production: Case Histories, Progress and Achievements Jorge Arvalo, Yuri de Antuano PEMEX E&P, A. Salmorn, Francisco Pumar CBM, Lus Rojas Spectrum, Juan Quintero R2M 14:45 - 15:10 hours Does your ESP Completion Architecture meet all your Production Requirements? Philippe Gambier, Lawrence Camilleri Schlumberger Coffee Break (Sponsored by PDVSA) 15:40 - 16:05 hours Expanding Horizons for High Temperature ESPs Claire Hong, Lazar Velev Cenovus Energy Inc, Chris Scrupa, Song Shang Schlumberger 16:05 - 16:30 hours Integrating Multidisciplinary Analysis to Improve Well Productivity Juan Lazarde, Walter Suzart, Bernardino Lpez Halliburton, Juan Sandoval Universidad Central de Ecuador 16:30 - 16:55 hours Waterless Cement Slurry Controls Water Production in Southern Mexico Naturally Fractured Oil Wells Arthur Milne, Emilio Miquilena Schlumberger, Pedro Flores, M. Macip PEMEX Social Activity: Margarita Night Sponsored by: PDVSA Place: Swimming pool Area, Hotel Venetur, Isla de Margarita
SPE-WVS-161 ESP Failures Analysis in Sur del Lago Trujillo District of PDVSA Jos Lara, Sarita Sandoval, ngel Pea, Nstor Cliz, Aileen Prez PDVSA Intevep Evaluation of Multiphase Flow Models to Predict Pressure Gradient in Vertical Pipes with Highly Viscous Liquids Rina Ruiz, Adriana Brito, Jos Mrquez PDVSA Intevep Experimental Study of Downhole Gas Separators under Viscous Flow Conditions Javier Ibarra, Raimundo Pardo, Pedro Gonzlez PDVSA Intevep
Wednesday, 23 October, 13:30 - 17:00 hours, Room: Macanao-Guayamuri Session # 3: Naturally Fractured (NFR) and Carbonate Reservoirs
Carbonate reservoirs contain vast amounts of hydrocarbons and as well as naturally fractured reservoirs are among the most complex reservoirs to characterize, model and manage. This complexity is due to the interplay of matrix characteristics that can be highly heterogeneous in carbonates and the fracture network. This session will concentrate in the key challenges that control production through fracture network and enhancing production of the matrix in order to maximize recovery. Presentations will address future technologies and well completions that could potentially help in optimizing reservoir management and improve recovery.. Co-Chairs: Dalia Sanchez, Andrs Yrigoyen PDVSA, Francis Peretti Halliburton, Rodolfo Soto Digitoil SPE-WVS-164 13:30 - 13:55 hours Dynamic and Static Characterization of Natural Fractures, Travi Field Jess Hernndez , Omar Rosario PDVSA 13:55 - 14:20 hours Cementation Exponent m Estimation in Carbonates Reservoir, using Triple Porosity System. Diminishing of Uncertainty in the Determination of Water Saturation Jean Rangel, Andrs Guzmn, Roberto Aguilera Servipetrol 14:20 - 14:45 hours Methodology for Advanced Interpretation of Poor Quality Logs in Multimineral Carbonate Reservoirs Glerys Garca PDVSA, Hassan Aharipour Digitoil
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14:45 - 15:10 hours Understanding the Impact of Completion Parameters on Production Performance in the Vaca Muerta Shale Formation E. Ejofodomi, G. Cavazzoli, J. Estrada Schlumberger, J. Peano Tecpetrol Coffee Break (Sponsored by PDVSA) 15:40 - 16:05 hours Global Sea Level Changes and Sedimentological Characterization of Cretaceous Carbonate Deposits in Gulf of Venezuela Disnahir Pinto, Neida Moreno PDVSA, Victor Padrn Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV) 16:05 - 16:30 hours Workflow for Setting-up the Static and Dynamic Model of a Carbonate Reservoir MIO Perla-1, of the Perla Field (Block Cardn IV West, Venezuela) Felice DAlterio, Mariela Revern, Filippo Bertolo, Francesca Maffioletti, Rafael Sanseviero, Fernando Valencia Cardn IV S.A. 16:30 - 16:55 hours Acoustic Radial Measurements Improve Fracture Characterization in Carbonates of South of Mexico. Case Study: Cretaceous Fractured Carbonates in Navegante Field Agustn Moreno PEMEX , Gerardo Rodrguez Schlumberger, Rafael Prez Herrera PEMEX, Sarahel Prez , Gustavo Dip Schlumberger Social Activity: Margarita Night Sponsored by: PDVSA Place: Swimming pool Area, Hotel Venetur, Isla de Margarita
SPE-WVS-227 Multi-mineral formation evaluation with LWD Data in Deep Water Carbonate Off shore Brazil Paolo Ferraris Schlumberger
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Wednesday, 23 October, 13:30 - 17:00 hours, Room: Guaiqueri-Paraguachi Session # 4: Offshore Assets (Fields)
This session will address all technologies assisting development planning teams to understand and create value from their deepwater business opportunities, optimization of offshore production operations, improved decision making for the offshore assets life cycle from prospects, appraisal, development, production until abandonment. Co-Chairs: Jos Tovar PDVSA Intevep, Chris Garca Schlumberger, Omar Cardenas Halliburton, Cosme Vargas Repsol SPE-WVS-174 13:30 - 13:55 hours Dynamics of clay and its implication in the generation of traps in the Sub-basin of Western Blanquilla, Offshore Venezuela Richard Valdez, D. Medina, Jos Castillo PDVSA 13:55 - 14:20 hours Integrated Flow Assurance Study in Mature Offshore Asset Roman Nazarov, Cenobio Rivas, Mirko Hernandez Repsol T&T Ltd. 14:20 - 14:45 hours Prediction of a Turbidite Reservoir in the Patao Structural High, Carupano Basin, Offshore Venezuela Andrs Laya, Yoryi Valencia PDVSA, Octavian Catuneanu - Universidad de Alberta. 114:45 - 15:10 hours Deepwater Well Control Contingency Planning Daniel Morrell, Steve Nas, Ivo Selent, Nur Sulaiman, Mark Davis Schlumberger Coffee Break (Sponsored by PDVSA) 15:40 - 16:05 hours Dynamic Evaluation Alternatives for Deep and Ultra-Deep-Water Environments for Heavy and Extra-Heavy Oil Exploration in Mexico Ricardo Aguilar PEMEX, Jan Loaiza, Amit Nakhwa, Curtis Wendle, Pablo Ruiz Halliburton 16:05 - 16:30 hours Water Choking by Autonomous Inflow Control for Heavy oil Production Fields Geir Elseth, Ingvild Berg Marthiniussen, Atle Gyllensten, Juan Vdela, Ruben Schulkes Statoil
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16:30 - 16:55 hours Ensuring Well Integrity in Deepwater in Caribbean: Challenges and Solutions Nadish Gupta, M. Bogaerts, M. Bellabarba, A. Mendiola, A. Saleshpour Schlumberger
SPE-WVS-181 An Innovative Hydraulic Workover Successfully Placed Gravel Pack, in a Gas Well, on a Small Fixed Platform Offshore Walter Suzart, Edwin Lopez, Xavier Alarcon Halliburton, Oswaldo Mendoza, Francisco Rosero Petroamazonas EP PEMEX Find in Casing while Drilling Technology an Effective Alternative to the Challenge of Drilling in the Offshore Sihil Field in the Gulf of Mexico Javier Malav, Andr Van Balen Schlumberger, Julio Garca, Siddhartha Banuet PEMEX
Wednesday, 23 October, 13:30 - 17:00 hours, Room: Anfiteatro Session # 5: Mature Assets (Fields)
This session will address the latest approaches in dealing with the development of mature assets by reviewing the latest technical advances associated with these assets. As operators are focused on improving returns from their assets in mature fields they need to deal simultaneously with the decline of their fields. Mature fields account for 70 percent of the worlds production, with many in the secondary or tertiary production phases. Recoveries under 35 percent are common due to geological characteristics, resource constraints or operational inefficiencies from old technology. How to increase recoveries and production in these fields, often with reduced resources, is the dilemma facing most operators. Co-Chairs: ngel Nuez PDVSA, Orlando Prez SPE, Rmulo Romero - Halliburton, Luis Rojas CNCP, Eduardo Naranjo Chevron SPE-WVS-184 13:30 - 13:55 hours EL FURRIAL FIELD. Development History and Reservoir Management. Challenges of a Giant Oil Field Karem Khan, Daniel Quijada, Carmen Gonzlez PDVSA 13:55 - 14:20 hours Strategic Opportunities Focused to Increase the Production of Matures Fields. Case: Block I Lagunillas - Maracaibo Lake Basin - Venezuela Plinio Rojas, Edgar Boscan, Jonhattan Len PDVSA 14:20 - 14:45 hours Improving Well Performance with Multiphase Pump in Wells with High Gas-toLiquid Ratio Cristian Fidani, Mara B. Peralta YPF, Matias Snchez , Luis Nuova Schlumberger
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14:45 - 15:10 hours Indirect Method for Calculating Reservoir Pressure from Production Data in Wells of Mature Fields under Primary Recovery. A Colombian Field Application Manuel Jaimes, J. Dran Ecopetrol, R. Dorado Corporacin Natfrac Coffee Break (Sponsored by PDVSA) 15:40 - 16:05 hours New Wireline Formation Tester Development makes Sampling and Pressure Testing Possible in Extra-Heavy Oils in Mexico Tania F. de Dios, Maria Aguilar, Rafael Perez - PEMEX, German Garcia, Emilie Peyret, Edher Ramirez, Abraham Arias, Pierre-Yves Corre, Miroslav Slapal, Cosan Ayan Schlumberger 16:05 - 16:30 hours The Shushufindi Adventure Gustavo Marn, Agustn Paladines, Andreas Suter, Chip Corbett Schlumberger, Gustavo Ponce, Ivn Vela, Jackson Jimenez Petroamazonas 16:30 - 16:55 hours Wireline Interventions Deployed on Cased Hole Services Tractor Increase the number of Highly Deviated wells for EOR in East Venezuela Luis Mata Petroritupano, Valderique Lima, Roovert Torres, Victor Arias Schlumberger Social Activity: Margarita Night Sponsored by: PDVSA Place: Swimming pool Area, Hotel Venetur, Isla de Margarita
SPE-WVS-191 Study of the Impact of Flow Pattern front Water on Oil Recovery Factor in Mature Reservoirs Dubraska Martnez, Juan Rodrguez PDVSA Researching Mechanical Properties of Ultra-Light Slurry Cement using HighStrength Microspheres Walter Suzart, Mario Gonzles, Edwin Lpez, Marco Cayo Halliburton, Jos Barahona Petroamazonas EP Successful RPM-Assisted Acid Treatment in a Mature Oil Field: Case History from South Colombia Wildiman Reinoso, Fredy Torres, Adrin Coral, Jos Amaya Grantierra Energy Colombia, Pablo Campo, Jos Usurriaga Halliburton
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Wednesday, 23 October, 13:30 - 17:00 hours, Room: Restinga-Tirano Session # 6: Emerging Technologies
New technologies are opening new windows of opportunity to respond to the increasing demand for higher oil throughput today. These new technologies are allowing industry to access new discoveries by reaching new frontiers such as basement reservoirs, ultra-deepwater environments. What are the results of these new technologies? How do we ensure new technologies can be applied effectively and economically in todays environment? These are just a few of the questions that this session will seek to find answers. Co-Chairs: Omar Mejas, Osmel Molina PDVSA, German Gmez Baker Hughes, Jos Basbush Schlumberger SPE-WVS-194 13:30 - 13:55 hours Wells Stimulation with Ultrasound in E&P Occidente Mirian Noroo, Rafael Macho PDVSA 13:55 - 14:20 hours A New Approach to Develop Scientific Software for Venezuelan National Oil and Gas Industry: Case of Study In House Development of a PVT Fluid Characterization Package Alberto Valderrama, Neylith Quintero, Virginia Buccellato, Fernando Montilla, Yessika Rincn Distrito Socialista Tecnolgico de AIT PDVSA 14:20 - 14:45 hours Extending Technical Limit in West Venezuela: Draining Unreached Long StepOut Reservoir Portions with Torque Management and Casing Wear Reduction While Improving ROP Mistica Cepeda, Jose Reverol PDVSA, Jos Tinoco, Carlos Avila, Bogar Castro Schlumberger, Omar Romero Smith Bits 14:45 - 15:10 hours Performance Evaluation of a Multitube Separator Prototype for Viscous Oil Jos Mrquez, Jos Valdez, Ramn Cabello, William Blanco, Adriana Brito PDVSA Intevep Coffee Break (Sponsored by PDVSA) 15:40 - 16:05 hours A Review about Petrolemics: Chemistry of the Underworld Jos Centeno PDVSA Intevep
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16:05 - 16:30 hours Trigeneration (Electricity, Steam and drinkable Water) plant and Steam Distribution Network for Enhanced Oil Recovery System with Steam Injection Shunichi Kuba, Tatsuo Yashiki, Edson Guitoko, Tomohiko Yoshida Hitachi, Ltd, Takayuki Mitadera Hitachi, Power Solutions, Roberto Lares Hitachi, Vzla, Koji Harada Sasakura Engineering Co. Ltd 16:30 - 16:55 hours Near-Vertical Drilling in High-Dip Environment, Minimal Displacement Achieved While Maintaining Drainage Area without Interference Criss Celis, Carlos vila, Jos Tinoco Schlumberger, Mariana Gamboa PDVSA Social Activity: Margarita Night Sponsored by: PDVSA Place: Swimming pool Area, Hotel Venetur, Isla de Margarita
SPE-WVS-201 Continuous Improvement of Operations Support Center Allow Extended Benefits in Venezuela Juan Pearanda, Elias Chamat, Alexis Marin, Fernando Rodriguez, Mauricio Gonzalez Schlumberger Methodology for Auditing and Debugging of Geological and Geophysical Data Through Data Management Technology Tools in Interpretation Projects Blanca Henrquez, Elika Guerrero, Oswaldo Bohorquez, Haidy Valera PDVSA Approach of Partitioning from in situ generated H2S in Oil Reservoir Fluids Frank Cabrera, Jennifer Arenas PDVSA Intevep
This session will feature presentations on latest advances in Geophysics, Geology and Geostatistics. How these technologies are helping to reduce exploration costs and how they are use to evaluate new business opportunities in areas under exploration of existing basins requiring improved subsurface characterization. Co-Chairs: Carlos Mrquez PDVSA Intevep , Jos Snchez, Pedro Gamboa PDVSA, Jess Padilla Baker Hughes, Simon Gonzlez Halliburton
Wednesday, 23 October, 13:30 - 17:00 hours, Room: Manzanillo Session # 7: Geophysics and Geology
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13:30 - 13:55 hours Application of Multivariate Statistical Discrimination in the Chemical Correlation of Cretaceous Sequences, The Furrial Field, Eastern Venezuela Basin Ivn Baritto PDVSA Intevep 13:55 - 14:20 hours Stratigraphic Study of the Late Cretaceous, Late Miocene to Pliocene Section in the Abatuco Area, Northeast Quiriquire field, Eastern Venezuelan Basin Yurbis Gmez, Noelia Baptista PDVSA 14:20 - 14:45 hours Sedimentary Facies Identification from Image Logs of Azimuthal GR in Horizontal Wells Jorge Prez, Carlos Len, Jos Marcos Baker Hughes 14:45 - 15:10 hours Importance of Sedimentologic and Stratigraphic Architecture of R0 Reservoir in Bare Field of the Orinoco Belt for in Situ Combustion Pilot Jose Teixeira, Hector Perozo, Arlis Machado PDVSA Intevep. Coffee Break (Sponsored by PDVSA) 15:40 - 16:05 hours New Stratigraphic Model for the Espino Graben, Eastern Venezuela Meylin Herrera PDVSA, Yoasmali Barrios Senergy AS Stavanger Norway, Noelia Baptista PDVSA, Octavian Catuneanu Universidad de Alberta 16:05 - 16:30 hours Compartmentalization Study in a Mature Field using 3-D PSDM Seismic, Well Logs and Reservoir Data Po Pea, ngel Guerrero, Pablo Oviedo Chevron Global Technology 16:30 - 16:55 hours Static Model of Informal Members Misoa of the Eocene Formation, La Ceiba Field, Southeast Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela Mair Mndez, Carolina Capellari, Carolina Martnez, Jos Mndez, Lorena Nuez, Carmen Zambrano, Marzia Markovich PDVSA
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Multidisciplinary Integration Model during Structural Interpretation of a Highly Complex Area with Low Quality of 3D Seismic Data, Alto de Ceuta field Alvis Campos, Carlos Lobo, Francisco Chirinos, Johanny Chacon, Marlys Marrufo, Ral Leal, Sanelia Rojas y Talaal El Debal PDVSA Geomechanical Model 1D using the Coefficients of Tectonic Deformation in the Area 2 South VLG 3676, Ceuta Field, Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela Vladimir Vsquez, Carlos Lobo PDVSA, Axel-Pierre Bois, Hugo Boutin BeicipFranlab&CurisTec. Social Activity: Margarita Night Sponsored by: PDVSA Place: Swimming pool Area, Hotel Venetur, Isla de Margarita
Wednesday, 23 October, 13:30 - 17:00 hours, Room: Room 1 Bicentenario Session # 8: Reservoir Characterization / Reservoir Description (Part I)
Reservoir characterization is fundamental to reservoir management. This session will focus on the technologies and methodologies to get a grip on full understanding of the subsurface and the relationship with uncertainty. The best ways to deal with uncertainty and managing reservoir under uncertainty will be explored through best practices and new technologies that can help in this area. Co-Chairs: Francisco Guevara, Jean Jimnez, Jorge Urdaneta, Ana Octavio PDVSA, Santiago Zambrano Schlumberger SPE-WVS-215 13:30 - 13:55 hours A Methodology for Lab-Stimulation Tests to Improve Well Production Yuri de Antuano, Jorge Arvalo PEMEX, Francisco Pumar CBM, Michael Lysandrou Qumica Apollo 13:55 - 14:20 hours Successful use of Multilateral Technology to Improve Oil Recovery in the Brazilian Amazon Sandro Mendes, Marcelo Albuquerque Petrobras, Mario Vento, Nazildo Batista Halliburton 14:20 - 14:45 hours The Geochemistry as Auxiliary Tool for Oil Systems Characterization Germn Mrquez Ministerio del Poder Popular de Petrleo y Minera
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14:45 - 15:10 hours The Impact of Layering on Production Predictions from Observed Production Signatures, Shushufindi Project, Ecuador Chip Corbett, Jean-Paul Lafournere, Jorge Bolanos, Mara Bolanos, Mik Frorup, Gustavo Marn Schlumberger. Coffee Break (Sponsored by PDVSA) 15:40 - 16:05 hours Corocoro Field: Building 3D Static Model of Sedimentary Sequence 68.5A to 70E Oil Reservoirs, Las Piedras Formation, Gulf of Paria, Eastern Venezuela Elena Capoferri, Rosaura Fiorini, Orangel Hernndez, Mauricio Herrera, Gloria Rojas Eni de Venezuela, Sergio Salomn Petrosucre, Cristina Simon, Patricia Tardaguila Eni de Venezuela BV, Angelvis Tovar Petrosucre, Carlos Wong Eni de Venezuela 16:05 - 16:30 hours Development and Implementation of Statistical Algorithm for Production Redistribution in MGB004 Area (Pauj/Misoa) Nikolay Khazov, Amrico Perozo Petroquiriquire 16:30 - 16:55 hours Predictive-Adaptative Production Control in Hydrocarbon Reservoirs Alexis ortega, Jos Caneln, Nstor Queipo Universidad del Zulia Social Activity: Margarita Night Sponsored by: PDVSA Place: Swimming pool Area, Hotel Venetur, Isla de Margarita
SPE-WVS-214 Development of a Coupled Numerical Simulation Platform, to Evaluate the Impact of Geomechanical Variables on a Hydrocarbon Reservoir Sensitive to Efforts Nithal El Mejmissani Sukkar, Atilio Morillo, Maika Gambs, Jorge Guiez , Orlando Zambrano, Jhonny Araque, Robert Quintero, Varinia Marcano, Nohelis Rincn, Carlos Alciaturi, Maribel Prez, Jos Moreno, Javier Aez Universidad del Zulia Pressures Behavior Analysis of Block Junn 2, Orinoco Oil Belt Laura Vergel Petromacareo Effects of Modeling Reservoir Heterogeneities on Bottom Water Reservoir Simulation: La Palma Field, Western Venezuela Inti Rodrguez, Thais Rodrguez, Edgar Hernndez, Yamila Reyes PDVSA Intevep. | 19 |
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Thursday, 24 October, 13:30 - 17:00 hours, Room: Guaiqueri-Paraguachi Session # 9: Formation Evaluation
Presentations will be addressing wellbore-based reservoir description activities, using wireline logs, LWD measurements and core data. Co-Chairs: Manuel Gonzlez PDVSA, Guillermo Cuadros Schlumberger , Aralis Villarreal Halliburton, Ysnardo Moya Baker Hughes SPE-WVS-224 13:30 - 13:55 hours Determination of Electrical Resistivity of Reservoir Rocks of Low Permeability to infer the Porosity and Permeability Roque Rodrguez PDVSA Intevep, Hildemaro Melndez, Jairo Rondn, Claudio Lugo PDVSA Gas 13:55 - 14:20 hours Implementing technology for multifunctional LWD Geosteering and Formation Evaluation in Temblador Sands, Dobokubi Field the Orinoco Oil Belt, Venezuela Alberto Ach, Williams Bernay, Leiska Saavedra, Jos Sandoval PDVSA, Luis Castaeda, Guillermo Cuadros Schlumberger 14:20 - 14:45 hours Petrofacies Classification Model Based on Neural Network Methodology in Barinas Area, Gobernador and Escandalosa Formations, Western Venezuela Leidys Regges, Manuel Delgado PDVSA, Borzou Sheikhzeinnoddin SFG Global 14:45 - 15:10 hours Improved Net Pay Quantification with Dielectric Dispersion and Porosity Spectrum in Heavy Oil Sands Ulises Bustos Schlumberger, Lerrys Rendon PDVSA, Alvaro Chapellin Schlumberger Coffee Break (Sponsored by PDVSA) 15:40 - 16:05 hours Unloading as a Possible Mechanism of Abnormal Pore Pressure in the Pauj Formation, Located at Southeast of the Maracaibo Basin Jess Borges, Carmen Ferrebus, Alejandro Jaramillo Halliburton, Jorge Revern, Andrs Espeso PDVSA Intevep
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6:05 - 16:30 hours Enhancing the Spatial Resolution of Deep Resistivity Response using Neural Network in Heterogeneous Reservoir Hugo Govea , Cesar Aguilar PDVSA 16:30 - 16:55 hours Methodology for Determination of Critical Water Saturation According to Size Poral throat by Capillary Pressure Analysis Performed on Core Samples from the Orinoco Oil Belt Atahualpa Villarroel, Jos Marcos, Baker Hughes Social Activity: Formal Dinner Sponsored by: Schlumberger Place: Room Santiago Mario, Hotel Venetur, Isla de Margarita
SPE-WVS-232 Impact of the Lithology and type of Formation (Consolidated and Unconsolidated) on the LOT and XLOT responses in the Maracaibo Lake Basin Roselba Caneln, Vladimir Vsquez, Julieta Patio, Carlos Lobo, Ender Snchez PDVSA Determination of Flow Units by Calculating FZI and Petrofacies utilizing VLEXX54 Core, C-X2 Reservoir VLE-XX96 area, Block V of Lake Maracaibo Esther Romero Instituto Universitario de Tecnologa de Maracaibo, Cesar Aguilar PDVSA Unveiling Reservoir Characterization of a Vintage Field, Shushufindi Project, Ecuador Jean-Paul Lafournre Schlumberger, Jorge Dutan Petro Amazonas, Michele Narajo SPE, Florent Bringer, Andreas Suter, Jorge Vega, Jorge Bolaos Schlumberger
Thursday, 24 October, 13:30 - 17:00 hours, Room: Room 2 Bicentenario Session # 10: Production Optimization (Part II)
This session presents technical advances in well stimulation technology and production enhancement. It also offers case histories on recent hydraulic fracturing, acidizing, and wellbore enlargement technology advances as well as artificial lift and productivity issues. Co-Chairs: Wilfredo Briceo PDVSA Intevep, Zulange Laguna PDVSA, Roberto Saldao Schlumberger, David Atencio Halliburton
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13:30 - 13:55 hours Application of Bigger Motors and VFDs in Progressive Cavity Pumps Wells in Boscan Field Danny Socorro, Jairo Ocando , Andrea Montero, Elio Goncalves Petroboscan 13:55 - 14:20 hours Design and Implementation of Software Tool to Select and Evaluate Sand Exclusion and Management Alternatives, During the stages of Drilling, Completion and Production. A Colombian Field Application Manuel Jaimes, Yair Quintero Ecopetrol, D. Martn, M. Puentes Universidad Industrial de Santander 14:20 - 14:45 hours Alternatives for Implantation of Gas Lift in Deep Wells of El Furrial Field Juan Brown, Francisco Guaramata, Anbal Lopez PDVSA 14:45 - 15:10 hours Improving Reservoir Performance using Integrated Asset Management (IAM) in the Shushufindi Asset Juan Rodrguez Schlumberger, Daniel Biedma Tecpetrol, Javier Goyes Petroamazonas, Mara Tortolero, Pedro Vivas, Pedro Navarre, Eduardo Gozalbo, Dominique Agostini, Andreas Suter Schlumberger Coffee Break (Sponsored by PDVSA) 15:40 - 16:05 hours Remarkable Results in Increased Production from Proper Application of Acid Sandstone Stimulation: Case Histories from Putumayo Basin, Colombia Fredy Torres, Wildiman Reinoso, Adrian Coral, Manuel Aldana Grantierra Energy, Pablo Campo, Jos Usurriaga Halliburton 16:05 - 16:30 hours Application Surface Unit Linear lift system Well Head Mounted (LLS-WHM) in Rod Pumping Wells with High Friction Problem (Fluid-Rod) Adrin Soto, Valdemar Argello, Antonio Gmez PDVSA, Antonio Sucre Halliburton 16:30 - 16:55 hours Water Choking by Autonomus Inflow Control for Heavy Oil Production Fields Geir Elseth, Ingvild Berg, Atle Gyllensten, Juan Videla, Ruben Schulkes Statoil Social Activity: Formal Dinner Sponsored by: Schlumberger Place: Room Santiago Mario, Hotel Venetur, Isla de Margarita
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Lessons learned and best practices with artificial lift in Venezuela fields Estelio Daz, R. Quintero, Leudis Ramos Baker Hughes Baker Hughes Innovative Multidisciplinary Technique Used to Evaluate Production Profile in Artificially Lifted Wells H. Moyano, M. Castellanos, G. Calvo, M. Ballarini, E. Leisen, F. Medda, A. Pithon Panamerican Energy, M. Peirano, P. Barrionuevo, M. Cajarabilla, D. Solohaga Schlumberger Monitoring Reservoir for Potential Calculation Installed and Production Optimization through Real-Time Tools Petrocedeo Field Domingo Manganelli PDVSA
Thursday, 24 October, 13:30 - 17:00 hours, Room: Room 1 Bicentenario Session # 11: Drilling and Completions
This session addresses technology advances in drilling operations and optimization. Recent drilling technology advancements include casing or liner drilling, geosteering operations, and optimization of drilling operations. Co-Chairs: Ricardo Garcia PDVSA, Mario DElia Baker Hughes, Elas Chamat Schlumberger, Donato Cacciatore Halliburton SPE-WVS-244 13:30 - 13:55 hours Directional Wells Analysis in the Lagotreco Field in Maracaibo Lake Mariana de L Gamboa, Rafael Quintero, Maria Marcano, Edmundo Lopez PDVSA 13:55 - 14:20 hours Appling Rock Mechanics Equations to Model Extreme Overbalance Perforations Geometry Walter Suzart, Julio Lozada, Adrian Mogollon Halliburton, Luis Carrera, Gustavo Corsios Petroamazonas 14:20 - 14:45 hours Conceptual and Integrated Approach to Sand Control Completion Design for Offshore Gas Fields in Venezuela Rafael Belisario, Jos Pineda PDVSA Intevep, Csar Otero PDVSA
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14:45 - 15:10 hours Integrated BHA System Drills Curve/Lateral in One Run at Record ROP Saving Seven Days Rig Time Ricardo Meli Apache Energia Argentina, Carlos Salas, Rodrigo Martin, Edwin Restrepo, Virginia Nervi, Aamer zaheer, Bala Durairajan, Richard Hill Schlumberger Coffee Break (Sponsored by PDVSA) 15:40 - 16:05 hours Changing the Way to Drill in Ecuador: Experience Using Point-the-Bit Rotary Steerable System in Horizontal and 3D Complex Well Hctor Carrizo, Jos Snchez Schlumberger, Luis Perdomo, Mario Bertarelli Repsol 16:05 - 16:30 hours Preliminary Pilot Test Results of Multiple Completion Types to Evaluate Productivity and Sand Control in KB Cluster Wells of Petrocedeo Field Ivn Rodrguez, Williams Rodrguez Petrocedeo 16:30 - 16:55 hours Trajectory Optimization for Horizontal Well Stability and Stimulation Efficiency Mao Bai , Juan Reyna Halliburton Social Activity: Margarita Night Sponsored by: PDVSA Place: Swimming pool Area, Hotel Venetur, Isla de Margarita
SPE-WVS- 177 Advanced Surveying Technologies Prevent Well Collisions and HSE Risks Elias Chamat, Benny Poedjono, Luis Gonzlez, Alfredo Nava, Danny Ochoa, Naveda Garzon Schlumberger Schlumberger Solving Hard/Abrasive Formation Challenge: Innovative PDC Bit Design Successfully Drills Long Section of Macabas Sand at High ROP Displacing Impregnated/Turbine BHA Martin Gerlero, Diogo Barreto, Joao Tocantins, Craig Raisanen,Mario Breton Schlumberger, David Gasparello Petra Energa
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Thursday, 24 October, 13:30 - 17:00 hours, Room: Macanao-Guayamuri Session # 12: Water Management
This session will address the different technologies and challenges associated with water as an increasingly scarce resource as well the role of water as input to several secondary and tertiary oil recovery methods. Presentation will also cover topics about how to utilize water more effectively as water reinjection or for other purposes. Co-Chairs: Maria Llamedo PDVSA, Valderique Lima Schlumberger, Eliseo Vivas Halliburton, Jos Limia Baker Hughes SPE-WVS-254 13:30 - 13:55 hours Application of a Self-Degradable Oil Based Gel for Chemical Diversion During Water Control Treatment in El Furrial Oil-Field Augusto Garca, Oscar Vernaez, Mara LLamedo PDVSA Intevep, Jos Ortiz, Jorge Barrera, Iris Prez PDVSA, Lenin Perdomo Servicios Suministros de Oriente (SSO) 13:55 - 14:20 hours Produced Water Management of a Mature Field and its Usage for Secondary and Enhanced Oil Recovery Projects Ender Prez, Leo A. Gonzlez PDVSA Ecuador 14:20 - 14:45 hours Well System Tank: an Alternative Efficient, Economic and Safe in Handling and Injection of Produced Water at El Salto field Luis Vera, Luis Lazarde, Yasmira Medina, Pedro Hernandez Petrodelta, Carlos Martnez Baker Hughes 14:45 - 15:10 hours A Porosity-Fill Sealant for Water and Gas Shutoff: Case Histories and Lessons Learned after more than 1000 Well Interventions Julio Vasquez, Richard Curtice Halliburton Coffee Break (Sponsored by PDVSA) 15:40 - 16:05 hours Experiences to Improve Oil Profile Production by using Gels Systems on Mature Field in Venezuela Javier Espinoza, Mara Llamedo, Arturo Mendoza, Romel Prez, Isa Ferreira, Manolo Reyna, Anbal Ortega PDVSA Intevep
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16:05 - 16:30 hours New Generation Relative Permeability Modifier Application in Acid Stimulation Treatments: an Effective Water Management for Mature Fields in Ecuador Herman Rivera, Juan Santamara, Patricio Eras Baker Hughes Ecuador, Jennifer Cutler, Sumit Bhaduri, Swathika Jayakumar Baker Hughes 16:30 - 16:55 hours Water Shutoff at Ultralow Temperatures Using Organically Crosslinked Polymer Gels BR Reddy, Crespo Freddy, Larry Eoff Halliburton Social Activity: Formal Dinner Sponsored by: Schlumberger Place: Room Santiago Mario, Hotel Venetur, Isla de Margarita
SPE-WVS-261 Evaluation of Aloe Vera Based Scale Inhibitor in Critical Oil Systems in the Domestic Oil Industry: Field Scale Test Elluz Torn, Mara Carrasquero, Rosa Nadales, Jorge Quiva PDVSA Intevep
Thursday, 24 October, 13:30 - 17:00 hours, Room: Restinga-Tirano Session # 13: Facilities and Asset Integrity
Asset integrity management and maintenance engineering, modelling capability for facilities during the whole life cycle from design, construction, operations, maintenance until abandonment. Multiphase flow processes and installations. Measurement, control and automation technologies supporting reliability of facilities are among all aspects that will be covered by this session. Co-Chairs: Martha Ahow Petroregional, Johnny Morales PDVSA, Zoraira Baez PDVSA Gas SPE-WVS-263 13:30 - 13:55 hours Flexible Tubular Alternatives for Multiphase Fluid Transport in Lake Maracaibo Eryed Romero, Jos Santaella PDVSA 13:55 - 14:20 hours Wellhead Compressors Technology Pilot Test in the Wells AM-95 (Santa Ana Field) and RG-280 (Santa Rosa Field), Anaco, Venezuela Gabriel Zapata PDVSA 14:20 - 14:45 hours Silicon Carbide Membrane Ultrafiltration for Produced Water Treatment Milagros Santos, Miguel Lpez PDVSA
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14:45 - 15:10 hours Cogeneration as Potential Application in S-EOR Projects for the Orinoco Oil Belt Leonardo Cliz, Luis Prez, Luis lvarez PDVSA Intevep, Agustn Lpez PDVSA Coffee Break (Sponsored by PDVSA) 15:40 - 16:05 hours Removing Acid Insoluble Scales by Hydrated Gel System in Fiberglass Pipeline Walter Suzart, Duilio Mendes Halliburton, Joao Arcanjo Petrobras 16:05 - 16:30 hours Standardization of Benchmarks for Distance Relay Setting in Multi-Terminals Transmission Lines. Case: PDVSA 69kV System Yoxianny del C. Bez, Pedro Jimnez PDVSA 16:30 - 16:55 hours Venezuela Orinoco River Navigation Profile Packing, Shipping, Transportation and Unloading Conditions for Heavy and Oversized Cargo for the Faja - Junn Blocks Project Luis Quirs, Lourdes Ibarra, Juan Valera ALE Heavylift, Luis Nouel, Luis Dalessandria, Marcos Rojas, Gustavo Ramrez, Manuel Matute Nouel Consult Social Activity: Formal Dinner Sponsored by: Schlumberger Place: Room Santiago Mario, Hotel Venetur, Isla de Margarita
Natural Gas and Electric Generation Structure in Venezuela Mariel Padrino, Adriana Miaja, Alaiza Balza, Camilo Gonzlez PDVSA Intevep, Marcos Gonzlez Universidad Simon Bolvar Dehydration and Audit Process of Oil Tanks. Case: South Lagunillas - Lagunita Segregation Germn Mrquez, Omar Fonseca Ministerio del Poder Popular de Petrleo y Minera Destabilization of W / O emulsions using microwaves in the material of different mass Armando Sorondo, Mara Rodrguez, Francisco Yanez Universidad Central de Venezuela
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Thursday, 24 October, 13:30 - 17:00 hours, Room: Anfiteatro Session # 14: Reservoir Characterization / Reservoir Description (Part II)
Reservoir characterization is fundamental to reservoir management. This session will focus on the technologies and methodologies to get a grip on full understanding of the subsurface and the relationship with uncertainty. The best ways to deal with uncertainty and managing reservoir under uncertainty will be explored through best practices and new technologies that can help in this area. Co-Chairs: Maria Ventresca, Andrs Espeso PDVSA Intevep, Geragg Chourio PDVSA SPE-WVS-273 13:30 - 13:55 hours Characterization of the Fluid Column for the SJN ORP-15 Reservoir, Orocual Field, Furrial District, Monagas State-Venezuela Jos Marn, Jorge Barrera, Hctor Len, Vanessa Ruiz, Roselis Maitia, Nelson Mata PDVSA 13:55 - 14:20 hours Permeability Estimation through Static and Dynamic Data in Horizontal Extra Heavy Oil Wells in Zuata Field Clusters, Junn Block, Orinoco Belt, Venezuela Mnica Rodrguez, Andrs Pereiro, Dugmar Mndez, Ftima Dos Santos, Berenice Rodrguez Petrocedeo 14:20 - 14:45 hours Asphaltene Solubility Curve Modeling Mirla Fonseca, Mara Camacho, Jos Hernndez PDVSA Intevep 14:45 - 15:10 hours Numerical Simulation for the Monitoring and Prediction of an Air Injection Project in Heavy Oil Fields Jorge Palma, Edwin Rodriguez Ecopetrol, Carolina Barbosa - Natfrac Corp Coffee Break (Sponsored by PDVSA) 15:40 - 16:05 hours Numerical Simulation of Cold and Thermal Production from the Petrocedeo Field Laurens Pinto, Knut Uleberg, Eric Berger, Roelof Mulder Petrocedeo 16:05 - 16:30 hours Shushufindi Integrated Modeling for Success in Ecuador Jorge Bolaos - Schlumberger , Gustavo Marn, Andreas Sutter, Jorge Vega, Chip Corbett, Joe Amezcua, Mara Bolaos, Jean-Paul Lafournere, Daniel Pecuch Schlumberger, Edison Herrera, Jorge Dutan Petroamazonas
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16:30 - 16:55 hours Application of Highly Deviated Wells to Avoid Water Production from a Heavy Oil Reservoir Influence by an Active Aquifer in Boscan Field Ruth Plaza, Nolcry Valera, Francisco Bassano, Laura Matheus, Adriana Molina Petroboscan, Linda Urdaneta, Coleen Shannon, Bruce Smith Chevron Social Activity: Formal Dinner Sponsored by: Schlumberger Place: Room Santiago Mario, Hotel Venetur, Isla de Margarita
Co-Optimization of Enhanced Oil Recovery with CO2 Storage Jos Guevara, Nstor Queipo Instituto de Clculo Aplicado, Universidad del Zulia A statistical Approach to Model Mismatch Quantification Daniel Quijada PDVSA Production Optimization in Mature Fields Using the Gas Lift Method S. Parra, A. Vivas, R. Holguin Petroindependiente
Thursday, 24 October, 13:30 - 17:00 hours, Room: Room 3 Bicentenario Session # 15: Gas Technologies
Gas is by far the cleanest fossil fuel available and provides cleanliness, comfort, and convenience. This session will feature presentations about this important resource and covers technologies and technical such: Modelling and Simulation for Gas Reservoirs, Gas-Reservoir Management, Technologies for HighGas-Production Reservoirs, Gas-Condensate Reservoirs, Technologies for Processing and Transporting Natural Gas and Liquids, and Petrochemicals. Co-Chairs: Jos Prieto, Anbal Rojas PDVSA Gas, Magaly Quintero PDVSA Intevep, Guillermo Griborio - Halliburton, Alexis Mrmol - Schlumberger SPE-WVS-283 13:30 - 13:55 hours Identifying New Opportunities in Non-Conventional Reservoirs in The Sipororo Field, Venezuela Anabell Blanco, ngel Carmona, Jean Rangel PDVSA SPE-WVS-284 13:55 - 14:20 hours Linear Optimal Control for Reducing the Consumption of Fuel Gas in the Steam Generation Boiler of a Thermoelectric Plant Maureen Rodrguez Ministerio del Poder Popular de Petrleo y Minera
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14:20 - 14:45 hours Study of the Effect of Formation Damage Caused by the use of Drilling Fluids in Santa Rosa Field Wells Anaco Gas District Jairo Rondn, Hildemaro Melndez, Maria Palencia, Iliana Daz, Karen Campos, Berdali Campos, Crimilda Idrogo PDVSA GAS, Roque Rodrguez PDVSA Intevep, Claudio Lugo PDVSA GAS 14:45 - 15:10 hours Hexane Recovery Perspective on the Current Natural Gas in Bajo Grande Fractionation Plant Vladimir Daz, Marielen Morrillo Ministerio del Poder Popular de Petrleo y Minera, Aida Peralta - URU Coffee Break (Sponsored by PDVSA) 15:40 - 16:05 hours Simulation of the Natural Gas Dew Point Adjustment Plant. Testing the Process Ecology Hydrate Application Leonel Bentez, Juan Gutirrez Instituto de Investigaciones para la Industria Quimica (INIQUI), Liliana Ale Ruiz Universidad Nacional de Salta (CIUNsa) Eleonora Erdmann Instituto Tecnolgico de Buenos Aires (ITBA), Enrique Tarifa Universidad de Jujuy (CONICET) 16:05 - 16:30 hours Foamstick Technology for Gas Wells with Liquid Loading Problems Jos Gonzlez, Jos Blanco, Douglas Ocando PDVSA Intevep, Anibal Rojas, Arlenny Barrios PDVSA Gas, Yacquelin Sandoval, Ramn Colina PDVSA Intevep, Andreina Luquez PDVSA Gas 16:30 - 16:55 hours Molecular Complexes in Natural Gas: Study based on the Density Functional Theory with Corrected Dispersion Luis Gottberg, Mnica Romn PDVSA Intevep, Humberto Soscn Universidad del Zulia Social Activity: Formal Dinner Sponsored by: Schlumberger Place: Room Santiago Mario, Hotel Venetur, Isla de Margarita
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Technical and Economic Feasibility for Conversion of Ethane Extraction Plant Ana Maria Campos in Plant LNG Marianella Rojas Ministerio del Poder Popular de Petrleo y Minera, Jorge Barrientos Universidad del Zulia, Rubn Prez Pequiven Temperature Control Proposal for Preventing the Liquid Carry Over to the Inlet Compression System Luis Melndez, Jowar Pea, Oswaldo Rivas, Cesar Serrano PDVSA Intevep
Thursday, 24 October, 13:30 - 17:00 hours, Room: Manzanillo Session # 16: Environmental and Safety Concerns
Environmental, social, and safety issues affect the perception of how the oil and gas industry is impacting the future of people and ecosystems. This session will feature a wide range of themes and will offer an opportunity to learn about some key issues that professionals need to be aware of in order to contribute to the sustainability of the industry as providers of clean and reliable energy for the future. Co-Chairs: Francisco Guerra Ministerio del Poder Popular para el Ambiente, Omar Depablos PDVSA, Ana Rincn Halliburton, Pablo Castillo Baker Hughes SPE-WVS-293 13:30 - 13:55 hours Geochemistry forensic application for determining the source of oil spills Beatriz ngulo, Vctor Carrillo, Manuel Olivo, Y. Perez, J. Negrin PDVSA Intevep 13:55 - 14:20 hours Oil Spill Detection in Lake of Maracaibo using Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles (UAV) Hugbell D. Reyes PDVSA, Francisco Marichal, Francisco Guerra, Maria Sandra Vieira PDVSA Intevep, Alejandro Valdez PDVSA 14:20 - 14:45 hours Cuttings Re-Injection Technology as the New Horizon to Manage Drilling Waste for the Remote Onshore Drilling Operations in Brazil Gustavo Villarroel, Talgat Shokanov, Steve Simmons, Alcides Alcoba, Barry Simpson M-I SWACO 14:45 - 15:10 hours Effluents Reuse in Oil Upgraders: an Environmental Need in the Orinoco Oil Belt Miguel Lpez PDVSA Intevep Coffee Break (Sponsored by PDVSA)
15:10 - 15:40
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15:40 - 16:05 hours Environmental Considerations from the Point of View of Atmospheric Emission Control in Order to Design New Crude Upgrading Complexes in the Orinoco Oil Belt Arcangelo Sena, Francisco Daz, Mara Specht, Alfonso Arrocha, Francisco Guerra PDVSA Intevep 16:05 - 16:30 hours System for Waste Streams and Environmental Liabilities (SICDEPA). A Tool for Hazardous Wastes Management in PDVSA Operations Maria Sandra Vieria, Arando Diaz, Karelys Valero, Juan Cisneros, PedroVasquez, Marianela Arias (), Levis Mejias, Osmer Vargas PDVSA Intevep 16:30 - 16:55 hours Environmental clean through the recovery and disposal of vessels located on the shores of Lake Maracaibo Manuel Montilla PDVSA, Jess Bencomo PDVSA Operaciones Acuticas Social Activity: Formal Dinner Sponsored by: Schlumberger Place: Room Santiago Mario, Hotel Venetur, Isla de Margarita
SPE-WVS-300 Study of the Capacity of Species of the genus Nocardia to Degrade Hydrocarbons, used to Reduce Pollution from Oil Spills. Lynda Belandria, Jairo Rondn, Hildemaro Melndez, Edder Garcia PDVSA Gas, Veronica Rodrguez, Ana Ramrez, Ina Ebersbach, Emanuelle Bergeron, Elisabeth Brothier, Patrick Boiron, Sylvie Nazaret Universite of Lyon Integration of Macuro community in the Actions for Biodiversity Conservation Developed by the Mariscal Sucre Project at the Peninsula de Paria National Park D. J Snchez PDVSA, C. Balladares Ministerio del Poder Popular para el Ambiente, B. Sobi, R. Serrano PDVSA, D. Gonzlez Universidad de Oriente Ecotoxicological Assessment of Technology Products to Increase the Recovery Factor in the Orinoco Oil Belt Carlos Pereira, Carolina Pea, Vanessa Hernndez, Jos V.Garca PDVSA Intevep
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Closing Ceremony
Friday, 25th
Hotel Venetur, Isla de Margarita, Room: Salon Bicentenario
HORA 12:15 Closing Ceremony Speech by Executive Committee President Ing. Josefina Salazar President of PDVSA Intevep Speech of Technical Committee President Ing. Carlos Mrquez General Manager of Exploration and Reservoir Studies of PDVSA Intevep President of Technical Committee of the II South American Oil and Gas Congress 2013 Social Activity - Delivery Donations Members of the Board of the SPE Western Venezuela Petroleum Section Speech by Closing Ceremony Ing. Eulogio Del Pino Vice-President of Exploration and Production PDVSA / President of the II South American Oil and Gas Congress 2013 01:00 End of Event Lunch Sponsored by: Schlumberger Place: Room Santiago Mario, Hotel Venetur, Isla de Margarita
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