The Grammar Translation Method Is Not New. It Has Had Different Names
The Grammar Translation Method Is Not New. It Has Had Different Names
The Grammar Translation Method Is Not New. It Has Had Different Names
The grammar translation method is not new. It has had different names known as classical method. Earlier in this century it is used for helping students read foreign language literature and the study of the grammar of the target language. It helps native language speaker to speak and write their native language better.
A widely used method for language in Bangladeshi schools is grammar translation method (GT !. Grammar translation method is a very traditional method" and I think in more or less in all medium schools it is mainly used. I also use Grammar translation method for teaching the students. #rom my point view in our Bangladeshi culture especially beginner level of students need appropriate use of both native language ($%! and target language ($&!. And for that reason grammar translation method is suitable. Also in Asian part of the world the parents are very conscious about their child's results. And GT method also helps students to get good grades in English. Also students need to know the meaning of different words and GT helps to fulfill that. I taught the students by GT method which included some more activities and I think those techni(ues helped them a lot. )o by a good feedback" well guidance from a teacher" effective error correction could give a student's progression and fluency. #rom my internship result I found that by GT method and with my other efforts students developed a lot in their academic results and also in speaking fluency by target language ($&! where both are e(ually important.