Opc and Dcom
Opc and Dcom
Opc and Dcom
Author: Randy Kondor, B.Sc. in Computer Engineering OPC technology relies on Microsoft's COM and DCOM to exchange data between automation hardware and software; however it can be frustrating for new users to configure DCOM properly. If you have ever been unable to establish an OPC connection or transfer OPC data successfully, the underlying issue is likely DCOM-related. This whitepaper discusses the steps necessary to get DCOM working properly and securely. A simple and effective strategy to establish reliable DCOM communication involves the following steps: 1. Remove Windows Security 2. Setup mutual User Account recognition 3. Configure System-Wide DCOM settings 4. Configure Server Specific DCOM settings 5. Restore Windows Security In addition, the whitepaper covers troubleshooting tips to identify common OPC and DCOM problems, their symptoms, causes, and how to solve them. This will help integrators set up reliable and secure OPC connections.
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Image 2: Turn off "Simple File Sharing" to enable Windows to Authenticate User Accounts properly.
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In the tree control, navigate to Security Settings, Local Policies, and finally select the Security Options folder (refer to Image 3). Find the Network access: Sharing and security model for local accounts option and set it to Classic local users authenticate as themselves.
Image 3: Appropriate OPC security for requires Windows to enable local users to authenticate as themselves rather than as Guest.
b. In the Run dialog box, type "DCOMCNFG" to initiate the DCOM configuration process, and click the OK button. The Component Services window will appear (refer to Image 5).
c. Once in the Component Services window (which is initiated by DCOMCNFG as above), navigate inside the Console Root folder to the Component Services folder, then to the Computers folder. Finally, you will see the My Computer tree control inside the Computers folder. d. Right-click on My Computer. Note that this is not the My Computer icon on your desktop; rather it is the My Computer tree control in the Console Services application. e. Select the Properties option.
Image 5: Right-click on the My Computer tree control to access the computer's default DCOM settings
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Image 7: In the Default Protocols tab, set the DCOM Protocols to "ConnectionOriented TCP/IP".
In the Default Protocols tab (refer to Image 7), set the DCOM protocols to ConnectionOriented TCP/IP. OPC communication only requires Connection-Oriented TCP/IP, so it is possible to delete the rest of DCOM protocols. However, if these protocols are indeed required for non-OPC applications, you can leave them there. The only consequence is that timeouts may take a little longer to reach.
Image 6: The Default Properties tab enables users to turn DCOM on or off, as well as set the Authentication and Impersonation configuration.
b. In the Access Permissions group, click the Edit Limits button (refer to Image 9). Add Anonymous Logon (required for OPCEnum) and Everyone to the list of Group or user names. Click the OK button.
c. In the Launch and Activation Permissions group, click the Edit Default button (refer to Image 9). Add Everyone to the list of Group or user names. Click the OK button.
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d. In the Launch and Activation Permissions group, click the Edit Limits button (refer to Image 9). Add Everyone to the list of Group or user names. Click the OK button.
Image 9: Add Everyone and Anonymous Logon to the Launch and Access Permissions. Once communication is working properly, remember to return to this setup to ensure you comply with corporate security policies.
Image 10: Server-specific DCOM settings are located in the DCOM Config folder.
d. In the list of objects in the right window pane, find the OPC Server to configure and right-click on it. Select the Properties option.
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In the OPC-Server specific settings, only the Identity tab needs to change from the default settings. The rest of the tabs (refer to Image 11) can refer to the default configuration that was set in section 3 (Configure System-Wide DCOM settings) on page 3.
Image 11: The settings in the first four tabs (General, Location, Security, and Endpoints) should remain at their default settings as shown above.
You must pay special attention to the Identity tab. The Identity tab will look like one of the two screen captions in Image 12 below. The 4 (four) Identity options are: The interactive user: The OPC Server will assume the identity of the Interactive User. This is the person who is currently logged on and using the computer on which the OPC Server resides. Note that someone must be logged on. If no one is logged on to the computer, the OPC Server will fail to launch. In addition, if someone is currently logged on, the OPC Server will Image 12: Use the Identity Tab to set the OPC Server's identity. shutdown as soon as the person Typically, OPC Server Identity should be set to "The system logs off. Last, in the case of a account (services only)". reboot, the OPC Server will not launch until someone logs on. Consequently, this is typically a poor setting for OPC Servers. OPCTI does not recommend that you use this setting unless the OPC Server vendor specifies this setting explicitly. The launching user: The OPC Server will take the identity of the User Account that launched it. With this setting, the Operating System will attempt to initiate a new instance for every Launching User. There are three general problems with this setting. The first problem is that some OPC Servers will only allow a single instance to execute. Consequently, the second Launching User will be unable to make the connection because an instance of the OPC Server is already running on the computer. The second problem occurs when the OPC Server vendor allows more than one instance of the OPC Server to execute concurrently. In this case, the computer on which the OPC Server resides will have multiple copies of the OPC Server executing concurrently, which will consume a significant portion of the computer resources and might have an adverse affect on the computers performance. In addition, some system resources might be unavailable to any instances of the OPC Server that follow the first. For example, the first Launching User will be able to connect to a serial port, while every other Launching User will simply receive Bad Quality data. OPCTI does not recommend that you use this setting unless Page 6 of 8
the OPC Server vendor specifies this setting explicitly. Last, the Launching User must have Administrative rights on the OPC Server computer. They can not be configured as a Limited user. This user: The OPC Server will take the identity of a specific User Account. This setting might be required when the OPC Server is tightly coupled with the underlying data source. In this case, the OPC Server must assume a specific Identity to exchange data with the data source. However, since the OPC Server uses a specific User Account, it is possible that the computer running the OPC Client does not recognize the OPC Servers User Account. In this case, all callbacks will fail and all OPC data Subscriptions (asynchronous data updates) will fail. If this is indeed the case, you will have to add the OPC Server account on the computer running the OPC Client application. Various DCS vendors require this setting for their OPC Server. OPCTI does not recommend that you use this setting unless the OPC Server vendor specifies this setting explicitly. The system account (services only): The OPC Server will take the identity of the Operating System (or System for short). This is typically the desired setting for the OPC Server as the System Account is recognized by all computers on the Workgroup or Domain. In addition, no one needs to be logged on the computer, so the OPC Server can execute in an unattended environment. OPCTI recommends configuring the Identity of the OPC Server with this setting, unless the OPC Server vendor specifies a different setting explicitly. Note that Windows disables this option if the OPC Server is not setup to execute as a Windows Service. If this is the case, simply configure the OPC Server to execute as a service before configuring this setting.
b. Modify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) to allow and deny the required User Accounts. This can be accomplished either through the system-wide settings of DCOMCNFG, or in the server-specific settings. Remember that OPCEnum requires the Anonymous Logon access. You may wish to remove this access. The consequence of this action will simply be that OPC Users will be unable to browse for OPC Servers on the specific computer where Anonymous Logon access is not available. However, users will indeed be able to properly connect to and exchange data with the OPC Server. We encourage you to complete your DCOM setup with this step. Integrators frequently establish OPC communication and dont spend the necessary time to secure the computers again. This can lead to catastrophic results if network security is compromised due to a virus, worm, malicious intent, or simply unauthorized experimentation by well-meaning coworkers. Specific settings are discussed in a separate whitepaper.
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6. Conclusion
OPC is powerful industrial communication standard. However, OPC relies on having DCOM work properly. Luckily, DCOM problems can usually be overcome with relatively simple configuration changes as documented in this whitepaper. To get a deeper understanding of OPC, DCOM, and the diagnosis of all common problems OPCTI highly recommends that you take time to get formal OPC training. This will enable you to structure your OPC knowledge to help you reduce your short and long-term project costs. OPCTI also encourages you to provide us with feedback. Let us know about new problems and solutions that you found. We will pass these on to the rest of the OPC community, to help everyone get connected.
About the author: Randy Kondor is a Computer Engineer, and is the President of the OPC Training Institute, the worlds largest OPC Training company. Since 1996, Randy has been vastly involved within the OPC industry and a strong supporter of the OPC Foundation. He continues to dedicate himself to spreading the OPC Foundation's message about system interoperability and inter-vendor cooperation. Contact information: Email: [email protected] Phone: +1-780-784-4444 Fax: +1-780-784-4445
OPC Training Institute 16420 89 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta Canada T5R 4R9 Copyright 2007 OPC Training Institute (OPCTI). All rights reserved. The information contained in this document is proprietary to OPCTI No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, translated, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission from OPCTI.
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