Between The Axe-Strokes 1899
Between The Axe-Strokes 1899
Between The Axe-Strokes 1899
they sing in the dewy morn As axe in hand I sally forth Over the pearl-starred lawn; And a thousand songs, of the sunlight born, With a hundred thousand memories twine, And I live in a realm of finer air, And sip all day of fan y!s wine, While the axe-strokes ring on bir h and pine" #ometimes my dreams are golden fair$ %nights and damsels pass me by, &arping minstrels pause to sing, 'anners float in the blue sky, An ient ities rear for me (ate and dome and turret high, )ala es with portals rare, *ighty astles built on air" +an y, fan y, you and I Are old friends tried and true, ,verything they say must die, -ife shall fleet and dreams shall fly; .et I will not part from you" &and in hand we!ll wander down Through the meadows of our dreaming, On through every vale and town, *oated keep with banners streaming, *ountain top with sunlight gleaming, /eed-fringed river, golden down" &ere the dials ba kward turn, There they move with greater speed, All the past held dearest shall return, All the future shall we read" Oh, the sunlight glints and flashes In amid the bir h and pine, Oh, the streamlet leaps and dashes Through the fern glades thine and mine"
0 All the trees with sound are ringing, All the heavens with sky-larks singing, 0ature1s relms are full of gold2 (old of song and sunshine free2 This wild world was made for me; .et they say the world grows old" 0ever in the woodland never, 0ever by the silver river, 0ever while with wine of love 0ature1s up is brimming over, 0ever to the nature lover While the broad sun shines above 3rawing up the misty treasure" The long ages hen e or so, In the years that man may know, 0one may speak of pain or woe, The times shall all to musi flow2 #wing the axe and let the measure Trip for ever onward so"
D.M. Wright Puketoi, August 1893. Otago Witness, 7 September 1893 Revised for Tussock and Asphalt Rymes 18991 DMW!s "# "otebook 1899 $this h%&d'ritte& revisio& '%s d%ted 1893(
DMW revised the )usso*k %&d Ashph%+t Rh,mes 'hi*h he d%ted 1899. -is h%&d'ritte& revisio& of this poem '%s d%ted 1893.the ,e%r he 'rote the origi&%+ versio&. -e *o&sider%b+, *h%&ged this 1899 versio& i& the e&d st%&/%s.