E40i (XP40+70) Pds en

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E40i belong to a group of nonionic surfactants that have established themselves in detergents and cleaners, and in other branches of the chemical industry, by virtue of the high levels of surface activity they display. Their main area of application is in detergents and cleaners for household, industrial and institutional use.

Applications Packaging
120190200 kg drums.


Because they are nonionic, E40i can be combined with anionic, cationic and nonionic surfactants and auxiliaries. Their compatibility with dyes, pigments, protective colloids, thickeners and other substances with a molar mass in the upper range is also very good.

When stored in its original unopened packaging at a temperature between +5 C and + 40 C, E40i may be stored for up to 16 months from its date of manufacture (expiry date). Comply with the storage instructions and expiry date marked on the packaging. Past this date, TAI COUNTY no

Appearance Active content, approx. (%) pH(10%Solution,25 ) Viscosity (EN12092, 23 ,Brookfield, 60 rpm) Density at 23 , approx HLB value, ca. Cloudy liquid 100 71 ca. 170 mPas 0.97 11.5

longer guarantees that the product meets the sales specifications.

This document does not contain the safety information required for the product. Please read the GHS data sheet for this product before use.

The information given above is to the best of our knowledge and experience and is without any warranty. Users should thoroughly test any application and independently conclude satisfactory performance before commercialization. TAI COUNTY SILICONES CO., LTD. TEL 886-2-2610-4457 FAX 886-2-2610-1363 WebSite: http://www.taicounty.com E-MAIL: [email protected] Address: NO.91 , Museum Rd., Bail Township, Taipei County 249, Taiwan FACTORY REGISTRATION NO 99-695614-00

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