Task-1 Entrepreneurship (Non DKV & Non Di)
Task-1 Entrepreneurship (Non DKV & Non Di)
Task-1 Entrepreneurship (Non DKV & Non Di)
1. Why wouldnt Google take the simpler and cheaper route of creating a strategic alliance
with DoubleClick, rather than purchasing the company outright? Answer: Because Google acquired an experienced engineering and sales team and DoubleClicks extensive ad serving and tracking technologies. These systems allow advertisers to target ads to specific types of web surfers, controlling where, when-and to an increasing degree-who sees their ads. The systems also let advertisers monitor the effectiveness of their ads by tallying click-through rates and other key data. Yes, because it could eventually require the company to sell off some parts of its newly combined operations to avoid giving it too much competitive dominance in the market.
2. The FTC doesnt have the authority to stop the Google acquisition on the basis of
privacy concerns, but should it? Why or why not? Answer: Because the Commission of FTC argued that while it takes these privacy concerns very seriously, there frankly isn't very much it could do about Google acquisition. It could theoretically block the merger on antitrust concerns, which by definition deal with threats to the competitive landscape. However, privacy is by definition not a threat to the competitive landscape. And the other side, Google CEO Eric Schmidt simply said privacy was always his company's foremost concern, and that its policy from here on out will be to just stay the course and Google will protecting users privacy, and will continue to innovate in how safeguard their information and maintain their trust.
3. What are the risks of buying a company simply to keep it out of a competitors hands?
What is likely to happen to the acquired firm when this happens? Answer: There are advantages and disadvantages when buying an existing company as profits are already known in the minds of consumers, facilities (ranging from enterprise systems to employees) is complete. But as for the losses that cause risks for the company, for example, difficult to apply innovation, inefficient facilities and even a bad image of the company in the minds of consumers. The company changed ownership could be the company that can advance the future or not, it all depends on the performance of the company itself, the management organized or not, even the leader of the company itself. From the company of them that it could be said professional corporation or future, of that also if the company's value will be better in the future. Online Visit Googles website at www.google.com and click on Advertising Programs. If you were a sole proprietor, how could you use these services to promote your business? If you were the advertising manager of a major corporation, how might you use Googles advertising services? (For the latest information on Googles acquisition of DoubleClick and other strategic mergers, visit www.prenhall.com/bovee and click on Real-Time Updates.) Answer: Saya gunakan media ini untuk mempromosikan bisnis saya, dengan memberikan informasi yang jelas dan lengkap kepada konsumen saya agar mereka lebih mudah dalam memahami dan mengetahui tentang bisnis saya. Dan saya akan memberikan gambar-gambar dari produk bisnis saya secara lebih menarik. Dengan memasang gambar-gambar atau keterangan dari produk-produk bisnis di perusahaan saya secara lengkap kepada konsumen dan terus mempromosikan produk bisnis saya
secara luas melalui media cetak juga elektronik, salah satunya dengan menggunakan google advertising service. Dengan menggunakan google advertising service, iklan produk saya bisa dilihat oleh siapa saja melalui internet tersebut. Layanan google advertising service ini sangat membantu dalam hal promosi. Question for Reviews 1. What are the three basic forms of business ownership? Answer: Perusahaan perseorangan, adalah bisnis yang kepemilikannya dipegang oleh satu orang. Pemilik perusahaan perseorangan memiliki tanggungjawab tak terbatas atas harta perusahaan. Persekutuan, adalah bentuk bisnis dimana dua orang atau lebih saling bekerja sama mengoprasikan perusahaan untuk mendapatkan profit. Perseroan, adalah bisnis yang kepemilikannya dipegang oleh beberapa orang. Setiap pemilik memiliki tanggungjawab yang terbatas atas harta perusahaan. 2. What is the difference between a general and a limited partnership? Answer: Persekutuan umum adalah suatu bentuk perusahaan dimana semua anggota dapat dapat bertindak atas nama perusahaan dan perbedaannya dilihat dari pertanggungjawaban terhadap kewajiban-kewajiban persekutuan. Persekutuan terbatas adalah suatu persekutuan dimana aktivitas anggota anggota tertentu dibatasi dan sebaliknya tanggungjawab masing-masing anggota ini dibatasi sampai jumlah tertentu yang memungkinkan sejumlah investasi. 3. What is a closely held corporation, and why do some companies choose this form of ownership? Answer: Persekutuan merupakan bentuk usaha yang populer, mudah dalam pendiriannya karena tidak memerlukan legalitas dari departemen dalam negeri dan memungkinkan berbagai individu untuk manggabungkan bakat dan kemampuan dalam suatu usaha tertentu. Selain itu, persekutuan menyediakan sarana yang lebih fleksibel untuk memperoleh tambahan modal. 4. What is the role of a companys board of directors? Answer: Peran direktur dalm perusahaan : a. Sebagai pemegang polise tertinggi di perusahaan b. Menawarkan visi di tingkat tertinggi c. Pemimpin rapat umum d. Bertindak sebagai perwakilan perusahaan dalam hubungannya dengan dunia luar e. Mengendalikan perusahaan sehingga tercapai keselarasan dan efektivitas f. Mengambil keputusan pada situasi tertentu yang dianggap perlu g. Menjalankan tanggungjawab perusahaan sesuai dengan standar etika dan hukum 5. What is culture clash? Answer: Culture clash adalah adanya ketidakserasian budaya dalam masyarakat yang bisa menyebabkan perubahan sosial pada masyarakat. Questions for Analysis 6. Why is it advisable for partners to enter into a formal partnership agreement? Answer: Agar tidak terjadi perselisihan di kemudian hari. Jika pada awalnya kita sudah melakukan perjanjian persekutuan secara formal, hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan bisa diantisipasi. Sehingga jika terjadi perselisihan, perjanjian tersebut menjadi hal yang sangat penting untuk digunakan sebagai acuan. 7. To what extend do shareholders control the activities of a corporation?
Answer: Agar tidak terjadi penyimpangan pada perusahaan dan agar pelaksanaan kegiatan perusahaan tetap berjalan sesuai dengan arah dan tujuan perusahaan, agar program kerja perusahaan tetap berjalan dengan baik. 8. How might a company benefit from having a diverse board of directors that includes representatives of several industries, countries, and cultures? Answer: Manfaat bagi perusahaan, perusahaan bisa mendapatkan masukan-masukan yang lebih luas dari dewan direksi yang juga merupakan wakil dari beberapa industri, negara, dan budaya. Dari perbedaan negara dan juga budaya bisa dijadikan sebagai bahan pembelajaran satu sama lain. 9. Why do so many mergers fail? Answer: Karena pada umumnya sebelum melakukan merger, kedua pihak hanya mendiskusikan masalah finansial dan strategi saja sehingga melupakan satu komponen yang sangat penting yaitu SDM. Padahal SDM merupakan variabel strategis dalam sebuah kesepakatan. Berikut halhal yang menyebabkan gagalnya merger: a. Ketidakmampuan mempertahankan kinerja keuangan b. Menurunnya produktivitas c. Perbedaan budaya antar organisasi yang terlibat merger d. Hilang/mundurnya karyawan andalan e. Persaingan atau pertentangan atau ego antar anggota f. Ketikmampuan melakukan manajemen perubahan g. Lemahnya komunikasi dan ketidakjelasan tujuan merger Dari beberapa hal di atas sebagian besar menyangkut masalah sumber daya manusia. 10. Ethical Considerations. Your father sits on the board of directors of a large, well-admired public company. Yesterday, while looking for an envelope in his home office, you stumbled on a confidential memorandum. Unable to resist the temptation to read the memo, you discovered that your fathers company about the possibility of a merger, with Dads company being the survivor. Dollar signs flashed in your mind. Should the merger occur, the value of the other companys stock is likely to soar. Youre tempted to log onto your E*TRADE account in the morning and place an order for 1,000 shares of that companys stock. Better still, maybe youll give a hot tip to your best friend in exchange for the four Cherrybelle tickets your friend has been flashing in your face all week. Would either of those actions be unethical? Explain your answer. Answer: Ya, karena dewan direksi adalah ayahku. Jadi, hanya ayah saya yang memiliki hak pengambilan keputusan bukan aku. Dan kita harus menolak godaan Question for Application 11. Suppose you and some friends want to start a business to take tourist on wilderness backpacking expeditions. None of you has much extra money, so your plan is to start small. However, if you are successful, you would like to expand into other types of outdoor tours and perhaps even open up branches in other locations. What form of ownership should your new enterprise take, and why? Answer: Perseroan, karena jika sudah sukses dalam membangun sebuah usaha dan ingin mengembangkan lagi usaha yang dimiliki kita bisa mengajak orang lain untuk ikut berinvestasi dalam usaha yang kita bangun sehingga usaha tersebut akan lebih cepat berkembang dan maju, ditambah lagi dengan pengalaman yang telah dimiliki. 12. How This Affect You. Do you own or have you ever considered owning stock? If so, what steps have you taken to ensure that company management has shareholder interest in mind? Answer: Memberikan penjelasan tentang keuntungan yang akan diperoleh dan manfaat apa yang akan diterima oleh shareholders. 13. Integrated. Youve developed considerable expertise in setting up new manufacturing plants, and now youd like to strike out on your own as a consultant who advises other companies.
However, you recognized that manufacturing activity tends to expand and contract at various times during the business cycle. Do you think a single-consultant sole proprietorship or a small corporation with a half dozen or more consultants would be better able to ride out tough times at the bottom of a business cycle? Answer: Bisa jadi single consultant lebih baik dibandingkan dengan corporation yang memiliki banyak consultant. Single consultant tidak selalu berada at the bottom of a business cycle. Terkadang konsultan yang terlalu banyak akan membuat klien bingung dalam memberikan keputusan. Sehingga dibutuhkan konsultan yang benar-benar ahli dan mampu dalam memberikan solusi atau saran, meskipun itu hanya dari satu orang konsultan saja.
Sharpening Your Communication Skill You have just been informed that your employer is going to merge with a firm in Thailand. Because you know very little about Thailand culture and business practices, you think it might be a good idea to do some preliminary research-just in case you have to make a quick trip overseas. Using the Internet or library sources, find information on Thailand culture and customs and prepare a short report discussing such cultural differences as social values, decision-making customs, concepts of time, use of body language, social behavior and manners, and legal and ethical behavior. Answer: Doing research in the library is nice and saves costs but It's better to do some preliminary research before we meet the employer who is going to merge with a firm in Thailand Discovering Career Opportunities 1. Write down what you think you would like about being the sole proprietor, one of the partners, and the corporate manager or an employee in the businesses you have selected. For example, would you like having full responsibility for the sole proprietorship? Would you like being able to consult with other partners in the partnership before making decisions? Would you like having limited responsibility when you work for other people in the corporation? Answer: I like about being the sole proprietor in my business. Because it will be nice if I make my own decision for my business without any other opinions. Like when we throwing a coin, well find two different sides, where the success of failure then we must face the risks when we successes or failure 2. Now write down what you might dislike about each form of business. For example, would you dislike the risk of bearing all legal responsibility in a sole proprietorship? Would you dislike having to talk with your partners before spending the partnerships money? Would you dislike having to write reports for top managers and shareholders of the corporation? Answer: I do not like about business forms are: Fear of failure in my business Actually I also fear the risk is great, but many experts say if the business risks faced by the major benefit you'll get too big. If the business is run in earnest and full analysis (market, competitors, opportunities, etc.) are mature, certainly the business run smoothly. The point is do not hesitate to move forward despite the many barriers to its intended destination.
3. Weight the pluses and minuses you have identified in this exercise. In comparison, which form of business most appeals to you?
Answer: The pluses are I knows a best suited to working for myself, the minuses are I can identified any risks when I choose a suited one. A form of business most appeals to me is a sole proprietor. Follow the Fortunes of the Fortune 500 Quick! Name the largest corporation in the United States, as measured by annual revenues. Give up? Just check Fortune magazines yearly ranking of the 500 largest U.S. companies. The Fortune 500 not only ranks corporations by size but also offers brief company descriptions along with industry statistics and additional measures or corporate performance. You can search the list by ranking, by industry, by company name, or by CEO. And to help you identify the largest international corporations, theres a special Global 500 list as well. www.fortune.com Answer: This site actually has a fairly complete information for all stakeholders as well as shareholders. In Indonesia, the law still treats a predefined because Indonesia is a democratic country that has rules. I prefer to follow the rules in the field of business, it's just that there are still many people who do not follow the rules. List pros and cons for business type: Pros, in the State of Indonesia has set the rules of good business but sometimes the rules can not be followed by business, people like that are usually the type of person who only seek profit by narrow thinking without notice due to the crowds. For example, many businesses are fraudulent, Citibank small example where the person in the company of corruption or something. Things like that worsen the image of the company. If I as entrepreneurs, I have to be ready to obey the rules that have been made by the government because it can raise the image of the State of Indonesia as well ONLINE EXPLORATION Find out what is required to incorporate a business in your state. You might begin by searching the CCH Business Owners Toolkit site at www.toolkit.cch.com. If you were going to start a small business, would you choose to incorporate or choose a different form of legal organization? List the pros and cons that incorporation presents for the type of business you would consider Answer: As a start to open their own efforts. As the sole owner there are advantages and disadvantages to be received. Advantages, such as the freedom to decide what they want, owned their own profit, independent in taking decisions. In addition, there are also disadvantages such as risk and responsibility, self-sustaining losses, if there are difficulties can not rely on other people and all the work should cover the risk. The point should be ready to face the risks and do not easily give up