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Final Essay d-4

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Jaslyne Hernandez Erica Barrera Brenda Rodriguez Period 2 Mr.

Mofrad October 9,20 2

Assignment D-4: A Dream that Changed the World

!n t"e "istory of our country t"ere #as an i$%ortant $an t"at $ade a difference in our #orld. &"is $an's na$e #as (r. Martin )ut"er *ing Jr. +"en you "ear t"e na$e Martin )ut"er *ing Jr., t"e first t"ing t"at co$es to $ind is %robably racis$ against ,frican ,$ericans. (uring t"e course of "is life, "e #ent t"roug" $any obstacles. He is fa$ous for "is #isdo$ and %ersuasi-e s%eec"es against segregation of ,frican ,$ericans. &oday di-erse races are integrated all o-er t"e .nited /tates. Martin )ut"er *ing Jr. #as born on January 0, 929 #it" t"e na$e Mic"ael )ut"er *ing Jr. but later "ad "is na$ed c"anged to Martin li1e "is dad. +"en "e #as young "e #as -ery intelligent, "e s1i%%ed 9t" and

grade. ,s a result, "e #ent to More"ouse

2ollege in ,tlanta at age 0. )ater "e attended Boston .ni-ersity. &"en "e got $arried #it" 2orretta /cott and "ad four c"ildren. He #anted to "el% %eo%le get along, so "e did #"at "e could, but #"ite %eo%le rebelled against "i$ because "e #as blac1. He #as 3ailed o-er 20 ti$es, stabbed in t"e c"est, "is "ouse #as bo$bed, and "e suffered $any ot"er relentless %ersonal attac1s on "i$self and "is fa$ily. (r. *ing did $any significant t"ings t"at #ere %ositi-e. He #as also res%onsible for $any ot"er social c"anges. (r. *ing aut"ored t"e fa$ous s%eec" 1no#n as, 4! "a-e a (rea$5. &"at s%eec" #as an ins%iration to $illions of ,frican ,$erican %eo%le as #ell

as non ,fro ,$ericans. (r. *ing #as a -ery %o#erful s%ea1er. He #anted e-eryone to get along and not care about color or race. He #anted e-eryone to "a-e e6ual o%%ortunities, good 3obs and education. He led t"e 900 Montgo$ery Bus Boycott, and "el%ed found t"e /out"ern 2"ristian )eaders"i% 2onference in 907. Martin )ut"er Jr. #as 1no#n to fig"t #it" non-iolence, and t"at #as t"e $ost significant #ea%on in "is fig"t for e6uality. &oday life is -ery different t"an it #as in t"e 900's. 8o# #"ites and blac1s get along and t"ey don't "a-e to be se%arated fro$ eac" ot"er. 2"ildren fro$ different races are allo#ed to go to sc"ool toget"er. )a#s fro$ t"e %ast "a-e c"anged and no# e-eryone "as e6ual rig"ts. Peo%le also "a-e t"e freedo$ to do #"at t"ey #ant as long as it is legal and doesn't disres%ect ot"ers. 8o# e-eryone "as t"e rig"t to be "a%%y and en3oy life unli1e t"e %ast. !n conclusion, Martin )ut"er *ing Jr. #as so$eone t"at c"anged t"e #orld for t"e best. !f (r. *ing "ad not ris1ed life to ta1e t"e necessary ste%s to#ards c"ange, life #ould be -ery different today for all of us. Probably t"ings #ill be t"e sa$e. /o, #e "a-e to t"an1 Martin )ut"er *ing Jr. for t"e actions "e too1 to $a1e us unite #it" ot"er races. One day #"ile standing in t"e balcony of t"e, 4)orraine Motel5, in Me$%"is, &ennessee. He #as s"ot and 1illed, because "e #anted to $a1e a difference. (r. *ing #as 1illed on ,%ril 9t", 9:;. He #as a true "ero and is still recognized for t"e $any good t"ings "e did.

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