Lesson 1
Lesson 1
Lesson 1
Teacher Candidate:
Cialey Pintande
Group Size: 28 Allotted Time: 10:00-10:30am (30min.) Grade Level: First Grade
Section: 390-065
STANDARD(S) PA Common Core: CC.1.1.K.B: Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print. Follow words left to right, top to bottom, and page by page. Recognize that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequences of letters. Understand that words are separated by spaces in print. CC.1.1.K.C: Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes). Recognize and produce rhyming words. Count, pronounce, blend, and segment syllables in spoken words. Blend and segment onsets and rimes of single-syllable spoken words. I. Performance Objectives: The first grade students will be able to recognize and organize rhyming words by identifying them in Dr. Seuss books. Students will be able to blend an onset and a rime to create a word by correctly playing file folder games. II. Instructional Materials: Pencils (35) Dr. Seuss Rhyming paper (30) Space Rhymes file folder game (2) Rhyming Fish file folder game (2) Dirty Socks Rhymes file folder game (2) Hop On Pop by Dr. Seuss (1) The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss (1 per group) Fox in Socks by Dr. Seuss (1 per group) One fish Two fish Red fish Blue fish by Dr. Seuss (1 per group) Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss (1 per group)
III. Subject Matter/Content: A. Prerequisite skills Understand and know the letter sounds (phonemes). Understand the strategy of blending. B. Key Vocabulary Onset- The letter sound before the rime Rime- The second half of rhyming words Rhyming words- words that sound the same ending sounds. Word families- Groups of rhyming words C. Big Idea Recognize that by changing the onset and keeping the rime you can create a new rhyming word. Recognize that all rhyming words in a word family have the same ending sound(s). IV. Implementation: Day 1: Introduction1. Hook: List the following words on the board; hop, pop, cup, pup, see, bee, pat, and cat. ( List the rhyming pairs side by side) 2. Draw the students attention to the words listed on the board. Ask them What do you notice about the words I listed on the board? Do you notice any similarities or differences in these words? Prompt the students with questions that will lead them towards rhyming words. Give positive feedback for the students responses. 3. Once a student has suggested they are rhyming words or you have to tell them, explain to them what makes up a rhyming word; an onset and a rhyme. Ask if anyone has any questions about rhymes, answer them effectively. 4. Introduce the book Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss ask the students to listen as you read for rhyming words. 5. Read Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss Development1. After reading the story, discuss with the students any rhymes they heard and write them on the board. 2. Hand out a sticker to each student, (four different stickers) this will determine their groups for the following activities. Explain to the students that the stickers will tell them who is in their group. Designate an area for each group and send them group by group to their area. 3. Present four Dr. Seuss books (The Cat in the Hat, Fox in Socks, One fish Two fish Red fish Blue fish and Green Eggs and Ham) to the students, tell them that Now it is their turn to look at and read some other books by Dr. Seuss and find some rhyming words.
Inform them that you have marked each book with six sticky notes, each sticky note has a word on it, and they are to work with their group members to find a word on the page that rhyme with the word on the sticky note. Once they find a word that rhyme with the sticky not word they are to write the rhyming pair on their papers. Ask the students to give you thumbs up or thumbs down as to whether they understand what to do. If there are any thumbs down guide them and answer their questions so that they may better understand and succeed in what they have to do. Distribute a book to each group, as well as Dr. Seuss rhyming word paper and pencil to each student. Instruct them to start once they have received their book. As they work for ten to fifteen minutes monitor, observe, and assist the students while they work. When a group has completed their list ask them to mark any of the words using Fundations markings. Closure1. Go from group to group and ask them to share the rhyming words they found in their books, assist them if they have trouble reading the words. Make sure each child shares one word so that you can assess their reading skills and understanding of rhyming words. Collect the books and the papers from the students. V. Accommodations/Differentiation: 1. Gifted Students- If the student finish early on the activities ask them to write down some rhymes they know in their head or look more up in the Dr. Seuss books. 2. Struggling Students- Will be paired with at least one proficient or gifted student that is good at buddying and assisting other students. VI. Assessment:
Formative- Students will be evaluated through informal observation, the thumbs up thumbs down check, check lists, and their papers from the book activity. Summative- In MY People House Assessment
B. Remediation Plan-
C. Personal Reflection1. How effective was my planning on delivering the lesson to fit the allotted time?
2. To what degree were my activities engaging for all learning styles? (Kinesthetic/tactile, auditory, and visual)
VI. Resources: Childrens Literature: Seuss, Dr., Hop On Pop. Beginner Books; Random House, Inc.. New York, NY, 1991. Print. Seuss, Dr., The Cat in the Hat. Beginner Books; Random House, Inc.. New York, NY, 1985. Print. Seuss, Dr., Fox in Socks. Beginner Books; Random House, Inc.. New York, NY, 1993. Print. Seuss, Dr., One fish Two fish Red fish Blue fish. Beginner Books; Random House, Inc.. New York, NY, 1988. Print. Seuss, Dr., Green Eggs and Ham. Beginner Books; Random House, Inc.. New York, NY, 1988. Print. Websites: Google Images. 2013. Dr. Seuss Illustrations. Retrieved from https://www.google.com/search?q=dr+seuss+illustration+art&source=lnm s&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=_9ZLUvCnAoXO8wSIqoHoCQ&sqi=2&ved=0C AcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1366&bih=619&dpr=1#q=dr+seuss+illustrations&tb m=isch