oundation! "olunteers worldwide collaboratively write Wikipedia#s $% million articles in &'( languages, including over )!) million in the *nglish Wikipedia! +nyone who can access the site can edit almost any of its articles, which on the Internet comprise,)- the largest and most popular general reference work!,.-,/-,(-,'-,0- 1n 0 ebruary &%2), The New York Times reported that Wikipedia is ranked fifth globally among all websites stating, 3With 2' billion page views and nearly .%% million uni4ue visitors a month, according to the ratings firm com5core, Wikipedia trails 6ust 7ahoo, acebook, 8icrosoft and 9oogle, the largest with 2!& billion uni4ue visitors!3,2%:immy Wales and ;arry 5anger launched Wikipedia on :anuary 2., &%%2, the latter,22- creating its name, ,2&a portmanteau of wiki (the name of a type of collaborative website, from the <awaiian word for 34uick3) ,2$and encyclopedia! Wikipedia#s departure from the e=pert-driven style of encyclopedia-building and the presence of much unacademic content have received e=tensive attention in print media! In &%%/, Time maga>ine recogni>ed Wikipedia#s participation in the rapid growth of online collaboration and interaction by millions of people around the world, in addition to 7ou?ube, @eddit, 8y5pace, and acebook!,2)- Wikipedia has also become known as a news source because of the rapid update of articles related to breaking news!,2.-,2/-,2(- While Wikipedia has had its fair share of good press it has also gotten its fair share of bad as well! ?he open nature of Wikipedia has caused concerns about its writing, ,2'-,20- the amount of vandalism,,&%-,&2- and the accuracy of information! 5ome articles contain unverified or inconsistent information, ,&&- though a &%%. investigation in Nature showed that the )& science articles they compared came close to the level of accuracy of Encyclopdia Britannica!,&$-