O QR: ) Og'F, O/"Bpu: Ps NB S TP-L

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qsrrq eil*qld-q

oqr:* }og'f,o/"bPu
qr-g6ri-s q-qerf,rl6rffi6- crqg{, sr-sh{,silqgq. ffi{T g@ flTqr+r yqerfi- sfsr+{, d*tgr, ffi sq gqq qTq-fts.rq?F*srtrit, dqgq guu uvnrft--o eftotfr7Pq1up qqg-r r{sf{fl frqmuTeT Z q-sT.-q?Tgq qfu-qzqeT!"Er]_fr, qR qe$rqerfr/rs-d-df,T rilqgq ecFT.qqgq grq v-qr+rvforffi/nor.-

fi.s.n.i,3l ftffn


Ps Nb s*Tp-l

3{eqeT to} ,rtr E)d* or"rtt qrqrde-tfrq W q.ftemq-in-{-s-flqg{ qRreTor Hqrd oT'ffi-fr fq- q'leryS Bq ft-*Yrfr,dur qfrenqfr-T.sqg{ * qcrc_fr qagqet-fi rlfuqZ.ilq-ffq s-ft'".qgs \ilqg{ \'q Anq frutT ecFT.5w qqffr Ri-ft.s ffi rlfuq,zq-siqdffi', fro qirr6-s-ry r+ gs fsT crfffi


j^ |l,^"e, e3lren-q3---ns*k r-"h. d- q*{tf /' crl:o^^Ay fruo,-

iard *d q$ ft"fi d fiqffid qt yo pmeT iRf, q,1rn q* t t s6ilr{- ufr61 sftffi'12. q-effihq- g+sqelTrfu

, tlf cln

q.RfrR effixrfiD6fffi.

qld qdq

.reTltfrq- q$iRqq\q

14. 15.

q-flefuq-$nfr /\-sfr q-{ir. q-emfrq-cr)-firft gdr. q-emfuqq-qtq-o GrDl+T-fr Rrli.

rs qfufr t rs e'm t
rs qMt ossffit osqffit

7wrftw e-t q-6rtrf$r6








Ps.lZO/-per monthconseguent uponthe revisionof scolesof poy of the Sixth CentralPay Commission on the recommendotions Clorificotion- regd. doted30.04.2010. Ref: Boord's letter No. E(P&A)T-2009/SP-t/Genl/t

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or/ Estl.(P&A)-I, Deputy Direct Roilwoy Boord.


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