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It is a pleasant task to express my gratitude to all those who have assisted me in my project work. First of all I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks and deepest sense of gratitude to my guide Asst. Prof. Ayan Kumar Tudu of lectrical ngineering !epartment for offering his guidance to me in carrying out this project. I would like to thank him for providing me with his valua"le time and helpful suggestions. #e also helped me "y providing constructive ideas throughout the tenure of this work. I am inde"ted to Prof. $irmal Kumar !e"% #ead% !epartment of lectrical ngineering% &adavpur 'niversity% for providing me with all the necessary facilities for carrying out this work. I would also like to convey my gratitude to Prof. !e"ashis (hatterjee% Prof. ).K. *oswami% Prof. !r. )u"rata Pal and !r. )unita #alder nee !ey% of this work. I would like to express my heart+felt gratitude to my parents% my family mem"ers for their love and active support throughout the endeavor. ,ast% "ut not the least% I would like to thank my "atch+mates and Ph! researchers% who have directly or indirectly helped me in this work. lectrical ngineering% &adavpur 'niversity for their guidance% encouragement and valua"le suggestions in the course of

!e"ajyoti *hosh lectrical ngineering !epartment &adavpur 'niversity Kolkata+-.../0

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