Essay: Language III

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Language III Essay Families have metamorphosed dramatically in recent years.

Roles and functions, size and compositions, and emotional and power dynamics of families have all undergone major alterations. There is hardly one reason for this to happen; there are many determinants that have contri uted to the reshaping of relationships. !ne of the most noticea le changes in the family structure is lin"ed with the part that women are currently playing in society. The traditional married#couple roles of the $ readwinner% hus and and the $homema"er% wife are no longer the norm, which means that men and women are e&ual partners when performing household duties. This parity is an outcome of the independence that women have achieved and of their preference for pursuing a career rather than staying at home for child#rearing. 'nother factor that leads to the disruption of the esta lished order in families is the increasing rate of divorce. Forty years ago, three &uarters of families had oth parents living with their children ut y ())), that figure had declined su stantially. *owadays, nearly half of all households contain unmarried parents. +arital rea"downs are a life#changing event for their offspring, since they have to undergo unpleasant situations and are o liged to decide which parent they want to stay with. 's a result of the growing num er of marriage splits, the concept of family no longer conveys coupledom and unity. 't present, homose,ual couples represent a significant percentage of all households. The first laws in modern times ena ling same#se, marriage were enacted during the first decade of the (-st century and e&ual marriage and adoption have already een legalised in thirteen countries. This rapid popularity has caused a huge turna out in family life, since

this "ind of relationships are not even similar to those of heterose,ual couples. .ame# gender marriages demonstrate that society has gained understanding of a new family stereotype. 'll in all, it should e ac"nowledged that there have een many contri utors to these changes in family relationships, structures and dynamics over time. It is certain that diversity has een the only constant in the history of family, and this should not e unforeseen ecause family has always een e,periencing variations. /eople should e aware that this is the way family wor"s and that as long as society evolves, family will e su ject to fluctuations too.

+ercedes Talavera, +ari0ngeles Roich, Lara .pezzapria.

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