Great Buildings
Great Buildings
Great Buildings
(circa 1200 BC AD 1st Century)
Temple of Luxor
or Southern Sanctuary at Lu or! "#y$t! 1%th &ynasty 'in# &e&icate& to Amon-Re! 'in# o( the )o&s *ui+t o( san&stone (or the ,uarries o( )e*e+ Si+si+a
(circa /00 /0 BC)
Abu Simbel
&e&icate& chie(t+y to ReH r !"ti! )o& o( the risin# sun *ui+t &urin# the rei#n o( Ra-ses .. (1/00 12/1 BC)
P rt"enon
00180/% Architect: .tchinus an& Ca++icrates with Location: Athens! )reece Style: Ancient )ree' Doric on the historic Acro$o+is2 Doric Phi&ias e e-$+ar
an& the ,ua+ity o( its acoustics -a'e the "$i&aurus theatre one o( the #reat architectura+ achieve-ents o( the (ourth century2 the +ar#est an& *est $reserve& ancient theaters in )reece2 can acco--o&ate 10!000 s$ectators2
three8,uarter co+u-ns an& enta*+atures! Doric in the (irst story! .onic in the secon&! an& Corinthian in the thir&! (ace the three tiers o( arca&es +ar#est Ro-an A-$hitheater &esi#ne& to ho+& 70!000 s$ectators ha& a$$ro i-ate+y ei#hty entrances so crow&s cou+& arrive an& +eave easi+y an& ,uic'+y
(/00BC /37 AD)
T"e P nt"eon
11% 8 123 Architect: Acri$$a Location: Ro-e! .ta+y Style: Ancient Ro-an #reat &o-e& ha++ with ocu+us o)ulu( a sin#+e circu+ar o$enin# one o( the #reat s$iritua+ *ui+&in#s o( the wor+& it was *ui+t as a Ro-an te-$+e an& +ater consecrate& as a Catho+ic Church revive& the use o( *ric' an& concrete in te-$+e Architecture
Tr , n-( .orum
100 112 Architect: A$o++o&orus o( Da-ascus Location: Ro-e! .ta+y Style: Ro-an co-$ose& o( an arc o( arche& arca&e -ost -a#ni(icent an& architectura++y -ost $+easin# +ar#est 'nown (oru-s
the States o(
10 %2 Architect: ;es$acian an& Do-itian Location: Ro-e! .ta+y Style: Ancient Ro-an
/ ("in&ton +onument
Architect: Ro*ert 9i++s Location: =ashin#ton! D2C2 Style: ?eo8"#y$tian the o*e+is' is the on+y re-nant o( the *+ue $rint that re-ains with )eor#e 9arsh! co-$etition 1%/32 "#y$tian $ro$ortion o( 10A1 hei#ht to
. llin&2 ter
1>/0! 1>/%! 1>0% Architect: Cran' L+oy& =ri#ht Location: :hio$y+e! Pennsy+vania Building Type: house Style: " $ressionist 9o&ern canti+evers &ra-atica++y over roc' an& rushin# strea sen&s out (ree8(+oatin# $+at(or-s over a s-a++ water(a++ an& anchors natura+ roc'
+ (( )"u(ett( St te Hou(e
Architect: Char+es Bu+(inch 8 (irst native8*orn $ro(essiona+ A-erican architect c+assica+ e+e-ents are $i+asters! $orticos an& &o-es
Gu&&en"eim +u(eum
1>73 to 1>7> Architect: Cran' L+oy& =ri#ht Location: ?ew Bor'! ?ew Bor' Building Type: art -useuStyle: 9o&ern a #i(t o( $ure architectureFor rather o( *ase& on or#anic (or-s that the (oun& in seashe++s an& snai+s
Conne)ti)ut St te C pitol
Architect: Richar& @$Dohn
scu+$ture architect
113% to 11%2 Architect: Tho-as Je((erson Location: Char+ottesvi++e! ;ir#inia Building Type: <ouse Style: Co+onia+ )eor#ian Re-o&e+e&11>3 to 1%0% *eauti(u+ hi++to$ ho-e is a c+assica+ e a-$+e o( the +ate 1%th Century A-erican architecture an& a nationa+ historic +an&-ar'
Coonle# Hou(e
1>0% Architect: Cran' L+oy& =ri#ht Location: Riversi&e2 .++inois Style: Prairie sty+e Building Type: house Construction System: woo& (ra-e with a +ar#e! so$histicate& $rairie house
Enni( Hou(e
1>2/ Architect: Cran' L+oy& =ri#ht Location: Los An#e+es! Ca+i(ornia Building type: house Style: Deco 9o&ern Construction system: *earin# -asonry! concrete *+oc's the +ast o( the (our Los An#e+es te ti+e *+oc' house
Construction system: *ric' -asonry Style: "ar+y -o&ern +ar#e (our8storey centra+ atriu the (irst entire+y air8con&itione& -o&ern o((ice *ui+&in# on recor&
/in&(pre $
1>/1 Architect: Cran' L+oy& =ri#ht Location: =in& Point! =isconsin Building type: +ar#e house Style: neo8;ernacu+ar +ivin# roo-! &inin# roo-! 'itchen! s+ee$in# roo-s! #uest roo-s! were unites #rou$e& to#ether an& *y corri&ors
Gol$en G te Bri$&e
1>// to 1>/1 Architect: Jose$h Strauss Location: San Crancisco! Ca+i(ornia Building type: sus$ension *ri&#e Construction system: stee+ (ra-e! stee+ Styles: Structura+ 9o&ern with so-e Art &etai+s one o( the +on#est *ri&#e in the wor+& a $ower(u+ an& e+e#ant hu-an in an e,ua++y *eauti(u+ natura+ +ocation overa++ *ri&#e +en#th o( >233 (eet! or -eters *ri&#e -ain s$an +en#th o( 0200 (eet! -eters
3o"n(on / x Buil$in&
1>/3 to 1>/> an& 1>00 Architect: Cran' L+oy& =ri#ht Location: Racine! =isconsin Construction system: $recast concrete an& *ric' Style: -o&ern uni,ue structura+ e $ression in o$en ha++! tower with roun&e& corners the tower is tota++y enc+ose& an& &oes not a++ow (or hori6onta+ e $ansion o( wor' s$ace articu+ate& *y &en&ri(or- co+u-ns ca$a*+e o( su$$ortin# si ti-es the wei#ht i-$ose& u$on the-! a (act =ri#ht ha& to &e-onstrate in or&er to o*tain a *ui+&in# $er-it
ca*+es Deco
L r!in Buil$in&
1>00! &e-o+ishe& 1>70 Architect: Cran' L+oy& =ri#ht Location: Bu((a+o! ?ew Bor' Building Type: co--ercia+ o((ices
a+so &esi#ne& *y Catherine &e 9e&ici! J2A2 &u Cerceau ..! C+au&e Perrau+t! etc2 I4+4 PeiA &esi#n the #+ass $yra-i&! which serves as the -ain $u*+ic entrance
?a$o+eon! the Crench e-$eror &eci&e& to *ui+& a very *i# arch o( triu-$h! which stan&s at the to$ o( the Cha-$s "+ysees
the Tui+eries )ar&en o( Paris is $art o( the Triu-$ha+ way! which *e#ins at the Louvre an& continues to the CityEs =estern e&#e co--issione& *y Car&ina+ Riche+iev ori#ina+ na-e is Pa+ais Car&ina+ 11th century D niel BurenA stri$$e& co+u-ns
Pompi$ou Centre
1>12 to 1>13 Architect: Richar& Ro#ers an& Ren6o Location: Paris! Crance Building Type: -o&ern art -useuConstruction system: hi#h8tech stee+ Style: <i#h8tech -o&ern a cost o( G100!000!000! with an atten&ance o( a$$ro i-ate+y seven $eo$+e a year -assive structura+ e $ressionist cast e os'e+eton! He teriorH esca+ators in trans$arent tu*e Piano an& #+ass avera#e -i++ion enc+ose&
P l i( Ro# l
cut stone
Hotel $e 1ille
+ar#est renaissance *ui+&in# 13th an& 11th century .ta+ian &esi#ner Do-enico &e Cortona 1%11A *urne&! renovate& in 2 years
Ar) $e Triomp"e
Architect: Char+es )arnier Location: Paris! Crance Building type: theater! o$era house Construction system: -asonry! cut stone Style: ?eo8Baro,ue $o+ychro-e (aIa&e! o$u+ent staircase co--ission *y co-$etition -aster$iece o( 1>th century architecture one o( the +ar#est an& -ost o$u+ent theaters in the wor+& (a+se cei+in# $ainte& *y + r) C" & ll
the e+evation was in three tiers as it ha& no #a++ery an& the vau+tin# was ,ua&ri$artite! which e+i-inate& the nee& (or a+ternatin# su$$orts su$re-e -onu-ent o( <i#h )othic art an& architecture
Amien-( C t"e$r l
1220 107 -eters +on# +ar#est Crench )othic Cathe&ra+ ever intricate (aIa&e co-$+ete& &urin# the *ui+t 17th century
El#(ee P l )e
111% Architect: C+au&e 9o++et o((icia+ resi&ence o( the $resi&ent o( Crance
R"eim( C t"e$r l
one o( the #reatest -onu-ent o( architecture construction co--erce& *y Jean was co-$+ete& *y Ro*ert &e Coucy a wor' o( re-ar'a*+e unity an& )othic art an& &E:r*ais an& har-ony
L + $eleine
Architect: ?a$o+eon . church o( Ste2 9arie 9a&e+eine constructe& as a church in 1%02 surroun&e& *y 72 Corinthian co+u-ns
the wor+&
Notre $ me $u H ut
Architect: Le Cor*usier Location: Roncha-$! Crance Building type: church Construction system: rein(orce& concrete Style: " $ressionist 9o&ern so(t8(or- co-$osition! &ee$ win&ows with co+ore& #+ass (wa++ thic'ness 0K to 12K) Le Cor*usierEs &ra-atic $i+#richurch
/ur5bur& Re(i$en5
Architect: Ba+tha6ar ?eu-ann one o( the *est structure o( Baro,ue8Rococo $erio& the
1ill S 0o#e
1>2% to 1>2> Architect: Le Cor*usier Location: Poissy! Crance Building type: house Construction system: concrete an& $+astere& unit -asonry Style: -o&ern an ear+y an& c+assic e e-$+ar o( the H.nternationa+ Sty+eH! which hovers a*ove a #rass $+ane on thin concrete $i+otti! with stri$ win&ows! an& a (+at roo( with a &ec' area! ra-$! an& a (ew containe& touches o( curvaceous wa++s
Ein(tein To2er
1>1> to 1>21 Architect: "rich 9en&e+sohn Location: Pots&a-! )er-any Building type: +a*oratory! o*servatory Construction system: *earin# concrete over *ric' Style: " $ressionist "ar+y 9o&ern curvaceous! strea-+ine& (or &esi#ne& to ho+& "insteinKs own astrono-ica+ +a*oratory this Ksarco$ha#us o( architectura+ " $ressionis-K is one o( the -ost ori#ina+ *ui+&in#s o( the twentieth
*ri++iant+y century
S li(bur# C t"e$r l
1220 to 127% Location: Sa+is*ury! "n#+an& Building type: Cathe&ra+ (church! te-$+e) Construction system: *earin# -asonry! cut stone Style: "n#+ish )othic Cathe&ra+ o( Saint 9ary an outstan&in# e a-$+e o( the "ar+y "n#+ish architectura+ sty+e ta++est in "n#+an& 000(t (12/-) use o( Pur*ec' -ar*+e to create a stron#+y co+oure& sche-e
Building type: church Construction system: -asonry! *ric'! ti-*er an& cut stone Style: Late renaissance to Baro,ue the &o-e $ea's at /33 (eet a*ove $ave-ent a -aster$iece o( Baro,ue architecture +ar#est cathe&ra+ in "n#+an&
C"i(2i)! Hou(e
112> Architect: Lor& Bur+in#ton Location: Chiswic'! "n#+an& Building type: +ar#e house Construction system: *earin# -asonry Style: Pa++a&ian a+so 'nown as LBurlin&ton Hou(eM
6ueen-( Hou(e
1313 to 13/7 Architect: .ni#o Jones the #reatest o( "n#+ish C+assica+ architect Location: )reenwich! "n#+an& Building type: +ar#e house Construction system: *earin# -asonry Style: Pa++a&ian! Late "n#+ish Renaissance was *ui+t *y Jones (or Anne o( Den-ar'! wi(e o( Ja-es .
/e(tmin(ter P l )e
1%/3 to 1%3% Architect: Sir Char+es Barry Location: Lon&on Building type: seat o( #overn-ent! #overn-ent center Construction system: cut stone *earin# Style: "n#+ish )othic Reviva+ Bi& BenA the c+oc' tower *est 'nown sy-*o+ o( Lon&on ori#ina++y seat o( 'in#s as a roya+
Somer(et Hou(e
1113 to 11%3 Architect: =i++ia- Cha-*ers Location: Lon&on! "n#+an& Building type: #overn-ent o((ices an& art schoo+ Construction system: cut stone -asonry Style: ?eoc+assica+ <o-e o( Roya+ Aca&e-y o( the Arts2 Corinthian or&ers a*ove arche& courtyar& a$ertures! rusticate& *ase
o( "-$eror
Pi( C t"e$r l
10/ to 1/70 Location: Pisa! .ta+y Building type: church co-$+e Construction system: *earin# -asonry! white -ar*+e Style: Ro-anes,ue HPisa Cathe&ra+ with Ba$tistery! Ca-$ani+e an& Ca-$o Santo! (or- one o( the -ost (a-ous *ui+&in# the wor+&
cut stone!
to#ether #rou$s in
the cathe&ra+ co-$+e inc+u&es the (a-ous Leanin# Tower! La Torre Pen&ente white -ar*+e with co+onna&e& (aca&es
.loren)e C t"e$r l
12>3 to 1032 Architect: Arno+(o &i Ca-*io Location: C+orence! .ta+y Building type: &o-e& church! cathe&ra+ Construction system: *earin# -asonry Style: .ta+ian Ro-anes,ue 12>3A Cathe&ra+ *e#un on &esi#n *y Arnolfo $i C mbio 1/71A ProDect continue& on a -o&i(ie& $+an *y .r n)e()o T lenti 1/3381A Ta+entiKs &e(initive &esi#n e-er#e& ca++in# (or an enor-ous octa#ona+ &o-e 101%A co-$etition (or construction o( &o-e2 1020A technica+ so+ution (or vau+tin# $ro$ose& *y Brunelle()"i a$$rove& an& construction *e#un T"e Duomo &o-e a&&e& *y Brune++eschi 10/3F church consecrate&
1//% to 1/>0 Location: )rana&a! S$ain Building type: $a+ace Construction system: *earin# -asonry Style: 9oorish (.s+a-ic) $a+ace o( ?asri& Dynasty the -ost *eauti(u+ re-ainin# e a-$+e o( =estern .s+a-ic Architecture *ui+t as a cathe&ra+ in the -i&81200Es Lha++ o( DusticeMA note& (ro- its e+a*orate sta+actite (m 8 rn s) &ecoration
C ( B tllo
1>07 to 1>01 Architect: Antonio )au&i Location: Barce+ona! S$ain Building type: a$art-ent *ui+&in# Construction system: concrete Style: " $ressionist or Art ?ouveau uses ani-a+ sty+es a+ throu#h8out the
C ( +il
1>07 to 1>10 Architect: Antonio )au&i Location: Barce+ona! S$ain Building type: -u+ti(a-i+y housin# Construction system: -asonry an& Style: Art ?ouveau e $ressionistic! (antastic! or#anic un&u+atin# (aca&e an& roo( +ine +i#ht court it cou+& *e co-$are& with the stee$ in which A(rican tri*es *ui+& their &we++in#s
concrete (or-s in
Location: Barce+ona! S$ain Building type: church Construction system: -asonry Style: " $ressionist Church o( the <o+y Ca-i+y unco-$+ete& &urin# )au&iEs +i(eti-e crowne& *y (our s$ires
T ,+ " l
13/0 to 137/ Architect: "-$eror Shah Jahan Location: A#ra! .n&ia Building type: .s+a-ic to-* Construction system: *earin# -asonry! in+ai& -ar*+e Style: .s+a-ic onion8sha$e &o-es! (+an'in# towers! *ui+t (or wi(e 9u-at6 9aha+ +ocate& on the Ju-na River -useu- (or 9o#u+ e-$erorEs consort