Vector Activity
Vector Activity
Vector Activity
Procedures: Go to, click on Simulations, and look for Math Tools. Click on the ector !ddition sim. To "et a #ector, "ra$ an arrow from the $ucket. The len"th of the #ector is found in the %&% $o'. The an"le of the #ector is in the ( $o'. )lace the #ectors you wish to add head to tail. To "et the resultant #ector, hit the $i" S*M $utton. Mo#e the "reen sum #ector so that the tail touches the tail of your first #ector.
Data: !nswer the followin" +uestions usin" the simulation. For each question, draw (and label with size and direction) the vectors you used in the sim. Label the sum vector. ,. -ou "o for a walk and take ./ steps in the north direction 01/23. *se the simulation to represent your path. 4raw and la$el your #ector on your la$ write5up. a3 6e't, you turn left and walk ,/ steps to the west. !dd the two #ectors usin" the sum $utton. 7ow far from where you started did you end up8 $3 9n math, .:;<;:.. 4oes this property hold for #ector addition8 Try it with the scenario a$o#e $y first walkin" ,/ steps west and then walkin" ./ steps north. Compare the result to the sum in part $3. .. -ou are "oin" for a dri#e, $ut a detour takes you out of the way of your destination. -ou dri#e north for ,/ miles, turn ri"ht and dri#e east for = miles, turn to the north and dri#e for ; miles, dri#e west for ,/ miles, and arri#e at your destination. a3 7ow far from where you started did you end up8 $3 9f you wanted to tra#el directly to your destination without followin" the streets 0as the crow flies3, what an"le would you take8 >hat direction would a compass read8 c3 6ow try addin" the #ectors in a different order. ?or e'ample, start with the = miles east, then ; miles north, etc., as lon" as you add all four #ectors. Compare the result to the sum in part a3. 4raw the #ectors in the order you used. ;. -ou are flyin" a han" "lider at ,@ mph in the northeast direction 0@=23. The wind is $lowin" at @ mph from due north. a3 >hat is your airspeed8 $3 >hat an"le 0direction3 are you flyin"8 c3 The wind increases to ,@ mph from the north. 6ow what is your airspeed and what direction are you flyin"8 9f your destination is to the northeast, how would you chan"e your speed or direction so you mi"ht make it there8 Test your answer usin" the sim. @. ! $ase$all wei"hin" /.= k" falls from the sky. -ou hit it with a $at with a force of =/ 6 at an upward an"le of @=2.
a3 4raw the free5$ody dia"ram for the fallin" $all before you hit it. Aa$el the #ectors on your dia"ram. $3 4raw a new free5$ody dia"ram for when you are hittin" the $all and use the sim to determine the net force on the $all.