The Associations Between Assertiveness, Psychological Well-Being and Self-Esteem in Adolescents
The Associations Between Assertiveness, Psychological Well-Being and Self-Esteem in Adolescents
The Associations Between Assertiveness, Psychological Well-Being and Self-Esteem in Adolescents
This study explored the associations between adolescents assertive behaviour, psychological well-being and self-esteem. The sample consisted of 1023 students (14.90.51; 47.6% boys). Two dimensions of the Scale for Interpersonal Behaviour (distress and performance), two factors of the General Health Questionnaire-12 (depression/anxiety and social dysfunction) and two factors of the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (positive self-esteem and negative self-esteem) were used; data were analysed with stepwise linear regression. It was found that (1) the more anxious respondents felt in assertive situations, the less frequently they engaged in these situations; and that (2) both dimensions of assertiveness were associated with psychological well-being and self-esteem. Keywords: assertiveness, adolescence psychological well-being, self-esteem,
Adolescence is an important time for establishing the social position of individuals. During this time, young people are exposed to a wide range of new social situations, such as parties, bars and concerts. As a result, young people come into contact not only with friends, but also with strangers, compelling them to learn and develop new social roles without the supervision of their parents (Ingls et al., 2005). Peer relationships play a critical role in the development of social skills and the feelings that are essential for personal growth and adjustment (La Greca & Lopez, 1998). The possession of social skills such as effective communication can lead to a more positive social self-image and may determine the degree to which adolescents are able to succeed in their peer group (Riggio et al., 1990). Previous research focusing on assertiveness as a social skill (Orme & Bar-On, 2002) has shown that this construct has a number of different dimensions, including the ability to express oneself without anxiety or aggression in different situations (Bouvard et al., 1999). Assertiveness has also been dened as the process of direct and appropriate communication of a persons needs, wants and opinions without punishing or putting down others (Arrindell & van den Ende, 1985). It can be used as an instrument for initiating and maintaining socially supportive relationships and hence enjoying better emotional well-being (Eskin, 2003). Other studies have explored the relationship between assertiveness and mental health in adolescence and have found certain variables which inuence assertiveness, including culture (Eskin, 2003), self-esteem (Bijstra et al., 1994), psychological distress (Taylor et al., 2002), depression (Eskin, 2003), risk behaviour (Cuijpers, 2002) and gender (Bourke, 2002). Although some earlier studies showed that boys are more assertive than girls (Eskin, 2003), data from recent years have found that girls have a signicantly higher score on assertive communication and independence (Bourke, 2002) or that there are no signicant gender differences in assertiveness (Karagzolu et al., 2008). Therefore, in the present study gender differences are not investigated, but the associations between the assertive subscales and the two factors of psychological well-being and the two factors of self-esteem were controlled for sex. The associations between the depression/anxiety and social dysfunction factors of psychological well-being and positive self- and negative self-esteem factors on one hand and the four assertive subscalespositive feelings, negative feelings, assertiveness and personal limitationson the other were explored in the present study. The above-mentioned studies did not explore assertive behaviour and its associations with the mentioned variables at the level of the subscales. Such an approach might add to our knowledge in this eld. The existing literature is mainly oriented on exploring the assertive
behaviour between boys and girls or between various nations and cultures where differences could be expected. The aim of our study was to explore the associations between these dimensions of assertiveness and adolescents psychological well-being and self-esteem while controlling for sex. Firstly, the relationship between the levels of anxiety felt in assertive situations (the distress dimension) and the frequency of engagement in these situations (the performance dimension) were examined. A negative relationship between these two dimensions was expected. Secondly, the association between the assertive dimension and psychological well-being and self-esteem was explored. It was anticipated that both the distress and performance dimensions of assertiveness would be negative predictors of psychological well-being and self-esteem. Thirdly, the inuence of the distress dimension on psychological well-being and self-esteem, controlling for the performance dimension, was explored. It was also of interest to examine the changes in the distress dimension when controlling for the frequency of engaging in such situations (performance). It was anticipated that when adolescents felt distress in assertive situations and when these situations were occurring regularly (performance), then the negative association of the distress dimension on the studied variables would increase.
The study sample consisted of 1023 students (487 boys - 47.6%) from 18 elementary schools in Kosice (230,000 inhabitants), Slovak Republic. The selected schools were located in different parts of Kosice in order to ensure a representative sample for the city. The selection of the sample was random and stratied based on sex and age. The age of the respondents ranged from 14 to 17 years, with a mean age of 14.9 years (standard deviation 0.51). Data were collected from April to June 2003. The questionnaires were completed by respondents during two regular 45-minute classes in the absence of a teacher and on a voluntary and anonymous basis in the presence of a trained researcher. The response rate was 82.6% as a result of the absence of students from school.
Psychological well-being. The General Health Questionnaire is a selfadministered screening instrument used to measure psychological well-being. It is designed to cover four identiable elements of distress: depression, anxiety, social impairment and hypochondria. The GHQ can be used as a one, two, three or four factorial measure using different
settings and has been translated into different languages (Goldberg & Williams, 1988; Martin & Newell, 2005; Penninkilampi-Kerola et al., 2006). In this study, psychological well-being was measured using two factors (depression/anxiety and social dysfunction) of a shortened version of the General Health Questionnaire the GHQ-12 (Sarkova et al., 2006). The depression/anxiety factor identies feelings of distress and consists of items 2, 5, 6, 9, 10 and 11 (lost sleep due to worry, constantly under strain, cant overcome difculties, feeling unhappy, loss of self-condence, and thinking yourself worthless). Items 1, 3, 4, 7, 8 and 12 (ability to concentrate, playing a useful part, capable of making decisions, enjoying normal activities, facing up to problems, feeling reasonably happy) are components of the social dysfunction factor and indicate the inability to carry out ones normal healthy functions (Goldberg & Williams, 1988). The GHQ-12 questions compare how a respondents present state differs from their usual state. For the scoring, a four-point Likert scale (0,1,2,3) was used, with sum scores for each factor ranging from 0 to 18. A higher score indicated more depression/anxiety and social dysfunction. Cronbachs alpha was 0.80 for the depression/anxiety factor and 0.64 for social dysfunction. Self-esteem. Self-esteem can be dened as a persons global appraisal of his/her positive or negative value and was measured using the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (RSE) (Rosenberg, 1965). The scale was originally developed to measure global feelings of self-worth or self-acceptance among adolescents and is generally considered as the standard against which other measures of self-esteem are compared (Blascovich & Tomaka, 1991). Most studies use the scale as a one-dimensional, 10-item instrument, while others report a two-dimensional solution (Blascovich & Tomaka, 1991; Sarkova et al., 2006). The two-dimensional instrument has been administered in a study of 53 countries (Schmitt & Allik, 2005) and in two studies in Slovakia (Sarkova et al., 2006; Halama, 2008). Therefore, in this study, the scale was used as a two-factor instrument consisting of a general self-condence subscale for positive self-esteem (items (1) satised with self, (3) having good quality, (4) equal to others, (7) feeling valuable and (10) positive attitude) and a general self-deprecation subscale for negative self-esteem (items (2) feeling no good at all, (5) not proud, (6) feeling useless, (8) lack of respect and (9) feeling a failure) (Kaplan & Pokorny, 1969; Blascovich & Tomaka, 1991; Sarkova et al., 2006). Each item for both factors had four response options (1=strongly agree, 2=agree, 3=disagree, 4=strongly disagree), and the sum score for each factor ranged from 5 to 20, with a higher total score indicating higher positive and negative selfesteem. Cronbachs alpha was 0.71 for positive self-esteem and 0.63 for negative self-esteem. Assertiveness. Assertiveness was measured using the 47-item multidimensional self-reporting Scale for Interpersonal Behaviour (SIB)
(Arrindell & van der Ende, 1985). The items were classied into four subscales: (1) display of negative feelings or negative assertion requesting a change in a persons irritating behaviour and standing up for ones rights in a public situation (13 items); (2) expression of and dealing with personal limitations admitting ignorance about a topic, recognition of ones failure or limitation, the ability to deal with criticism and pressure, requesting help and attention (13 items); (3) initiating assertiveness expressing ones own opinion (10 items); and (4) a display of positive assertion of social skills giving and receiving praise or compliments, displaying positive feelings (8 items). Each subscale has, according to the authors, two dimensions: the degree of discomfort (distress) and the frequency of engaging (performance) in situations associated with attempts at self-assertion in specic social contexts (Arrindell & van der Ende, 1985; Bijstra et al., 1994; Bouvard et al., 1999). Respondents had to indicate (on a four-point scale) to what extent such situations made them anxious (for the distress dimension: 1= not at all, 2=a little bit, 3=quite, 4=very) and how often they engage in such situations (for the performance dimension: 1=never, 2=seldom, 3=frequently, 4=always). The sum score for each subscale and the two dimensions was acquired by calculating the relevant items for the given subscale and dimension. Cronbachs alpha (1) for the subscale display of negative feelings was 0.76 for the distress dimension and 0.71 for the performance dimension; (2) for the subscale expression of and dealing with personal limitations it was 0.81 for the distress dimension and 0.74 for the performance dimension; (3) for the subscale initiating assertiveness it was 0.78 for the distress dimension and 0.71 for the performance dimension; and (4) for the subscale display of positive assertion it was 0.76 for the distress dimension and 0.73 for the performance dimension. Cronbachs alpha was 0.93 for the distress dimension of the SIB and 0.90 for the performance dimension.
Statistical analyses
Firstly, the associations between the distress and performance dimensions of assertive behaviour were explored using the Pearson correlation coefcient. Power analysis was performed using GPower version 3.0.10. Next, two factors of psychological well-being (depression/anxiety and social dysfunction) and self-esteem (positive and negative self-esteem) were used as dependent variables in a stepwise linear regression. In this paper, the associations of the two assertiveness dimensions with the dependent variables were explored separately. Subsequently, the association of the distress dimension was adjusted for the performance dimension. Sex was controlled for in both cases. Analyses were done using the statistical software package SPSS version 12.1.
The means and standard deviations of the all studied variables used are presented in Table 6.1.
Table 6.1 Descriptive characteristics of the sample Male N=487 Age Psychological well-being depression/anxiety social dysfunction Self-esteem positive self-esteem negative self-esteem Assertiveness/Distress negative feelings positive feelings Assertiveness personal limitation Assertiveness/Performance negative feelings positive feelings Assertiveness personal limitation Female Whole sample N=536 N=1 023 mean (SD) mean - 14.9 years (14 - 17, SD 0.51) 12.38 (4.09) 11.48 (2.55) 15.15 (2.14) 12.97 (2.67) 22.60 (5.26) 14.84 (3.99) 16.94 (4.52) 21.84 (5.29) 27.89 (3.93) 18.34 (3.23) 23.60 (3.75) 29.59 (3.92) 11.44 (4.03) 11.37 (2.47) 15.29 (2.18) 13.31 (2.61) 22.32 (5.32) 14.44 (4.05) 16.72 (4.52) 21.59 (5.54) 27.77 (4.05) 18.24 (3.24) 23.34 (3.69) 29.02 (3.99)
10.41 (3.71) 11.24 (2.37) 15.44 (2.22) 13.69 (2.49) 22.00 (5.38) 13.99 (4.07) 16.47 (4.51) 21.30 (5.81) 27.65 (4.18) 18.13 (3.26) 23.04 (3.62) 28.38 (3.98)
Correlations for all studied variables are presented in Table 6.2. As the table shows both factors of psychological well-being and self-esteem were signicantly correlated with the assertive subscales of the distress dimension. On the other hand, social dysfunction and both the positive and negative self-esteem factors did not signicantly correlate with the negative feelings and personal limitations of the performance dimension. Depression/anxiety did not correlate with positive feelings, and social dysfunction and negative self-esteem did not correlate with assertiveness of performance dimension. In addition, the distress dimension of negative assertion and personal limitations did not correlate with the corresponding subscales of the performance dimension. Although some of the correlation coefcients were signicant, their value was very small indeed, and the power of the test was about 0.5; a larger sample size is needed to conrm/reject the relation. The other two subscales, positive feelings and assertiveness, were found to be negatively correlated, with a power of the correlation tests larger than 0.8 (r = -0.30 for positive feelings and for assertiveness). In other words, the more distress respondents felt in assertive situations, the less frequently they engaged in such situations.
1. depression/anxiety 1 .46*** -.25*** -.24*** -.24*** -.23*** .05 .21*** .13*** -.05 -.07** -.14*** .06 .11*** .05 -.05 .02 -.03 -.03 .02 .05 .06 -.08** -.13*** -.30*** -.07* .09** -.12*** -.30*** -20*** -.11*** .46*** .60*** .64*** .03 -.01 -.06 -.04 -.07** .01 1 1 .60*** .39*** .08** 1 .60*** .03 1 .15*** -.20*** .68*** .60*** .65*** 1 -.16*** .68*** .66*** 1 -.20*** .60*** 1 -.22*** 1 1
2. social dysfunction
3. positive self-esteem
4. negative self-esteem
5. negative feelingsa
6. positive feelingsa
7. assertivenessa
8. personal limitation
9. negative feelingsb
11. assertiveness
13. sex
Notes. distress dimension, performance dimension; ***p< 0.001, **p< 0.01, *p< 0.05
In the next step, the association between the distress and performance dimensions with each assertive behaviour subscale on the depression/ anxiety and social dysfunction factors of psychological well-being and the positive and negative self-esteem factors were explored (Table 6.3). Sex was also controlled for during this process. Depression/anxiety - The association between the distress and performance dimensions of the assertive behaviour subscales and psychological well-being factors were analysed. The distress dimension was found to have a strong association with depression/anxiety in all assertive behaviour subscales. However, the association of the performance dimension with this factor was weaker for two of the subscales: assertiveness and positive feelings (Table 6.3). After adjustment of the distress dimension for performance, the association of the distress dimension with depression/anxiety did not change for any of the four subscales (Table 6.3). Social dysfunction - The distress dimension was found to have a strong association with social dysfunction for all assertive behaviour subscales. The association of the performance dimension with social dysfunction was not signicant, with the exception of the positive feelings subscale. When the distress dimension was adjusted for the performance dimension, the association was weaker for the assertiveness and positive feelings subscales. Positive self-esteem - The distress dimension was found to have a strong association with positive self-esteem in all the assertive behaviour subscales. The association of the performance dimension with positive self-esteem was strong for both the positive feelings and assertiveness subscales. However, it was not signicant for either the personal limitation or negative feelings subscales (Table 6.3). The subsequent adjustment of the distress dimension for the performance dimension did not change the association for any of the four subscales. Negative self-esteem - The distress dimension had a strong association with negative self-esteem in all of the assertive behaviour subscales, while the association of the performance dimension was signicant with the positive feelings and assertiveness subscales. As with positive self-esteem, the association of the distress dimension with negative self-esteem did not change when adjusted for the performance dimension (Table 6.3).
Table 6.3 Results from the linear regression analysis: Associations of assertive dimensions with Depression/anxiety, Social dysfunction, Positive self-esteem, and Negative self-esteem Depression/anxiety Social dysfunction Positive self-esteem Negative self-esteem Step 1 sig Personal limitation .24*** distress dimension Sex .24*** R2 12% Personal limitation .13*** performance dimension Sex .24*** 8% R2 Assertiveness distress dimension Sex R2 Assertiveness performance dimension Sex R2 Positive feelings distress dimension Sex R2 Positive feelings performance dimension Sex R2 .16*** .23*** 8% .09** Step 2 sig .24*** .23*** 14% Step 1 sig .12*** .04ns 2% -.003 Step 2 Step 1 sig sig .12*** -.22*** .06ns 1% -.06ns 5% -.04 Step 2 sig -.22*** -.07* 5% Step 1 sig -.20*** -.14*** 6% -.03 Step 2 sig -.20*** -.14*** 6%
.62 0.2% .21*** .22*** 10% .12*** .04 1% -.02 .11** .04 1%
.25*** 6%
.06 1%
-.08** 5%
-.15*** 3%
Negative feelings .23*** .24*** .12*** .12*** -.25*** -.25*** -.21*** distress dimension .05ns -.06ns -.07* -.13*** Sex .23*** .23*** .05ns 2 R 11% 14% 2% 1% 6% 7% 6% .05ns -.01ns Negative feelings .16*** .02ns performance dimension Sex .24*** .05ns -.08** -.14*** 2 R 8% 0.1% 1% 2% Notes. Step 1: distress dimension, Step 2: distress dimension adjusted for the performance; ***p< 0.001, **p< 0.01, *p< 0.05
The aim of the study was to explore the associations of two dimensions of assertiveness with psychological well-being and self-esteem in adolescents. Firstly, the relationship between anxiety in assertive situations and the frequency of engaging in these situations was examined. As expected, strong correlations between these dimensions were found. That is, the greater the anxiety felt in expressing positive feelings and assertiveness (distress dimension), the less frequently adolescents engage in these situations (performance dimension). At the same time, as we expected, there are strong correlations between depression/anxiety, social dysfunction, positive and negative self-esteem and the assertive subscales. These ndings are in line with Riggio et al. (1993) who also found strong correlations between psychological well-being, self-esteem and social skills. Secondly, the association of assertiveness with two factors of psychological well-being and two factors of self-esteem was explored. As expected the distress dimension, as well as the performance dimension, was negatively associated with depression/anxiety and positive and negative self-esteem but was not associated with social dysfunction. This weaker relationship between assertiveness and depression/anxiety and social dysfunction in comparison with the stronger relationship between assertiveness and positive and negative self-esteem is consistent with ndings of other studies (Riggio et al., 1990; Bijstra et al., 1994). While assertiveness could be seen as behaviour towards the outside world, it is at the same time strongly associated with feelings towards oneself. Therefore, it appears that the association of assertiveness with depression and self-esteem is stronger than with social dysfunction. Finally, it had been expected that the negative effect of the distress dimension on depression/anxiety, social dysfunction and positive and negative self-esteem would increase when the frequency of performance was controlled for. However, this was not the case in this study, although there may be several reasons and explanations for the way people behave in social situations. Several factors associated with assertive behaviour might play a role, and those such as personal (extroversion, introversion) or psychosocial (social fears) or emotive (social self-esteem) factors, once taken into account, could provide a better understanding of assertive behaviour in adolescence. It is shown that there are also statistical differences in levels of self-esteem and assertiveness among students who had well and who had poor family relationships (Karagzolu et al., 2008). Among other possible factors, the current area of study at the university also plays an important role in this study. The inclusion of these factors in further analyses is necessary to gain a better understanding of the topic (Ingls et al., 2005). Another possible explanation may be the
adaptation of adolescents to social situations. The anxiety they feel in assertive situations may be the same regardless of how often they engage in them. While they may feel anxious, the association of anxiety with psychological well-being and self-esteem does not appear to increase with the increasing frequency of such situations. In line with Bijstras study (1994), low performance may be interpreted negatively when it is associated with high distress, such as avoidance behaviour. On the other hand, low performance is not necessarily negative condition when it is associated with low distress (Bijstra et al., 1994). Distress and performance might be closely related to the demands and the type of assertive situation as well as the character of a person. Several studies have shown that most adolescents report some social situations (e.g. asking a stranger in a public area to put out his cigarette) require being more assertive than others (e.g. thanking somebody for helping) (Ingls et al., 2005). Therefore, an adolescents difculties with assertive behaviour may be greater when the situation involves some type of conict. This contrasts with situations which are not so confrontational, such as thanking someone for help with schoolwork. Although it was anticipated that the subscales from the SIB would show some differences with regard to different assertive situations, this study did not conrm this assumption. The reason could be associated with versions of items in separate subscales of the SIB, and researchers need to be aware of the potential problems surrounding the translation scale. In addition, adolescents may lack the linguistic skills necessary to give appropriate responses and may not sense the subtle of difference between items. Therefore, it appears that the independent variables explain a small percentage of the variance of the dependent variables. When the distress dimension was adjusted for the performance dimension, the explained variance increased, especially for the depression/anxiety factor. There is a lack of studies oriented on assertiveness and interpersonal behaviour. The ndings based on studies of different age and cultural groups cannot be generalised without additional research. The majority of the studies on assertiveness explored sex differences, and only a few of them focused on the associations between assertiveness and mental health. This study has several strengths from which the most important is the use of two factors of psychological well-being and two factors of self-esteem in combination with four subscales and two dimensions of assertiveness. This enables a deeper understanding of the associations. In terms of limitations, the cross-sectional design of our study restricts our ndings. A longitudinal study is necessary for a better understanding of mentioned variables and might help us to contribute to unravel the pathway. There are several studies focusing on prevention which show that school-based drug programs that include mediating variables such as self-
efcacy, self-esteem, well-being and social skills could be more effective and might help prevent substance use (Botvin, 2000). According to our ndings, we may assume that an increase in adolescents assertiveness will have signicant positive consequences for their psychological wellbeing, self-esteem and other aspects of healthy development, which could also be considered when designing health promotion as well as intervention programmes focused on this group. Cuijpers review (2002) suggests adding life-skills training to social-inuence programs, because thus far there is not sufcient evidence from research on mediating variables that social training, enhancing of self-esteem and focusing on psychological well-being increase the effects of prevention programs. Because the efcacy of intervention programs is highly dependent on precise identication of relevant and changeable health determinants, it is important to understand and incorporate into these programs our ndings about the role of assertiveness on psychological well-being and self-esteem among adolescents.
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