Strategic Plan Review September 2013 Board Report

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"Linking Students to the World ...


Strategic Plan
2012-13 Mission Statement Beliefs
Education and learning are the responsibility of the entire community. ______________ Otsego Public Schools is a service oriented, student centered, learning community that continually creates an environment for everyone to learn.

Student Achievement & Instruction
Utilize data to tailor instruction and maximize student achievement.

Align PreK-12 curriculum to the Common Core State Standards with an emphasis on shared responsibility for the Literacy Standards. Fully implement multi-tiered support systems (RtI) in all buildings K-12. Apply data to drive student achievement through professional learning communities. Narrow the student achievement gap. Complete a district scope and sequence supporting the writing process. Use advanced technologies to support student achievement and prepare for the Smarter Balanced Assessment. Integrate technology into practice using collaboration, communication and research.

All students can learn. ______________

Education depends upon communication and collaboration among the school, student, family and the community. ______________

Culture & Climate

Continue to build an organizational culture of respect and caring for all members of the community.

Embody a caring environment by building strong mentor relationships. Nurture a service-oriented and positive school culture. Learn, model, and teach 21st century adaptability.

Schools must provide a safe, respectful, and caring learning environment. _____________

Learning improves when educators use data and research-based practices to guide instruction. ______________

Resource Management
Ensure the effective use of district resources and facilities to enhance both the learning community and the greater local community.

Establish an annual budget that ensures district sustainability. Maximize innovative revenue and cost savings opportunities. Provide quality professional development opportunities to maintain a highly qualified staff. Maintain quality of district facilities. Maintain the district technology plan in accordance with state guidelines. Support current and future technology through expansion of bandwidth and accessibility to the cloud.

Education cultivates interests that promote life-long learning.


Student Achievement & Instruction
Utilize data to tailor instruction and maximize student achievement.

Align PreK-12 curriculum to the Common Core State Standards with an emphasis on shared responsibility for the Literacy Standards. Elementary PLCs working to implement CCSS Vertical ELA/Math teams study common core, creating alignment documents Unit plans developed based on MAISA (Units aligned to the CCSS) Integration of CCSS writing skills in courses outside of ELA PD from AAESA on Literacy integration across the curriculum for all 6-12 non ELA/Math teachers District wide- Matrix that depicts the writing frequency and writing assignment types in all subject areas HS Science PLC focus on reading literacy skills in science- began fall 2012 Vertical Art PLC focuses on art critique through writing Fully implement multi-tiered support systems (RtI) in all buildings K-12. DSE studying/working to implement RtI HS Algebra support class HS Math Lab Adoption of the philosophy on multiple opportunities (re-testing) for students to show their learning Writing Support Class for Juniors 6-12 Academic Support Classes and co-taught Classes for Special Needs students Delta Math used as a screener to group students and fill learning gaps- aligned to the CCSS Writing support class for 6th grade students Read 180 implemented fall of 13-14 for 7th grade struggling readers All building administrators have attended presentations by Mike Mattos Apply data to drive student achievement through professional learning communities. PLCs at the elementary began in 2012-13 and continue PLCs at the middle school began in 2011-12 Early Release begins for 6-12 in 2011-12 Common Summative Assessments underway district wide PLC website - artifact warehouse of our work Narrow the student achievement gap. Extending many core classes at the HS to a full year Math Lab, Support classes, Academic Support/Co-taught classes Commitment to RtI district wide Robust "Fill the Gaps Fall" initiative throughout the whole district Complete a district scope and sequence supporting the writing process. Write-Steps program implemented across the district District wide- Matrix that depicts the writing frequency and writing assignment types in all subject areas Vertical Writing Team in place District Common Writing Prompt to promote argumentative writing Use advanced technologies to support student achievement and prepare for the Smarter Balanced Assessment. Participated in Smarter Balanced Pilot program spring of 2013 Tech plan continues to purchase and replenish hardware to support online testing needs Chose to participate in the online Science and Social Studies MEAP testing fall of 2013 to give students another opportunity to test in an online environment Integrate technology into practice using collaboration, communication and research . 1:1 Pilot in the HS with IPads to promote use of Edmoto, Google Docs, and applications to support learning Continued Tech classes that support technology integration Blended Learning Spanish III pilot at the High School BYOD encouraged more and more

Culture & Climate
Continue to build an organizational culture of respect and caring for all members of the community.

Embody a caring environment by building strong mentor relationships. Freshman Mentor Program at the HS Superintendent's Dropout Challenge at DIX and HS Evidence of CKH across the district Freshman Focus Mentoring of new Teachers Academic Support Courses Dare to be Different Men Keeping it Real/Men with Integrity Nurture a service-oriented and positive school culture. Community Service graduation requirement Food Drives Make a Wish projects Angel Tree Student Council Christmas Party Collections for disaster relief Clothes closet Make A Difference Day Cookie Capers with Wings of Hope Hospice Watch D.O.G.S. program at WSE Conflict Manager program 4-5th graders at all three elementaries Learn, model, and teach 21st century adaptability. Spanish III blended learning course Online classes used frequently 1:1 pilot

Resource Management
Ensure the effective use of district resources and facilities to enhance both the learning community and the greater local community.

Establish an annual budget that ensures district sustainability. In the process of doing this; we discovered some new issues. This is now an area of primary focus. Maximize innovative revenue and cost savings opportunities. Provide quality professional development opportunities to maintain a highly qualified staff. County will host Mike Mattos at OPS on January 29, 2013 and has also brought him to Allegan for administrators and teachers in both 2011 and 2012. Vertical Writing/Math utilized consultants to deepen the knowledge of the CCSS within our leadership teams Linda Jordan in 2012-13 for our Vertical team members and for all of OPS in the fall of 2014 Van Andel Science training for science teachers of grades 6-12 Technology training offered by OPS to help integrate technology as a teaching tool Maintain quality of district facilities. Maintain the district technology plan in accordance with state guidelines. Technology team meets nearly monthly to write, maintain, and assess the plan. Support current and future technology through expansion of bandwidth and accessibility to the cloud. In process

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