Design For Play:: A Guide To Creating Successful Play Spaces
Design For Play:: A Guide To Creating Successful Play Spaces
Design For Play:: A Guide To Creating Successful Play Spaces
Aileen Shackell Aileen Shackell is a landscape architect with over 15 years experience working in parks and open spaces, many of which have included play areas. She has worked in both the private sector and for the environmental charity Groundwork and now runs her own landscape practice. Nicola Butler Nicola Butler is the Director of the Free Play Network, a network of individuals and organisations that aim to promote the need for better play opportunities for children. She is co-author of the online photo exhibitions, Places of Woe: Places of Possibility and Places for Play. Nicola has also developed the Free Play Network's online discussion forums, addressing current issues affecting childrens play. Phil Doyle Phil Doyle has over 30 years experience in the local authority and voluntary sectors developing play opportunities for children and young people in a wide range of settings. Phil has extensive experience of community engagement and involvement on public play spaces. He has practical experience of initiating and project managing the development and design of play spaces and has a real understanding of the maintenance implications of designed schemes. He was previously the local authority representative for the Local Government Association on the Play Safety Forum. David Ball David Ball is Professor of Risk Management and Director of the Centre for Decision Analysis and Risk Management at Middlesex University. David first became involved with child safety issues in 1986 when working at the Greater London Council. His interest in this subject has continued throughout, and has resulted in major publications on the topic, for example, Playgrounds risks, benefits and choices, published by the Health and Safety Executive in 2002. David also has lengthy experience with risk issues in general including the legal process. Free Play Network The Free Play Network is a charity dedicated to improving children's opportunities for outdoor play. The Network has more information on designing for play, including innovative examples of play space design on its website at Play England Play England aims for all children and young people in England to have regular access and opportunity for free, inclusive, local play provision and play space. Play England provides advice and support to promote good practice, and works to ensure that the importance of play is recognised by policy makers, planners and the public. For further information visit CABE Space CABE is the Governments advisor on architecture, urban design and public space. CABE Space is the specialist unit that aims to bring excellence to the design, management and maintenance of parks and public space in our towns and cities. For more information, visit
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1. Glossary 2. Index of sites 3. Case studies 98 101 103
Health and Safety Executive
HSE commends the application of sensible health and safety management principles to the provision of childrens play, and recognises the importance of enabling innovation and learning through recreational and learning activities where the risks are managed. We are pleased to endorse the approach to risk management suggested in Design for Play. Barry Baker HM Principal Inspector of Health and Safety Entertainment and Leisure Sector HSE
The Childrens Plan (DCSF, 2007a) announced a record programme of investment of 235 million in play over three years 2008 2011. Exciting new play areas in every local authority in England will be developed with this funding.
Play space needs to be of high quality and good design to attract children and families and become a valued part of the local environment. Poor quality, unimaginative space will not be attractive to children, will not be valued by the local community and will fall in to disuse and disrepair. Good design is a good investment. Safety is an issue for parents and children. This is often a barrier to encouraging outdoor play, so we want play space that helps children play safely and to encourage parents to let their children play outside. Design for Play makes a valuable contribution to delivering our cross government Staying Safe Action Plan (DCSF, 2008c) and Public Service Agreement to improve children and young peoples safety. This is a wide-ranging programme of work improving safety in all aspects of children's lives. This guidance strikes the right balance between providing safe play and allowing children to learn about managing risk. By experiencing risk in this way, children and young people will learn about keeping themselves safe, not just whilst playing but in other aspects of their lives.
Design for Play sets out the principles for creating imaginative, innovative, and stimulating play spaces that will enrich the lives of children and young people. We look forward to seeing it inspire commissioners and designers as they work with communities to transform their local play offers.
Kevin Brennan MP Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Children, Young People and Families Gerry Sutcliffe MP Minister for Sport
Planning for Play: Guidance on the development and implementation of a local play strategy (Childrens Play Council, 2006), set out a recommended framework and process for these and other partners to work together to produce area-wide plans as the basis for allocated funding from the Big Lottery Funds Childrens Play programme. Play partnerships in the vast majority of district and unitary authorities have completed that work, so that almost every area of England now has a cohesive play strategy and funding to begin implementing it.
The Governments new play pathfinder and playbuilder funding announced in The Childrens Plan and allocated to top tier authorities, should ensure that the momentum for expanded and improved provision continues. This groundswell of strategic planning for play should link with other plans and funding streams, such as the local youth strategy and the myplace investment programme. The measures in Fair Play are also designed to ensure that local play strategies are adopted and firmly embedded within the wider top-tier plans and strategies for our cities and counties: coordinated within the overall vision of The Childrens Plan to create joined up childrens services and child-friendly environments that genuinely place children at the heart of their communities. But if the barriers to outdoor play are complex, one thing is clear: dedicated play areas, and any spaces that would offer children somewhere to play, need to appeal to children, respond to their needs and sustain their engagement over time if they are to fulfil their purpose.
This guide, which we are very pleased to jointly publish with the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), and the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), is to help those charged with investing in play provision to aim high by taking a step back from the sometimes limiting stereotype of a public playground. The guide is aspirational, aiming to inspire, not to prescribe. Its premise is that, like any other part of the public realm that is intended to be well used, well loved and well maintained, play space needs a coherent concept and a clear design. The principles that are recommended to inform this design are based on well-researched findings about what constitutes a good play environment. Because this research tells us that children like to play throughout whatever domain is accessible to them, it argues that play space should be integrated sensitively into the wider design of the public realm. Much public play space currently relies primarily on the design and installation of manufactured play equipment. Much of this is high quality in terms of play value, but a lot of it is not and seems to be based on a narrow view of how children play. A lot of play equipment is designed with a primary focus on safety, offering little opportunity for play that offers risk and challenge. Equally, avoiding wear and tear often appears to be a bigger priority than user enjoyment. The point of this guide is not to abandon the use of manufactured play equipment. On the contrary, the efforts to repopulate our public spaces with playing children, of which this guide is a part, should see a growth in demand for all aspects of play provision over years to come. We do, however, aim to encourage commissions that use equipment creatively, and with a keen understanding of the different ways that children need play. In this approach, equipment, where it is used (and good play space is not always dependent on it) is part of the overall design, rather than the sole feature. Landscaping, planting and community art installations, for example, can offer children as much play value as apparatus. A combination of these, complementing one another within the overall design for an area, can cultivate a greater sense of place, allow children the fullest play experiences, and reap huge benefits for them, their families and the wider community.
Section 1: Background
Introduction Chapter 1: Inspiring play Chapter 2: Inspiring play spaces
This guide is, primarily, for commissioners and designers of childrens play areas. It is nonstatutory guidance to playbuilder local authorities under the capital-spending programme launched by DCSF in April 2008. This programme, integral to the Governments new national play strategy, has allocated an average of 1.1m to every top tier local authority in England and the Department expects playbuilders to demonstrate best practice in innovative design and production of play sites and to be mindful of this guidance when undertaking their capital investment (DCSF, 2008b). The guidance is intended to support good practice in the development and improvement of public play space. It is not intended as a strict set of criteria for the capital programme, but to present guiding principles, suggested approaches and to inspire innovative and creative ideas. The guide is also intended to inform the creation of outdoor play space for years to come, that does justice to childrens endless capacity for adventure and imagination, their fundamental need for exercise and social interaction and, above all, to their innate sense of fun. It is also aimed at those responsible for the wider public realm, and aims to show that well-used and well-loved places to play will often be integrated within the cohesive design of a wider community space. Places where children play can be important social places, not just for children and young people, but also for parents, carers and the wider community. They should be places where children and young people can enjoy spending time, be physically active, interact with their natural surroundings, experience change and continuity, take risks in an environment where they feel safe and, of course, play alone or with others in a wide variety of ways. These places, in both rural and urban areas, might include residential streets, town and city squares, playgrounds in parks and other open spaces; woods and commons; recreation grounds or public spaces on housing estates anywhere that play is a legitimate use of the space. This guide focuses on un-staffed play provision. However many of the lessons learned are equally applicable to staffed sites, such as adventure playgrounds and schools. This guide will help those involved in commissioning and designing places for play to put play value at the heart of provision. It shows how to design good play spaces, which can be affordably maintained, which give children and young people the freedom to play creatively, and yet still allow them to experience risk, challenge and excitement. It sets out a new approach, tackles some current myths, and aims to challenge providers to think more laterally and creatively about children and young people in the public domain. For some, the ideas and aspirations in this guide may, at first, seem unrealistic and unattainable. It aims to show, however, that, with imagination, planning and an understanding of childrens needs, it is possible to create and maintain exciting play areas for children and young people of different ages, sometimes by making only small changes to existing provision. It also aims to provide the ideas and the practical resources for building new play areas in a fresher and more inspiring way than is common practice at present.
1 In addition to the playbuilder funding, 30 local authorities will also be awarded play pathfinder status and additional funding for a range of other measures. This guidance does not address these additional measures.
Play is what children and young people do in their own time, for their own reasons. When playing, children choose what to do, how to do it and who to do it with. Play takes many forms: doing nothing in particular; doing lots; being boisterous; showing off; being contemplative; being alone; being social; being challenged; being thwarted; overcoming difficulties. Through play, children explore the world and learn to take responsibility for their own choices.
Playing allows children to develop a sense of well-being, develops their emotional responses and improves their interpersonal skills. It involves exploration and creativity, helping children think in a flexible manner, developing the creative process, language skills, and learning and problem solving skills. (DCSF: 2008a)
Play can take many different forms.
We should not prevent children and young people from doing things they enjoy because of risks that can be managed. Children and young people themselves recognise that you cant make everything safe and that a balance is needed between risks and fun. Children recognise that knowing about risks and how to manage them is an essential part of growing up. (DCSF: 2007b) As they grow and develop, children seek out different types of challenge and risk in their play, and providers need to understand and account for this in the play opportunities they are offering. This can be addressed by combining guidance from agreed Europe-wide industry standards with local, policy-based, risk-benefit assessment. This process is described in detail in the Managing Risk in Play Provision: Implementation guide (DCSF and Play England, 2008).
Frode Svane
The benefits of a good public realm for children and young people are part of the benefits it gives the rest of society. When it functions well, public space is a free shared resource for all to draw on, a realm for everyday sociability, and a safe setting for face-to-face interaction between strangers. (Beunderman, Hannon and Bradwell, 2007) Children benefit in particular from being able to play in natural environments. They tend to be more active, and evidence suggests that contact with natural environments supports positive mental health (Sustainable Development Commission, 2007; Lester and Maudsley, 2007).
Frode Svane
Many of the open space strategies developed by local authorities have demonstrated that provision for teenagers across the UK is particularly limited. Often deemed too old for play, teenagers need more than youth shelters and areas for ball games. More places where they can congregate and socialise with their friends are especially important.
are bespoke are well located make use of natural elements provide a wide range of play experiences are accessible to both disabled and non-disabled children meet community needs allow children of different ages to play together build in opportunities to experience risk and challenge are sustainable and appropriately maintained allow for change and evolution.
Understanding play
Ask any adult to recall their best play memories. These were almost always outside often in natural surroundings with friends; exciting, social, creative experiences often high in anticipation. Ask the same adults if their children can play in the same way today and silence falls. But todays children should have access to just as wide a range of play opportunities as their parents had. Creating spaces where children can play freely and which offer them experiences they might remember for the rest of their lives, requires careful thought and imaginative design. At first glance, some of the ideas in this guide may seem, to those who commission play spaces, unusual and possibly challenging. However, once providers recognise and acknowledge the potential benefits to children and communities, and free their imaginations, they will be able to think, design and commission more creatively. Childrens playgrounds often look remarkably similar across the UK, and the design process can be dominated by assumptions and stereotypes. A playground consisting only of basic equipment, fencing and rubber safety surfacing caters for a narrow range of play experiences. A widely held belief has developed that this is what play areas are supposed to look like.
Although play spaces like these are often used and enjoyed by children across the UK, in many areas these same children have little access to other places for outdoor play or to the natural environment, spend little time outdoors in the fresh air doing their own thing, and have little independence in how they experience the world outside their homes.
Typical play space in Germany: informal layout, loose-fill surfacing and unfenced boundary.
Children and young people need to be made more welcome in the public domain, but with so many factors now restricting their access to the outdoors, it is becoming all the more essential that their play spaces provide a far wider range of play activities and environments than they have in the past. A growing number of people in the UK are therefore taking a new approach to the design of play spaces, in many cases inspired by schemes in continental Europe, where imaginative play space design is frequently seen. Whilst thankfully we recognise that children need so much more than a diet of chicken nuggets and twizzlers, equally the same can be said for a play diet that is restricted to a concoction of springy chickens and twisters If we are to really improve the quality of play opportunities, we also need to provide children with access to more natural and creative play settings that help stimulate the senses and encourage greater use of the imagination. (Packard, 2007) The primary aim of designing a play space must be to offer children a rich play environment where they can have a wide variety of play experiences and, where possible, learn about the natural environment.
Successful play spaces offer movement and physical activity with space and features that allow a range of energetic and strength building play experiences.
Play England
Successful play spaces stimulate the five senses maybe providing access to music and sound, and different smells made by plants and leaves.
Nicola Butler
Successful play spaces are good places for social interactions allowing children to choose whether and when to play alone or with others, to negotiate, cooperate, compete and resolve conflicts.
Play England
Successful play spaces allow children to manipulate natural and fabricated materials, use tools, and have access to bits and pieces of all kinds.
Play England
Successful play spaces offer children challenge and activities that test the limits of their capabilities, including rough and tumble, sports and games, and opportunities to climb. (Hughes, 1996)
In rural areas, locally occurring materials and geographical features can be used to add play value. In Balmaha Play Landscape, the naturally hilly slopes were retained as an important feature of the final layout, along with the rounded granite boulders and the long grasses and ferns which are all found naturally in the area.
Balmaha Play Landscape.
Nicola Butler
Even in an urban area, designing a play area to fit its context can create a more attractive place. Milton Keynes Bus Station Skate Park is a good example of a scheme that has been sensitively designed so as to be well integrated within the urban streetscape. The skate park uses a carefully selected palette of construction materials, which complements the surrounding townscape.
Aileen Shackell
Play areas located on natural throughroutes and by well-used public footpaths work particularly well. In Allens Gardens the main footpath forms a central spine to the park and encourages people through, although the site itself is relatively tuckedaway behind housing. Either side of the path the gardens are subdivided by the densely planted shrubs and trees into a series of smaller, almost secret, spaces. There is a good balance between feeling that there are likely to be people walking through making it feel less isolated and still feeling as though you can hide away in a secluded corner.
Nicola Butler
In Chapelfield Play Area a previously level site on the edge of the village and backing onto farmland was transformed into a playable and playful arrangement of mounds, ditches and hollows, inspired by the archaeological history of the site. The new changes in ground levels provide numerous opportunities for exploring, climbing, hiding and chasing play activities that are often seen on the site.
At Trefusis Playing Field several pieces of play equipment allow for all the conventional types of active play. However, these are located in a carefully designed setting to create a space that is deliberately nonprescriptive in terms of its use, allowing for the many other different types of play, such as creative, social and dramatic play. Elements with no defined function have also deliberately been included, such as a curved concrete structure, which can be a surface for skateboards, a seat, or even a wall for smaller children to run along.
5: Imagine a play space where disabled and non-disabled children play together
Successful play spaces offer enjoyable play experiences to disabled children and young people, and to those who are non-disabled, whilst accepting that not all elements of the play space can be accessible to everyone. Children with different abilities can play together in welldesigned play spaces, and parents and carers who are themselves disabled should be able to gain access to play spaces if they are to accompany their children. Though many play providers focus on equipment that is wheelchair-accessible, it is important to recognise that there are many different types of disability or special need. Nonprescriptive equipment, which can be used flexibly such as a nest swing might be interesting to large numbers of children with different needs and abilities. The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Playground in Kensington Gardens, London, is a play area where disabled and nondisabled children can play alongside each other. Wheelchair accessible high-level walkways are accessible from a smooth surfaced path, which also connects the various areas of loose-fill surfacing (sand and play bark). The sandy surfaces are accessible to wheelchair-users, with assistance, and once in the sand children with very differing needs and abilities play together.
Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Playground.
Aileen Shackell
At Cutsyke Play Forest, West Yorkshire, the contractor designed and developed a play feature consisting of six-metre poles, a platform, slides and netting that could be built into a play forest. At Cutsyke, the highest platform intended for climbing is 4 metres above the ground, whilst the standard requires the highest supporting position to be no greater than 3 metres. In addition, children on this platform are exposed to the possibility of falling. The risk assessment made the judgement that the benefits to childrens play experience were sufficiently great, and the likelihood of a child falling sufficiently small, to allow the platform to be built. The play forest was developed in close co-operation with the local community who use the site extensively and obviously feel proud that their small village features such an unusual and exciting play space.
Nicola Butler
At Wyvis Street Play Space, in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, the tyre swing is used by children of all ages, from older teenagers to very young children, with assistance from their parents. And even the sandpit area, which was designed more with very young children in mind, attracts much older ones who enjoy sitting round it with their friends.
Wyvis Street Play Space.
Nicola Butler
8: Imagine a play space where children can stretch and challenge themselves in every way
Children and young people need opportunities to experience challenge and excitement in their play. Children need to take risks to learn how to manage risks. This is an essential part of growing up, and play is one of the most important ways in which they develop this vital skill. Riding a bicycle, climbing a scramble net, or pushing a friend on a swing all involve risk. It is essential that we do not try and remove all the risk from play or wrap children in cotton wool. (DCSF: 2008a) At the Climbing Forest in Coombe Abbey Country Park, the client worked with the contractor to design and build a network of climbing posts and nets set within an area of mature woodland. With climbing and fall heights ranging from as little as 150mm above ground level to as much as over 3m above the bark chip surface below, the installation provides an exciting experience for children and young people of all ages, even including young adults in their 20s.
9: Imagine a play space maintained for play value and environmental sustainability
Good play spaces are designed and constructed using recycled or sustainably sourced materials. Long-term maintenance and sustainability are also vitally important considerations in the design process, but in successful play spaces do not overshadow the schemes play value and ability to meet the play needs of children and young people. Good play spaces are designed and constructed bearing in mind sustainability but they are not necessarily tidy, and bits of scrub or long grass, fallen leaves and twigs, may all provide additional play opportunities.
At Horsham Park in Horsham, West Sussex, the play space contains a variety of different types of surfacing, including an extensive area of sand, which is immensely popular. In this slightly exposed location, the sand tends to drift out of the area immediately around the equipment. Rather than constantly tidying it up, the park manager has concluded that the larger area of sand that results might as well be left, as this larger sandy surface provides even more play value than was originally intended.
Aileen Shackell
Horsham Park.
In unfenced play spaces, such as Dilkes Park in Thurrock, the flexible layout means that extension of the play space is relatively unconstrained. Here, the equipment is seamlessly integrated with its woodland setting and there is no sense of where the play space begins and ends, making it feel far more inviting to explore than a more conventional fenced layout.
Dilkes Park.
Nicola Butler
Everyone can imagine a great place to play the skill is in turning the image into reality, using the 10 design principles. It is the people who commission play spaces for local authorities and other organisations, and those who manage and direct them, who hold the key to this transformation.
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It is not necessary to be prescriptive about usage a play space aimed at teenagers can sometimes be very attractive to and usable by much younger children when the teenagers are not around, and vice versa. Wyvis Street Play Space is a good example of a doorstep play space where the same play features are used by different age groups throughout the day. However larger sites which serve a wider area can more easily offer a wider range of elements for a variety of age groups and abilities. More and better quality provision is also urgently required specifically for older children and teenagers, who have their own distinct needs, so this is likely to be a high priority in many areas. Ball games areas and wheel parks are the most common forms of teenage provision but these tend to cater less well for girls. Cowley Teenage Space has achieved a successful balance between active ball and wheeled play and the quieter social spaces which are appealing to both sexes.
Groundwork Wakefield
Once a commitment has been made to develop a play space and resources have been found to do so, there are a number of tools that can help clarify priorities for action. One such tool is Spaceshaper, developed by CABE Space, which assesses the quality of a public space by bringing those who use a space together with those who manage it. CABE Space is working with partners to develop a version of the tool for children and young people. For more information see
At Cowley Teenage Space in the London Borough of Lambeth residents of all ages from the Cowley Estate worked together to develop the initial ideas for the teenage space. Artists running the consultation brought in objects which were used by residents to make temporary threedimensional structures, which led directly to the construction of permanent structures around the edge of the new ball games area, providing new places to sit and hang out, and to cycle over.
The objective of community engagement is not only to gather information about prospective users needs, but to ensure that local people are happy with the outcome and are committed to its long-term maintenance and survival. Experience of more successful schemes suggests that active involvement of local people throughout the design cycle is a more useful approach than only asking for views in the early stages. The Neighbourhood Play Toolkit (Childrens Play Council, 2006), a CD-ROM from the National Childrens Bureau, gives detailed information on consulting with people in local communities and extensive information on developing play areas. It is not unusual for communities to be hostile to the idea of new play spaces. In this situation, taking time to explore concerns is essential. Differing local views can de-rail a project, unless the commissioner and designer are prepared to make a serious attempt to confront and negotiate over them, and ultimately they may have to take a strong line to preserve the integrity of the design concept. A frank and open process of engagement with the community may not avoid disagreements, but should have the effect of showing the process to have been fair. Identifying someone within the group to take a leadership role and act as a project advocate will also be very helpful.
Steering groups
All projects require leadership and management. The person responsible for commissioning the space will need to harness the skills and expertise of others. Where time and funds allow this might involve creating a project steering group. A project steering group should include the designer, someone who will be involved in maintenance, someone involved in procurement, and representatives from the local community. It is important to involve maintenance officers at an early stage so they understand that the prime reason for play spaces is for childrens play and that the play environment should not be dictated or reduced by concerns about maintenance requirements. The project steering group should include someone with detailed knowledge of health and safety issues and insurance. If traffic calming is required then involvement of transport and planning colleagues at an early stage is vital. More information about setting up and supporting a steering group can be found in the Neighbourhood Play Toolkit.
Planning permission
Many local authorities allow play areas to be constructed without planning permission, except for structures over a certain height. Others require planning applications for all new play spaces, especially those involving a change of land use. It is advisable to discuss the scheme with a local authority development control officer at an early stage to establish whether a planning application is necessary. It is common during the consultation and notification stage of the planning application for the local community to voice concerns about proposals for a new play space, so it is important to inform and enthuse people at the earliest opportunity. Sometimes consultations can be dominated by very vocal residents, opposed to the play space. The commissioner and designer need strength of purpose to listen and respond to negative views but not lose sight of the overall objective.
Securing funding
Access to information about on-going funding sources is essential to the long-term sustainability of any successful play space. If there is a project steering group it may include someone responsible for exploring funding possibilities. There are different local authority budgets that might be able to support play space development, including budgets for tree works, planting, maintenance, environmental improvements, health and safety, Section 106 funding and landfill tax. For schemes to succeed, there must be enough money for capital, consultation, design and running costs. Funding often becomes available towards the end of the financial year at very short notice. Rather than rush proposals for new or refurbished play spaces, or lose the funding due to lack of time, aim to have some on the shelf projects, ready to be taken forward at short notice.
Invermead Close Playable Space in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham is designed as a shared communal space. It is located adjacent to housing, providing an informal place where local children can play out by themselves close to home.
Phil Doyle
This new play space at Invermead Close makes good use of previously underused space on this housing estate.
At Milton Keynes Skate Park, the choice of the old bus station in the centre of town as the location for the skate park contrasts with the common assumption that these facilities should be as far away as possible from adults and buildings. Here there are people coming and going all day, helping to create a place where young people feel secure.
Nicola Butler
There are a number of things to consider when making decisions about location.
Sometimes children also want to feel that they can escape from the adult eye. At Allens Gardens, dense tree and shrub planting creates a series of secret spaces in which small play sculptures and single items of equipment have been informally located. Children are able to play just out of sight, but still feel that there are adults close by.
Allens Gardens.
Nicola Butler
Through careful design, play spaces can include elements for younger and older children without being prescriptive about who uses what and also include some elements that cater for all ages and abilities. The Climbing Forest at Coombe Abbey Country Park is a good example of equipment that can be used by young children with assistance, through to young adults.
Co-operative play is a particular feature of the Climbing Forest at Coombe Abbey Country Park.
Aileen Shackell
Other sites particularly larger play spaces with more of a focus on equipment are more likely to contain areas which are targeted towards children with different abilities. The importance of providing ability appropriate equipment is illustrated very clearly with regard to the issue of supervision. Younger or less able children are more likely to require a level of interaction with supervisors whilst playing, and for this reason the playable height of structures is usually restricted to 2m, allowing for easy assistance if necessary; however older children who can play without adult assistance would not find such low structures sufficiently challenging. Whilst being prescriptive about usage by children of specific age groups is not necessary, spaces need to be carefully designed if they are to be used by a range of ages together, as younger children can feel intimidated by older users who are playing and interacting at a higher level. Comfortable seating and shelter should also be included for parents and carers to encourage them to relax, linger and allow their children to play for extended periods if they want. These considerations should be a part of any play space designed to attract younger children, and will help create better social spaces. Toilets are also useful to include on larger sites. It is important to think carefully about the use of fencing, which is often installed partly to keep out dogs. Parents with young children may value fencing around play areas, but older children may be discouraged from usage, and assume that the fenced area is not for them. The treatment of the boundary to a play space is an important design issue, which needs careful consideration; a boundary hedge, perhaps some mounding, or no demarcated boundary at all, may work better in some locations.
Wyvis Street Play Space is unfenced so people are free to use it without feeling restricted in any way; the seating area next to the sandpit is used by people of all ages. Dog walkers continue to use the site, and fouling has ceased to be a problem since a local campaign to scoop the poop resulted in a few well-publicised convictions of persistent offenders.
Kate Shackell
Though spaces that cater for multiple age use are preferable, a lack of good quality provision throughout the UK for older children and teenagers means that facilities for this age group are badly needed. Teenagers need more social places in their local areas that they can get to by themselves, where they are welcome to congregate with their friends, and where they can have access to more challenging play opportunities. Perhaps one of the most important factors in teenage provision is the need for an attitudinal change to young people, and a far greater recognition of their right to occupy the public domain. Teenage provision tends to be dominated by wheeled play and ball games areas. Though popular, these areas are almost exclusively used by boys. Careful design will open these facilities up to both boys and girls, such as at Cowley Teenage Space, where the ball games area was refurbished to include different types of seating around the edges, so creating a variety of social spaces for everyone to use, alongside features for wheeled play. Hang-out shelters are also widely used. These work best when sensitively located, close to other facilities, rather than being placed in isolated or exposed positions where they and the occupants can be overly conspicuous. Shelters designed with the young people who will use them can be particularly successful. At Spacemakers the shelter design was a result of close co-operation between the young people, the designer, and the metal-worker, with the final cost being comparable with off the peg versions. At Mast House Terrace a new youth space has been created next to a busy street corner and close to housing. It provides space for all sorts of wheeled play and is seen as being a cool place to meet friends and skate or play ball games. Being located in a public area it enlivens the local street scene.
Kate Shackell
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The design-led approach to play space development described in this guide depends on considering play equipment and features, and the setting, as a coherent whole. This approach generally results in play areas which are landscape schemes containing play equipment and features rather than more conventional playgrounds dominated by equipment and bounded by fencing. Involvement of a professional designer experienced in designing play spaces is critical to this approach. Good technical skills in landscape design and an understanding of play are both essential. Options for procurement and for choosing a designer should be considered together they are strongly inter-linked.
The role of the commissioner is critical. The person commissioning the work has the power to transform childrens lives by developing play spaces that are based on a design-led approach to play provision. Central to the success of the project is a well-planned, clear design brief. One function of the design phase is to stretch the imaginations of all those involved, beyond their existing knowledge and experience.
policies on risk, benefits and maintenance. It should also be informed by the clients understanding of how the scheme might respond to the design principles. A template for a design brief is set out in Figure 1, showing the sort of information it might contain. Not everything in the template will be appropriate to all projects and careful thought and planning are essential before the brief is drawn up. A design brief as comprehensive as the full template is more likely to be appropriate for larger-scale projects, or even destination play spaces; smaller-scale projects may only require a smaller amount of key information.
1. Project data
Site location Site history Landowner Client Site plan should show the aspect, and contain information on services present on site (such as electricity, gas, CCTV)
2. Site usage
Age groups Are there particular age groups which predominate in the area? Or a particular age group that is a high priority as they may not currently be catered for? Remember that the best play spaces are not prescriptive about age. Social issues For example: might the site be prone to vandalism, or is it next to a childrens centre. Consultation Include details of consultation undertaken to date or information on events still to be held.
4. Design principles
Specific design principles for the project should refer to the 10 design principles in this guide, but may also expand on the key aims and aspirations for the play space, including for example, layout, use of materials, surfacing, equipment, and topography.
6. Submission requirements
Set out the process for selecting the contractor/designer/manufacturer. Smaller schemes will be likely to require a single stage process whereas more complex, larger-budget schemes may need a two stage selection process. Outline what should form part of the submission.
7. Selection criteria
Outline the selection criteria. Include the ability of the proposal to meet the key aims for the space, the 10 design principles, and play values and quality of setting as key considerations.
8. Budget
State what the budget is for design, consultation, construction and follow-up.
9. Timetable
Indicate the intended timetable for the selection process.
In Horsham Park the playground was redesigned with the help of a local landscape architect. The scheme was constructed by a landscape contractor, with play equipment supplied by nominated suppliers, using a mix of manufacturers. By treating the design process in this way, it was possible to include bespoke elements such as carved bridge parapets and a totem pole made by a local woodcarver.
Nicola Butler
Horsham Park.
Local authorities and other providers commissioning play spaces frequently appoint play equipment companies to design and build a number of playgrounds. Some of these companies have their own specialist designers with expertise in both landscape design and play design and can work with commissioners to develop site-specific play spaces using a design-led approach.
If appointing a designer or company to carry out work on a design and build basis, remember that a successful play space should not be dominated by equipment and their proposal plan should locate the equipment in a setting that will enhance its appearance and play value. The decision as to which company should be appointed will always be influenced by cost considerations, but it is essential to consider other factors, such as whether the scheme provides for the desired range of play opportunities and experiences. A local authority officer in Buckinghamshire describes this process: Weve recently moved over to assessing the tenders on play value much more and this has forced the quality standards up, with suppliers now trying to outdo each other for natural play as well as good design and sheer quantity of features we score each activity and feature for points and use this information to guide us in consideration of the tenders. In the end though it still comes down to us trying to decide which will offer the best play opportunities for the next 15 years or more. (Green Space Improvements Officer) Some local authorities have a framework agreement with a manufacturer or landscape architect, who having agreed their costs and committed to these over a set period of time, will then design multiple sites in that locality. If each play space is to be developed using the play design principles, and be designed specifically for its site, these frameworks will need to ensure sufficient flexibility to allow for a different design to be developed for each space. If the existing framework is not sufficiently flexible local authorities are not restricted to using those companies on the framework and can invite other companies to join a competitive bidding process. We have plotted all our sites and the suppliers onto GIS along with our play deficiency areas to ensure that we dont have the same play equipment everywhere in a local community. (Green Space Improvements Officer)
Choosing a designer
Designers with an appropriate range of skills, knowledge and experience to design imaginative play spaces may come from different backgrounds and disciplines. This might include, for example, landscape architects, specialist play designers and urban or garden designers. For continuity, a skilled designer should be involved in the scheme from beginning to end. Whether a consultant designer or one employed by a play equipment company is involved, a full landscape design service will, ideally include contract administration throughout the scheme until its completion. Some commissioners may employ additional skills, such as a local artist, who could add features to the site that draw on the local history and character of the area. Whatever type of professional is used, it is vital to check that the designer has the necessary skills and experience technical and design skills and a good understanding of play. The table below sets out the full range of skills and experience which could potentially be required from play space designers. Involving a designer such as a landscape architect on a consultancy basis will entail costs for professional fees; approximately 10 to 15 per cent of the project costs. Play equipment manufacturing companies offering an inclusive design and build service will have factored design costs into their estimates. The play spaces described in this guide, even the smaller budget schemes, have all been developed with professional design input, illustrating that a scheme of any size or budget can benefit from the design-led approach. Choosing the most suitable procurement route involves careful exploration of the options available in terms of design expertise, whether via play equipment companies or a consultant landscape architect or designer.
Skills in place-making and an understanding of the idea of a sense of place Skills in landscape design, to create a variety of play environments within one site which together form an attractive place for children, young people and their carers, and offer appropriate scope for usage by other members of the community. Understanding of children and play, and an understanding of how they will respond to their physical environment Knowledge and experience of practical and technical issues relating specifically to surfacing and equipment and more generally to landscape design Knowledge and understanding of sustainable resources and environmental issues Knowledge and experience of site administration and contract management, including preparation of contract documentation Ability to develop and implement a design concept so as to enhance the play value of the scheme, not overwhelm or ignore it Ability to work with community groups and potential users to develop a scheme which will meet community needs Understanding of regulations and guidance about play provision including inclusive design; designing in risk and challenge; and industry standards
At Spa Fields, a landscape designer was appointed to design a new play space and administer its construction on site. The images below show the different stages of the design process.
Stage 3 The outline concept plan was developed into a more detailed plan showing how the equipment would be integrated within its setting.
Stage 1 the project was inspired by Tolkeins Lord of the Rings and this Hobbit House was replicated in the final scheme.
Stage 2 the designer prepared a concept/zoning plan for a layout which would address the main opportunities and constraints of the site.
Local authorities often employ landscape architects, and some consultants in the private sector are beginning to specialise in designing play areas. The Childrens Play Information Service (CPIS) has a list of play consultants and designers with specialist expertise in play space design and the Association of Play Industries can provide a list of its member companies offering design and build services.
Selecting a designer
A good way of determining which design route to adopt is to invite a number of companies to talk through their approach and a selection of their past schemes, and then work with the company best suited to the projects needs. Visiting play spaces that the designers and equipment manufacturing companies have designed, or at least talking to the people who manage and maintain these sites to check the design concept has worked, is also a good way of assessing whether they have the skills and experience needed. For larger more complex schemes, it is good practice to carry out a two-stage process. Stage 1: Approach a number of designers in an initial open submission and ask to see examples of previous schemes and their initial response to the design brief (state that the standard submission consisting of a glossy and colourful artists perspective will not be required). Stage 2: Shortlist two four companies and invite them to respond to the brief in more detail, by including (for example) a site plan to illustrate the strategy for the site and give an indication of landscaping. If engaging a designer who is not a play equipment manufacturer, it may be necessary to pay a one-off stipend towards the short-listed candidates expenses on receipt of their entry.
? Do you like their work play delivering successful in rd co re k ac tr od go I Do they have a space projects? ing the designing and develop of e nc rie pe ex d ha ey I Have th ating play equipment loc d an g sin oo ch , ts en landscape elem ment the setting? and features to comple d setting n of the equipment an sig de e th ch oa pr ap I Will they project? as one single design-led
When asking children and adults about what a new play space might offer, the designer should find ways of expanding possibilities and raising expectations beyond everyday experiences not to raise hopes unreasonably but to allow for change and innovation. If an existing play space is not particularly successful, then a refurbishment project might be the opportunity to do something different; but the starting point is always extending horizons. Asking adults to think about how and where they played as children, and how similar opportunities might be replicated for local children today, can be a powerful starting point. Children can talk about things they would like to do rather than the equipment they would like to have. To begin with questions about play equipment is to start in the wrong place. It would be alarming if an architect began a design for a house by inviting the client to choose the sofas. The first questions must be: what should your place look and feel like, what sort of place do you want it to be, and what do you want to do in it? It is the job of a designer to pose these questions and it is fundamental that the design for a play space should be a response to the childrens answers. (Melville, 2004) Taking children and adults to new types of play areas has been used successfully in many play space design projects. It is also helpful to use images of other sites, to avoid being trapped by the current condition and appearance of the site. The Free Play Network has a good collection of images available on its website. Initially, it is best to get people enthused about and committed in principle to new concepts, for example the use of natural surfacing materials, landscaped play settings, or designing in risk, before getting to grips with the challenges of the specific site.
Local school children and the design team attended design workshops and created the final proposal for Trefusis Playing Fields together
Risk-benefit assessment
Play providers are legally required to carry out a 'suitable and sufficient' risk assessment of their provision, and to act on their findings. An assessment is a practical assessment of the benefits and the risks of the activity with a focus on hazards with the potential to cause real harm. It is not about creating a risk-free society but about ensuring that reasonable precautions are taken to avoid injury. Equipment standards, such as EN 1176, and other guidance help in making decisions about what is reasonable. However, they are not compulsory and risk assessment allows for consideration of other factors. For example, risk assessment permits local circumstances to be taken into account, such as the age groups catered for, the type of demand, local environmental factors, health considerations and the use of non-standard or natural features. Risk-benefit assessment is a method of risk assessment in which an evaluation of the potential benefits to children and others, for example play and social value, are considered alongside the potential risks associated with the provision. It allows providers to satisfy their legal obligations, while promoting a balanced approach that considers industry standards and other guidance in the light of local circumstances, and of childrens need for more exciting and challenging play. The approach is supported by the HSE and RoSPA.
Risk management in play provision should start with a clear play policy which asserts the values, understandings, principles and criteria that form the framework for making judgments about play provision. It should make explicit the duty of play providers to offer risk-taking opportunities. The policy must be formally endorsed by the relevant authority or organisation. Further details of developing a framework for risk-benefit management is discussed in detail in the Managing Risk in Play Provision: Implementation Guide (DCSF and Play England, 2008). The primary legal requirement concerning play originates from The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. This Act implies the need for risk assessment, and in addition to this, the Management of health and safety at work regulations 1999 specifically require a suitable and sufficient risk assessment. Because the application of this Act to the play environment is nowadays commonplace, risk assessments should always be carried out as part of the design process for play spaces. There are a number of definitions of risk assessment. In this guide it refers to the act of identifying hazards, assessing risks, and deciding what control measures, if any, are required, in line with the Health and Safety Executives Five steps to risk assessment (HSE, 2007a). The risk-benefit assessment approach described in the Managing Risk in Play Provision: Implementation Guide proposes that the risk assessments carried out under health and safety procedures routinely incorporate an assessment of the benefits to childrens experience of providing, modifying or removing a play feature. The process, which considers the application of standards and guidance as one factor alongside many others, should provide a robust and transparent means of describing the decision-making processes and judgements.
Industry standards
Although there is no specific legislation on play safety in the UK, there are agreed Europewide industry standards for play provision, designed to ensure children are not exposed to unreasonable risks or unexpected hazards whilst playing. These standards have a crucial role in play space design and development and should always be considered. However, the standards do not constitute a legal requirement and if a commissioner is considering a design that includes equipment or features that do not comply with the standards, or for which there is no defined standard, the primary legal requirement is for a risk-assessment to be undertaken (PLAYLINK, 2006). The Climbing Forest at Coombe Abbey Country Park does not conform neatly with EN1176 guidance. However, with correct use of risk assessment guided by EN1176 and thorough traversing/testing of the equipment by an experienced inspector it was found to be acceptable. The contractor and inspector describe the process: We had concerns as we didnt know how inspectors would respond we knew that there were minor breaches of EN1176 but these had been risk assessed at the design stage We agreed with Coventry Council that we would get the safety certification from the German testing house TUV. We also wanted a British inspector to assess it, so we asked the Child Accident Prevention Trust to carry out an inspection they liked the system and thought the risk was acceptable. (Collings, 2008) Any construction of large logs will fail grip/grasp requirements as log diameters are usually larger than the handholds. This can only be risk assessed by traversing the item, which managers should make a condition of annual inspections on this kind of site. (Wheway 2008)
The Climbing Forest in Coombe Abbey Country Park was designed specifically for its setting, with a focus on teenagers, expressly to provide risk and challenge in play.
Aileen Shackell
In some places confusion about the role of standards has, in the past, led to limited use of non-compliant play features or those not specifically discussed in the standard. This might include, for example, logs, boulders, hard landscaping, planting or changes of level. Whilst risk assessment must be carried out it is entirely possible for commissioners to request the installation of equipment and features that are not specifically described in the standards or are non-compliant if they think the play value justifies this.
Inclusion by Design (Goodridge, ed. Douch, 2008) sets out the following six principles, established by the Disability Rights Commission, which form the foundation of inclusive design:
Ease of use Freedom of choice and access to mainstream activities Diversity and difference Legibility and predictability Quality Safety
Inclusion by Design also looks at how these principles have been applied in practice on a number of sites, including the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Playground in Kensington Gardens. The Replay Project in Stirling is another example.
the physical context of the play area the surrounding space and general landscape, including planting natural and loose materials, and the opportunity to use them opportunities for risk and challenge spaces that welcomed accompanying adults through the provision of seating and perching places equipment that can accommodate a companion such as wider slides, bigger platforms on climbing structures, accessible roundabouts swings that can support bigger children the absence of physical barriers (such as log edging) round elements of the site.
In general, complicated adaptations, special equipment or special provision were not favoured and were not felt to be necessary. Children and parents wanted to be able to use ordinary neighbourhood provision just like everybody else. (S Gutteridge, Stirling Play Service)
whole life environmental impact of materials sourcing, manufacture, recycled content, toxic material content, carbon emissions, disposal/reuse of materials; conservation, and ideally enhancement, of wildlife habitats in and around the play space; and minimisation of energy and water use during construction/refurbishment and ongoing management of the play space.
Good equipment companies will have environmental accreditation and can advise play providers on the long-term sustainability of their scheme.
The choices to be made will depend on each particular scheme, the play needs of local children, and the advantages and disadvantages for the site in question. The starting point for making these choices should always be the objective of providing a play space with as much play value, and which encompasses as many play opportunities and experiences as possible. At Langdon Park, existing equipment was relocated from its original position behind a fence where it was set in ageing tarmac. The new layout sites the equipment without fencing, alongside the main footpath through the park to the nearby station. The new surfacing and play mounds around the equipment have greatly improved its appearance and made it more appealing.
Equipment relocated alongside the path to the station forms a playable route.
Nicola Butler
At Causewayhead Park, internal fencing was removed to open up the play space to the surrounding park. The paddling pool was re-modelled and complemented with the addition of a new water pump nearby, allowing for a messy but creative combination of sand and water play. New planting in the sand and around equipment (some of which was re-painted) helped integrate the play space with its surroundings. Children now use the whole park to play, whereas previously they only played inside the fenced area.
The paddling pool was given a new lease of life at Causewayhead Park with the addition of these decked platforms.
More information on specific design issues for both new-build and refurbishment projects can be found in Chapter 5.
6 5
During the construction stage of a play space the active involvement of both the client and the prospective users is more limited. Where a company is offering a design and build service the same company assumes responsibility for the construction phase. Where a landscape architect or other consultant has been used, this phase is usually handed to a contractor, selected by the client or the landscape architect, though the designer will usually still have a role in overseeing the implementation of the design and monitoring progress.
One role for the commissioner is to find ways of maintaining the goodwill of the community and keeping stakeholders informed of progress. Careful thought should also be given to the timing of construction so that any soft landscape work can establish before the site is heavily in use. Risks associated with the construction phase, for example groundworks, vehicle movements and work at height will need to be controlled and the CDM Regulations 2007 (HSE, 2007) may apply. If the construction phase must comply with the CDM regulations, clients must be aware of their responsibilities and what services the landscape architects fees cover. Both design and build companies and landscape architects will help with this. Plan construction to minimise time wastage while contractors are on site. Time is money in construction, and delays can lead to increased costs. Make sure primary decision makers (usually the commissioner and designer) are available to resolve issues quickly and work with the contractors who have the experience to offer practical solutions to on-site issues.
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It may be possible to require that contractors provide training and work experience for local people. At Spa Fields in the London Borough of Islington, the designers ensured that the contractors offer of employment to local young people was a contractual obligation. Some of these temporary employees were subsequently employed by the contractor on a permanent basis.
At Spa Fields, the employment on site of local young people was just one of the many means by which this group became actively involved in the project.
Regular progress updates are very useful. It is particularly helpful for the contractor to produce a Whats happening this month article, for example, in local newspapers or attached to security fencing. If there is a problem or delay, own up to it early. Trying to hide it will undermine relationships. In the early stages of development at Wyvis Street Play Space, the designer focused too much on engaging the community during design development, and not enough on keeping up communication while the work was being carried out. Concerns multiplied as unfounded rumours about the scheme ran rife. Things came to a head when residents demanded a meeting with the designer to put the site back to the way it was at the beginning. Once communication with residents had been reopened, the designer and client together were able to reassure the community and dispel some myths. Had there been more regular communication with this important group of people, it could have prevented many worries from arising in the first place. Volunteer involvement can be an excellent form of community engagement, though usually this is best left until towards the end of the construction, when the site is safer for volunteers to use. Volunteer assistance can make savings on capital costs, though these can be offset by the extra staff costs in administering volunteer support. Working with volunteers can be extremely rewarding and of great benefit to the project.
At Waverley Park in Stirling, children helped the contractor with tree planting, and this involvement may have contributed to the low levels of vandalism on the site. Children really enjoy getting involved with planting and feel a greater sense of ownership of the final scheme, as a result.
The designer can also reinforce design objectives to the contractor, and ensure that the subtleties are understood and appreciated by those carrying out the work. Ground modelling is a good example of a task that benefits from being overseen by the designer. Even with a clear drawing and detailed specification the absence of an artistic eye during construction may result in work falling short of expectations.
Provosts Park, Gargunnock in Stirlingshire, is a play space refurbishment which could be easily replicated incrementally, on a relatively low budget. Here separate play spaces have been created around the edge of a football pitch, each with its own character.
Aileen Shackell
Provosts Park.
1 6
Celebrating the opening of the play space and involving well-known local people helps raise the profile of the project, making users feel they have gained something special. Keeping a close eye on the play space in the early days after completion, and dealing with any vandalism promptly, will show children that the space is important to the community. Schemes can suffer in their early days when the novelty value is high.
nitaries to a ng local people and dig iti inv d re ide ns co u yo I Have special opening event? pport tivities to maintain su ac ity un m m co e nis ga I Could you or for the play space? ormal role in mmunity to take an inf co al loc e th k as u yo I Could overseeing the site?
At Causewayhead Park, the improvements to the play space included the return to site of the restored sheep sculptures, an event accompanied by these fiddle-players.
A community fun day, involving children, local councillors, senior council officers, maintenance staff, park keepers, play rangers or other playwork staff can be a good way to publicise the new space, helping to build community commitment and ensuring that residents value it even more. The more the play space is valued by the community, the more it will be looked after.
At Wyvis Street Play Space a local resident who had initially been sceptical about provision of an uncovered sandpit became its strongest advocate and now checks it regularly to make sure its safe for children to use.
Nicola Butler
Since Darnley Park in Stirling opened, it has been the focus for numerous events. The councils play service works with local children on a regular basis, and children have been involved in organisation and hosting of events in the park during the summers of 2006 and 2007.
2 1
Planning for ongoing maintenance is central to the design cycle. Successful play spaces are sensitively and carefully maintained and resources must be allocated for a high standard of maintenance. The hallmark of a successful and well-used play scheme is wear and tear and a degree of this is perfectly acceptable. Wear and tear must not be allowed to descend into neglect, though, which can quickly become a downward spiral.
in the aintenance implications m d re ide ns co u yo ve I How ha design? unity in basic red involving the comm I Have you conside inspections?
People from the local community or friends groups can also form part of the inspection team. More details of how this can be achieved are in the Neighbourhood Play Toolkit (Childrens Play Council, 2006). Good design and purchase of high quality equipment and features may mean a greater initial outlay but should have the advantage of lower maintenance costs. If some parts of equipment wear out more quickly than others, consider ordering key spare parts along with new equipment. This will help avoid delays in repairs. Allowing for asset depreciation is also important. Make sure that, after a suitable period has elapsed (usually 1012 years) funds are available for renewal of key features.
Technical inspection refers to the ongoing, largely routine checking of play facilities for soundness, wear and tear, damage, maintenance and cleanliness. Technical inspection should alert managers to potential sources of harm. It can give some indication of potential danger to users and help set priorities for repairs and remedial action. The frequency of inspections should be based on the levels of usage, and whilst daily inspections may be necessary in heavily used play spaces a weekly inspection in a quieter location may be adequate. With basic training and proper management, there is no reason why this should not be carried out by a litter-picker or other grounds maintenance officer. Local community groups can also play a useful role in overseeing maintenance of a play space, but their involvement must be managed carefully. For further information on the technical inspection process described here, see the Managing Risk in Play Provision: Implementation guide (DCSF and Play England, 2008).
Some wear and tear of equipment, surfaces and other features is inevitable. The degree of wear that is appropriate will depend on each site. At Horsham Park the play space was redesigned amongst existing trees which have had artist-designed seating constructed around them. Wear and tear around the seating has meant that the grass has worn away, leaving only bare sandy soil. In some contexts this would be seen as poor maintenance, but in this location it really does not matter.
Shady area with artist-carved seating, Horsham Park.
Aileen Shackell
Whilst some wear and tear is perfectly acceptable, unattended litter and repairs lend an air of neglect, so these should be dealt with promptly. Keeping records, noticing trends and alerting suppliers to damage when ordering spare parts might help the manufacturer understand and improve their products if necessary. Concern about the routine maintenance of some play features for example loose-fill surfacing, water, self-built play features can stop some clients from commissioning more creatively. Chapter 5 includes more detailed information on how these issues can be addressed.
3 2
Completion of a play space does not mark the end of the design cycle but the beginning of a new phase, one of continual review. A good play space evolves and is never finished. In a vibrant, living play space the manager keeps a close eye on how the space is used and looks for opportunities to introduce new elements. Allocating a budget for post-development adaptations can increase the play value.
review the play space? Have you set dates to sign t aside for possible de se u yo n ca ey on m h I How muc modifications? ? ges to the layout with an ch y an e re ag to ve I Who will you ha
Planning for any re-configuration is important. At Trefusis Playing Fields children were taking short-cuts through areas of planting. Rather than fence these off, the park management redesigned the planting areas to accommodate the desire lines by turfing them to provide informal grass paths through the shrubs. Having budget for improvements like these can make the difference between a play space becoming successfully established, and having it fail through apparent neglect. Some play providers aim to hold back a proportion of the contract value to make changes. Whatever the mechanism is, it is vitally important to allow adequate revenue and sometimes capital resources to allow scope for improvements.
The climbing log at Waverley Park was installed in a second phase, after the main works had been completed. This log is actually in two sections, closely butted-up together.
Nicola Butler
Local children have created an informal BMX track in Hampton, near Peterborough; naturally occurring humps and bumps have been added to, as the ground has been further sculpted, and site managers have allowed the activity to continue. This has required no expenditure on the part of the site owners but has been beneficial in making the BMX track possible and demonstrates that supporting playable space can be as much about attitudes as features.
Pierre Tanner
Nicola Butler
Good playable space is shared space, which respects the needs of all users
Public space is generally shared space and the different groups of users may have differing needs for the way the space is designed. Often it is possible to meet many of these different needs by careful design that clarifies the potential use.
The part of the South Bank Centre on the River Thames, known as the Undercroft, has been used by skateboarders since the early 1970s. Originally an architectural dead-spot, it has become the home of British skateboarding and is a good example of an urban playable space. Initially the site management tried to prevent skateboarding, but it now continues uninterrupted attracting visitors to one of Londons best-known skateboarding arenas. This contrasts with the focus in many town centres on deterring skateboarding by designing structures that are difficult to ride on.
Kate Shackell
The Undercroft area at the South Bank Centre is perhaps one of the most well-known skateboarding locations In London.
In Horsham Park, a maze close to the playground provides somewhere else for children to play. At the centre of the maze (for those who can find their way there) is a dragon, sculpted by a local artist, and the dragons eggs are hidden in the surrounding shrub beds for children to discover.
Aileen Shackell Aileen Shackell
and on the way out, look for her eggs amongst the shrubs.
Water has always been part of the urban streetscape, and has a magnetic attraction for children. In Russell Square in London, the central paved area was re-laid to accommodate water jets flush with the ground. Jeppe Heins temporary art installation by the South Bank Centre in London provided fun for children and adults in summer 2007. Laid out to form a grid and timed to switch on and off randomly, water jets prompted squeals of excitement.
Ground level water jets in Russell Square provide fun for people who dont mind getting their feet wet
Aileen Shackell
Aileen Shackell
but at the South Bank Centre wet weather clothing was essential for some.
Housing estates
Many residential estates are laid out with extensive networks of verges and greens, but because much of this land is in close proximity to housing, it requires careful handling if children are to play there. Nonetheless, housing estate land has great potential for providing play opportunities close to home.
At Invermead Close in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, a small under-used grass verge on the edge of an estate was redesigned to make it playable. The addition of a felled tree to climb on, along with seating and some changes to ground levels, were accompanied by additional shrub planting to screen neighbouring windows to maintain residents privacy
Phil Doyle
Street play
Many children use their local street for play, especially when parents feel that they or their friends can keep an eye out for the children. Small corners that would not be noticed by adults can have great appeal for children such as side alleyways, a wider section of pavement, space outside some garage doors. Opportunities for street play can be enhanced by reducing traffic volumes and speeds. Local streets can be planned, designed or adapted so that children and their families feel more confident about playing out. Streets that are well designed for play are usually also better for pedestrians, cyclists and the whole community. Street play is even more important now, given the significant reduction in the distance children travel independently since the 1960s, and the limited amounts of green space available in many high density housing developments (Wheway, 2007). Home zones are streets that are designed to slow car traffic, give priority to pedestrians and cyclists, and create social space for residents. But home zones tend to be costly schemes to implement, often requiring expensive repaving. Sustrans, a national voluntary organisation with an interest in developing sustainable transport, is currently developing a pilot project, DIY Streets (Sustrans, 2008) working with local communities to take a simpler and more cost-effective approach to achieve similar benefits. The Department for Transports Manual for Streets (DfT, 2007), recommends the provision of pocket parks and play spaces as a means of promoting streets as social places.
At The Dings home zone in Bristol a network of residential streets has been redesigned to create a high quality urban space incorporating traffic calming, planting and unique artworks. Comprehensive monitoring has measured the degree to which children play out, and early results indicate that parents are now more likely to allow their children to play out in the street than previously.
Forestry Commission
Nick Waller
At Bedgebury Pinetum forest clearings contain play features and structures like this swing.
Nicola Butler
Ali Park
Boundaries and fencing Play equipment Providing natural elements for play Ground modelling Planting
Natural features Impact absorbent surfacing Self-built play features Vandalism General maintenance
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The use and type of gates are also important considerations. Some play space inspectors recommend not using gates unless these are essential, as self-closing hinges can cause accidents. Many older play spaces are located in the middle of an open space, surrounded only by a bare fenced boundary, with no tree or shrub planting. Sometimes the most useful way of improving an existing play space like this is to make improvements to its setting, especially the boundary treatment, rather than making changes to the play space itself.
At Trefusis Park Playing Field the edge of the new play space is marked not by a fence but by a change in level. This dry-stone wall or Cornish hedge does an effective job in keeping dogs out but still encourages children and carers inside. Gates set into the wall allow access via a smooth level path but the stepping stones projecting from the wall invite the more adventurous to climb up into the park then down again.
In locations where there is a busy road or other potential hazard, or where the space is catering for younger children or those who find it difficult to stay in one place and may be in danger if they do not, fencing or secure boundaries may be essential, but it is still possible to design this in a way that suits both the site and the needs of the children. At Horsham Park the fenced boundary round the large play space is set back so far from the equipment that it is barely noticeable. A new hedge has been planted alongside which further disguises it.
Horsham Park.
Play equipment
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Be creative about placing equipment; some pieces, such as these slides, can work even better in pairs.
Children really enjoy using play equipment and all the challenges it offers. Playground equipment is particularly good at providing for more active play, including movement such as climbing, swinging, sliding and rotating, which are not easy to provide through other means. Good play spaces will provide a setting which enhances equipment and makes it even more fun to use. The presence of play equipment signals that children are welcome and that their play is encouraged and supported.
Aileen Shackell Many items of equipment can be used by a wide age range, such as these revolving discs.
Careful choice is required in order to get equipment that offers a range of play opportunities and can be used flexibly by children of different ages and interests. When buying unfamiliar equipment it helps to get an understanding of its play value and potential if the designer and commissioner visit sites where it is already in use and can see how the equipment is being used by children. Equipment manufacturers can also advise on the best types of equipment for different play experiences and many are keen to try new designs and combinations of equipment. The Association of Play Industries (API) is the trade association of equipment suppliers and manufacturers. Members of the API have been checked for reliability and offer a wide variety of types of products, as well as design advice. Manufacturers should be able to help the designer understand the role of industry standards, working with the designer on a riskbenefit assessment, especially when items in a play space do not comply strictly with the standards or are not covered by them. The design-led approach to play space development helps ensure that each play space is unique, sometimes also including structures and equipment that are non-prescriptive in their design, allowing for flexible use and creative, imaginative play.
Some designers have created their own bespoke equipment, usually to express a particular theme or design concept. The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Playground is a good example of this, with the crocodile and pirate ship from the Peter Pan story both making an appearance in the play space. Though this can be very successful, it can also be a more costly way of achieving a scheme which feels unique, which may be more appropriate for destination play spaces rather than local ones.
Aileen Shackell
The Peter Pan story has inspired the layout for the Diana playground.
Most importantly, the play space should feel welcoming to all children. The publication Can Play Will Play (John and Wheway, 2004) shows that social barriers to disabled access can be greater than physical ones; staff training and attitudes are important in developing a welcoming atmosphere. There are now a number of specially designed pieces of accessible equipment that are often popular with both disabled and non-disabled children, however equipment which is specially designed for disabled children can encourage segregation so should be used with care. Equipment allowing flexible use, such as a swing, which can take many forms, or a wobble dish, can be preferable. Inclusion by Design (Goodridge, ed Douch, 2008) offers more detailed advice.
Locate equipment carefully in its setting as the right setting will enhance a piece of equipment considerably. Use the spaces between equipment positively. Include some equipment which can be used flexibly and is non-prescriptive in its use. Choose equipment which helps make the play space inclusive: hammock swings, accessible roundabouts and equipment which accommodates companion or helper, such as wide slides or big circulation platforms.
This hut structure at Waverley Park had never been very popular, but the construction around it of a ditch with informal crossing-points gave it a new lease of life and made it much more fun to use than had previously been the case. This is a good example of how the right setting for equipment can greatly add to its play value.
Aileen Shackell
The addition here of a ditch and crossing points made the house a lot more fun to use than before.
r, natura y value by adding wate Can we increase the pla ? ures that react in wind at fe or gs rin ve co nd grou carry out? ments will we need to ss se as fit ne be kris t I Wha ues? or-in maintenance iss I How will we fact
Although water, sand and other natural ground coverings are sometimes found in designed play spaces, natural elements especially wind and fire are often under-exploited in play provision. Their use can add an exciting extra dimension to a play space and also extend the sensory aspects of the design. Riskbenefit assessment is essential if natural elements are to be included in a play space design. Earth: Children enjoy manipulating materials such as earth, grit and sand, or squelching in mud. Different forms of earth can be used as surfaces to extend the play opportunities offered.
Sand and water together make for a creative combination, especially when you add in planting too.
Water: This has enormous potential for creative play, especially when combined with natural soft surfaces such as sand and grit. Water is a continual source of fascination for children of all ages. Paddling pools provide a magnetic draw for children. The village pump is also popular: interactive, and child operated, it encourages co-operative and creative play.
Play spaces should be usable all year round, but there might be room for a muddy bit, somewhere?
Stirling Council Play Services An interactive village pump has lots of potential for play and can be a more affordable option than more elaborate systems.
Consider the sustainability of the feature: Will you need to use chemicals? How much water will be consumed? What will be the water source is a bore-hole possible? Can you recycle the water (recycling systems tend to be very costly)? Generally the more complex the system, the more expensive it will be to install and to maintain. Do a cost-benefit analysis to work out what you really want. Remember, if the water is likely to be drunk, it will need to be of suitable quality. Consider that water conservation is becoming an important environmental issue. Design the play space so the area is usable out of season when the water is turned off. For instance paddling pools might accommodate low-key wheeled play when they are empty in the winter. Staffing is not a legal requirement for paddling pools but many councils find a lowkey staff presence in the general vicinity is reassuring.
Wind: Equipment which captures the power of wind is increasingly available; things which blow in the wind, and things which make a sound when the wind blows or when a child blows through them. Fire: There is a strong case for trying to include fire pits on staffed, supervised sites more often than is the case, as children benefit enormously from the experience of engaging with fire in a controlled environment. Despite concerns about children setting uncontrolled fires, children and young people are likely to have more respect for fire if they encounter it more often in their daily life. Where appropriate, including a fire pit on staffed play sites used by older children and young people might mitigate against them making their own fires in places likely to cause damage and possibly danger.
Ground modelling
levels e for changing ground er th e ar es iti un rt po I What op y value? site to increase the pla within and around the ct we make that will affe ld ou sh ks ec ch ty ali I What ground qu the decision?
Good play spaces make the most of changes in level to help create a variety of spaces internally, and in doing so create places which invite exploration, and are not viewed in full from the entrance (offering no surprises). Ditches and hollows combined with mounds and hummocks all help to make a childs journey through the space far more interesting, as well as creating vantage points and secret hideaways. In helping to subdivide a site, ground modelling can also help make a small space feel much bigger. Before excavating it is essential to check where the water table lies, to avoid unintentionally creating boggy areas. Think about how the site will be drained after new mounding has been created.
Gradients should be gentle enough to allow them to be playable not so steep that you can not run up and down over them. Mounds also tend to attract BMX biking assume this will happen and just accept a degree of wear and tear on grass as an inevitable consequence of a successful space. Balance mounds with hollows so that there is a sense of going down into the landscape. Try to include some paths which traverse the mounds. These are good for wheeled play and also exciting for wheelchair users. In some urban areas, ground is often made-up with building rubble and even old tipped material and debris. Reducing levels in such areas can be more problematic so consider doing some ground investigations as part of the design process.
d enhance rease the play value an inc to ing nt pla e us we I Can the setting? re and to gather about the ca ed ne we do ion at m I What infor in play areas? maintenance of planting sessments on rry out riskbenefit as ca to ed ne we do re I Whe proposed planting?
Trees, shrubs and even long grass all help give a play space character and can help integrate it with its surroundings. Planting can also provide enclosure, shade, screening, and help reduce erosion on slopes. Planting adds seasonal interest and visual variety to a space and can be one of the main ways of making it look different all year round. Plants add texture, scent and colour, and they also help attract butterflies, birds and other wildlife to the site. But first and foremost, planting should be introduced for its play value, and should be seen as being something to be played with, so the playability of the planting should dictate its design.
Planting is the best way of introducing seasonal change into a play space as here at the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Playground.
Nicola Butler
fast growing easy to maintain resilient native species, if you want to encourage wildlife.
are uncomfortable to the touch (which have thorns, or leaves with sharp edges) contain substances that could irritate the skin are poisonous.
Willow can make structures of all kinds, such as this maze at Balmaha.
Betula utilis jacquemontii Buddleja davidii Corylus avellana Pinus radiata Populus tremula Salix alba
Arundo donax versicolor Briza maxima Pleioblastus auricomus Stipa gigantea Phyllostachys flexuosa
Herbaceous and annuals Bergenia cordifolia Hypericum calycinum Lavandula spica/ angustifolia Mentha spicata Stachys byzantina Fragaria vesca Lunaria annua Elephants ears Rose of Sharon English Lavender Spearmint Lambs ears Wild strawberry Honesty
Use densely planted blocks of species in a simple layout, where possible with a barrier along the rear to discourage through traffic woven willow fences are good and almost instant. Fast-growing, vigorous species are likely to establish more quickly but will prove harder to keep under control; seek a balance between vigour and ease of maintenance, bearing in mind the needs of a particular site. Freshly pruned shrubs and bamboo may be quite sharp, if this is the case consider installing temporary barriers till new softer growth appears. A change in level around the perimeter can help protect the beds from unwanted desire lines. Raised edges such as railway sleepers will help slow down movement towards the planting beds and could be used as a balance feature or even a seat. Large specimen shrubs and trees should be used in more vulnerable positions, and some boulders around these will help provide informal protection. Consider temporary protection for planting until it is established, perhaps for as much as two years after planting if the site is large enough to cope with these areas being out of bounds; stock-proof netting on timber posts is reasonably cheap but very robust. Where there is space, do not forget about areas of longer grass where meadow flowers can thrive, to provide a different texture.
This quiet corner with long grass, wild flowers and boulders feels like a small piece of countryside in the city. Stirling Council Play Services Planting protected by a timber knee rail as well as boulders, and a change of level.
Aileen Shackell
Plants for Play: A Plant Selection Guide for Childrens Outdoor Environments (Moore, 2004) is a useful reference source for information on planting.
Natural features
ers, logs or ral features like bould tu na e lud inc we n ca I How y value? nd to enhance the pla small dips in the grou t provide these ganisations who migh I Are there local or features? to undertake on ssments will we need se as fit ne be k ris t I Wha natural play features?
Many children have little experience of the natural environment, and a good play space will allow access to natural objects and features in a managed, well-maintained setting, which will allow for a different range of play opportunities from those offered by conventional equipment. Boulders and logs make especially good informal balance features. As there are no specific industry standards for natural play features it will be necessary to undertake riskbenefit assessments on any features designed into the play area. As with risk assessments these should be proportionate; more information is available online at the Health and Safety Executive website. Boulders can be obtained from stone suppliers or possibly from a local quarry if there is one in the area. For a more natural effect specify a range of sizes and bed them into the ground slightly. If the play space is in an area where there is a local stone, such as Yorkshire (sandstone) or Dorset (Portland stone) there may be a good case for using this, rather than another type, which may look out of place. Specify rounded boulders without sharp edges. Shallow ditches can be constructed which will form somewhere on the site to paddle after it rains; ditches should catch the water for a few hours before it is allowed to drain away (avoid long-term water retention, resulting in stagnant puddles). Once the water has disappeared then there is always mud to play with, too. Fallen trees form wonderful climbing structures but need careful consideration. If trees in a play space are to be felled, consider keeping them there rather than removing them from the site, as the logistics of bringing felled trees onto the site are considerable. When using felled trees on a play space a number of issues will need to be considered.
Nicola Butler
Accessories Surfacing
Riskbenefit assessment
Fallen trees make good climbing structures, but make sure you leave plenty of branches still attached.
If a natural feature is perceived to potentially present a significant risk of harm to people, there is a legal requirement to carry out a suitable and sufficient risk assessment, the detail being proportionate to the risk, and to act on the findings. Risk-benefit assessment will help ensure that the play value of such features is taken into account - alongside the risks leading to a more balanced judgement. Take time at design development stage to explain the play value in items such as boulders, as some users will not have seen these used inside play spaces before and may worry about children hurting themselves on them. Natural features may age and weather more quickly than man-made ones, so remember to review items regularly to check they are still suitable for use.
g Questions on surfacin
impact y space, if any, require pla e th of s ion ct se h I Whic absorbing surfacing? comply d play value as well as ad ll wi ing ac rf su of I Which type itish standards? with European and Br with the play value advantages e th ce lan ba we n ca I How ents? maintenance requirem
Choosing surfacing
Selection of surfaces is an important issue and can, without careful consideration, use a significant proportion of the play space budget. For several decades the dominant factor in choosing surfaces, at least around equipment, has been safety in the event of falls from a height. Impact absorbent surfacing is also often used as a general surface treatment around equipment to avoid the erosion and muddy patches, which tend to characterise small areas of heavily trafficked grass. It also helps to maintain play spaces in a usable condition all year round. However, there are many other factors, including cost, which should be considered when making the choice, some of which are listed on pages 8687.
EN 1176 Playground equipment and surfacing (all the requirements/recommendations for the provision of surfaces some were previously covered in EN 1177) EN 1177 Impact attenuating playground surfacing determination of critical fall height (now just giving methods of testing).
Although there has been a trend in the UK to use rubber surfacing, either tiles or wetpour, there are signs that more natural surfaces, such as various kinds of loose-fill, and grass and earth, are becoming more fashionable for a number of reasons. The British Standards Institution (BSI), which is responsible for publishing the standard in the UK has suggested that grass is suitable for fall heights up to 1.5 metres (previously this was set at 1.0 metres), subject to a risk assessment (BSI, 2008).
Aileen Shackell At Trefusis Playing Fields smooth concrete and tarmac areas were specially designed into the scheme for wheeled play.
Loose-fill surfacing
Loose-fill surfacing, for example sand or bark chip, can offer children greater play value than more solid surfaces and can be much simpler and cheaper to maintain than most people believe. In many cases it is a better, more play-friendly solution than other impact absorbing surfacing. However, it is important to remember to design access for delivery of sand or grit, or other loose-fill, into the layout of the play space. Grit (actually coarse sand) offers many similar properties to sand, but being a heavier material is less likely to be displaced. Grit sourced locally from a quarry in Fauldhouse, Fife and consisting of small gravel chips measuring around 1 to 3mm in diameter has been used extensively by Stirling Council.
Stirling Council Play Services
The children are playing in sand but the darker surface to the rear is grit.
Ease of maintenance should not take priority over play value in play space design and should never be the primary driver. Animal fouling and buried, hazardous debris, such as syringes or broken glass can be common worries. However the experience of those authorities that use loose-fill materials on a widespread basis suggests that these are relatively rare occurrences and that appropriate maintenance is affordable and effective. In 17 years of inspecting I have yet to see a syringe on a playground (nearby, yes, but not on): it is rare. (Wheway, 2007) The maintenance of loose-fill surfaces should be tailored to the site. In areas of higher usage, risks of unwanted debris finding its way into sand or bark chip might be higher than in a quieter area, in which case more regular inspections should be made. There is a prevailing view that sand must be raked every day this is unlikely to be necessary anywhere, and would
be a prohibitively expensive operation to undertake regularly. Some play providers avoid using loose-fill surfaces because they consider the risks from dangerous debris to be too high, however experience suggests that this reaction is disproportionate, given the low incidence of such debris and the very high play benefits of providing loose-fill.
Phil Doyle
Sand safety surfacing which contains leaves and other organic debris is perfectly acceptable in a play space.
Loose-fill surfaces can be prone to displacement on windier sites sand will be blown away and will need topping up far more frequently than on a site which is more sheltered from wind. High levels of usage on a site will also entail more regular topping up.
Choose the best surface for the activities planned not always the cheapest or easiest surface to maintain. A good choice of surfacing will add play value to a scheme. Loose-fill surfaces such as sand and grit are high in play value but not for wheeled play. Natural loose-fill surfaces can seem messy to parents and carers more familiar with rubber bound surfaces, so take plenty of time at the design development stage to explain the play value of natural materials to potential users. Bound rubber surfaces such as wet-pour can help introduce colour to a play space, and perhaps markings for games. Wet pour can also be used to form mounds. Grass can be considered for surfacing in some situations, though high levels of usage mean that it will be worn away, leaving bare soil, which may not be practical in all situations. In very busy play areas, where space is tight, it might be more appropriate to use sand or grit rather than trying to maintain a grass surface. Industry standards on the safety aspects of surfacing are available in EN 1176 and EN 1177. Further guidance on risk-benefit assessment can be found in the Managing Risk in Play Provision: Implementation guide (DCSF and Play England, 2008).
Rubber bound surfacing is great for bikes and can be used to create both hilly and level play areas.
Aileen Shackell
Forestry Commission
Fear of vandalism, like fear of crime, is often greater than the reality. For instance, play providers are often reluctant to consider installing timber play equipment in areas where arson is problematic, although there are very few incidences of such equipment being destroyed by fire. Im convinced that much vandalism happens because there is no provision for older children. So many people focus on toddler provision because they dont want to attract anti-social youths that there is little to interest older children. In these circumstances it wouldnt be surprising if those older children felt alienated and disaffected with their community. We have a lot of anecdotal evidence that where more exciting provision is put in place for older children, vandalism reduces. (Collings, 2008) Good quality play spaces that meet users needs (designed with the involvement of potential users), and which make links with the local youth strategy are less likely to be vandalised than play spaces that are just designed to be indestructible.
Readily available Environmentally friendly Vandal resistant Likely to be better for drainage than bound surfaces, dependent on soil types and water table Higher maintenance costs; will need regular topping up Can get dirty Poor for wheelchair access Poor visibility of debris Can leave foundations exposed Will need membrane underneath and also a retaining edge which could potentially impede drainage As bark but with some possibility of splinters Medium
Play bark
Can be sustainably sourced Very good impact absorbency Low friction for those with restricted mobility Vandal resistant Easy inspection of foundations Good for drainage
As bark but less dirty Wheelchair access easier Good for drainage
Play sand
Good impact absorbency Can be sustainably sourced Vandal resistant Low friction for those with restricted movement Good for drainage
Higher maintenance costs (will need topping up as prone to migration) Abrasive effect will increase wear on equipment Impact absorbency reduces when wet (or frozen) Poor for wheelchair access Poor visibility of debris Can leave foundations exposed As sand but less prone to migration Need to specify carefully to ensure that the materials are not able to combine to form a solid mass. Children can throw it around Poor for wheelchair access Poor visibility of debris Can leave foundations exposed
Pea shingle
Excellent impact absorbency Vandal resistant Easy inspection of foundations Good for drainage
Difficult to inspect foundations May increase surface water run-off compared to loose-fill materials though wet-pour systems are generally porous High capital outlay and expensive to repair or replace Can be ignited if a bonfire is constructed on the surface (but otherwise should meet flammability test in BS 7188) May contain materials which need special disposal Potential for friction burns High Difficult to inspect foundations As wet-pour but tiles can be lifted by severe vandalism or poor laying High
Low maintenance Resistant to wear in daily use Good for wheelchair access Easy visibility of debris on surface Can be used to surface mounds Long life span Coloured graphics and ground-based games can be included
Rubber tiles
Resistant to wear in daily use Good for wheelchair access Easy visibility of debris on surface Can help add colour to a site Inspection of foundations easier than wet-pour
Good for drainage Integrates well with natural landscape, especially grass areas Suitable for use on both flat and sloping areas. They will help protect the underlying grass from erosion in higher wear areas Easy to repair Difficult to inspect foundations
Difficult to inspect foundations Grass will not grow uniformly and some may consider the appearance untidy Best used in areas where original ground levels are maintained, otherwise localised settlement can be an issue Can be lifted around the edges so extra fixings should be specified if vandalism is likely to occur Some lower cost products may have lower levels of fire resistance
Good for drainage Low cost solution allows for retention of existing hard standing Can include coloured tiles Can be lifted and re-laid elsewhere if necessary Easy to repair
Artificial grass
As wet pour but also fire resistant (should be tested to BS 7188) Can create impression of grass in areas where grass would not be feasible
Difficult to inspect foundations Expensive in terms of capital outlay and also maintenance costs
General maintenance
Play spaces which are designed to have as much emphasis on the setting as on the equipment will be slightly more complex to maintain than the traditional model of playground. The inclusion of more hard and soft landscape elements will mean that there will be a need for different maintenance operations to be carried out, whereas previously, maintenance might have been focused largely on routine equipment inspections. The maintenance and management of play spaces should, however, be seen in the context of the significant additional play value that these types of play spaces offer. Whilst the maintenance and management implications should always be considered and adequately resourced at the design stage, these should not detract from the provision of maximum play value.
Web research
If it is not possible to visit other play spaces in person then web research is a good second port of call (though not a substitute). Sites that might be helpful include: Association of Play Industries (API) Big Lottery Fund CABE Space Childrens Play Information Service Department for Children, Schools and Families Fields in Trust
Free Play Network KIDS Landscape Institute Health and Safety Executive Play England Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) Sustrans
Helpful literature
There is a large body of literature available check the bibliography in this guide for a full list of the sources that have been used for this publication. Organisations such as CABE Space and Play England have a large number of very useful publications, many of them free to community groups, and their websites will have a list of these. Key resources are listed below.
Planning and design for outdoor sport and play (The Six Acre Standard) (Fields in Trust, 2008) Play Indicators Quality Assessment Tool (Play England, 2008) Managing Risk in Play Provision: Implementation guide (DCSF and Play England, 2008)
Its our space: a guide for community groups working to improve public space (CABE Space, 2007) Spaceshaper (CABE Space, 2007)
Practical help
Check your own local authority
Your own council officers will be the first port of call. The following departments may be able to play a role in your project: Play Services; Youth Services; Development Control; Parks; Regeneration Teams; Leisure Services; and Procurement, which is often key to any schemes that are developed.
Find a designer
A designers involvement is crucial in creating good quality play spaces. Check schemes that have been created locally to see if they are based on ideas or concepts that may be useful. Dont just look at play spaces, check other schemes such as parks and public spaces, as well as those on housing estates. Your local authority may have in-house landscape architects. If not, then check the Landscape Institute website which has a directory of practices. Though few of these will list play as a specialist work area, it is worth contacting local practices to see if they can help. The Childrens Play Information Service also has a list of play designers and consultants. Many equipment suppliers provide a design service. Their designers specialise in the design of play spaces and so have a good understanding of childrens play. Some of these designers will also be skilled in landscape design too. Whatever route you follow to choose your designer, remember to check that they have the skills and experience to adopt the landscape design-led approach advocated here. Use this guide to help develop a design brief for the project to be undertaken, and visit examples of the designers or suppliers work, as well as speaking to other clients who may have used them before coming to a decision. If there are no designers available locally, then check the websites listed above for possible sources of help from other areas.
DCSF (2007a) The Childrens Plan: Building brighter futures. London: Department for Children, Schools and Families. DCSF (2008a) Fair Play A consultation on the play strategy. London: Department for Children, Schools and Families. DCSF (2008b) Childrens Services Local Authority Circular LAC Ref: 0506080003: Conditions of Grant and Guidance 2008-09. London: Department for Children, Schools and Families. DCSF (2007b) Staying Safe: A consultation document. London: Department for Children, Schools and Families. DCSF (2008c) Staying Safe Action Plan. London: Department for Children, Schools and Families. DCSF and Play England (2008) Managing Risk in Play Provision: Implementation guide. London: Department for Children, Schools and Families. Department for Victorian Communities, State of Victoria, Australia (2007) The Good Play Space Guide: I can play too. Melbourne: Department for Victorian Communities. DfT (2007) Manual for Streets. London: Department for Transport. Dobson F (2003) Speech at ILAM Play Seminar. Fields in Trust (2008) Planning and design for outdoor sport and play (The Six Acre Standard) (pending publication.) Free Play Network and PLAYLINK (2006), Places for Play, Photo Exhibition, Gill, T (March 2007) Can I play out? Lessons from London Plays Home Zones project. London: London Play. Ginsburg, K (2007) The Importance of Play in Promoting Healthy Child Development and Maintaining Strong Parent-Child Bonds. Clinical Report: American Academy of Paediatrics. Goodridge, C edited by Douch, P (2008) Inclusion by Design A guide to creating accessible play and childcare environments. London: KIDS. Greater London Authority (2008) Supplementary Planning Guidance: Providing for children and young peoples play and informal recreation. London: Mayor of London. Groundwork Wakefield (2007) Upton Play Appraisal 2006 2010: Creating a child friendly community. Wakefield: Groundwork. HSE (2007) Construction (Design & Management) Regulations. Health and Safety Executive. Available online at: (date accessed May 2008). HSE (2007a) Five steps to risk assessment. Available online at: (date accessed May 2008). HSE (2007b) Sensible risk management. Available online at: (date accessed May 2008).
Chapter 7: Bibliography
Hughes, B (1996) A Playworkers Taxonomy of Play Types. London: PLAYLINK. John, A and Wheway, R (2004) Can Play Will Play: Disabled children and access to outdoor playgrounds. London: National Playing Fields Association. Lester, S and Maudsley, M (2007) Play Naturally: a review of childrens natural play. London: Play England/National Childrens Bureau. Machell, R (2006) Counsel Opinion. Leisure Manager Risk, play and policy Counsel Opinion. London: PLAYLINK. Melville, S (2004) Places for Play. London: PLAYLINK. Moore, R (2004) Plants for Play: A Plant Selection Guide for Childrens Outdoor Environments. California: MIG Communications Nebelong, H (2002) Presentation to the Designs on Play Conference. Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (2003) Developing Accessible Play Space a good practice guide. Available online at (date accessed June 2008). Packard, S (2007) Speech by Simeon Packard, Places to Play Seminar, Play England. Play England (2007a) Charter for Childrens Play. London: National Childrens Bureau. Play England (2007b) Playday survey: ICM poll, London: Play England ( Play England (2008) Play Indicators Quality Assessment Tool. London: National Childrens Bureau (pending publication). Play Safety Forum (2002) Managing Risk in Play Provision. A position statement. London: National Childrens Bureau. PLAYLINK (2006), Negligence, play and legal opinion (Counsel Opinion by Raymond Machell QC). Rimmer, K (2007) Free Play Network interview with Keith Rimmer, Walsall Local Authority. Stirling Council (2004) Play and Informal Recreation Areas, Development Advice Note. Stirling: Stirling Council. Stirling Council (2007) Inside Out and Outside In. Stirling: Stirling Council. Sustainable Development Commission (2007) Every Childs Future Matters. London: Sustainable Development Commission. Sustrans (2008) DIY Streets. London: Sustrans. (date accessed June 2008). Thom, B, Sales, R and Pearce, J J (2007) Growing up with risk. Bristol: The Policy Press. Wheway, R and Millward, A (1997) Childs Play: Facilitating play on housing estates. London: Chartered Institute of Housing.
Wheway, R (2007) Interview with Free Play Network, Child Accident Prevention Trust. November 2007. Worpole, K (2003) No Particular Place to Go? Children, young people and public space. London: Groundwork.
Appendix 1: Glossary Appendix 2: Index of sites referred to in text Appendix 3: Case studies
Play Landscape.
Appendix 1: Glossary
Ball games area An area designed and designated specifically for football, basketball, and other ball games. Commissioner The person officially authorised to lead the process for creating a new play space, often referred to as the client. Consultation A process of mutual exchange of information regarding the project between the commissioning body and potential users and stakeholders. Design and build A process which unites the design and construction stages, led by the equipment supplier/manufacturer or contractor. Design brief A document which encapsulates key project information (factual, conceptual and inspirational) to inform the design process. Designated play space A place which has been designated specifically for childrens play, and which has play as its principal function. Doorstep provision A play space within sight of home, where children can play within view of known adults. Engagement The process by which the commissioning body or client relates to the potential users and stakeholders of the proposed play space to secure their active involvement in the project development process (compare with Consultation). FSC-approved wood timber approved by the Forestry Stewardship Council as being from a sustainable source. Garden designer A designer who focuses on working on gardens. Genius loci The spirit of the place (Latin term). Ground modelling The process by which the relief features or surface configuration of an area are altered (such as the introduction of hills and mounds, or excavation of ditches). Also known as landform. Hazard A hazard is anything that may cause harm, such as chemicals, broken glass, a frayed rope, an unseen sharp object etc. Home zones A home zone is a street or group of streets where pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles share the space on equal terms, with cars travelling at little more than walking pace.
Appendix 1: Glossary
Impact absorbing surfacing (IAS) Surfacing used primarily to mitigate the impact of falling from a height. Also commonly referred to as safety or safer surfacing and known as Impact Attenuating Surfacing. Inclusive play space Play provision that is accessible and welcoming to disabled and non-disabled children. Industry Standards: Europe-wide standards for the safety of play equipment and surfacing. Standards revised in 2008 as follows:
EN1176 Playground equipment and surfacing (all the requirements/recommendations for the provision of surfaces, though previously some were in EN1177) EN1177 Impact attenuating playground surfacing determination of critical height (now just methods of testing).
Landscape architect The chartered title for a professional person trained in the planning, designing and managing of open spaces in cities, towns and the countryside. Only a full Member of the Landscape Institute (MLI) may use the title Chartered Landscape Architect, which is a designation protected by law. Landscape designer A person with experience and understanding of designing landscapes and open spaces; can include artists. Loose-fill surfacing Loose, as opposed to bound, surfacing, such as sand, grit or bark chip. Multiple-age use Play spaces or equipment designed and intended to be used flexibly, by children and young people of different ages. Multi-functional use Play spaces which are designed and intended to be used flexibly, to have an additional function to that of play. Playable space A place where children can play that is not specifically designated for play, and which does not have play as its principal or only function. Play space A place that is designated primarily for childrens play, including playgrounds and recreation grounds. (Note: this term is used throughout this publication in preference to the term play area, which implies a more well-defined boundary, which is not necessarily appropriate in all cases.) Play space designer A person with experience and understanding of designing for children and play. Play types The different ways that children play. Developed originally by Bob Hughes, refer to bibliography. Play value The range and quality of play opportunities and experiences offered by a play environment. Procurement The term commonly used by most local authorities for the process of buying equipment or playgrounds.
Recycled materials This term is intended to cover items of play equipment, surfacing or other built or landscape features containing a proportion of recycled or reused content, such as paths or seats made out of recycled plastic or reclaimed timber. The aim of using recycled materials is to reduce the amount of new natural resources, energy and waste involved in the production process. Refurbishment Re-development of an existing play area. Risk is the chance, high or low, that somebody could be harmed by a hazard, together with an indication of how serious the harm could be. Risk assessment The process of identifying hazards and evaluating the risks to health and safety arising from these hazards, taking account of existing and proposed controls. Riskbenefit assessment The process of identifying the risks and benefits of things or activities and deciding the appropriate strategy. Safety surfacing Refer to Impact absorbing surfacing. Section 106 agreements Funding from developers secured by local authorities as part of the planning process for new developments, intended to mitigate negative impacts of the proposed development. Also referred to as planning gain. Shared space Space which is designed for flexible use by different user groups simultaneously. Slack space Space without any pre-defined function or layout, included within play spaces to extend the flexibility of the space, for children to use as they please. Sustainably sourced materials The term is intended to cover items that are obtained through production processes that can be continued indefinitely without damage to the environment or adverse impacts on local communities, for example timber harvested from accredited sustainably managed forests. Teenage space A place designed primarily for teenage users. Also known as a youth space. Urban designer A designer who focuses on the design of the built environment. Wet-pour Bound rubber safety surfacing which forms a continuous sealed surface. Wheel park/wheeled play An area for activities on wheels such as skateboarding, rollerblading and BMX biking.
Provosts Park, Gargunnock, Stirling Council Priory Park Play Area and Skate Park, Reigate and Banstead District Council Russell Square, LB Camden Spa Fields Park and Play Space, LB Islington Spacemakers Youth Space, Bristol City Council South Bank Centre forecourt, LB Lambeth Telegraph Hill Park, LB Lewisham Trefusis Playing Field, Kerrier District Council Upton Village, West Yorkshire Waverley Park , Stirling Council Wyvis Street Play Space, LB Tower Hamlets
Remodelling of this small internal courtyard space was completed in 2004, in association with major repairs to sub-surface drainage. Led by landscape architects practice Farrer Huxley Associates, the schemes brief focused on recreating a garden for residents to include an enclosed ball games area (5-a-side scale) along with play facilities aimed (notionally) at children aged between 6 and 12. The design was informed by the site history, and signage at the main entrance makes this explicit with a reference to the monks vineyard and orchard. Consultation was carried out with residents, including children on the estate. The courtyard had been used previously as a car park, ball court and traditional style playground, leaving little space for more general recreation. The new layout makes good use of existing sight lines through the courtyard, and entrances into the space are aligned with the outer entrances into the courtyard area itself. The ball games area is laid out on a diagonal axis, which adds a sense of movement to the underlying geometry of the space and means that it dominates the space less than it might have done otherwise. Recessed slightly to reduce noise from ball games, it forms a space in its own right. The play equipment sits informally alongside the ball games area in an area of wet-pour surfacing, and a number of oversized sculptures of fruit (apples and pears) sit at locations around the garden, helping to reinforce the historic concept underlying the layout. A hornbeam hedge and planted borders help to define the courtyard and to baffle noise. A question remains over how feasible it is to introduce a ball games facility of this scale and kind into such a high density housing area, on a site where space is at a premium. Noise remains an issue, and the ball court fencing has been upgraded to reduce rattle. The scheme is drawing young people from outside the immediate courtyard and estate, and some residents feel that these users discourage children and adults who live on the estate from using the space, identifying the need for better provision in other areas. Creating a new landscape to meet the needs of a large number of residents of all ages in a limited space is difficult, and inevitably decisions can be made that have left some people disenchanted. For more information, contact: Landscape Regeneration Manager, Asset Management, Peabody Trust, 45 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7JB, tel: 020 7021 4422, Farrer Huxley Associates, London office , Unit 4, Union Wharf, 23 Wenlock Road, London N1 7ST, tel 020 7490 3625, fax 020 7490 3626,
The layout has been carefully designed to emphasise pedestrian routes through the garden.
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Play equipment between the ball games area and shrub beds.
Balmaha Play Landscape is situated near the shore of Loch Lomond next to a Visitors Centre. It attracts a mixture of regular local users and visitors to the area. The main impetus for the design of this new play space was the connection between land and water and the way that people through history have lived in the local environment. The central area represents a beach as the focus where water and land meet, where boats are hewn from mature trees and launched to fish the plentiful waters. The stilted structure echoes the ancient crannogs, which were built out into the water as living spaces where families, livestock and belongings could be defended. At low water, remains of ancient crannogs can still be seen on Loch Lomond. Local artists and craftspeople contributed to the design and construction of the play landscape, in the dugout canoes, the willow maze and the turfed stone wall. Balmaha sits in one of the most naturally beautiful and bio-diverse areas of Scotland, yet children are often separated from it. The play area is designed to be an integral part of the landscape, giving opportunity for children to experience and care for their environment. There is a deliberate avoidance of standard play equipment in favour of mounds, dips, copses, wetland, and special places to allow the children to operate in a more authentic natural environment. The use of the existing changes in level, of natural materials and undulating surfaces aims to provide a stimulating landscape, where children can experience the irregularity of life, and develop the real skills and abilities to assess risk. The play area is unfenced, blending naturally into the surrounding area and welcoming all comers. The design aims to create a play landscape that is a space that adults will enjoy sharing with their children whether they are local residents or visitors. This project was supported in important ways by the Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park. Its strong community development programme led to local community initiation of this project and sustained involvement with its development. For more information, contact: Childrens Services Play Services, Stirling Council, Unit 12, Back OHill Industrial Estate, Back OHill Road, Stirling , FK8 1SH, tel 01786 430120, [email protected] Sue Gutteridge, Play Consultancy, tel 0131 662 9984, [email protected].
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Years of use by street sport enthusiasts had taken their toll on the citys infrastructure. Street sport enthusiasts were as concerned about the levels of damage as the authorities they had never set out to vandalise the objects they use, and were keen to see them enhanced and protected. An area at the former Central Bus Station was identified as a possible location for facilities, and negotiations took place with building owners English Partnerships. The space was already legendary in the street sport community, and had been skated for many years since its construction in 1980. A key concern was to create a new facility without losing its familiar feeling and quality. The heritage of the place had to be respected, and the local street identity needed to be reflected in the overall design. An innovative approach was needed to engage members of the street sport community. Branding and communication were important strands. Using techniques established in street subculture email, texting and logos (tags) a communication and branding framework was devised. The SK8MK brand was instrumental in holding the process together. The SK8MK message, Your city, Your sport, Your future, Get involved, encouraged people from the street sport community to participate in the process. The new facility was purpose-built as a street style facility, which recreates the environment and furniture of street skating. It is constructed from concrete, granite, terrazzo tiles and stainless steel. The robustness of the materials, combined with the smooth surfaces they offer, provide a very good play value for skateboarding. The materials used are of good quality and employ a carefully selected palette of construction materials, which complement the existing architecture of the city. The central location of Milton Keynes Bus Station Skate Park is key it creates a place where young people feel secure, rather than isolated in a remote corner of the park. The facility provides a challenging experience for young people and a place to meet friends. The site blends so seamlessly with the location that people often say: Is that it? or Where is it? The facility does not detract from, but enhances the existing site. For more information, contact: Senior Landscape Architect, UDLA, Development and Design, Environment Directorate, PO Box 113, Milton Keynes Council, Civic Offices, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes, MK9 3HN, tel 01908 252270, [email protected].
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Aileen Shackell
Structures have been designed and specified to a high standard, and to stand up to high levels of usage.
Causewayhead Park is a popular park, situated at the foot of Stirlings Wallace Monument and used by the immediate neighbourhood and people from further afield. Its paddling pool and sand area is a big attraction, along with its wide range of play equipment and ball games area. During summer 2005, a team of parents with children aged 211 (the Roving Reporters) used, observed and evaluated the park, engaging with other users. Their findings made an important contribution to the design brief. The following key decisions were made. Fencing was removed from around the play area, paddling pool, sand area and most play equipment. Children are no longer corralled into a small area, but can expand into the whole landscape. Whilst internal fences were removed, the boundary alongside a busy main road was strengthened. The park is popular with dogwalkers, and there was concern about the proximity of dogs to water and sand. This was countered by signs and dog bins to encourage dog walkers to skirt the park, and by working with the Dog Warden to run a local information campaign with posters, flyers and free poop scoops. The paddling pool was surrounded by decking, and given decked islands, making it more interesting. The sand area was extended, and a new water pump and cobbled rilled area runs into it, enabling children to mix sand and water. Although set at the foot of a wooded hill, the park had almost no planting. A Scottish Natural Heritage grant enabled introduction of Scots pines, birches and beech hedging as well as amelanchier which adds interest to the sand and bark areas. Willows have been planted in the sand play area to help address (along with improved drainage) waterlogging problems caused by water running into the sand. Some areas of grass have been left to grow long, helping connect the park to its wider landscape. Almost all equipment has been retained, but repainted to a consistent and subtler colour scheme. Raised timber edging around equipment has also been removed so boundaries are more blurred, and surfaces flow into each other. For more information, contact: Childrens Services Play Services, Stirling Council, Unit 12, Back OHill Industrial Estate, Back OHill Road, Stirling , FK8 1SH, tel 01786 430120, [email protected] Sue Gutteridge, Play Consultancy, tel 0131 662 9984, [email protected].
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Development of the detailed design for this scheme was carried out in close co-operation with English Heritage and the local Conservation Officer, to ensure that the finished scheme was appropriate for this Listed landscape. Consultation with park users, including interviewing carried out by teenagers, identified that more adventurous provision was needed for older children. The Climbing Forest consists of a number of tall oak posts set into the ground, supporting a complex network of ropes, nets, rails and ladders, each set at varying heights. At over 4 metres tall and with a diameter of approximately 300mm, each of these posts echoes the form and density of the surrounding tall trees. The untreated posts, with their natural finish, blend naturally with the surrounding oak forest, and though the bark has been removed, their tree-like form makes the posts recognisably only a few (manufactured) steps removed from the surrounding tree trunks. Though at design stage the feature was aimed predominantly at children and young people aged between 8 and 15, the Climbing Forest now caters for all ages, including adults in their twenties. The Climbing Forest is consciously non-age-specific in appearance. It attracts boys and girls equally. The Forest is carefully designed to accommodate a very wide range of abilities, with the lowest and highest climbing elements as low as 0.5 metre and as high as 4 metres above ground level. Children exploring the equipment are encouraged to work within their capabilities and to stretch themselves when they are ready. The scheme has been very carefully designed to provide an exciting and challenging play experience for older children. The manufacturer carried out a full risk assessment of the equipment throughout the design stage. Hand-holds in timber, and knots in climbing ropes, are carefully located and dimensioned to permit access at the lowest levels for younger children but to prevent their access to higher levels where longer legs and a stronger grip are essential for their safety. The number of claims against the council has fallen since this scheme was implemented, compared to those arising from use of the existing traditional style play area. Vandalism in the woodland areas has also fallen since the schemes completion For more information, contact: Coombe Abbey Country Park, Brinklow Road, Binley, Nr Coventry CV3 2AB, tel 024 7645 3720 Coventry City Council, [email protected], TimberPlay, Aizlewoods Mill, Nursery Street, Sheffield S3 8GG, tel 0845 458 9118
Aileen Shackell
Theres room for lots of people to use the Climbing Forest at the same time.
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In 2000, a child drowned in a farmers pond in Cowie, an ex-mining village near Stirling. This tragedy prompted residents to campaign and fundraise for a local play area. A suitable site was identified the site of a neolithic settlement that was of archaeological significance and therefore not available for housing. Although children already played there, the site was contentious because it was adjacent to the pond where the child had drowned. It took time to work through painful feelings about the drowning and to achieve design solutions that addressed safety issues, without compromising the childrens need for independence and to experience challenge and risk. Ideas from a visit by local children to a pre-history park and information about the sites history have been built into the park design including shelters, cooking and seating areas, and a raised beach, along with mounds, tunnels, slides and a climbing wall. The design contains elements which feel familiar to the children who were involved. Relatively few pieces of equipment are set in a succession of carefully inter-connected spaces. Quite dramatic changes in level have radically changed the previously flat site. Although the site is quite small, the feeling that theres always something round the corner encourages visitors to explore. The routes through the site invite the use of bikes and wheeled toys. The natural elements include ditches which can hold rainwater for a short time. The site was originally treeless. Local children were involved in planting rowan, birch, Kilmarnock willows and Japanese maples. These planting sessions included environmental games, explanations and discussions about the importance of trees to wildlife and to people, the reasons for including native species, and how the children could help to look after them. The hedge that reinforces and will eventually hide the fence between the play area and the farmers pond includes blackthorn, hawthorn and dog rose. There are also attractive shrub areas of witch hazel, holly and honeysuckle. Some initial problems with misuse/over enthusiastic use of the site in the evenings by teenagers were dealt with firmly and constructively by local residents who have taken responsibility for locking the park at night. For more information, contact: Childrens Services Play Services, Stirling Council, Unit 12, Back OHill Industrial Estate, Back OHill Road, Stirling , FK8 1SH, tel 01786 430120, [email protected] Sue Gutteridge, Play Consultancy, tel 0131 662 9984, [email protected].
Semi-circular walls set into the mould are climbable on the inside face.
Balance features alongside the footpath draw the visitor into the site.
Snug and Outdoor were contracted in the summer of 2003 to consider improving provision for teenagers as part of a wider refurbishment project on the estate. The aim of the project was to engage young people on the estate in an imaginative design process which ensured that their needs were at the heart of the new scheme to build an outdoor space for teenagers. The core of the consultation took place on the proposed site itself, which became a large-scale experimental area for two weeks. Objects such as large wooden cubes, ramps and platforms were utilised by the teenagers to shape the space for themselves and try out new ideas. In addition, the Cowley Teenage Space website provided an interactive forum for the expression of opinions, and this also allowed the young people to post their own photos. With a multi-generational population, it was seen as crucial that everyone who had a view was able to express it. The young people were keen to have their own space, but wanted to ensure that the new layout would not be so exciting as to attract large numbers of visitors, even gangs, from off-site, and they wanted the space to be used flexibly and for different functions. And though ball games were to be provided for, the aim was that these should not dominate the space to the exclusion of other activities. The new layout included a small combination low-key ramp and mound; a 5-a-side football pitch and basketball area, and better entrances and planting around the boundary. Two different sitting places were also included, specially designed to accommodate the different ways in which boys and girls socialise boys tend to sit in rows, and girls prefer to sit in a huddle. The layout successfully accommodates both space for ball games and quieter social spaces for children and young people to sit and chat, as well as a feature for bikes, whereas most ball games areas have only the one function. The Teenage Space has been redesigned to a high standard, and for the young people using the site this is appreciated high quality design and materials tell the young people that they are valued. Complaints about teenage behaviour have dropped considerably, along with a decrease in vandalism and graffiti. For more information, contact: Snug & Outdoor, 127 Rathcoole Gardens, London N8 9PH, tel: 020 8374 2176 fax 0870 706 4654, [email protected],
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Aileen Shackell
Cutsyke, once a thriving West Yorkshire mining town, is now classed as an area of high deprivation where childrens play facilities were, until recently, virtually non-existent. The Cutsyke Play Forest a 400-square-metre play forest with no designated ways in or out and no prescribed routes to follow was the first community-led scheme to be completed as part of The Castleford Project, a major regeneration initiative involving Channel 4, Wakefield Metropolitan District Council and supporting agencies. The local community played a leading role throughout, from the initial design and planning stages to completion. Children were at the heart of the project, and selected the final design from a number of plans submitted as part of the Channel 4 project. The process of design was unusual and of interest for a number of reasons. The design was the subject of a competition, where the brief was written between Wakefield MDC and the community. The children of Cutsyke then chose the winner, Architects Allen Todd Associates, who had subcontracted the design to Landscape Architects Estell Warren. Sutcliffe Play was contracted to develop the concept play forest design, essentially consisting of 6-metre poles, platform, slides and netting into a scheme that could be built. This involved an elevated open platform 4 metres above the ground, which could have been interpreted as contravening the European Standard EN1176. This problem was overcome by a RoSPA risk assessment of the scheme, which decided that the benefits outweighed the risks. The success of this project depended on the close working between all partners from an early stage in the process. The project has been successful in transforming former derelict council allotments into a showcase play scheme that has attracted interest from all over the world. Although designed for older children, with an adult scale to it, younger children are also attracted to the play forest, underlining its appeal to the community as a whole. Cutsyke Community Group, with members aged 7 to 74, has taken complete ownership of the forest. The group has been presented with the Duke of York Community Initiative award in recognition of outstanding work to support and develop its local community. For more information, contact: Sutcliffe Play, Sutcliffe Play Limited, Waggon Lane, Upton, Pontefract WF9 1JS tel 01977 653200,
Nicola Butler
Nicola Butler
Nicola Butler
Darnley Park was created on a formerly neglected city centre site. With dramatic views over Stirling to the River Forth and the Ochil Hills, it forms a serene and interesting space for people living in the immediate area of high density housing, for the many visitors to Stirlings historic Old Town, and for those using it as a through route between the upper and lower parts of the town In developing this site, the main aim was to create a space that encouraged imaginative and child directed play, in a landscape that held local significance and meaning. The distinct but connected play spaces contain grit and sand providing safe surfaces and good play material at the same time. All actual play structures and equipment (for climbing, sliding, balancing, swinging, ball games and much else besides) have been built or chosen specifically for the site, to integrate with, complement and enhance the landscape. The site includes an unconventionally shaped ball court cut into the woodland on one side of the site. Natural wooded areas on the embankment bordering the long flight of steps connecting the site to the town centre below and surrounding the ball court have been left wild but not neglected, and are managed in such a way as to encourage children to explore and use these areas. Local residents, who had first raised the need for the park were involved throughout, participating in all project meetings during the construction period and visiting the site regularly. Local children worked with playworkers, a sculptor and an artist/blacksmith to design, make and site special boulder features. Since the site opened it has been the focus for numerous events. Stirling Council Play Services work with local children on a regular basis, and children themselves have been involved in the organisation and hosting of community events in the park, including working with playworkers and a pyrotechnician to design their own fireworks display. They have most recently been involved in planning and executing a new phase of planting on the site the edible area including rasperries, currants and pear, plum and apple trees. The park has won wide acclaim, being the sole Scottish winner of an International Architecture for Children Award in 2004. For more information, contact: Childrens Services Play Services, Stirling Council, Unit 12, Back OHill Industrial Estate, Back OHill Road, Stirling , FK8 1SH, tel 01786 430120, [email protected] Sue Gutteridge, Play Consultancy, tel 0131 662 9984, [email protected].
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Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Playground Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
Client: Location: Designer: Project timescale: Capital cost: Funding: Royal Parks Agency Kensington Gardens Land Use Consultants Inception early 1999; project completion 2000 1.2 million The facility was funded by the DCMA/Royal Parks Agency
Soon after the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, it was decided to commemorate her life by creating a high quality childrens play space in Kensington Gardens by upgrading an existing facility on a site at the north side of the Gardens. The schemes layout was based on the story of Peter Pan (author JM Barrie had lived overlooking Kensington Gardens and often spent time there), and a number of elements from this classic childrens novel appeared in the scheme: a pirate ship and treasure chest; teepees; and a ticking crocodile, lurking half-buried in the sand. The main objectives of the scheme were to create a play space which would be as inclusive as possible, so that all children would feel welcome and ready to explore, whether disabled or non-disabled. It would provide a wide range of play opportunities, and a variety of different spaces busy and quiet; peaceful and noisy. It would allow children to experience and enjoy natural elements especially working with sand and water and facilitate creative play, with children choosing how and where they wanted to play without the need to be dependent on adult assistance. The site has been hugely successful, with around 3,000 children a week enjoying this play space. High levels of usage have meant that there have been some concerns with water quality. These have been dealt with by converting the recycling/filtration system with a non-recycling system using water from a borehole in the Gardens, with the water running into soakaways (via the sandy areas which provide so much play value). Equipment provided for access by wheelchair users has been designed carefully so that it also appeals to those on foot. Firm, smooth wheelchair-accessible paths connect the main sandy spaces where wheelchair users can, with assistance, play in the sand along with non-disabled children. Impact absorbent sandy surfacing doubles successfully as a play feature in its own right. Play-related desire lines have appeared through planting in numerous places, and these could now be accommodated by revising the layout locally, as appropriate. For more information, contact: Land Use Consultants, tel 020 7383 5784,
Nicola Butler
Through the main activity on the site focuses on the pirate ship there are plenty of quieter spaces too.
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Sand is used extensively as an impact absorbent surface with lots of creative play value.
A drinking fountain like this can be a simple way of incorporating water into a site.
Dilkes Park, was chosen in the mid 1990s by the Cleaning and Greening Department at Thurrock Council as the best location for new teenage provision. A combination of allweather surfaced ball courts, floodlighting, and new youth shelters encouraged young people to move their activities out of the town centre and into the park. One early teenage shelter in the park was not, by itself, enough to draw teenagers away from the centre. New shelters around the ball court were designed in close consultation with the young people, to allow both inside and outside use, and to include multiple exits (to discourage bullying). Two structures were included to accommodate more than one group of teenagers at a time. The introduction of ball games areas and shelters was carried out alongside gradual refurbishment of the existing, nearby play area. This facility was a small, fenced play area, surfaced in rubber tiles. The council removed the boundary fencing, replaced some of the rubber surfacing with bark chips and, over time, extended the play area by adding other items of equipment. This is an ongoing process. Wherever possible, old equipment is left in place so new items add to the play opportunites on the site. New equipment has been located at a low density in between existing mature trees. The lack of boundary fencing combined with careful locating of the equipment means that the play space has a natural, informal quality that is very appealing. Without any defined boundary, the play area blurs into the surrounding parkland. The massing of the trees means that not all of the equipment is visible together, which positively invites exploration. Footpaths through the park wind through the play space, informally, and the presence of passers-by makes the space feel safer. Locating equipment informally within a natural environment has given the facility a strong sense of place. The approach to refurbishment does not depend on large capital outlay but can be implemented in an incremental manner as funding becomes available. Rubber, sand and bark have all been used as safety surfaces, giving a more varied feel. For more information, contact: Veolia ES Cleanaway Mardyke Trust, Parish Farm, South End, Much Hadham Herts SG10 6EP, tel 01279 84 3675, [email protected]. Thurrock Council, Civic Offices, New Road, Grays, Essex RM17 6SL tel 01375 652350, [email protected].
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Andy Furze
Without fencing the whole woodland becomes part of the play space.
Horsham Parks new play space is seen as a great improvement on the previous facility, which was a traditional play area, largely surfaced in rubber wet-pour. The construction of the new Leisure Centre on the site of the old play space made replacement essential. The aim was to provide a breadth of play opportunities for all children aged from birth to 14 years. A deliberate decision was made to move towards creating a play experience rather than a play area. The site is characterised by gently rising topography, with good views over the park, as well as a small number of mature trees. The new layout is designed to take advantage of both these aspects. Some equipment was retained and relocated. New equipment was placed within the remodelled hillside, which was carefully designed to enhance the existing tree planting. A valley running down between these trees became a dry river filled with sand and crossed by a bridge, designed by a local wood sculptor. Zoning the equipment geographically, means there is no need for internal fencing to separate different age groups. Planting and ground modelling help create the feeling of different spaces and places to go to. Young people over 14 are also welcome. The site is located close to a caf and toilets and the new Leisure Centre and swimming pool. People now visit from as far away as south London, and use other park attractions such as the childrens maze, a sensory garden, and childrens entertainments. Staff are delighted with high levels of usage and continuing positive feedback from users. Effort put in at planning and design stage and also in consultation has allowed us to look at the project in a holistic sense this has allowed us to achieve so much more, for not much extra cost. The involvement of local artists, especially a wood carver, has introduced some unusual and tactile structures (seating and a bridge). These have not been any more expensive than off-the-peg items but are unique to this site. The large sandy surfaces are enormously popular with the children, and have proved to be simple and inexpensive to maintain. The dry garden area and interpretation boards have provided an additional educational element to the play experience. For more information, contact: Parks Community Liaison Officer, Horsham District Council, Park House, North Street, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1RL, tel 01403 215201,
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The bridge by a local woodcarver forms part of the entrance into the site.
Planting makes the setting for equipment both attractive and playable.
The totem pole sits surrounded by a lush planting scheme specially designed to need little watering.
The play space includes different types of surfacing, to increase the variety of play experiences there.
This high density housing development is relatively new, having been opened some three years ago. Children and young people had been using a fenced area adjacent to a housing block. The area was located within only a few metres of residents sitting room windows and noise from the ball games and from the large numbers using it were proving to be a great source of irritation to residents. A lengthy process of engagement and involvement followed. Workshops were held on the site, which included discussions with all the local residents adults without children, families, and the children and young people who used the space mainly for ball games. A design was developed by a landscape architect for a shared communal space on the grassy verge adjacent to the housing block. The design created a playable space a space which invited play, though one not designated solely for play. The new layout included a fallen tree, shrub planting to provide a protective buffer to the residents windows, and a small play mound, as well as some boulders, a new pathway, and two separate timber seating areas that double as stepping stones or climbing structures. The new layout for this area has already encouraged adults and children to meet and talk to each other, even though the space was opened to the residents in January 2008, the coldest time of year when peoples use of the outdoors is minimal. Time spent on developing design proposals was time well spent, to make sure that the right answer is found for the right problem. A creative approach was needed to make the most of such a small space so close to housing. Though the design fee added to the cost, in this situation using a designers skill meant that a satisfactory design solution was found, even on a very low budget. For more information, contact: Dominion Housing Group, 15th Floor Capital House, 25 Chapel Street, London NW1 5WX, tel 020 8840 6262, fax: 020 8799 2220, [email protected] PLAYLINK, [email protected],
Phil Doyle
Phil Doyle
Phil Doyle
This small playable space has been located very close to housing.
Langdon Park was originally laid out as an open expanse of grass in the heart of one of east Londons most deprived areas of social housing. Until 2006, the parks play area was located behind 100 metres of metal fencing, which separated it from the rest of the park. The play equipment inside the fenced play area was laid out in an ad hoc fashion, and was dominated by rubber safety surfacing, and tarmac footpaths. As part of a scheme to develop a new DLR station adjacent to the park, the decision was taken to decommission the existing play area and replace it with a facility which was much more sensitively integrated within the wider park. Some of the existing play equipment was relocated within the new space to provide a number of play activities along the new footpath crossing the park, and leading to the new DLR station. Now that the old multi-play unit is surrounded by new playable mounds, it has a sense of place and is more enjoyable for children to use as a result. The new scheme has added visual interest to the park and, being unfenced, has a very flexible layout which could easily be extended and augmented if and when funding allows. The scheme shows that using tree and shrub planting, mounding and boulders gives the equipment a new setting and helps extend the range of play opportunities. Removing fencing also seemed to make people realise that the whole park is for children to play in and not just the play space. The tree planting on this scheme was heavily vandalised soon after the scheme opened. With hindsight it might have been better to do the tree planting as a second (later) phase, once the novelty value of the scheme had worn off. It might also have been helpful to have included local young people in helping with the planting (the original timescale had not allowed for this). The good news is that new trees were planted in March 2008. For more information, contact: Head of Parks and Open Spaces, Communities, Localities and Culture, London Borough of Tower Hamlets, Mulberry Place, PO Box 55739, 5 Clove Crescent, London E14 1BY, tel 020 7364 5000 [email protected]. Phil Doyle, tel 07734 837323.
Kate Shackell
Some equipment was relocated and surrounded by new mounding and boulders.
This site had originally been laid out as a park, including a play space. The site had, for many years, been subject to extensive vandalism and antisocial behaviour. Though very close to housing, views into the park from outside were very limited and over the years it had effectively become a no-go area. It was felt that only a major redesign could rescue this troubled site from the misuse and abuse from which it suffered; a major scheme was therefore developed for a completely new urban park. The focus of the scheme was on providing a place that young people would feel was somewhere they could meet and socialise with friends. It was also seen by the designers as crucial that the space was designed to a high quality in order to help the young people who use it feel valued. The scheme included a new wheel park, ball games area and climbing stones. The scheme also included new and improved pedestrian routes through the park, which have helped integrate the space better within the surrounding streetscape and also create through traffic which helped make the space feel busy and safe to use. As part of the focus on integrating the site within its surroundings, new views into the site were created from the road. The wheeled play area for skaters and BMX bikers now makes a very positive addition to the street scene, and passing pedestrians and bus passengers particularly enjoy watching the young people showing off their skills. The high quality of the design has encouraged young people from different ethnic minority groups to share the space together in a way that was never possible in the past, reducing the sense of territorial ownership. The new wheel park has been located immediately next to housing, not in accordance with the existing National Playing Fields Association (NPFA) (now Fields in Trust) guidance, which recommends a buffer of 30 metres between skate parks and housing. However, in this situation, not only would it not have been achievable but it would have detracted from the principles of the scheme to integrate it within the street scene. Though tensions arise from time to time, generally having it so close to housing has worked. For more information, contact: The Landscape Partnership, London Office, Tunnel Wharf, 121 Rotherhithe Street, London SE16 4NF, tel 020 7252 0002, fax 020 7237 1003, [email protected]
Phil Doyle
Phil Doyle
Good wheel parks like this one are very popular, but tend to attract boys rather than girls.
Kate Shackell
Phil Doyle
Being set in a large and popular park, it was always intended that this scheme would serve as a destination play area. The wider scheme also included a new pavilion with caf and toilets. As a result people now travel some way to get to the new scheme. The play area includes a large quantity of equipment but all carefully set within mounded, vegetated areas. Great emphasis has been placed on integrating the space within the wider park landscape, and though the play space is bordered by an evergreen hedge, the designers have tried to maintain visual continuity with the park landscape by keeping the play areas path surfaces in similar finishes to those elsewhere in the park, and including tree planting within the play space which is similar to that in the surrounding park. The skate park was constructed in concrete, and is located partly above, partly below ground, to minimise noise intrusion. It has been designed mainly for skateboarders but it is expected that BMX bikes will also use this space. It has been located in its own space, and the boundaries have been kept open, so maintaining good visibility of skaters from the wider park. The experience of Reigate is that sand makes an excellent impact-absorbent surface. It is relatively low cost to install, low cost to maintain, and has considerable play value in its own right. Water play is relatively expensive to design, construct and maintain. However, the feature here is quite low-tech compared to many (for what is essentially a destination play space) which means that overall the costs are lower and it is more likely to be in use for more of the year. For more information, contact: Land Use Consultants, tel 020 7383 5784,
Grass mats were used extensively around equipment, to ensure that the play space blended with the parkland setting.
Sand was also used, for impact absorbency and for extra play value.
This project was to redesign an existing long-established play area which consisted of pieces of mostly old play equipment dotted randomly around all four sides of a football pitch. As moving or reducing the size of the pitch was not an option, this project presented considerable design challenges. In its favour, the site was well located in the centre of the village, with numerous access points from surrounding streets. While mostly flat and treeless, one side of the site included gently sloping mature woodland. Local workshops and surveys contributed to development of a design and local community representatives participated in project and site meetings. The main aims were to improve the range and quality of play opportunities for all ages, to create a pleasant and inviting space for adults and create a coherent space. The re-designed play space wraps itself around one end (including the woodland) and partly down two of the sides of the pitch. Areas of mounding separate the play spaces from the pitch, providing changes of level and a sense of enclosure, and strimmed grass, bark and stepping stone paths join the spaces and invite exploration and journeys through the space. Existing equipment that still had life in it was refurbished, repainted and relocated to form part of the new play landscape. New features include a large sand play area contained by dune-like mounds, an aerial runway that travels through the trees, a trampoline set into the ground, and a series of four-metre-high climbing poles. Planting has been used to define, integrate and add interest to this site. It includes a native species wildlife garden enclosed by willow that forms a restful part of the route through the space, Scots pines, wild cherry and resilient shrub planting of dogwood, virbinium, photinia and amelanchier. New areas of beech hedge were planted to fill in gaps in the existing site boundary. Local children and teenagers worked with playworkers, the play space designer and an artists/craftsperson to design and make a range of features connected to the wildlife garden and the park as a whole. For more information, contact: Childrens Services Play Services, Stirling Council, Unit 12, Back OHill Industrial Estate, Back OHill Road, Stirling , FK8 1SH, tel 01786 430120, [email protected]. Sue Gutteridge, Play Consultancy, tel 0131 662 9984, [email protected].
Small individual play spaces were successfully fitted around the perimeter of the sports pitch.
Aileen Shackell
Aileen Shackell
The designers were appointed by Islington Borough Council in 2006 to prepare a Framework Plan for the regeneration of this important but neglected park in the heart of Clerkenwell. Participative design lay at the heart of the process, and children and young people were involved in all phases of the rejuvenation of the park including the new play area. The involvement of teenagers was particularly important as this group had been the focus for many of the problems on the site. The involvement of adults in the consultation process was very carefully managed adults were consulted separately to prevent their views from dominating. The Spa Fields scheme was developed in such a way as to bring the whole community together, including the hard to reach groups such as older teenagers. The play area is next to a busy through route, and feels a very safe place. The layout itself is intricate, and the site includes a complex arrangement of mounds, ditches, hollows and paths, all edged by planting and walls at sitting height, to help enclose the site and screen passing traffic. Consultation with nine local schools involved the children drawing their ideas for a playground and one particular drawing formed the main inspiration for the ultimate proposal, with mounding, circuitous paths, talking trees, and a Hobbits House all being expressed in some way in the final detailing. The designer saw engagement of children in the design as critical this drove the design process throughout. The project is successful in allowing the inclusion of bespoke play equipment designed specially for this site, which achieved safety certification. This proved a more affordable option than the standard off-the-peg equipment, though some of these savings were offset against additional design time. The equipment is designed to be non-prescriptive to allow flexibility of use and to give childrens imagination free rein. The scheme has restored a sense of safety to this site which had latterly become a no go area. There has been no vandalism or anti-social behaviour on the site since completion. For more information, contact: Parklife, 27 Holywell Row, London EC2A 4JB, tel 020 7247 5800 fax 020 7247 5809, [email protected],
Aileen Shackell
Spacemakers Bristol
Client: Location: Designers: Capital cost: Funding: Local young people Hartcliffe, Bristol Landscape Architect: Greg White of Loci Design; Artists: Kathrin Bhm, Cleo Broda, Calum Stirling Approximately 200,000, of which 150,000 was allocated to capital costs Bristol City Council; Hartcliffe Community Campus; ERDF Urban 2; The Home Office; Living Spaces (ODPM)
Spacemakers was a two-year project in which young people, aged between 13 and 15, designed a public space within their own community in the Hartcliffe and Withywood area of Bristol. The young people were the clients for the scheme and made key creative decisions throughout its progress. Prior to the development of the scheme, the site consisted of a neglected grassy field. The site did, however, have three positive features which were built into the new scheme. The naturally sloping topography was emphasised by placing the new youth shelter on top of the highest point of the site, and a contour slide the only piece of play equipment in the scheme was set into the side of the slope. The stream which ran below the site in an underground culvert was brought back to the surface to form a new, gently curving channel which winds through the site before disappearing back underground. The site also benefited from the presence of a small number of very fine mature oak trees and, along with the new channel, these formed the focus for the level paved seating area in the lower part of the site. A custom-designed stainless steel shelter is a main feature at Spacemakers. This provides a meeting place and somewhere to shelter in bad weather. It is clearly a welldesigned structure, constructed in high quality materials, and the young people who use the site appreciate the message this sends out, that the site and its users are valued. The safety of the participants was described by the Project Manager as being the biggest issue, and it was essential to gain the trust of parents from the outset. Involvement in the lengthy design and construction process led to significant personal development on the part of the young people on the team, and their involvement in the scheme has been key to the sites long-term sustainability. Lessons learned include finding that headwall structures with flimsy gratings tend to be quickly removed by curious children and need to be made very sturdy. For more information, contact: The Architecture Centre, Narrow Quay, Bristol BS1 4QA, tel 0117 922 1540, [email protected],
Aileen Shackell
Nicola Butler The specially designed youth shelter located on the highest point of the site forms an impressive focal point. The lower parts of the site are laid out as an informal park, for the whole community to use. Aileen Shackell Aileen Shackell
Aileen Shackell
The view from the top of the slide just below the shelter, across the whole site.
Wide steps make informal seating and overlook the level paved area below.
A key objective for this scheme was to improve the way in which play facilities were provided within the park so as to enhance the historic landscape. Restoration of the missing historic ponds meant that the older childrens play area had to be relocated elsewhere in the park. It was agreed that locating it on the side of the hill would allow the natural changes in level to be used to full effect. The omission of fencing from the scheme proved the key to sensitive integration of the layout within the park landscape, a key requirement of the Park User Group. Rubber impact absorbent surfaces were avoided and instead grass mat surfacing was used around the equipment, which further enabled the play area to blend seamlessly with surrounding grass. The detailing of the sides of the contour slide proved the biggest design challenge. Advice received from the playground inspectors during the development of the design stated that access to the sides of the slide should be prevented, to avoid possible conflict between children sliding down with others scrambling up on foot. Though lots of ideas to design in this access were developed, none were followed through as all were deemed too risky by inspectors. The rubber wet-pour surfacing to the sides was the resulting compromise. The advice received from the playground inspection process in relation to the treatment of the contour slide sides proved unnecessarily restrictive and resulted in detailing which reduces play value. A more considered approach to risk assessment by the designer would probably have resulted in a more play-friendly outcome. Grass mat surfacing has proved less successful on high-wear points around equipment, with localised settlement below the tiles being an ongoing issue. In these areas the use of a loose-fill surface such as sand or grit might have been more practical. For more information, contact: Land Use Consultants, tel 020 7383 5784,
Adrian Wikeley
Aileen Shackell
Aileen Shackell Unfenced equipment is more likely to be used by children and young people of all ages.
Trefusis Playing Field is located on the outskirts of Redruth, a historic tin-mining town currently undergoing significant regeneration. The playing fields were very under-used and most of the space consisted of close mown grass with old and dilapidated play equipment. The site has dramatic long views towards Carn Brea, a hillfort of important cultural significance with a former tin mine, castle, and older prehistoric remains.
Design Action: Devon and Cornwall was a 2-year Pilot Programme run locally by CABE (Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment), to promote involvement of young people in the design and regeneration of open space. Council officers decided to involve local young people in designing improvements for the playing fields, to make them a useful space for teenagers who had little provision in the neighbouring park.
Working with local young people from Redruth Community School, the design team undertook a design process, encompassing an inspiration field trip to Spacemakers in Bristol; half day visits to local sites, and hands-on design workshops. Initial design concepts were sketched and modelled in 3D, before being presented to all the members of the group. The design workshop kick started ideas for a new play area. Over several weeks a series of creative workshops with young people and close consultation with David Jarvis Associates fed into the design development to integrate the young peoples ideas, which were based on waves, surfing and spirals. The final scheme includes a number of pieces of conventional fixed play equipment located in an attractive and well-designed setting which makes the most of the superb views, and benefits from the informal oversight provided by the adjacent housing. As well as the play equipment a number of structures were chosen for their ability to be used flexibly a curved sculptural skate wall doubles as a seating area; an artist designed loop of metal can be played on or sat under; a steel beam could be another lower seat, or a balance feature. A distinctive Cornish hedge forms the boundary. A stone wall curves around the play area, with protruding steps allowing children to climb up and down easily and arrive in the play space by a more playful route. For more information, contact: Senior Landscape Architect, Kerrier District Council, Council Offices, Dolcoath Avenue, Camborne, Cornwall TR14 8SX, tel 01209 614466, [email protected]
Aileen Shackell At Trefusis Park, the play equipment and its landscape setting were designed together from the start. Projecting cilmbable steps in the dry-stone wall. Kerrier District Council
Aileen Shackell
A good example of equipment being enjoyed by a younger child than would normally use it.
Aileen Shackell
Structures are included which promote flexible use of the play space, such as this concrete seat/skate surface.
The wall forms quite a steep drop around the play space but this forms part of the play experience.
Waverley Park consists of a football pitch and play area. It is long established and, as the only play area for this expanding neighbourhood, is an important neighbourhood facility that is well used by a wide range of children, young people and carers. It is also used regularly by the nearby primary school, nursery, playgroup and out of school care project. The site boundary is fenced as it is completely surrounded by roads. An earlier re-design of the site in 1993 had, importantly, re-sited the football pitch to one side of the site, rather than in the centre, and reduced it to a seven-a-side size. At this stage much of the existing old play equipment was removed, and what remained was relocated, with new equipment and a sand play area on the rest of the site. Among the aims of the most recent re-design were to introduce changes of level and planting to this completely flat and treeless space. The detailed brief for the design was put together slowly and was drawn from a number of sources. These included the Play Space Designers long-term observation and use of the park as a local resident; discussion and observation sessions with relevant local groups; discussion with park users in the context of staffed play in the park sessions. The design sought to incorporate the priorities identified by users: to extend the sand play, to introduce more challenging climbing opportunities, and to introduce shade and wind breaks. Mounds, ditches, logs, boulders, bridges, reeds, trees and areas of long grass were introduced incorporating all of the existing equipment to create an interesting and challenging play landscape. Very little new equipment was bought, but all of the existing equipment was refurbished and repainted. During the very rainy construction period, the mud was greatly enjoyed with sponsored mud fights taking place as part of Comic Relief. This resulted in requests to keep a mud area which has been done (rainfall allowing). The planting, in which local children were involved, is very important in giving seasonal interest, and includes hazel, rowan, birch, amelanchier and willows as well as an embryonic rhododendron den. In 2007, a tree that was being felled at a nearby construction site was brought to Waverley Park, adding a new focus of interest. For more information, contact: Childrens Services Play Services, Stirling Council, Unit 12, Back OHill Industrial Estate, Back OHill Road, Stirling , FK8 1SH, tel 01786 430120, [email protected] Sue Gutteridge, Play Consultancy, tel 0131 662 9984, [email protected].
New mounds transformed this previously level site and made the equipment even more exciting.
Stirling Council Play Services Mounding helps sub-divide the site and create individual places for the different items of equipment. Stirling Council Play Services Aileen Shackell
Sand and grit surfacing at Waverley Park offer different play experiences.
As the nearby park included a traditional approach to play, it was decided to pilot a different approach on this site, focusing on the landscape setting, emphasising natural features rather than on fixed equipment. In addition, it was felt that the small scale of the space and its close proximity to housing meant that the site leant itself better to small scale, more modest provision, which would not attract such large numbers of users. In the summer of 2006, a play consultant spent some time watching how young people used the site, and by the end of the summer a concept plan, in the form of a zoning diagram, had been drawn up, based on the research findings. The scheme included very little equipment and, most controversially, an open sandpit. The proposed improvements aimed to introduce a sense of place into what was rather a bland, characterless space. Low mounding around the open edges of the site helped screen traffic and provide a feeling of enclosure. Existing paths were retained, and these allowed the site to be divided into two distinct areas, one for older children, with a tyre swing, and one for younger children, with a sandpit. Gentle depressions in the ground emphasised the different spaces. The site remains, as before, unfenced, with only the mounding separating the space from the surrounding roads. Dogwalkers are encouraged to use the dog refuse bins which have been relocated away from the play space. The most contentious element was the inclusion of a sandpit. Though local parents doubted that it would survive vandalism, or that the council would be able to maintain it, the sandpit has remained in use since the summer of 2007 and is extremely popular with all ages, including the teenagers who are drawn to the seating area next to it. The absence of fencing around and within the site has allowed it to be used very flexibly; though designed in two age zones, the entire site is used in practice by children and young people of all ages. The scheme is one of very few in the borough to include an open sandpit. The anticipated problems with dog fouling have not materialised, partly due to extra targeted support from the dog warden (and a few highly publicised fines for fouling). For more information, contact: Aileen Shackell Associates, [email protected],
Aileen Shackell
The new tyre swing is situated in a hollow in the ground, surrounded by mounding to screen traffic and for biking over.
Aileen Shackell
Nicola Butler
Nicola Butler Comfortable seating makes the visit more enjoyable for parents too.
Play England and the authors would like to thank the following people for their help with this guide Alexandra Allen, Julia Bard, Daniel Black, Chris Carswell, Anna Chapman, Issy Cole-Hamilton, Neil Coleman, Paul Collings, Nicole Collomb, Hattie Coppard, Noel Farrer, Richard Ferrington, Matthew Frith, Andy Furze, Evan Giles, Tim Gill, Robert Goss, Janet Gowran, Mike Greenaway, Sue Gutteridge, Phil Heaton, Liz Hoehnke, Deborah Holt, Sarah Jardine, Alex Kettrick, Warren Koehler, Judi Legg, Dye Lockyer, Guy Lockear, Colin Mackay, Sandra Melville, Karen Merrick, Jon Mitchell, Karen Newell, Simeon Packard, Keith Rimmer, Mark Rooney, Joanna Ryam, Ken Ryan, Rachel Scott, Sandra Skinner, Carol Spencer, Bernard Spiegal, Stairway Communications Limited, Robin Sutcliffe, Joe Taylor, Wendy Titman, Adrian Voce, Bob Wallace, Stuart Wallace, Nick Waller, Rob Wheway, Adrian Wikeley, Helen Woolley, Andrew Yates, David Yearley.
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