The Rol e of Financi Al Management: Introduction To Financial Management
The Rol e of Financi Al Management: Introduction To Financial Management
The Rol e of Financi Al Management: Introduction To Financial Management
Chapt er
The Rol e of Finan c i a l Man a g e m e n t
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With an objective of maximizing shareholder wealth ca!ital will tend to be allocated to the most !rod"ctive investment o!!ort"nities on a ris#$ adj"sted ret"rn basis. %ther decisions willalso be made to maximize efficienc&. 'fall firms do this !rod"ctivit& will be heightened and the econo m& will realize higher real growth. There will be a greater level of overall econo mic want satisfaction. (res"mabl& !eo!le overallwillbenefit b"t this de!ends in !art on the redistrib"tion of income and wealth via taxation and social !rograms. 'n other words the econo mic !ie will grow larger and ever&bod& sho"ld be better off ifthere is no reslicing. With reslicing itis !ossible some !eo!le will be worse off b"t that is the res"ltof a governmental change in redistrib"tion. 'tisnot d"e to the objective f"nction of cor!orations.
Maximizing earnings is a nonf"nctionalobjective for the following reasons: a. *arnings is a time vector. +nless one time vector of earnings clearl& do minates allother time vectors itis im!ossible to select the vector that willmaximize earnings. b. *ach time vector of earning !ossesses a ris# characteristic. Maximizing ex!ected earnings ignores the ris# !arameter. c. *arnings can be increased b& selling stoc# and b"&ing treas"r& bills. *arnings will contin"e to increase since stoc# does not re,"ire o"t$ of$ !oc#et costs. d. The im!act of dividend !olicies is ignored. 'fall earnings are retained f"t"re earnings are increased. -owever stoc# !rices ma& decrease as a res"ltof adverse reaction to the absence of dividends.
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Ch 1: The Role of FinancialManage ment Maximizing wealth ta#es into acco"nt earnings the timing and ris# of these earnings and the dividend !olic& of the firm.
Financial manage m ent is concerned with the ac,"isition financing and manage m ent of assets with some overallgoal in mind. Th"s the f"nction of financial manage m ent can be bro#en down into three major decision areas: the investment financing and asset manage m ent decisions.
0es zero acco"nting !rofit while the firm establishes mar#et !osition is consistent with the maximization of wealth objective. %ther investments where short$ r"n !rofitsare sacrificed for the long r"n also are !ossible.
The goal of the firm gives the financial manager an objective f"nction to maximize. -e2she can j"dge the val"e 3efficienc&4 of an& financialdecision b& itsim!act on that goal. Witho"t s"ch a goal the manager wo"ld be 5at sea5 in that he2she wo"ld have no objective criterion to g"ide his2her actions.
manage m ent of assets. These three f"nctional areas are allinterrelated 3e.g. a decision to ac,"ire an asset necessitates the financing and manage m ent of that asset whereas financing and manage m ent costs affect the decision to invest4.
'f managers have sizable stoc# !ositions in the com!an& the& will have a greater "nderstanding for the val"ation of the com!an&. Moreover the& ma& have a greater incentive to maximize shareholder wealth than the& wo"ld in the absence of stoc# holdings. -owever to the extent !ersons have not onl& h" man ca!italb"t also most of their financialca!italtied "! in the com!an& the& ma& be more ris# averse than is desirable. 'fthe com!an& deteriorates
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Ch 1: The Role of FinancialManage ment beca"se a ris#& decision !roves bad the& stand to lose not onl& theirjobs b"t have a dro! in the val"e of their assets. *xcessive ris# aversion can wor# to the detriment of maximizing shareholder wealth as can excessive ris# see#ing ifthe manager is!artic"larl&ris# !rone.
Reg"lations im!osed b& the government constit"te constraints against which shareholder wealth can stil l be maximized. 't is im!ortant that wealth
maximization remain the !rinci!algoal of firms ifecono mic efficienc& is to be achieved in societ& and !eo!le are to have increasing real standards of living. The benefits of reg"lations to societ& m"st be eval"ated relative to the costs im!osed on econo mic efficienc&. W here benefits are small relative to the costs b"sinesses need to ma#e this #nown thro"gh the !olitical!rocess so that the reg"lations can be modified. (resentl& there is considerable attention being given in W ashington to dereg"lation. 9o me things have been done to ma#e reg"lations less onero"s and to allow com!etitive mar#ets to wor#.
;s in other things there is a com!etitive mar#et for good managers. ; com!an& m "st !a& them their o!!ort"nit& cost and indeed this is in the interest of stoc#holders. To the extent managers are !aid in excess of their econo mic contrib"tion the ret"rns available to investors will be less.
-owever stoc#holders can sell their stoc# and invest elsewhere. Therefore there is a balancing factor that wor#s in the direction of e,"ilibrating managers< !a& across b"siness firms for a given level of econo mic contrib"tion.
'n com!etitive and efficient mar#ets greater rewards can be obtained onl& with greater ris#. The financial manager is constantl& involved in decisions involving a trade$ off between the two. For the com!an& itis im!ortant that it
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Ch 1: The Role of FinancialManage ment do wellwhat it#nows best. There is litt lereason to believe that ifitgets into a new area in which ithas no ex!ertise that the rewards willbe com m e ns"rate with the ris# that is involved. The ris#$ reward trade$ off willbecome
The controller<s res!onsibili t ies are !rimaril& acco"nting in nat"re. acco"nting as well as b"dgets and
cons"m!tion. *xternal financial re!orting wo"ld be !rovided to the 'R9 the 9*C and the stoc#holders.
The treas"rer<s res!onsibil it ies fall into the decision areas most com m o nl& associated with financial manage m ent: investment 3ca!ital b"dgeting !ension manage m ent4 financing 3com m ercial ban#ing and investment
ban#ing relationshi!s investor relations dividend disb"rsement4 and asset manage m ent 3cash manage m ent creditmanage m ent4
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