Tano Vs Socrates

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,34#567 8,%71 1 peLlLloners,
97%" !7:" ;,3:,67# <" ;7=#,85;1respondenLs.

6,:>651 ?#"1 !"#
eLlLloners capLlon Lhelr peLlLlon as one for "!"#$%&#'#%, ln[uncLlon WlLh rellmlnary and
MandaLory ln[uncLlon, wlLh rayer for 1emporary 8esLralnlng Crder" and pray LhaL Lhls CourL: (1)
declare as unconsLlLuLlonal: (a) Crdlnance no. 13-92, daLed 13 uecember 1992, of Lhe
Sanggunlang anglungsod of uerLo rlncesa, (b) Cfflce Crder no. 23, Serles of 1993, daLed 22
!anuary 1993, lssued by AcLlng ClLy Mayor Amado L. Lucero of uerLo rlncesa ClLy, and (c)
8esoluLlon no. 33, Crdlnance no. 2, Serles of 1993, daLed 19 lebruary 1993, of Lhe Sanggunlang
anlalawlgan of alawan, (2) en[oln Lhe enforcemenL Lhereof, and (3) resLraln respondenLs
rovlnclal and ClLy rosecuLors of alawan and uerLo rlncesa ClLy and !udges of Lhe 8eglonal
1rlal CourLs, MeLropollLan 1rlal CourLs ' and Munlclpal ClrculL 1rlal CourLs ln alawan from
assumlng [urlsdlcLlon over and hearlng cases concernlng Lhe vlolaLlon of Lhe Crdlnances and of Lhe
Cfflce Crder.
More approprlaLely, Lhe peLlLlon ls, and shall be LreaLed as, a speclal clvll acLlon for ("#$%&#'#% and
1he followlng ls peLlLloners' summary of Lhe facLual anLecedenLs glvlng rlse Lo Lhe peLlLlon:
1. Cn uecember 13, 1992, Lhe Sanggunlang anlungsod ng uerLo rlncesa ClLy enacLed
Crdlnance no. 13-92 whlch Look effecL on !anuary 1, 1993 enLlLled: "An C8ulnAnCL
8AnnlnC 1PL SPlMLn1 Cl ALL LlvL llSP Anu LC8S1L8 Cu1SluL uL81C 8lnCLSA Cl1?
l8CM !AnuA8? 1, 1993 1C !AnuA8? 1, 1998 Anu 8CvlulnC LxLM1lCnS, LnAL1lLS
Anu lC8 C1PL8 u8CSLS 1PL8LCl", Lhe full LexL of whlch reads as follows:
Sec. 1. )%$*" &, $-" .#/%0'0(". - 1hls Crdlnance ls enLlLled: An C8ulnAnCL
8AnnlnC 1PL SPlMLn1 Cl ALL LlvL llSP Anu LC8S1L8 Cu1SluL uL81C
8lnCLSA Cl1? l8CM !AnuA8? 1, 1993 1C !AnuA8? 1, 1998 Anu 8CvlulnC
LxLM1lCnS, LnAL1lLS Anu lC8 C1PL8 u8CSLS 1PL8LCl.
Sec. 2. 12#3&4"5 6(&3" '0/ !&7"#'8". - 1o effecLlvely free our ClLy Sea WaLers
from Cyanlde and oLher Cbnoxlous subsLance[s], and shall cover all persons
and/or enLlLles operaLlng wlLhln and ouLslde Lhe ClLy of uerLo rlncesa who ls are
(slc) dlrecLly or lndlrecLly ln Lhe buslness or shlpmenL of llve flsh and lobsLer
ouLslde Lhe ClLy.
Sec. 3. 9",%0%$%&0 &, $"#:4. - lor purpose of Lhls Crdlnance Lhe followlng are
hereby deflned:
A. 6;< =<66 - A klnd of flsh under Lhe famlly of CenLropomldae, beLLer
known as AAPA,
8. !<)>?6@ - A klnd of flsh under Lhe famlly of loLosldae, beLLer known
as Pl1C-Pl1C,
C. AB9>?6@ - A klnd of flsh under Lhe famlly of Crphlcaphallsae beLLer
known as uALAC,
u. <CC C?D; >?6@ - All allve, breaLhlng noL necessarlly movlng of all
specle[s] use[d] for food and for aquarlum purposes.
L. C?D; C.=6);E - Several relaLlvely, large marlne crusLeceans [slc] of Lhe
genus Pomarus LhaL are allve and breaLhlng noL necessarlly movlng.
Sec. 4. lL shall be unlawful [for] any person or any buslness enLerprlse or company
Lo shlp ouL from uerLo rlncesa ClLy Lo any polnL of desLlnaLlon elLher vla alrcrafL
or seacrafL of any llve flsh and lobsLer excepL SLA 8ASS, CA1llSP, MuullSP, Anu
MlLkllSP l8lLS.
Sec. 3. 1"0'*$F !*'24". - Any person/s and or buslness enLlLy vlolaLlng Lhls
Crdlnance shall be penallzed wlLh a flne of noL more Lhan 3,000.00 or
lmprlsonmenL of noL more Lhan Lwelve (12) monLhs, cancellaLlon of Lhelr permlL
Lo do buslness ln Lhe ClLy of uerLo rlncesa or all of Lhe hereln sLaLed penalLles,
upon Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe courL.
Sec. 6. lf Lhe owner and/or operaLor of Lhe esLabllshmenL found vlolaLlng Lhe
provlslons of Lhls ordlnance ls a corporaLlon or a parLnershlp, Lhe penalLy
prescrlbed ln SecLlon 3 hereof shall be lmposed upon lLs presldenL and/or Ceneral
Manager or Managlng arLner and/or Manager, as Lhe case maybe [4%(].
Sec. 7. Any exlsLlng ordlnance or any provlslon of any ordlnance lnconslsLenL Lo
[4%(] Lhls ordlnance ls deemed repealed.
Sec. 8. 1hls Crdlnance shall Lake effecL on !anuary 1, 1993.
SC C8uAlnLu.
xxx xxx xxx
2. 1o lmplemenL sald clLy ordlnance, Lhen AcLlng ClLy Mayor Amado L. Lucero lssued Cfflce
Crder no. 23, Serles of 1993 daLed !anuary 22, 1993 whlch reads as follows:
ln Lhe lnLeresL of publlc servlce and for purposes of ClLy Crdlnance no. u 426-14-74,
oLherwlse known as "An C8ulnAnCL 8LCul8lnC An? L8SCn LnCACLu C8 ln1LnulnC
1C LnCACL ln An? 8uSlnLSS, 18AuL, CCCuA1lCn, CALLlnC C8 8ClLSSlCn C8 PAvlnC
ln PlS CSSLSSlCn An? Cl 1PL A81lCLLS lC8 WPlCP A L8Ml1 lS 8LCul8Lu 1C 8L PAu,
1C C81Aln ll8S1 A MA?C8'S L8Ml1" and "ClLy Crdlnance no. 13-92, An C8ulnAnCL
8AnnlnC 1PL SPlMLn1 Cl ALL LlvL llSP Anu LC8S1L8 Cu1SluL uL81C 8lnCLSA Cl1?
l8CM !AnuA8? 1, 1993 1C !AnuA8? 1, 1998, you are hereby auLhorlzed and dlrecLed Lo
check or conducL necessary lnspecLlons on cargoes conLalnlng llve flsh and lobsLer belng
shlpped ouL from Lhe uerLo rlncesa AlrporL, uerLo rlncesa Wharf or aL any porL wlLhln
Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe ClLy Lo any polnL of desLlnaLlons [4%(] elLher vla alrcrafL or seacrafL.
1he purpose of Lhe lnspecLlon ls Lo ascerLaln wheLher Lhe shlpper possessed Lhe requlred
Mayor's ermlL lssued by Lhls Cfflce and Lhe shlpmenL ls covered by lnvolce or clearance
lssued by Lhe local offlce of Lhe 8ureau of llsherles and AquaLlc 8esources and as Lo
compllance wlLh all oLher exlsLlng rules and regulaLlons on Lhe maLLer.
Any cargo conLalnlng llve flsh and lobsLer wlLhouL Lhe requlred documenLs as sLaLed hereln
musL be held for proper dlsposlLlon.
ln Lhe pursulL of Lhls Crder, you are hereby auLhorlzed Lo coordlnaLe wlLh Lhe AL Manager,
Lhe A Manager, Lhe local n SLaLlon and oLher offlces concerned for Lhe needed
supporL and cooperaLlon. lurLher, LhaL Lhe usual courLesy and dlplomacy musL be
observed aL all Llmes ln Lhe conducL of Lhe lnspecLlon.
lease be gulded accordlngly.
xxx xxx xxx
3. Cn lebruary 19, 1993, Lhe Sanggunlang anlalawlgan, rovlnclal CovernmenL of alawan
enacLed 8esoluLlon no. 33 enLlLled: "A 8LSCLu1lCn 8CPl8l1lnC 1PL CA1CPlnC,
CA1PL8lnC, CSSLSSlnC, 8u?lnC, SLLLlnC Anu SPlMLn1 Cl LlvL MA8lnL CC8AL
uWLLLlnC ACuA1lC C8CAnlSMS, 1C Wl1: lAMlL?: 6!<E?9<; (MAMLnC), ;1?G; 1@;CB6
><6!?<)B6 (SunC). !E.A?C;1);6 <C)?D;C?6(An1PL8 C8 SLnC8l1A), LC8S1L8 8LLCW
200 C8AMS Anu SAWnlnC, )E?9<!G< H?H<6(1AkLC8C), 1?G!)<9<
A<EH<E?);>;E< (MC1PL8 LA8L, C?S1L8S, ClAn1 CLAMS Anu C1PL8
SLClLS), 1;G<;B6 A.G.9.G (1lCL8 8AWn-88LLuL8 SlZL C8 MC1PL8), ;1?G;1@;CB6
6B?CCB6 (LC8A C8 C8LLn C8CuL8) Anu lAMlL?: =<C?6)?9<; (18ClCAL ACuA8luM
llSPLS) lC8 A L8lCu llvL (3) ?LA8S ln Anu CCMlnC l8CM ALAWAn WA1L8S", Lhe full
LexL of whlch reads as follows:
WPL8LAS, sclenLlflc and facLual researches [4%(] and sLudles dlsclose LhaL only flve
(3) percenL of Lhe corals of our provlnce remaln Lo be ln excellenL condlLlon as [a]
hablLaL of marlne coral dwelllng aquaLlc organlsms,
WPL8LAS, lL cannoL be galnsald LhaL Lhe desLrucLlon and devasLaLlon of Lhe corals
of our provlnce were prlnclpally due Lo lllegal flshlng acLlvlLles llke dynamlLe
flshlng, sodlum cyanlde flshlng, use of oLher obnoxlous subsLances and oLher
relaLed acLlvlLles,
WPL8LAS, Lhere ls an lmperaLlve and urgenL need Lo proLecL and preserve Lhe
exlsLence of Lhe remalnlng excellenL corals and allow Lhe devasLaLed ones Lo
relnvlgoraLe and regeneraLe Lhemselves lnLo vlLallLy wlLhln Lhe span of flve (3)
WPL8LAS, Sec. 468, ar. 1, Sub-ar. vl of Lhe [4%(] 8.A. 7160 oLherwlse known as
Lhe Local CovernmenL Code of 1991 empowers Lhe Sanggunlang anlalawlgan Lo
proLecL Lhe envlronmenL and lmpose approprlaLe penalLles [upon] acLs whlch
endanger Lhe envlronmenL such as dynamlLe flshlng and oLher forms of
desLrucLlve flshlng, among oLhers.
nCW, 1PL8LlC8L, on moLlon by kagawad nelson . eneyra and upon
unanlmous declslon of all Lhe members presenL,
8e lL resolved as lL ls hereby resolved, Lo approve 8esoluLlon no. 33, Serles of
1993 of Lhe Sanggunlang anlalawlgan and Lo enacL Crdlnance no. 2 for Lhe
purpose, Lo wlL:
C8ulnAnCL nC. 2
Serles of 1993
8L l1 C8uAlnLu 8? 1PL SAnCCunlAnC AnLALAWlCAn ln SLSSlCn ASSLM8LLu:
Sec. 1. 1l1LL - 1hls Crdlnance shall be known as an "Crdlnance rohlblLlng Lhe
caLchlng, gaLherlng, possesslng, buylng, selllng and shlpmenL of llve marlne coral
dwelllng aquaLlc organlsms, Lo wlL: 1. lamlly: Scarldae (Mameng), 2. Lplnephelus
lasclaLus (Suno) 3. CromllepLes alLlvells (anLher or SenorlLa), lobsLer below 200
grams and spawnlng), 4. 1rldacna Clgas (1aklobo), 3. lncLada MargareLefera
(MoLher earl, CysLers, ClanL Clams and oLher specles), 6. enaeus Monodon
(1lger rawn-breeder slze or moLher), 7. Lplnephelus Sulllus (Loba or Creen
Crouper) and 8. lamlly: 8allsLldae (1[r]oplcal Aquarlum llshes) for a perlod of flve
(3) years ln and comlng from alawan WaLers.
Sec. ll. 8LLlMlnA8? CCnSluL8A1lCnS
1. Sec. 2-A (8ep. AcL 7160). lL ls hereby declared, Lhe pollcy of Lhe sLaLe LhaL Lhe
LerrlLorlal and pollLlcal subdlvlslons of Lhe SLaLe shall en[oy genulne and
meanlngful local auLonomy Lo enable Lhem Lo aLLaln Lhelr fullesL developmenL as
self-rellanL communlLles and make Lhem more effecLlve parLners ln Lhe
aLLalnmenL of naLlonal goals. 1oward Lhls end, Lhe SLaLe shall provlde for [a] more
responslve and accounLable local governmenL sLrucLure lnsLlLuLed Lhrough a
sysLem of decenLrallzaLlon whereby local governmenL unlLs shall be glven more
powers, auLhorlLy, responslblllLles and resources.
2. Sec. 3-A (8.A. 7160). Any provlslon on a power of [a] local CovernmenL unlL
shall be llberally lnLerpreLed ln lLs favor, and ln case of doubL, any quesLlon
Lhereon shall be resolved ln favor of devoluLlon of powers and of Lhe lower
governmenL unlLs. "Any falr and reasonable doubLs as Lo Lhe exlsLence of Lhe
power shall be lnLerpreLed ln favor of Lhe Local CovernmenL unlL concerned."
3. Sec. 3-C (8.A. 7160). 1he general welfare provlslons ln Lhls Code shall be
llberally lnLerpreLed Lo glve more powers Lo local governmenL unlLs ln
acceleraLlng economlc developmenL and upgradlng Lhe quallLy of llfe for Lhe
people ln Lhe communlLy.
4. Sec. 16 (8.A. 7160). Ceneral Welfare. - Lvery local governmenL unlL shall
exerclse Lhe powers expressly granLed, Lhose necessarlly lmplled Lherefrom, as
well as powers necessary, approprlaLe, or lncldenLal for lLs efflclenL and effecLlve
governance, and Lhose whlch are essenLlal Lo Lhe promoLlon of Lhe general
Sec. lll. uLCLA8A1lCn Cl CLlC?. - lL ls hereby declared Lo be Lhe pollcy of Lhe
rovlnce of alawan Lo proLecL and conserve Lhe marlne resources of alawan noL
only for Lhe greaLesL good of Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe presenL generaLlon buL wlLh [Lhe]
proper perspecLlve and conslderaLlon of [4%(] Lhelr prosperlLy, and Lo aLLaln Lhls
end, Lhe Sanggunlang anlalawlgan henceforLh declares LhaL ls (4%() shall be
unlawful for any person or any buslness enLlLy Lo engage ln caLchlng, gaLherlng,
possesslng, buylng, selllng and shlpmenL of llve marlne coral dwelllng aquaLlc
organlsms as enumeraLed ln SecLlon 1 hereof ln and comlng ouL of alawan
WaLers for a perlod of flve (3) years,
Sec. lv. LnAL1? CLAuSL. - Any person and/or buslness enLlLy vlolaLlng Lhls
Crdlnance shall be penallzed wlLh a flne of noL more Lhan llve 1housand esos
(3,000.00), hlllpplne Currency, and/or lmprlsonmenL of slx (6) monLhs Lo Lwelve
(12) monLhs and conflscaLlon and forfelLure of paraphernallas [4%(] and equlpmenL
ln favor of Lhe governmenL aL Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe CourL,
Sec. v. SLA8A8lLl1? CLAuSL. - lf for any reason, a SecLlon or provlslon of Lhls
Crdlnance shall be held as uncondlLlonal [4%(] or lnvalld, lL shall noL affecL Lhe
oLher provlslons hereof.
Sec. vl. 8LLALlnC CLAuSL. - Any exlsLlng Crdlnance or a provlslon of any
ordlnance lnconslsLenL herewlLh ls deemed modlfled, amended or repealed.
Sec. vll. LllLC1lvl1? - 1hls Crdlnance shall Lake effecL Len (10) days afLer lLs
SC C8uAlnLu.
xxx xxx xxx
4. 1he respondenLs lmplemenLed Lhe sald ordlnances, Annexes "A" and "C" hereof Lhereby
deprlvlng all Lhe flshermen of Lhe whole provlnce of alawan and Lhe ClLy of uerLo
rlncesa of Lhelr only means of llvellhood and Lhe peLlLloners Alrllne Shlppers AssoclaLlon
of alawan and oLher marlne merchanLs from performlng Lhelr lawful occupaLlon and
3. eLlLloners Alfredo 1ano, 8aldomero 1ano, 1eocenes Mldello, Angel de Mesa, Luloglo
1remocha, and lellpe Cngonlon, !r. were even charged crlmlnally under crlmlnal case no.
93-03-C ln Lhe 1sL Munlclpal ClrculL 1rlal CourL of Cuyo-AguLaya-Magsaysay, an orlglnal
carbon copy of Lhe crlmlnal complalnL daLed Aprll 12, 1993 ls hereLo aLLached as Annex "u",
whlle xerox coples are aLLached as Annex "u" Lo Lhe coples of Lhe peLlLlon,
6. eLlLloners 8oberL Llm and vlrglnla Llm, on Lhe oLher hand, were charged by Lhe
respondenL n wlLh Lhe respondenL ClLy rosecuLor of uerLo rlncess ClLy, a xerox copy
of Lhe complalnL ls hereLo aLLached as Annex "L",
WlLhouL seeklng redress from Lhe concerned local governmenL unlLs, prosecuLor's offlce and
courLs, peLlLloners dlrecLly lnvoked our orlglnal [urlsdlcLlon by flllng Lhls peLlLlon on 4 !une 1993. ln
sum, peLlLloners conLend LhaL:
llrsL, Lhe Crdlnances deprlved Lhem of due process of law, Lhelr llvellhood, and unduly resLrlcLed
Lhem from Lhe pracLlce of Lhelr Lrade, ln vlolaLlon of SecLlon 2, ArLlcle xll and SecLlons 2 and 7 of
ArLlcle xlll of Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon.
Second, Cfflce Crder no. 23 conLalned no regulaLlon nor condlLlon under whlch Lhe Mayor's
permlL could be granLed or denled, ln oLher words, Lhe Mayor had Lhe absoluLe auLhorlLy Lo
deLermlne wheLher or noL Lo lssue Lhe permlL.
1hlrd, as Crdlnance no. 2 of Lhe rovlnce of alawan "alLogeLher prohlblLed Lhe caLchlng,
gaLherlng, possesslon, buylng, selllng and shlpplng of llve marlne coral dwelllng organlsms,
wlLhouL any dlsLlncLlon wheLher lL was caughL or gaLhered Lhrough lawful flshlng meLhod," Lhe
Crdlnance Look away Lhe rlghL of peLlLloners-flshermen Lo earn Lhelr llvellhood ln lawful ways, and
lnsofar as peLlLloners-members of Alrllne Shlppers AssoclaLlon are concerned, Lhey were unduly
prevenLed from pursulng Lhelr vocaLlon and enLerlng "lnLo conLracLs whlch are proper, necessary,
and essenLlal Lo carry ouL Lhelr buslness endeavors Lo a successful concluslon."
llnally, as Crdlnance no. 2 of Lhe Sanggunlang anlalawlgan ls null and vold, Lhe crlmlnal cases
based Lhereon agalnsL peLlLloners 1ano and Lhe oLhers have Lo be dlsmlssed.
ln Lhe 8esoluLlon of 13 !une 1993 we requlred respondenLs Lo commenL on Lhe peLlLlon, and
furnlshed Lhe Cfflce of Lhe SollclLor Ceneral wlLh a copy Lhereof.
ln Lhelr commenL flled on 13 AugusL 1993, publlc respondenLs Covernor SocraLes and Members of
Lhe Sanggunlang anlalawlgan of alawan defended Lhe valldlLy of Crdlnance no. 2, Serles of 1993,
as a valld exerclse of Lhe rovlnclal CovernmenL's power under Lhe general welfare clause (SecLlon
16 of Lhe Local CovernmenL Code of 1991 [hereafLer, LCC]), and lLs speclflc power Lo proLecL Lhe
envlronmenL and lmpose approprlaLe penalLles for acLs whlch endanger Lhe envlronmenL, such as
dynamlLe flshlng and oLher forms of desLrucLlve flshlng under SecLlon 447 (a) (1) (vl), SecLlon 438
(a) (1) (vl), and SecLlon 468 (a) (1) (vl), of Lhe LCC. 1hey clalmed LhaL ln Lhe exerclse of such powers,
Lhe rovlnce of alawan had "Lhe rlghL and responslblllLy . . . Lo lnsure LhaL Lhe remalnlng coral
reefs, where flsh dwells [4%(], wlLhln lLs LerrlLory remaln healLhy for Lhe fuLure generaLlon." 1he
Crdlnance, Lhey furLher asserLed, covered only *%7" :'#%0" (&#'* /I"**%08 'J2'$%( &#8'0%4:4whlch
were enumeraLed ln Lhe ordlnance and excluded oLher klnds of llve marlne aquaLlc organlsms noL
dwelllng ln coral reefs, besldes Lhe prohlblLlon was for only flve (3) years Lo proLecL and preserve
Lhe prlsLlne coral and allow Lhose damaged Lo regeneraLe.
AforemenLloned respondenLs llkewlse malnLalned LhaL Lhere was no vlolaLlon of Lhe due process
and equal proLecLlon clauses of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon. As Lo Lhe former, publlc hearlngs were
conducLed before Lhe enacLmenL of Lhe Crdlnance whlch, undoubLedly, had a lawful purpose and
employed reasonable means, whlle as Lo Lhe laLLer, a subsLanLlal dlsLlncLlon exlsLed "beLween a
flsherman who caLches llve flsh wlLh Lhe lnLenLlon of selllng lL llve, and a flsherman who caLches
llve flsh wlLh no lnLenLlon aL all of selllng lL llve," %."., "Lhe former uses sodlum cyanlde whlle Lhe
laLLer does noL." lurLher, Lhe Crdlnance applled equally Lo all Lhose belonglng Lo one class.
Cn 23 CcLober 1993 peLlLloners flled an urgenL lea for Lhe lmmedlaLe lssuance of a 1emporary
8esLralnlng Crder, clalmlng LhaL desplLe Lhe pendency of Lhls case, 8ranch 30 of Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal
CourL of alawan was benL on proceedlng wlLh Crlmlnal Case no. 11223 agalnsL peLlLloners uanllo
1ano, Alfredo 1ano, Luloglo 1remocha, 8omualdo 1ano, 8aldomero 1ano, Andres Llnl[an and Angel
de Mesa for vlolaLlon of Crdlnance no. 2 of Lhe Sanggunlang anlalawlgan of alawan. AcLlng on
sald plea, we lssued on 11 november 1993 a Lemporary resLralnlng order dlrecLlng !udge Angel
MlclaL of sald courL Lo cease and deslsL from proceedlng wlLh Lhe arralgnmenL and pre-Lrlal of
Crlmlnal Case no. 11223.
Cn 12 !uly 1994, we excused Lhe Cfflce of Lhe SollclLor Ceneral from flllng a commenL, conslderlng
LhaL as clalmed by sald offlce ln lLs ManlfesLaLlon of 28 !une 1994, respondenLs were already
represenLed by counsel.
1he resL of Lhe respondenLs dld noL flle any commenL on Lhe peLlLlon.
ln Lhe resoluLlon of 13 SepLember 1994, we resolved Lo conslder Lhe commenL on Lhe peLlLlon as
Lhe Answer, gave due course Lo Lhe peLlLlon and requlred Lhe parLles Lo submlL Lhelr respecLlve
memoranda. )
Cn 22 Aprll 1997 we ordered lmpleaded as parLy respondenLs Lhe ueparLmenL of AgrlculLure and
Lhe 8ureau of llsherles and AquaLlc 8esources and requlred Lhe Cfflce of Lhe SollclLor Ceneral Lo
commenL on Lhelr behalf. 8uL ln llghL of Lhe laLLer's moLlon of 9 !uly 1997 for an exLenslon of Llme
Lo flle Lhe commenL whlch would only resulL ln furLher delay, we dlspensed wlLh sald commenL.
AfLer due dellberaLlon on Lhe pleadlngs flled, we resolved Lo dlsmlss Lhls peLlLlon for wanL of merlL,
and on 22 !uly 1997, asslgned lL Lo Lhe 3&0"0$" Lo wrlLe Lhe oplnlon of Lhe CourL.
1here are acLually Lwo seLs of peLlLloners ln Lhls case. 1he flrsL ls composed of Alfredo 1ano,
8aldomero 1ano, uanllo 1ano, 8omualdo 1ano, 1eocenes Mldello, Angel de Mesa, Luloglo
1remocha, lellpe Cngonlon, !r., Andres Llnl[an, and lellmon de Mesa, who were crlmlnally
charged wlLh vlolaLlng Sanggunlang anlalawlgan 8esoluLlon no. 33 and Crdlnance no. 2, Serles of
1993, of Lhe rovlnce of alawan, ln Crlmlnal Case no. 93-03-C of Lhe 1sL Munlclpal ClrculL 1rlal
CourL (MC1C) of alawan, @ and 8oberL Llm and vlrglnla Llm who were charged wlLh vlolaLlng ClLy
Crdlnance no. 13-92 of uerLo rlncesa ClLy and Crdlnance no. 2, Serles of 1993, of Lhe rovlnce
of alawan before Lhe Cfflce of Lhe ClLy rosecuLor of uerLo rlncesa. * All of Lhem, wlLh Lhe
excepLlon of 1eocenes Mldello, lellpe Cngonlon, !r., lellmon de Mesa, 8oberL Llm and vlrglnla Llm,
are llkewlse Lhe accused ln Crlmlnal Case no. 11223 for Lhe vlolaLlon of Crdlnance no. 2 of Lhe
Sanggunlang anlalawlgan of alawan, pendlng before 8ranch 30 of Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL of
alawan. A
1he second seL of peLlLloners ls composed of Lhe resL of Lhe peLlLloners numberlng sevenLy-seven
(77), all of whom, excepL Lhe Alrllne Shlppers AssoclaLlon of alawan - an alleged prlvaLe
assoclaLlon of several marlne merchanLs - are naLural persons who clalm Lo be flshermen.
1he prlmary lnLeresL of Lhe flrsL seL of peLlLloners ls, of course, Lo prevenL Lhe prosecuLlon, Lrlal
and deLermlnaLlon of Lhe crlmlnal cases unLll Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy or legallLy of Lhe Crdlnances
Lhey allegedly vlolaLed shall have been resolved. 1he second seL of peLlLloners merely clalm LhaL
belng flshermen or marlne merchanLs, Lhey would be adversely affecLed by Lhe ordlnance's.
As Lo Lhe flrsL seL of peLlLloners, Lhls speclal clvll for ("#$%&#'#% musL fall on Lhe ground of
premaLurlLy amounLlng Lo a lack of cause of acLlon. 1here ls no showlng LhaL sald peLlLloners, as
Lhe accused ln Lhe crlmlnal cases, have flled moLlons Lo quash Lhe lnformaLlons Lhereln and LhaL
Lhe same were denled. 1he ground avallable for such moLlons ls LhaL Lhe facLs charged Lhereln do
noL consLlLuLe an offense because Lhe ordlnances ln quesLlon are unconsLlLuLlonal. B lL cannoL
Lhen be sald LhaL Lhe lower courLs acLed wlLhouL or ln excess of [urlsdlcLlon or wlLh grave abuse of
dlscreLlon Lo [usLlfy recourse Lo Lhe exLraordlnary remedy of ("#$%&#'#% or prohlblLlon. lL musL
furLher be sLressed LhaL even lf peLlLloners dld flle moLlons Lo quash, Lhe denlal Lhereof would noL
forLhwlLh glve rlse Lo a cause of acLlon under 8ule 63 of Lhe 8ules of CourL. 1he general rule ls LhaL
where a moLlon Lo quash ls denled, Lhe remedy Lherefrom ls noL ("#$%&#'#%, buL for Lhe parLy
aggrleved Lhereby Lo go Lo Lrlal wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo relLeraLlng speclal defenses lnvolved ln sald
moLlon, and lf, afLer Lrlal on Lhe merlLs an adverse declslon ls rendered, Lo appeal Lherefrom ln Lhe
manner auLhorlzed by law. 2 And, even where ln an excepLlonal clrcumsLance such denlal may be
Lhe sub[ecL of a speclal clvll acLlon for ("#$%&#'#%, a moLlon for reconslderaLlon musL have Lo be
flled Lo allow Lhe courL concerned an opporLunlLy Lo correcL lLs errors, unless such moLlon may be
dlspensed wlLh because of exlsLlng excepLlonal clrcumsLances. C llnally, even lf a moLlon for
reconslderaLlon has been flled and denled, Lhe remedy under 8ule 63 ls sLlll unavallable absenL
any showlng of Lhe grounds provlded for ln SecLlon 1 Lhereof. + lor obvlous reasons, Lhe peLlLlon
aL bar does noL, and could noL have, alleged any of such grounds.
As Lo Lhe second seL of peLlLloners, Lhe lnsLanL peLlLlon ls obvlously one for uLCLA8A1C8?
8LLlLl, %."., for a declaraLlon LhaL Lhe Crdlnances ln quesLlon are a "nulllLy . . . for belng
As such, Lhelr peLlLlon musL llkewlse fall, as Lhls CourL ls noL possessed of
orlglnal [urlsdlcLlon over peLlLlons for declaraLory rellef even lf only quesLlons of law are
lL belng seLLled LhaL Lhe CourL merely exerclses appellaLe [urlsdlcLlon over such

Lven granLlng '#82"0/& LhaL Lhe flrsL seL of peLlLloners have a cause of acLlon rlpe for Lhe
exLraordlnary wrlL of("#$%&#'#%, Lhere ls here a clear dlsregard of Lhe hlerarchy of courLs, and no
speclal and lmporLanL reason or excepLlonal and compelllng clrcumsLance has been adduced why
dlrecL recourse Lo us should be allowed. Whlle we have concurrenL [urlsdlcLlon wlLh 8eglonal 1rlal
courLs and wlLh Lhe CourL of Appeals Lo lssue wrlLs of ("#$%&#'#%, prohlblLlon, :'0/':24, J2&
I'##'0$&, -'K"'4 (&#324 and ln[uncLlon, such concurrence glves peLlLloners no unresLrlcLed
freedom of cholce of courL forum, so we held ln 1"&3*" 7. !2'#"4:'.

1hls concurrence of [urlsdlcLlon ls noL . . . Lo be Laken as accordlng Lo parLles seeklng any of
Lhe wrlLs an absoluLe unresLralned freedom of cholce of Lhe courL Lo whlch appllcaLlon
Lherefor wlll be dlrecLed. 1here ls afLer all hlerarchy of courLs. 1haL hlerarchy ls
deLermlnaLlve of Lhe venue of appeals, and should also serve as a general deLermlnanL of
Lhe approprlaLe forum for peLlLlons for Lhe exLraordlnary wrlLs. A becomlng regard for LhaL
[udlclal hlerarchy mosL cerLalnly lndlcaLes LhaL peLlLlons for Lhe lssuance of exLraordlnary
wrlLs agalnsL flrsL level ("lnferlor") courLs should be flled wlLh Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL, and
Lhose agalnsL Lhe laLLer, wlLh Lhe CourL of Appeals. A dlrecL lnvocaLlon of Lhe Supreme
CourL's orlglnal [urlsdlcLlon Lo lssue Lhese wrlLs should be allowed only when Lhere are
speclal and lmporLanL reasons Lherefor, clearly and speclflcally seL ouL ln Lhe peLlLlon. 1hls
ls esLabllshed pollcy. lL ls a pollcy necessary Lo prevenL lnordlnaLe demands upon Lhe
CourL's Llme and aLLenLlon whlch are beLLer devoLed Lo Lhose maLLers wlLhln lLs excluslve
[urlsdlcLlon, and Lo prevenL furLher over-crowdlng of Lhe CourL's dockeL. . . .
1he CourL feels Lhe need Lo reafflrm LhaL pollcy aL Lhls Llme, and Lo en[oln sLrlcL adherence
LhereLo ln Lhe llghL of whaL lL percelves Lo be a growlng Lendency on Lhe parL of llLlganLs
and lawyers Lo have Lhelr appllcaLlons for Lhe so-called exLraordlnary wrlLs, and someLlmes
even Lhelr appeals, passed upon and ad[udlcaLed dlrecLly and lmmedlaLely by Lhe hlghesL
Lrlbunal of Lhe land. . . .
ln 6'0$%'8& 7. D'4J2"L,
Lhls CourL forcefully expressed LhaL Lhe propenslLy of llLlganLs and
lawyers Lo dlsregard Lhe hlerarchy of courLs musL be puL Lo a halL, noL only because of Lhe
lmposlLlon upon Lhe preclous Llme of Lhls CourL, buL also because of Lhe lnevlLable and resulLanL
delay, lnLended or oLherwlse, ln Lhe ad[udlcaLlon of Lhe case whlch ofLen has Lo be remanded or
referred Lo Lhe lower courL, Lhe proper forum under Lhe rules of procedure, or as beLLer equlpped
Lo resolve Lhe lssues slnce Lhls CourL ls noL a Lrler of facLs. We relLeraLed "Lhe [udlclal pollcy LhaL
Lhls CourL wlll noL enLerLaln dlrecL resorL Lo lL unless Lhe redress deslred cannoL be obLalned ln Lhe
approprlaLe courLs or where excepLlonal and compelllng clrcumsLances [usLlfy avallmenL of a
remedy wlLhln and calllng for Lhe exerclse of [lLs] prlmary [urlsdlcLlon."
noLwlLhsLandlng Lhe foregolng procedural obsLacles agalnsL Lhe flrsL seL of peLlLloners, we opL Lo
resolve Lhls case on lLs merlLs conslderlng LhaL Lhe llfeLlme of Lhe challenged Crdlnances ls abouL
Lo end. Crdlnance no. 13-92 of Lhe ClLy of uerLo rlncesa ls effecLlve only up Lo 1 !anuary 1998,
whlle Crdlnance no. 2 of Lhe rovlnce of alawan, enacLed on 19 lebruary 1993, ls effecLlve for
only flve (3) years. 8esldes, Lhese Crdlnances were undoubLedly enacLed ln Lhe exerclse of powers
under Lhe new LCC relaLlve Lo Lhe proLecLlon and preservaLlon of Lhe envlronmenL and are Lhus
novel and of paramounL lmporLance. no furLher delay Lhen may be allowed ln Lhe resoluLlon of
Lhe lssues ralsed.
lL ls of course seLLled LhaL laws (lncludlng ordlnances enacLed by local governmenL unlLs) en[oy Lhe
presumpLlon of consLlLuLlonallLy.
1o overLhrow Lhls presumpLlon, Lhere musL be a clear and
unequlvocal breach of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon, noL merely a doubLful or argumenLaLlve conLradlcLlon. ln
shorL, Lhe confllcL wlLh Lhe ConsLlLuLlon musL be shown beyond reasonable doubL.
Where doubL
exlsLs, even lf well-founded, Lhere can be no flndlng of unconsLlLuLlonallLy. 1o doubL ls Lo

AfLer a scruLlny of Lhe challenged Crdlnances and Lhe provlslons of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon peLlLloners
clalm Lo have been vlolaLed, we flnd peLlLloners' conLenLlons baseless and so hold LhaL Lhe former
do noL suffer from any lnflrmlLy, boLh under Lhe ConsLlLuLlon and appllcable laws.
eLlLloners speclflcally polnL Lo SecLlon 2, ArLlcle xll and SecLlons 2 and 7, ArLlcle xlll of Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon as havlng been Lransgressed by Lhe Crdlnances.
1he perLlnenL porLlon of SecLlon 2 of ArLlcle xll reads:
Sec. 2. . . .
1he SLaLe shall proLecL Lhe naLlon's marlne wealLh ln lLs archlpelaglc waLers, LerrlLorlal sea,
and excluslve economlc zone, and reserve lLs use and en[oymenL excluslvely Lo llllplno
1he Congress may, by law, allow small-scale uLlllzaLlon of naLural resources by llllplno
clLlzens, as well as cooperaLlve flsh farmlng, wlLh prlorlLy Lo subslsLence flshermen and
flshworkers ln rlvers, lakes, bays, and lagoons.
SecLlons 2 and 7 of ArLlcle xlll provlde:
Sec. 2. 1he promoLlon of soclal [usLlce shall lnclude Lhe commlLmenL Lo creaLe economlc
opporLunlLles based on freedom of lnlLlaLlve and self-rellance.
xxx xxx xxx
Sec. 7. 1he SLaLe shall proLecL Lhe rlghLs of subslsLence flshermen, especlally of local
communlLles, Lo Lhe preferenLlal use of Lhe communal marlne and flshlng resources, boLh
lnland and offshore. lL shall provlde supporL Lo such flshermen Lhrough approprlaLe
Lechnology and research, adequaLe flnanclal, producLlon, and markeLlng asslsLance, and
oLher servlces. 1he SLaLe shall also proLecL, develop, and conserve such resources. 1he
proLecLlon shall exLend Lo offshore flshlng grounds of subslsLence flshermen agalnsL
forelgn lnLruslon. llshworkers shall recelve a [usL share from Lhelr labor ln Lhe uLlllzaLlon
of marlne and flshlng resources.

1here ls absoluLely no showlng LhaL any of Lhe peLlLloners quallfles as a subslsLence or marglnal
flsherman. ln Lhelr peLlLlon, peLlLloner Alrllne Shlppers AssoclaLlon of alawan ls self-descrlbed as
"a prlvaLe assoclaLlon composed of Marlne MerchanLs," peLlLloners 8oberL Llm and vlrglnla Llm, as
"merchanLs," whlle Lhe resL of Lhe peLlLloners clalm Lo be "flshermen," wlLhouL any quallflcaLlon,
however, as Lo Lhelr sLaLus.
Slnce Lhe ConsLlLuLlon does noL speclflcally provlde a deflnlLlon of Lhe Lerms "subslsLence" or
"marglnal" flshermen,
Lhey should be consLrued ln Lhelr general and ordlnary sense. A :'#8%0'*
,%4-"#:'0 ls an lndlvldual engaged ln flshlng whose margln of reLurn or reward ln hls harvesL of
flsh as measured by exlsLlng prlce levels ls barely sufflclenL Lo yleld a proflL or cover Lhe cosL of
gaLherlng Lhe flsh,
whlle a subslsLence flsherman ls one whose caLch ylelds buL Lhe lrreduclble
mlnlmum for hls llvellhood.
SecLlon 131(p) of Lhe LCC (8.A. no. 7160) deflnes a marglnal farmer
or flsherman as "an lndlvldual engaged ln subslsLence farmlng or flshlng whlch shall be llmlLed Lo
Lhe sale, barLer or exchange of agrlculLural or marlne producLs produced by hlmself and hls
lmmedlaLe famlly." lL bears repeaLlng LhaL noLhlng ln Lhe record supporLs a flndlng LhaL any
peLlLloner falls wlLhln Lhese deflnlLlons.
8esldes, SecLlon 2 of ArLlcle xll alms prlmarlly noL Lo besLow any rlghL Lo subslsLence flshermen,
buL Lo lay sLress on Lhe duLy of Lhe SLaLe Lo proLecL Lhe naLlon's marlne wealLh. WhaL Lhe provlslon
merely recognlzes ls LhaL Lhe SLaLe may allow, by law, cooperaLlve flsh farmlng, wlLh prlorlLy Lo
subslsLence flshermen and flshworkers ln rlvers, lakes, bays and lagoons. Cur survey of Lhe sLaLuLe
books reveals LhaL Lhe only provlslon of law whlch speaks of a preferenLlal rlghL of marglnal
flshermen ls SecLlon 149 of Lhe LCC, whlch perLlnenLly provldes:
Sec. 149. >%4-"#F E"0$'*45 >""4 '0/ !-'#8"4. - . . .
(b) 1he sanggunlang bayan may:
(1) CranL flshery prlvlleges Lo erecL flsh corrals, oysLer, mussels or oLher aquaLlc
beds or bangus fry areas, wlLhln a deflnlLe zone of Lhe munlclpal waLers, as
deLermlned by lL: 1#&7%/"/5 -&I"7"#, 1haL duly reglsLered organlzaLlons and
cooperaLlves of marglnal flshermen shall have Lhe preferenLlal rlghL Lo such
flshery prlvlleges . . . .
ln a !olnL AdmlnlsLraLlve Crder no. 3 daLed 23 Aprll 1996, Lhe SecreLary of Lhe ueparLmenL of
AgrlculLure and Lhe SecreLary of Lhe ueparLmenL of lnLerlor and Local CovernmenL prescrlbed
guldellnes concernlng Lhe preferenLlal LreaLmenL of small flsherfolk relaLlve Lo Lhe flshery rlghL
menLloned ln SecLlon 149. 1hls case, however, does noL lnvolve such flshery rlghL.
AnenL SecLlon 7 of ArLlcle xlll, lL speaks noL only of Lhe use of communal marlne and flshlng
resources, buL of Lhelr proLecLlon, developmenL and conservaLlon. As hereafLer shown, Lhe
ordlnances ln quesLlon are meanL preclsely Lo proLecL and conserve our marlne resources Lo Lhe
end LhaL Lhelr en[oymenL may be guaranLeed noL only for Lhe presenL generaLlon, buL also for Lhe
generaLlons Lo come.
1he so-called "preferenLlal rlghL" of subslsLence or marglnal flshermen Lo Lhe use of marlne
resources ls noL aL all absoluLe. ln accordance wlLh Lhe 8egallan uocLrlne, marlne resources belong
Lo Lhe SLaLe, and, pursuanL Lo Lhe flrsL paragraph of SecLlon 2, ArLlcle xll of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon, Lhelr
"exploraLlon, developmenL and uLlllzaLlon . . . shall be under Lhe full conLrol and supervlslon of Lhe
SLaLe." Moreover, Lhelr mandaLed proLecLlon, developmenL and conservaLlon as necessarlly
recognlzed by Lhe framers of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon, lmply cerLaln resLrlcLlons on whaLever rlghL of
en[oymenL Lhere may be ln favor of anyone. 1hus, as Lo Lhe curLallmenL of Lhe preferenLlal
LreaLmenL of marglnal flshermen, Lhe followlng exchange beLween Commlssloner lranclsco
8odrlgo and Commlssloner !ose l.S. 8engzon, !r., Look place aL Lhe plenary sesslon of Lhe
ConsLlLuLlonal Commlsslon:
M8. 8Cu8lCC:
LeL us dlscuss Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhls because l would noL ralse Lhe hopes of
our people, and afLerwards fall ln Lhe lmplemenLaLlon. Pow wlll Lhls be
lmplemenLed? Wlll Lhere be a llcenslng or glvlng of permlLs so LhaL governmenL
offlclals wlll know LhaL one ls really a marglnal flsherman? Cr lf pollceman say
LhaL a person ls noL a marglnal flsherman, he can show hls permlL, Lo prove LhaL
lndeed he ls one.
M8. 8LnCZCn:
CerLalnly, Lhere wlll be some mode of llcenslng lnsofar as Lhls ls concerned and
Lhls parLlcular quesLlon could be Lackled when we dlscuss Lhe ArLlcle on Local
CovernmenLs - wheLher we wlll leave Lo Lhe local governmenLs or Lo Congress
on how Lhese Lhlngs wlll be lmplemenLed. 8uL cerLalnly, l Lhlnk our congressmen
and our local offlclals wlll noL be berefL of ldeas on how Lo lmplemenL Lhls
xxx xxx xxx
M8. 8Cu8lCC:
So, once one ls llcensed as a marglnal flsherman, he can go anywhere ln Lhe
hlllpplnes and flsh ln any flshlng grounds.
M8. 8LnCZCn:
62KM"($ $& I-'$"7"# #2*"4 '0/ #"82*'$%&04 '0/ *&('* *'I4 $-'$ :'F K" 3'44"/5
:'F K" "N%4$%08 &# I%** K" 3'44"/.
(emphasls supplled)
WhaL musL llkewlse be borne ln mlnd ls Lhe sLaLe pollcy enshrlned ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon regardlng
Lhe duLy of Lhe SLaLe Lo proLecL and advance Lhe rlghL of Lhe people Lo a balanced and healLhful
ecology ln accord wlLh Lhe rhyLhm and harmony of naLure.
Cn Lhls score, ln .3&4'
7. >'($&#'0,
Lhls CourL declared:
Whlle Lhe rlghL Lo a balanced and healLhful ecology ls Lo be found under Lhe ueclaraLlon of
rlnclples Lhe SLaLe ollcles and noL under Lhe 8lll of 8lghLs, lL does noL follow LhaL lL ls less
lmporLanL Lhan any of Lhe clvll and pollLlcal rlghLs enumeraLed ln Lhe laLLer. Such a rlghL
belongs Lo a dlfferenL caLegory of rlghLs alLogeLher for lL concerns noLhlng less Lhan self-
preservaLlon and self-perpeLuaLlon - apLly and flLLlngly sLressed by Lhe peLlLloners - Lhe
advancemenL of whlch may even be sald Lo predaLe all governmenLs and consLlLuLlons. As
a maLLer of facL, Lhese baslc rlghLs need noL even be wrlLLen ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon for Lhey
are assumed Lo exlsL from Lhe lncepLlon of humanklnd. lf Lhey are now expllclLly
menLloned ln Lhe fundamenLal charLer, lL ls because of Lhe well-founded fear of lLs framers
LhaL unless Lhe rlghLs Lo a balanced and healLhful ecology and Lo healLh are mandaLed as
sLaLe pollcles by Lhe ConsLlLuLlon lLself, Lhereby hlghllghLlng Lhelr conLlnulng lmporLance
and lmposlng upon Lhe sLaLe a solemn obllgaLlon Lo preserve Lhe flrsL and proLecL and
advance Lhe second, Lhe day would noL be Loo far when all else would be losL noL only for
Lhe presenL generaLlon, buL also for Lhose Lo come - generaLlons whlch sLand Lo lnherlL
noLhlng buL parched earLh lncapable of susLalnlng llfe.
1he rlghL Lo a balanced and healLhful ecology carrles wlLh lL a correlaLlve duLy Lo refraln
from lmpalrlng Lhe envlronmenL. . . .
1he LCC provlslons lnvoked by prlvaLe respondenLs merely seek Lo glve flesh and blood Lo Lhe rlghL
of Lhe people Lo a balanced and healLhful ecology. ln facL, Lhe Ceneral Welfare Clause, expressly
menLlons Lhls rlghL:
Sec. 16. H"0"#'* O"*,'#". - Lvery local governmenL unlL shall exerclse Lhe powers
expressly granLed, Lhose necessarlly lmplled Lherefrom, as well as powers necessary,
approprlaLe, or lncldenLal for lLs efflclenL and effecLlve governance, and Lhose whlch are
essenLlal Lo Lhe promoLlon of Lhe general welfare. WlLhln Lhelr respecLlve LerrlLorlal
[urlsdlcLlons, local governmenL unlLs shall ensure and supporL, among oLher Lhlngs, Lhe
preservaLlon and enrlchmenL of culLure, promoLe healLh and safeLy, "0-'0(" $-" #%8-$ &,
$-" 3"&3*" $& ' K'*'0("/ "(&*&8F, encourage and supporL Lhe developmenL of approprlaLe
and self-rellanL sclenLlflc and Lechnologlcal capablllLles, lmprove publlc morals, enhance
economlc prosperlLy and soclal [usLlce, promoLe full employmenL among Lhelr resldenLs,
malnLaln peace and order, and preserve Lhe comforL and convenlence of Lhelr lnhablLanLs.
(emphasls supplled).
Moreover, SecLlon 3(c) of Lhe LCC expllclLly mandaLes LhaL Lhe general welfare provlslons of Lhe
LCC "shall be llberally lnLerpreLed Lo glve more powers Lo Lhe local governmenL unlLs ln
acceleraLlng economlc developmenL and upgradlng Lhe quallLy of llfe for Lhe people of Lhe
1he LCC vesLs munlclpallLles wlLh Lhe power Lo granL flshery prlvlleges ln munlclpal waLers and
lmpose renLals, fees or charges Lherefor, Lo penallze, by approprlaLe ordlnances, Lhe use of
exploslves, noxlous or polsonous subsLances, elecLrlclLy, :2#&P':%, and oLher deleLerlous meLhods
of flshlng, and Lo prosecuLe any vlolaLlon of Lhe provlslons of appllcable flshery laws.
Lhe sanggunlang bayan, Lhe sanggunlang panlungsod and Lhe sanggunlang panlalawlgan are
dlrecLed Lo enacL ordlnances for Lhe general welfare of Lhe munlclpallLy and lLs lnhablLanLs, whlch
shall lnclude, %0$"# '*%', ordlnances LhaL "[p]roLecL Lhe envlronmenL and lmpose approprlaLe
penalLles for acLs whlch endanger Lhe envlronmenL such as dynamlLe flshlng and oLher forms of
desLrucLlve flshlng . . . and such oLher acLlvlLles whlch resulL ln polluLlon, acceleraLlon of
euLrophlcaLlon of rlvers and lakes, or of ecologlcal

llnally, Lhe cenLerplece of LCC ls Lhe sysLem of decenLrallzaLlon
as expressly mandaLed by Lhe
lndlspensable Lo decenLrallzaLlon ls /"7&*2$%&0 and Lhe LCC expressly provldes LhaL
"[a]ny provlslon on a power of a local governmenL unlL shall be llberally lnLerpreLed ln lLs favor,
and ln case of doubL, any quesLlon Lhereon shall be resolved ln favor of devoluLlon of powers and
of Lhe lower local governmenL unlL. Any falr and reasonable doubL as Lo Lhe exlsLence of Lhe
power shall be lnLerpreLed ln favor of Lhe local governmenL unlL concerned."
uevoluLlon refers
Lo Lhe acL by whlch Lhe naLlonal CovernmenL confers power and auLhorlLy upon Lhe varlous local
governmenL unlLs Lo perform speclflc funcLlons and responslblllLles.

Cne of Lhe devolved powers enumeraLed ln Lhe secLlon of Lhe LCC on devoluLlon ls Lhe
enforcemenL of flshery laws ln munlclpal waLers lncludlng Lhe conservaLlon of mangroves.
necessarlly lncludes Lhe enacLmenL of ordlnances Lo effecLlvely carry ouL such flshery laws wlLhln
Lhe munlclpal waLers.
1he Lerm "munlclpal waLers," ln Lurn, lncludes noL only sLreams, lakes, and Lldal waLers wlLhln Lhe
munlclpallLy, noL belng Lhe sub[ecL of prlvaLe ownershlp and noL comprlsed wlLhln Lhe naLlonal
parks, publlc foresL, Llmber lands, foresL reserves, or flshery reserves, buL also marlne waLers
lncluded beLween Lwo llnes drawn perpendlcularly Lo Lhe general coasLllne from polnLs where Lhe
boundary llnes of Lhe munlclpallLy or clLy Louch Lhe sea aL low Llde and a Lhlrd llne parallel wlLh
Lhe general coasLllne and flfLeen kllomeLers from
under .u. no. 704, Lhe marlne waLers lncluded ln munlclpal waLers ls llmlLed Lo Lhree
nauLlcal mlles from Lhe general coasLllne uslng Lhe above perpendlcular llnes and a Lhlrd parallel
1hese "flshery laws" whlch local governmenL unlLs may enforce under SecLlon 17(b)(2)(l) ln
munlclpal waLers lnclude: (1) .u. no. 704, (2) .u. no. 1013 whlch, %0$"# '*%', auLhorlzes Lhe
esLabllshmenL of a "closed season" ln any hlllpplne waLer lf necessary for conservaLlon or
ecologlcal purposes, (3) .u. no. 1219 whlch provldes for Lhe exploraLlon, explolLaLlon, uLlllzaLlon
and conservaLlon of coral resources, (4) 8.A. no. 3474, as amended by 8.. 8lg. 38, whlch makes lL
unlawful for any person, assoclaLlon or corporaLlon Lo caLch or cause Lo be caughL, sell, offer Lo
sell, purchase, or have ln possesslon any of Lhe flsh specle called8&K%%/'" or "%3&0" durlng closed
season, and (3) 8.A. no. 6431 whlch prohlblLs and punlshes elecLroflshlng, as well as varlous
lssuances of Lhe 8lA8.
1o Lhose speclflcally devolved lnsofar as Lhe conLrol and regulaLlon of flshlng ln munlclpal waLers
and Lhe proLecLlon of lLs marlne envlronmenL are concerned, musL be added Lhe followlng:
1. lssuance of permlLs Lo consLrucL flsh cages wlLhln munlclpal waLers,
2. lssuance of permlLs Lo gaLher aquarlum flshes wlLhln munlclpal waLers,
3. lssuance of permlLs Lo gaLher kapls shells wlLhln munlclpal waLers,
4. lssuance of permlLs Lo gaLher/culLure shelled mollusks wlLhln munlclpal waLers,
3. lssuance of llcenses Lo esLabllsh seaweed farms wlLhln munlclpal waLers,
6. lssuance of llcenses Lo esLabllsh culLure pearls wlLhln munlclpal waLers,
7. lssuance of auxlllary lnvolce Lo LransporL flsh and flshery producLs, and
8. LsLabllshmenL of "closed season" ln munlclpal waLers.
1hese funcLlons are covered ln Lhe Memorandum of AgreemenL of 3 Aprll 1994 beLween Lhe
ueparLmenL of AgrlculLure and Lhe ueparLmenL of lnLerlor and Local CovernmenL.
ln llghL Lhen of Lhe prlnclples of decenLrallzaLlon and devoluLlon enshrlned ln Lhe LCC and Lhe
powers granLed Lhereln Lo local governmenL unlLs under SecLlon 16 (Lhe Ceneral Welfare Clause),
and under SecLlons 149, 447(a) (1) (vl), 438 (a) (1) (vl) and 468 (a) (1) (vl), whlch unquesLlonably
lnvolve Lhe exerclse of pollce power, Lhe valldlLy of Lhe quesLloned Crdlnances cannoL be doubLed.
arenLheLlcally, we wlsh Lo add LhaL Lhese Crdlnances flnd full supporL under 8.A. no. 7611,
oLherwlse known as Lhe SLraLeglc LnvlronmenLal lan (SL) for alawan AcL, approved on 19 !une
1992. 1hls sLaLuLe adopLs a "comprehenslve framework for Lhe susLalnable developmenL of
alawan compaLlble wlLh proLecLlng and enhanclng Lhe naLural resources and endangered
envlronmenL of Lhe provlnce," whlch "shall serve Lo gulde Lhe local governmenL of alawan and
Lhe governmenL agencles concerned ln Lhe formulaLlon and lmplemenLaLlon of plans, programs
and pro[ecLs affecLlng sald provlnce."

AL Lhls Llme Lhen, lL would be approprlaLe Lo deLermlne Lhe relaLlon beLween Lhe assalled
Crdlnances and Lhe aforesald powers of Lhe Sanggunlang anlungsod of Lhe ClLy of uerLo
rlncesa and Lhe Sanggunlang anlalawlgan of Lhe rovlnce of alawan Lo proLecL Lhe
envlronmenL. 1o begln, we ascerLaln Lhe purpose of Lhe Crdlnances as seL forLh ln Lhe sLaLemenL
of purposes or declaraLlon of pollcles quoLed earller.
lL ls clear Lo Lhe CourL LhaL boLh Crdlnances have Lwo prlnclpal ob[ecLlves or purposes: (1) Lo
esLabllsh a "closed season" for Lhe specles of flsh or aquaLlc anlmals covered Lhereln for a perlod
of flve years, and (2) Lo proLecL Lhe coral ln Lhe marlne waLers of Lhe ClLy of uerLo rlncesa and
Lhe rovlnce of alawan from furLher desLrucLlon due Lo lllegal flshlng acLlvlLles.
1he accompllshmenL of Lhe flrsL ob[ecLlve ls well wlLhln Lhe devolved power Lo enforce flshery
laws ln munlclpal waLers, such as .u. no. 1013, whlch allows Lhe esLabllshmenL of "closed
seasons." 1he devoluLlon of such power has been expressly conflrmed ln Lhe Memorandum of
AgreemenL of 3 Aprll 1994 beLween Lhe ueparLmenL of AgrlculLure and Lhe ueparLmenL of lnLerlor
and Local CovernmenL.
1he reallzaLlon of Lhe second ob[ecLlve clearly falls wlLhln boLh Lhe general welfare clause of Lhe
LCC and Lhe express mandaLe Lhereunder Lo clLles and provlnces Lo proLecL Lhe envlronmenL and
lmpose approprlaLe penalLles for acLs whlch endanger Lhe envlronmenL.

1he desLrucLlon of coral reefs resulLs ln serlous, lf noL lrreparable, ecologlcal lmbalance, for coral
reefs are among naLure's llfe-supporL sysLems.
1hey collecL, reLaln and recycle nuLrlenLs for
ad[acenL nearshore areas such as mangroves, seagrass beds, and reef flaLs, provlde food for
marlne planLs and anlmals, and serve as a proLecLlve shelLer for aquaLlc organlsms.
lL ls sald LhaL
"[e]cologlcally, Lhe reefs are Lo Lhe oceans whaL foresLs are Lo conLlnenLs: Lhey are shelLer and
breedlng grounds for flsh and planL specles LhaL wlll dlsappear wlLhouL Lhem."

1he prohlblLlon agalnsL caLchlng llve flsh sLems, ln parL, from Lhe modern phenomenon of llve-flsh
Lrade whlch enLalls Lhe caLchlng of so-called exoLlc specles of Lroplcal flsh, noL only for aquarlum
use ln Lhe WesL, buL also for "Lhe markeL for llve banqueL flsh [whlch] ls vlrLually lnsaLlable ln ever
more affluenL Asla.
1hese exoLlc specles are coral-dwellers, and flshermen caLch Lhem by "dlvlng
ln shallow waLer wlLh corrallne hablLaLs and squlrLlng sodlum cyanlde polson aL passlng flsh
dlrecLly or onLo coral crevlces, once affecLed Lhe flsh are lmmoblllzed [merely sLunned] and Lhen
scooped by hand."
1he dlver Lhen surfaces and dumps hls caLch lnLo a submerged neL aLLached
Lo Lhe sklff. 1wenLy mlnuLes laLer, Lhe flsh can swlm normally. 8ack on shore, Lhey are placed ln
holdlng pens, and wlLhln a few weeks, Lhey expel Lhe cyanlde from Lhelr sysLem and are ready Lo
be hauled. 1hey are Lhen placed ln salLwaLer Lanks or packaged ln plasLlc bags fllled wlLh seawaLer
for shlpmenL by alr frelghL Lo ma[or markeLs for llve food flsh.
Whlle Lhe flsh are meanL Lo
survlve, Lhe opposlLe holds Lrue for Lhelr former home as "[a]fLer Lhe flsherman squlrLs Lhe
cyanlde, Lhe flrsL Lhlng Lo perlsh ls Lhe reef algae, on whlch flsh feed. uays laLer, Lhe llvlng coral
sLarLs Lo explre. Soon Lhe reef loses lLs funcLlon as hablLaL for Lhe flsh, whlch eaL boLh Lhe algae
and lnverLebraLes LhaL cllng Lo Lhe coral. 1he reef becomes an underwaLer graveyard, lLs skeleLal
remalns brlLLle, bleached of all color and vulnerable Lo eroslon from Lhe poundlng of Lhe
lL has been found LhaL cyanlde flshlng kllls mosL hard and sofL corals wlLhln Lhree
monLhs of repeaLed appllcaLlon.

1he nexus Lhen beLween Lhe acLlvlLles barred by Crdlnance no. 13-92 of Lhe ClLy of uerLo
rlncesa and Lhe prohlblLed acLs provlded ln Crdlnance no. 2, Serles of 1993 of Lhe rovlnce of
alawan, on one hand, and Lhe use of sodlum cyanlde, on Lhe oLher, ls palnfully obvlous. ln sum,
Lhe publlc purpose and reasonableness of Lhe Crdlnances may noL Lhen be conLroverLed.
As Lo Cfflce Crder no. 23, Serles of 1993, lssued by AcLlng ClLy Mayor Amado L. Lucero of Lhe ClLy
of uerLo rlncesa, we flnd noLhlng Lhereln vlolaLlve of any consLlLuLlonal or sLaLuLory provlslon.
1he Crder refers Lo Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe challenged ordlnance and ls noL Lhe Mayor's ermlL.
1he dlssenLlng oplnlon of Mr. !usLlce !osue n. 8elloslllo relles upon Lhe lack of auLhorlLy on Lhe
parL of Lhe Sanggunlang anglungsod of uerLo rlncesa Lo enacL Crdlnance no. 13, Serles of 1992,
on Lhe Lheory LhaL Lhe sub[ecL Lhereof ls wlLhln Lhe [urlsdlcLlon and responslblllLy of Lhe 8ureau of
llsherles and AquaLlc 8esources (8lA8) under .u. no. 704, oLherwlse known as Lhe llsherles
uecree of 1973, and LhaL, ln any evenL, Lhe Crdlnance ls unenforceable for lack of approval by Lhe
SecreLary of Lhe ueparLmenL of naLural 8esources (un8), llkewlse ln accordance wlLh .u. no. 704.
1he ma[orlLy ls unable Lo accommodaLe Lhls vlew. 1he [urlsdlcLlon and responslblllLy of Lhe 8lA8
under .u. no. 704, over Lhe managemenL, conservaLlon, developmenL, proLecLlon, uLlllzaLlon and
dlsposlLlon of all flshery and aquaLlc resources of Lhe counLry ls noL all-encompasslng. llrsL,
SecLlon 4 Lhereof excludes from such [urlsdlcLlon and responslblllLy munlclpal waLers, whlch shall
be under Lhe munlclpal or clLy governmenL concerned, excepL lnsofar as flshpens and seaweed
culLure ln munlclpal cenLers are concerned. 1hls secLlon provldes, however, LhaL all munlclpal or
clLy ordlnances and resoluLlons affecLlng flshlng and flsherles and any dlsposlLlon Lhereunder shall
be submlLLed Lo Lhe SecreLary of Lhe ueparLmenL of naLural 8esources for approprlaLe acLlon and
shall have full force and effecL only upon hls approval.

Second, lL musL aL once be polnLed ouL LhaL Lhe 8lA8 ls no longer under Lhe ueparLmenL of
naLural 8esources (now ueparLmenL of LnvlronmenL and naLural 8esources). LxecuLlve Crder no.
967 of 30 !une 1984 Lransferred Lhe 8lA8 from Lhe conLrol and supervlslon of Lhe MlnlsLer
(formerly SecreLary) Cf naLural 8esources Lo Lhe MlnlsLry of AgrlculLure and lood (MAl) and
converLed lL lnLo a mere sLaff agency Lhereof, lnLegraLlng lLs funcLlons wlLh Lhe reglonal offlces of
Lhe MAl.
ln LxecuLlve Crder no. 116 of 30 !anuary 1987, whlch reorganlzed Lhe MAl, Lhe 8lA8 was reLalned
as an aLLached agency of Lhe MAl. And under Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlve Code of 1987,
Lhe 8lA8 ls
placed under Lhe 1lLle concernlng Lhe ueparLmenL of AgrlculLure.

1herefore, lL ls lncorrecL Lo say LhaL Lhe challenged Crdlnance of Lhe ClLy of uerLo rlncesa ls
lnvalld or unenforceable because lL was noL approved by Lhe SecreLary of Lhe uLn8. lf aL all, Lhe
approval LhaL should be soughL would be LhaL of Lhe SecreLary of Lhe ueparLmenL of AgrlculLure.
Powever, Lhe requlremenL of approval by Lhe SecreLary of Lhe ueparLmenL of AgrlculLure (noL
uLn8) of munlclpal ordlnances affecLlng flshlng and flsherles ln munlclpal waLers has been
dlspensed wlLh ln vlew of Lhe followlng reasons:
(1) SecLlon 334 (8epeallng Clause) of Lhe LCC expressly repeals or amends SecLlons 16 and 29 of
.u. no. 704
lnsofar as Lhey are lnconslsLenL wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhe LCC.
(2) As dlscussed earller, under Lhe general welfare clause of Lhe LCC, local governmenL unlLs have
Lhe power, %0$"# '*%', Lo enacL ordlnances Lo enhance Lhe rlghL of Lhe people Lo a balanced ecology.
lL llkewlse speclflcally vesLs munlclpallLles wlLh Lhe power Lo granL flshery prlvlleges ln munlclpal
waLers, and lmpose renLals, fees or charges Lherefor, Lo penallze, by approprlaLe ordlnances, Lhe
use of exploslves, noxlous or polsonous subsLances, elecLrlclLy, :2#&P':%, and oLher deleLerlous
meLhods of flshlng, and Lo prosecuLe any vlolaLlon of Lhe provlslons of appllcable flshery
llnally, lL lmposes upon Lhe sanggunlang bayan, Lhe sanggunlang panlungsod, and Lhe
sanggunlang panlalawlgan Lhe duLy Lo enacL ordlnances Lo "[p]roLecL Lhe envlronmenL and lmpose
approprlaLe penalLles for acLs whlch endanger Lhe envlronmenL such as dynamlLe flshlng and
oLher forms of desLrucLlve flshlng . . . and such oLher acLlvlLles whlch resulL ln polluLlon,
acceleraLlon of euLrophlcaLlon of rlvers and lakes or of ecologlcal lmbalance."

ln closlng, we commend Lhe Sanggunlang anlungsod of Lhe ClLy of uerLo rlncesa and
Sanggunlang anlalawlgan of Lhe rovlnce of alawan for exerclslng Lhe requlslLe pollLlcal wlll Lo
enacL urgenLly needed leglslaLlon Lo proLecL and enhance Lhe marlne envlronmenL, Lhereby
sharlng ln Lhe herculean Lask of arresLlng Lhe Llde of ecologlcal desLrucLlon. We hope LhaL oLher
local governmenL unlLs shall now be roused from Lhelr leLhargy and adopL a more vlgllanL sLand ln
Lhe baLLle agalnsL Lhe declmaLlon of our legacy Lo fuLure generaLlons. AL Lhls Llme, Lhe
repercusslons of any furLher delay ln Lhelr response may prove dlsasLrous, lf noL, lrreverslble.
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