The Communist Manifesto Asserted That History Was, in Fact, A Class Struggle. The Majority
The Communist Manifesto Asserted That History Was, in Fact, A Class Struggle. The Majority
The Communist Manifesto Asserted That History Was, in Fact, A Class Struggle. The Majority
!"#$AR% "t is re&orted that 'ery early this mornin() *erman &hiloso&her +arl ,ar- has died in .ondon) at the a(e of /40 1e had been ill for the last year of his life) after the death of his 2ife) 3enny0 1e is sur'i'ed by his t2o dau(hters) 4leanor and .aura0 #he funeral 2ill ta5e &lace in three days time at 1i(h(ate Cemetery) .ondon0 +arl 1einrich ,ar- 2as born on ,ay 5th) 1616 in Prussia to 1einrich ,ar- and 1enrietta Pressbur(0 ,ar- attended the $ni'ersity of !erlin) 2here he soon be(an to 2rite both fiction and nonfiction0 1e critici7ed both 4uro&ean ri(ht82in( monarchies and liberals) 2hich (arnered the attention of the Prussian (o'ernment and the #sar of Russia0 ,ar- soon mo'ed to Paris 2ith his ne2 2ife) 3enny) to be the co8editor of a radical leftist ne2s&a&er0 "t 2as in Paris that ,ar- met his lifelon( friend) 9riedrich 4n(les0 #hey soon be(an to discuss communist thou(ht) and in 1646) they to(ether &ublished their most famous 2or5) The Communist Manifesto. The Communist Manifesto asserted that history 2as) in fact) a class stru((le0 #he ma:ority of 4uro&eans 2ere 2hat ,ar- and 4n(les defined as the ;&roletariat< the common &eo&le) o'er2or5ed and under&aid0 #hey said that the u&&er crust of society) the bour(eoisie) constantly e-&loits the &roletariat0 #he only 2ay to combat the bour(eoisie) and the e'il of ca&italism) they thou(ht) 2as by a 'iolent o'erthro2 by the &roletariat in fa'or of a communist (o'ernment0 #hey defined this communist (o'ernment as ha'in( no &ro&erty la2s or ri(ht of inheritance= a (radual income ta-) free and com&ulsory education for all children) and the abolition of children<s factory labor0 Communication) trans&ort) and ban5in( 2ould all be in control of the State0 #hou(h The Communist Manifesto had nothin( to do 2ith the re'olutionary 2a'e that s2e&t across the continent in 1646) ,ar- and his 2ife 2ere both arrested and e-&elled from !el(ium) 2here he and 4n(les had 2ritten the &am&hlet0