9700 w13 Ms 22
9700 w13 Ms 22
9700 w13 Ms 22
9700/22 Paper 2 (AS Structured Questions), maximum raw mark 60
This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners meeting before marking began, which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers. Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner Report for Teachers.
Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.
Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the October/November 2013 series for most IGCSE, GCE Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary Level components and some Ordinary Level components.
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Mark scheme abbreviations: ; separates marking points / alternative answers for the same point R reject A accept (for answers correctly cued by the question, or by extra guidance) AW alternative wording (where responses vary more than usual) underline actual word given must be used by candidate (grammatical variants excepted) max indicates the maximum number of marks that can be given ora or reverse argument mp marking point (with relevant number) ecf error carried forward I ignore AVP alternative valid point (examples given)
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(a) 1.4 mm ; ; two marks for the correct answer A 1.3 / 1.34 / 1.37 / 1.43 / 1.46 / 1.5 tolerance on measurement of 49 mm = 2 mm (i.e. 47 to 51 mm) if answer not given or incorrect allow one mark for correct measurement and correct use of formula (measurement divided by the magnification of 35 or showing the rearranged formula) (b) 1 2 large / wide, lumen (relative to thickness of wall) ; A artery narrow lumen irregular shape ; AW A flattened / oval / not round(ed) (shape) ; A artery, round(ed) / regular (shape) I ref. to (vein) not spherical / artery spherical thin / AW, tunica media / middle layer / (smooth) muscle and elastic layer or (proportionately) less, elastic / (smooth) muscle, in, tunica media / middle layer ; (relatively) thin, tunica externa / tunica adventicia / outer layer / fibrous coat / fibrous layer ; R small(er) tunica intima / tunica interna / inner layer / endothelium, smooth / not crinkly / not wavy / AW ;
alt if mp 3 not awarded, award 1 mark only for thin (smooth) muscle layer / less (smooth) muscle thin elastic layer / less elastic tissue (c) (i) short distance for diffusion (of molecules / ions / named) ; A reduced distance / thin / short pathway / AW increased rate / AW, of diffusion (of molecules / ions / named) ; A fast(er) / (more) efficient I easy / better (ii) 1 2 3 small size allows contact with (many body) cells / AW ; A idea of extending into small spaces red blood cell, close to, (body) cells / tissue for (efficient), diffusion / AW ; A in contact with / close to, capillary wall / endothelium, for diffusion red blood cells / blood flow, slow(s) down / idea of more time, for (efficient) diffusion / cells to obtain sufficient nutrients / AW ; treat ref. to lower pressure as neutral (plasma / blood, containing), glucose / nutrients / named nutrient / oxygen, close to / AW, body cells ;
Cambridge International Examinations 2013
[max 3]
[max 1]
[max 1]
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Syllabus 9700
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(d) (i) (produce genetically identical daughter epithelial cells for) 1 2 3 4 (for tissue) repair ; R cell repair idea of replacing, dead / destroyed / damaged / worn-out / AW, cells ; A replacement of cells, unqualified if mp 1 gained ref. protection of, underlying tissue / muscle and elastic layer / tunica media / AW ; meiosis produces, haploid cells / cells with n chromosomes / cells with one set of chromosomes ; A cells with half the number of chromosomes meiosis for gamete formation ; A sex cells R meiosis in gametes
[max 2]
(ii) ignore ref. to 23/46 chromosomes (mitosis to), maintain genetic stability / produce genetically identical cells / produce clones ora or meiosis produces genetically different cells ; (mitosis), ensures cells retain function / cells function as tissue / AW ; (mitosis) maintains chromosome number ; A maintains, diploid number / 2n meiosis produces, haploid cells / cells with n chromosomes / cells with one A cells with half the number of chromosomes meiosis for gamete formation ; A sex cells R meiosis in gametes (e) ignore labels max 1 if nuclear, membrane / envelope, shown no marks if chromosomes with two chromatids drawn 1 2 four separate, chromatids / daughter chromosomes, shown in each half ; all centromeres leading A V shapes if centromere not obvious (point of V towards pole) or all centromeres attached to spindle fibres ;
[max 2]
Page 5 2 (a)
Mark Scheme GCE AS/A LEVEL October/November 2013 Keratin and chitin have structural functions cellulose ; collagen ; allow only one incorrect molecule to be listed for max 1 The monomers of chitin have -1,4 linkages between them cellulose ; no marks if other molecules given
Syllabus 9700
Paper 22
Keratin and chitin contain nitrogen collagen / haemoglobin ; 1st mark mRNA ; 2nd mark allow only one incorrect molecule to be listed for max 1
[max 5] (b) (i) 47.5 C ; (ii) accept activity for relative activity throughout accept manipulated data quotes and penalise once for, incorrect / no, units Fig. 2.2 (relative activity of enzyme at different temperatures) 1 as temperature increases, activity increases up to, optimum / 47.5 C (allow ecf from (i), then decreases ; A peaks (for increase then decrease) 2 activity increases from 30 C to 47.5 C, then decreases to 70 C ; also mp 1 or increase or decrease, described with comparative data (activity and temperature compared with another activity and temperature) at higher temperatures (compared to most others) enzyme still active ; high optimum temperature (compared to most other enzymes) ; [1]
3 4
Fig. 2.3 (stability over time for enzyme maintained at different temperatures) 5 enzyme becomes less stable over time ; A activity decreases over time A description if at least two temperatures described 6 data quote to support ; activity at two times for any one temperature if time 0 or start, then assume 100% relative activity if 100%, assume time 0
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(over the time period) the lower the temperature, the more stable the enzyme ; ora A enzyme has higher activity at the lower temperatures A stated temperatures (at least two) to illustrate the point e.g. 28 C higher activity than 40 C throughout A 28 C, highest activity / enzyme most stable (throughout) data quote to support ; temperatures and (relative) activity (with one time)
10 e.g. Fig 2.2 reason for increasing activity up to optimum / decrease after optimum e.g. ref. collisions, kinetic energy increase e.g. denaturation at 6070 C R denaturation at 50 C (but A denaturation begins) suggested reason for higher optimum temperature e.g. more bonds Fig. 2.3 (suggests that) more molecules become, denatured / inactive, as time progresses greater stability / higher activity, at 40 C than 37 C between 4050 hours Fig. 2.2 and 2.3 optimum temperature for activity not most stable temperature steep decrease in stability at 60 C in a short time as (nearly complete) denaturation occurs allow once only commercial application e.g. if hydrolysis occurs over a longer time period, better to use a lower temperature than optimum [max 5] [Total: 11] 3 (a) 1 large (size / volume / organism) ; A multicellular / many cells A larger 2 (so) small(er) / low, surface area : volume ; as size increases, SA:V decreases = 2 marks 3 diffusion (alone), not enough / too slow (to supply needs) ; 4 explanation ; e.g. surface too far from, centre / AW, of plant distances too far to supply required, nutrients / substances requires, supplies in bulk / mass flow 5 (so require) xylem and phloem, qualified ; e.g. transport in different directions xylem transports water (and mineral ions) and phloem transports, assimilates / photosynthates / sugars / amino acids
[max 3]
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(b) (i) cell A = companion cell A companion ; cell B = (phloem) sieve tube element A sieve tube, sieve tube cell (ii) allow ecf from (i) for incorrect names of cells cell A / companion cell 1 mitochondria for, aerobic respiration / oxidative phosphorylation / ATP, production / AW ; R ATP energy A release / supply, ATP / energy (for the cell) treat as neutral cell B also has mitochondria 2 RER / many ribosomes, for, polypeptide / protein, production ; if mps 1 and 2 not given, one mark for mitochondria and, ribosomes / RER 3 ref. nucleus and, genes coding for (required) proteins / synthesis of ribosomes or nucleolus synthesises ribosomes ; cell B / sieve tube element 4 (at least) one main structural feature ; R hollow peripheral cytoplasm / AW e.g. pushed against walls no nucleus / no RER / no vacuole / no Golgi / few organelles / reduced ER / few mitochondria R no organelles 5 (to) minimise / reduce, resistance to (mass) flow ; AW e.g. uninterrupted flow / more efficient transport of sucrose 6 (so) maximum volume transported (/unit time) ; A idea of 7 sieve plates, qualified ; e.g. stop bulging allow mass flow / reduce barrier to flow become plugged with, P-protein / callose, to prevent losses / after damage 8 no plasmodesmata (as on Fig. 3.1) to maintain pressure or plasmodesmata (not shown) for diffusion of sucrose into sieve tube / AW ;
[max 5]
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transport system in mammals 1 arteries, veins, capillaries A delivery to cells by arteries and capillaries heart / pump
transport system in plants xylem and phloem ; A vascular bundle no heart / no pump / (xylem and phloem) have different mechanisms for (mass) flow ; A transpiration pull in xylem / pressure gradients in phloem no double circulation / xylem unidirectional flow / phloem source to sink / AW ; R single circulation not closed circulation / pits / plasmodesmata ; A open two (separate) systems / water transport in separate vessels to organic molecules ; living and dead cells ; A dead cells in xylem respiratory gases not transported ; (phloem) transports sucrose ; accept within correct list slower rate of flow ; rate of flow, not controlled by nervous system / (in xylem) controlled by external factors / (in xylem) controlled by transpiration rate ; cells not transported / AW ; no homeostasis / AW ; no equivalent to immune system callose formation ; tissue-based ; no valves ; [max 4] [Total: 13]
double circulation
closed circulation
one (circulatory) system / water and organic molecules transported in same vessels / AW (all) living cells transports, (respiratory) gases / oxygen / carbon dioxide transports glucose accept within correct list faster rate of flow rate of flow controlled by, nervous system control of heart / action of heart / vasoconstriction and vasodilation / AW accept ref. endocrine system components include blood cells AVP ;;; homeostasis involved / concentration of dissolved substances controlled ref. to defence e.g. immune system e.g. blood clotting organ-based valves present
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14
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(a) (i) penalise once if the term genetic material is used instead of DNA 1 no nuclear envelope / no (true) nucleus ; A no nuclear membrane A no nucleus envelope A DNA free in cytoplasm ora A DNA as nucleoid DNA, loop / circular ; A DNA not linear DNA, not in chromosomes / DNA not associated with, histones / proteins ; A naked DNA no nucleolus ; (presence of) plasmids ; (only) have, 70S / small / 1820 nm, ribosomes ; presence of, capsule / slime layer ; ref. small (cell) size / less than 5 m / (only) 1 m ; A ora for eukaryotes [max 3]
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(ii) plant cell cellulose ; treat as neutral ref. to microfibrils / fibres bacterial cell murein / peptidoglycan ; A peptoglycan / polysaccharide and amino acid (b) 1 2 3 4 cell contents shrink / cytoplasm shrinks ; AW R cell shrinks unless clear that the cell wall remains, intact / same size cell (surface) membrane / plasma membrane, peels away / AW, from cell wall ; A plasmolysis occurs / cell becomes flaccid (movement of) water out by osmosis ; down water potential gradient / from high to low water potential / to lower water potential /from less negative to more negative water potential ; A for water potential (mutation involves) change in sequence of, bases / nucleotides (of DNA); A (mutation leads to) altered, mRNA / codons A change leads to new alleles (genes code for, polypeptides / proteins, so) different, protein structures / proteins, possible / synthesised ; A different, primary / tertiary / 3-D, structure (so) range of / different, functions possible / AW ; [max 2] [Total: 10]
[max 3]
(c) 1
2 3
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(a) max 2 if no examples from passage given population 1 all individuals / all organisms / AW, of, Trichophilus welckeri three-toed sloths / Bradypus variegatus one / a, species of roundworm one / a, species of insect any one ; one / a, species of saprotrophic fungi one / a, species of algae A one (particular), species / kind / type I e.g. the roundworms etc. treat as neutral same organisms idea of in, an (specified) area / AW ; e.g. place / habitat e.g. (sloths) in the, forest / trees (at one time)in central / south America in the sloths fur / on the sloth at the same time ; allow once only (named organisms) share same gene pool / ref. isolated from other populations (of the same species) ; community all populations of all species / all organisms / AW, living in a (particular) area / AW ; examples ; all the organisms living on the sloths fur or roundworms, insects, fungi, algae, on sloths fur/ in same area in second example do not need ref. to fur or area if mp 5 given at, the same / one, time ; allow once only has biotic and abiotic components / biological and physical components ; A living and non-living components described by use of examples from text ; e.g. water and organisms A fur as an abiotic factor ref. energy flow / nutrient cycling ; A described e.g. food web, algae as producers, fungi as decomposers A food chains look for at least one link ref. interactions / functional entity ; AW e.g. self-contained / self-sustaining / inter-relationships [max 3] [Total: 7] [max 4]
3 4
5 6
7 (b) 1 2 3
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AVP ; e.g. light and heavy polypeptide chain, ref. forming variable region / different primary structure(s) giving different shapes ; heavy / polypeptide, chain constant region gives antibody class ; AW (b) 1 2 3 4 5 increases heart rate ; A heart, pumps / beats faster increased blood pressure / hypertension ; damage to, endothelial / arterial, lining ; A damage to, tunica intima / lining of veins (so) contributes to plaque / atheroma ; A atherosclerosis vasoconstriction or constricts / reduces diameter of, arterioles / blood vessels ; A more resistance to blood flow must be in context reduced blood flow to extremities / AW ;
[max 3]
[max 3] [Total: 6]