Knowledge Acquisition and Expert Systems
Knowledge Acquisition and Expert Systems
Knowledge Acquisition and Expert Systems
Knowledge acquisition is the process of extracting knowledge (facts, procedures, rules) from
human experts, books, documents, sensors or computer files and converting it into a form that can
be stored and manipulated by the computer for purposes of problem solving. It occurs throughout
the entire development process.
Knowledge Acquisition Process
i). Identification: Identify the problem including data, criteria for solutions to meet, available
resources, etc.
ii). Conceptualization: Determine the key concepts and relationships by characterizing the
data, flow of information, the domain structure, etc.
iii). Formalization: Understand the underlying search space, uncertainty issues, etc.
iv). Implementation: Translate acquired knowledge into the program.
v). Testing: Validate and verify.
Knowledge Elicitation
It implies that knowledge acquisition is accomplished from a human expert.
Sources of Knowledge
The Knowledge Engineer acquires knowledge from a number of sources:
Written sources, such as books, manuals, and standard procedures. This is an important
source of knowledge at the start, when the knowledge engineer learns the vocabularies and
general topics of the domain.
Observations of the actual process
Expertise of a procedural nature, in which a sequence of tasks is performed, direct
observation of the operation also can provide input to the knowledge base.
Experts make decisions based on an abstract and intellectual process that even experts
themselves have difficulty understanding and verbalizing.
Knowledge Acquisition Methods
Knowledge acquisition methods constitute tools used for the process of modeling knowledge.
There are two basic strategies in knowledge engineering:
i) Starting from general and overall concepts, gradually leading the expert to elicit details of a
ii) Starting from the details of specific cases and helping the expert establish and derive
general concepts from the specific examples.
Therefore, the methods of eliciting knowledge can be categorized into two broad groups:
Top-down (or deductive) methods
Bottom-up (or inductive) methods
Categories of Knowledge Acquisition Methods
Top-Down Methods
The knowledge engineer organizes the acquisition sessions for discovering general concepts, rules,
and objects, and then gradually goes into the details of each concept, rule, or object.
This can be grouped into four categories namely:
i) Questioning methods
ii) Object-oriented methods
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iii) Quantitative methods
iv) Inventive methods
i). Questioning Methods
The knowledge engineer interviews the expert in a series of meetings, or asks the expert to fill out
a questionnaire.
Uses three strategies in questioning the expert
1. Structured interviews
Designed to be systematic and goal-oriented.
It forces a directed discussion on a topic; therefore it can reduce interpretation issues
and may also reduce the experts subjectivity.
2. Unstructured interviews
Informal: Good to use when beginning the KA process.
They help the KE understand the domain and can help identify discussion points for
structured interviews.
3. Questionnaires
Used in cases where access to the expert is limited,
A questionnaire prepared for the expert to answer in writing.
This method is useful for clarifying already developed topics in the advanced stages of
knowledge engineering.
ii). Object - oriented Methods.
The KE focuses the interview sessions on discovering the objects within the domain. Usually
done by asking the expert to group the actual objects in the field in order to form a class of objects
that has a common set of attributes.
iii). Quantitative methods.
The methods were developed in cognitive science and decision analysis for eliciting the degree of
a decision maker's preferences and utilities, and in grouping various objects and attributes
Used to measure and determine:
The extent of relationships among objects (or concepts)
The degree of uncertainty about the domain knowledge
iv). Inventive methods.
Expert is allowed a more active part in the process in one of the following roles:
Expert as a teacher:
Responsible for teaching and transferring expertise to the KE.
Expert is given the responsibility for the preparation and organization of the elicitation
Efficient at the early stages of knowledge acquisition
Expert as a partner in systematic innovation:
This is an abstract concept
Requires the expert and the KE to identify pieces of knowledge that are in
contradiction, and to discover solution methods for removing the contradiction
Example: The applicant's request for a loan and a less than favorable credit rating form a
contradiction. The expert must provide a solution for this contradiction, which leads to the
elicitation of new pieces of knowledge. The expert and knowledge engineer form a
partnership in discovering contradictions and creating solutions; this taps the expert's deep
understanding of the domain.
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Expert as the knowledge engineer
The expert may have both technical interest in the system and the needed training in
knowledge engineering.
The expert can also play the role of a knowledge engineer.
Bottom-Up Methods
The knowledge engineer focuses the expert's attention on specific cases. This helps the expert
abstract the decision for resolving a specific case to a more generalized rule or concept.
The methods that can be grouped in this approach are
Example-based methods.
Protocol analysis.
Observation of the expert's decision-making process.
Example-based methods.
The example-based approach constitutes the foundation of case-based learning and learning by
analogy. In the example-based methods, the knowledge engineer and the expert work on a number
of representative cases or examples in one of the following ways
a) Grouping examples
b) Walk-through examples
c) Quantitative analysis of examples
a) Grouping examples:
The expert groups the examples based on their similarities and differences. This process helps
to determine categories of examples and the development of general rules for each category.
b) Walk-through method:
The knowledge engineer selects a number of cases previously decided by the expert, and asks
the expert to walk through the decision process.
c) Quantitative analysis of examples:
The quantitative techniques are tools for helping the expert discover the relations among
various attributes of the decision cases.
Categorized into two groups:
i). Statistical methods
The examples must be a random sample of the cases decided by the expert(s).
The data on the examples are fed into a statistical technique, such as regression
analysis, in order to discover the expert's decision criteria.
ii). Inductive methods
The example set contains a representative set of all possible cases the expert has
The examples are fed into the inductive method, which produces a decision tree or a
set of decision rules.
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Protocol analysis
The expert is asked to think aloud and verbalize his or her thought process while solving a set of
actual (or simulated) problems and making decisions. The KE records the process, and later
analyzes the large volume of information produced from this method to discover the general rules
the expert uses in solving problems.
It involves observation of the expert while solving a problem. Useful when the solution of the
problem is procedural and takes place in a sequence of steps through time
The absence of the biases and intrusion inherent in the KEs questions makes this approach useful.
The KE must make sure that the expert is making decisions in the most realistic environment.
Knowledge Acquisition Modes
Presently, the knowledge elicitation modes could be divided into three categories:
Manual mode
Automated mode
Combined manual and automated mode
i) Manual Mode
This mode requires a direct interaction between the knowledge engineer and expert.
ii) Automated Mode
A number of software products exist in the market that is designed for automatic elicitation of
knowledge. The automated mode may be divided into two categories:
Automated mode with the expert
Automated mode without the expert
Automated mode with the expert:
The expert interacts with the computer. The software is designed to help the expert
elicit knowledge without the assistance of a knowledge engineer.
Automated mode without the expert
The system is fed examples to produce rules or decision trees.
Combined Manual and Automated Mode
At the start of the process, the KE could use manual-based methods for conceptualization,
modularization, and gaining insights into the knowledge domain.
In some of the modules for which enough examples are available and the accessibility to the
expert is limited, the knowledge engineer can use the automated mode to accelerate the
elicitation of the knowledge.
Later, the expert should review the results, and may make suggestions to modify the
automatically developed rules.
These are terms used quality of a knowledge base. The methods are collectively known as
evaluation techniques.
i). Validation
This deals with the performance of the system i.e. how well it is making conclusions. The
common method of evaluation is the TURING TEST.
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ii). Verification
This deals with the building of the system to the correct specification. The following are
some of the parameters used for evaluation:
a) Turing test: - used as a measure of the effectiveness of the expert system.
b) Accuracy: - how well the system reflects the reality.
c) Adaptability: - deals with the possibilities of future changes.
d) Adequacy (completeness): - how much necessary knowledge has been included.
e) Breadth and depth: - how well the domain is covered and the degree of detail.
f) Reliability: - probability that the expert system predictions turns out to be correct.
g) Sensitivity: - Impact of changes in the knowledge base and the quality of the
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Expert system is a set of computer programs that mimic the human expert. The programs will take
and solve problems in restricted problem domains or areas of expertise. Expert systems must
therefore have knowledge similar to the ones held by human experts and use it to solve problems
of the type solved by human beings.
User interface
.draws conclusion .interprets, .schedules, enforces
consistency checks
Blackboard (Workspace)
Plan Agenda
Solution Problem
Facts: what is known about the problem
domain area
Rules:logical reference such as between
symptoms and causes
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The knowledge base contains the knowledge needed for understanding, formulating and solving
problems. Knowledge will include facts in the problem area and the theory of the problem area.
Heuristics are rules that are used to solve some typical problems; they may also be kept. Structures
used to store knowledge are called knowledge representation formalisms and they include rules,
semantic networks, frames, propositions and predicates.
Inference engine is the brain of the expert system. It is sometimes called control structure or rule
interpreter. It provides a methodology and implementation of the reasoning mechanism that uses
the knowledge held in the knowledge base and the blackboard to formulate conclusions. It gives a
means of using the knowledge by developing the agenda that organizes and controls the steps
taken to solve problems during consultation. The parts of the inference engine consist of:
Interpreter (rule interpreter in many systems) that executes selected agenda items by applying
relevant rules from the knowledge base.
Schedule that maintains control over the agenda. It uses priorities and other criteria to estimate
the effect of applying rules on the agenda.
Consistency enforcer maintains a consistent representation of the emerging solution.
User interfaces the part that enables the users or builders to submit their items to the expert
system and also the expert system to respond to the users or builders.
Blackboard (workspace) is the area in working memory where current problems are described,
data is entered and intermediate results are kept. The blackboard may contain a plan of how the
problem should be solved, an agenda of potential actions awaiting execution and a solutions
indicating candidate hypotheses and alternate courses of action.
Explanation subsystem (justifier) is the part that traces responsibility for conclusions to their
sources. It may explain:
Why some questions are asked by the expert system;
How some conclusions are reached;
Why some alternatives are rejected;
The plan used to reach the solution;
The remaining facts to establish before the final conclusion.
Knowledge refining system is the part that enables the analysis and use of knowledge so that
leaning may take place and improvements may be made.
Participants in Expert Systems
The Expert is the person who has a special knowledge, judgement, experience or methods used to
solve problems or advice on a given class of problems.
The Knowledge engineer is the is the one who extracts and structures knowledge from sources
such as the human experts, so that it may be put into the computer for use in expert an system.
Many times he may be the expert systems builder also.
The User is someone who is involved with an expert system as a non-expert and the expert system
is a consultant providing advice or solutions to problems.
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Classic Problem Areas Addressed by Expert Systems
Expert systems have been used in several typical problem areas. Several application systems have
been demonstrated in these areas. These areas are given below.
Category Problem area addressed
Interpretation Infer situation descriptions from observations
Prediction Infer consequences of given situations
Diagnosis Infer malfunctions from observations
Design Configure objects under constraints
Planning Develop plans to achieve goals
Monitoring Compare observations and plans, flag exceptions
Debugging Prescribe remedies to malfunctions
Repair Execute plans to administer prescribed remedy
Instruction Diagnose, debug, and correct student performance
Control Interpret, predict, repair and monitor system behaviour
Benefits of Expert Systems
i) Increased productivity and output since expert systems work faster than humans.
ii) Decreased decision-making time as expert systems can make decisions faster.
iii) Increased process and product quality as errors can be significantly reduced.
iv) Capture of scarce resource as ES can store the expertise held by humans who may be
taking long to train.
v) Flexibility as ES can sense changing needs and advice accordingly, such as a product
out of production.
vi) Easier equipment operation where ES is used to operate a complex equipment.
vii) Operation in harzadous environments where ES is used where humans are not safe
such as in nuclear power plants, toxic environments.
viii) Accessibility to knowledge and help desks where ES is used to supply information
and scarce knowledge or support help desks.
ix) Increased capability of other computerized system where ES integrate with other
systems to make applications work faster or produce higher quality results.
x) Ability to work with incomplete or uncertain information where ES may use existing
knowledge to solve a problem even though some other facts may still be missing or
xi) Provide training where ES is used by novices because of its contents in the
knowledge base.
xii) Enhanced problem solving and decision making where ES integrates analysis and
judgement of top experts.
xiii) Improved decision quality as ES is reliable and does not become bored, tired or hold
xiv) Knowledge transfer to remote locations as ES can hold specialist knowledge that may
be used in remote locations such as eye disease diagnosis and treatment system
demonstrated in Algeria and Egypt by World Health Organization.
Limitations of Expert Systems
The following problems are associated with expert systems:
Knowledge is not always readily available;
Difficulty in extracting expertise from humans;
Variations in problem assessment by different experts;
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Human experts cannot abstract when under pressure;
Only work well in a narrow domain;
Experts may not always validate their conclusions;
Experts may not always use understood vocabulary;
Knowledge engineers are few and expensive;
End-users may not trust expert system;
Subjectivity and biases in knowledge transfer.
Success Factors for Expert Systems
Implementation of expert systems may succeed because of the following factors:
Management support and user involvement;
There must be a high level of knowledge;
There must be at least one cooperative expert;
The problem must be qualitative (fuzzy);
The problem must be sufficiently narrow in scope;
There should be a good ES shell (store & manipulate knowledge naturally);
The should be a friendly user interface for novice users;
The problems must be difficult enough to warrant the use of ES;
There should be competent knowledge-based system developers;
The ES should positively impact on end-users.
Expert System Development Methodology
Problem definition
Decide on what he expert system should do: Interpretation, Prediction, Diagnosis, Design,
Planning, Monitoring, Debugging, Repair, Instruction, Control. Analyze the situation and be sure
the problem is worthy of the problems solved by expert systems.
Decide on the knowledge representation formalism
PROLOG environment will be natural for predicate calculus, semantic networks or frames to some
very limited extent.
Acquire the necessary knowledge
Go and get the necessary knowledge related to the problem- typical problems and their solutions.
The facts and the rules that are used should all be obtained. Interviewing, document scanning,
protocol analysis, rule induction may be used.
Build a system prototype
Build the system prototype. Build the user interface, and the knowledge.
The user interface in built using the input/output, windows and graphics functions.
The knowledge base is built using the facts, rules or other structures stored in the main programs
knowledge base or designated files.
The inference engine consists of the in-built inference mechanisms of the implementation
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Software for Building Expert Systems
Expert System tools: Software that is used for constructing expert systems. The tools range from
programs used for building expert systems to programs that can aid the knowledge acquisition
process. The main software tools for developing expert system fall into the following categories.
Development software-programming languages (AI languages (Prolog and Lisp) and general
purpose languages); shells (e.g. J ESS, KAPPA PC, CLIPS) and AI toolkits
Development support tools- I/O facilities; debugging aids; explanation facilities; Editors
Systems building tools-e.g. rule induction engines
Write an expert system to diagnose the problem of a car that wont start.
%Problem: Write an Expert system tha can help diagnise
%for a problem of a car that wont start
%Diagnostic session: System probes for possible causes
%(Asks,notes response and give Recommendation)
write('I sorry I can''t diagnose the car problems ,maybe you never answered
the question correctly'),nl,nl.
write('Is the battery voltage ok(Yes/No)'),
write('Recharge battery and turn the KEY'),nl.
write('Are the cables faulty(Yes/No)'),
write('Replace cables and turn the KEY'),nl.
write('Is you starter motor ok(Yes/No)'),
write('Do you want to repair or replace the motor?'),nl,nl,
write('1: Replace'),nl,
write('2: Repair'),nl,
write('Enter your Choice:'),
starter(Choice):-Choice=:=1,nl,write('Replace the motor with new one'),nl.
starter(Choice):-Choice=:=2,nl,write('Repair the starter and find out if it
write('Is your ignition switch ok(Yes/No)'),
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write('Replace the switch and turn the KEY'),nl.
write('Is your petrol tank empty(Yes/No)'),
write('Buy petrol and turn the KEY'),nl.
1. Write a program to recommend routes given there are possible alternative routes. Each root
should have its own advantages and disadvantages depending on circumstances. Consider
alternative ways of going from Nairobi to Mombasa.
2. Write a program to describe various animals and give the user information about the
animals. The user asks any question on the animal and the system responds.
3. Write an expert system to diagnose the fuse that may be responsible for failure of working
of some devices that are connected to it. The devices themselves may be faulty.
4. Write an expert system that may engage a user in describing a person.
5. Build an expert system that handles uncertainties.