Lucy Common Core Argumentative Opinion Unit
Lucy Common Core Argumentative Opinion Unit
Lucy Common Core Argumentative Opinion Unit
01ill y#u hel" me2 I g#t a n#te (r#m #ur "rinci"al t#day+ asking me t# -eigh in #n an issue) But I actually think this is s#mething y#u kn#- m#re a/#ut than I d#+ s# I -#uld l#*e y#ur ad*ice)3 Re*eal and read letter (r#m "rinci"al a/#ut -hether the ca(eteria sh#uld c#ntinue t# #((er ch#c#late milk #r n#t) 01hat d# y#u think2 4#- -#uld y#u ans-er her2 1ill y#u tell each #ther y#ur th#ughts2 04ere.s the thing) It.s n#t s# hard t# ha*e an #"ini#n) In (act+ it.s terri/ly easy) 5#u 6ust7ha*e #ne) Right2 I l#*e ch#c#late milk) OR N# -ay8 5uck8 5#ur #"ini#n is the (irst thing that c#mes t# mind) But here.s the deal% -hat -e think right a-ay+ -hat -e "ers#nally "re(er-that.s n#t the -h#le st#ry8 That isn.t all there is t# kn#- #r think a/#ut an issue)3 Our res"#nsi/ility in the -#rld is t# try t# understand m#re than #ursel*es) 1e can.t #nly say -hat -e think #(( the t#" #( #ur heads) Our "#siti#n needs t# /e c#nsidered care(ully (r#m di((erent angles)3 Teaching 9#int% 01riters+ t#day I -ant t# teach y#u that -hen y#u are c#m"#sing an argument+ y#u -ill need t# c#llect e*idence n#t t# su""#rt -hat y#u (irst think a/#ut the issue+ /ut instead+ e*idence that all#-s y#u t# think thr#ugh the *ari#us sides #( the argument)3 0Let.s gi*e this a try t#gether+ then -ith a "artner+ and later /y y#ursel() T#m#rr#- y#u.ll (astdra(t an argument (#r #r against ch#c#late milk+ -hich y#u can send t# the "rinci"al) That means y#u.ll use the e*idence y#u c#llect t#day t# su""#rt y#ur "#siti#n in y#ur -riting t#m#rr#-)3 0There is a (#lder #n each ta/le+ and t# c#llect and #rgani:e in(#rmati#n+ y#u.ll need t# c#me u" -ith a system (#r rec#rding n#tes) I.m g#ing t# sh#- y#u h#- I set u" my n#tes+ kn#-ing that I.ll /e c#llecting t#-ards /#th sides #( the argument)3 Re*eal t-chart #n chart "a"er) ;Nutriti#n in &isguise. article% Make "redicti#n a/#ut -hich side this article is #n /ased #n title al#ne) &em# taking n#tes (r#m "art #( a te<t #n "#st-its+ -hich can /e m#*ed ar#und later) 0&id y#u see -hat I did that y#u c#uld try t##2 I.m still n#t sure -hat my "#siti#n -ill /e+ /ut I.m c#llecting in(#rmati#n that this auth#r "resents-n#t my #-n (eelings+ /ut e*idence (r#m the te<t) Use a di((erent te<t that su""#rts the #ther side+ ;Ch#c#late Milk% M#re 4arm(ul than 4el"(ul). Read it al#ud /it /y /it (#r students t# "ractice taking n#tes -ith their "artners) 0Reading s#mething (r#m the #ther side -ill kee" us (r#m getting stuck #n #ne side)3 't#" "eri#dically (#r students t# 6#t n#tes and turn and talk) 9#int #ut an issue that students -ill c#me acr#ss% 0These auth#rs n#t #nly #((er c#n(licting *ie-"#ints+ they e*en #((er c#n(licting in(#rmati#n8 1e.ll ha*e t# research and decide83 I h#"e y#u are -illing t# c#nsider alternate *ie-s that y#ur (irst #"ini#n) I.*e "ut a stack #( articles #n each #( y#ur ta/les and ha*e l#aded the c#m"uters -ith s#me *ide# res#urces) T#m#rr#- y#u.ll (ast-dra(t a letter t# the "rinci"al+ s# c#llect as much in(#rmati#n as y#u can8
BEN& I% 'tudents dra(t letters t# the "rinci"al taking a stance #n the issue #( ch#c#late milk) They c#llect and include e*idence (r#m articles and *ide#s+ "ara"hrasing and ,u#ting it) BEN& II% 'tudents -#rk t#-ards "anel "resentati#ns+ as "er the "rinci"al.s res"#nse t# their letters) They research and -rite m#re+ thinking critically+ e*aluating e*idence+ and c#nsidering their audience) BEN& III% 'tudents a""ly -hat they.*e learned in essays #n indi*idually ch#sen issues)
Acti*e Engagement%
The '#urce #( 5#ur In(#rmati#n Matters8 N#ting Bi/li#gra"hic In(#rmati#n) 0I( I said #ur class -as the /est+ #r i( the "rinci"al+ #r the 9resident said it+ it -#uld mean s#mething di((erent) 1e need t# n#te -h# said #ur in(#rmati#n+ -hich article it came (r#m as -e take n#tes83 0Right n#-+ -ill y#u l##k thr#ugh the e*idence y#u.*e gathered2 'tar the e*idence y#u think is really c#n*incing+ and /e ready t# talk a/#ut -hy that e*idence is c#n*incing t# y#u) N#- /ased #n y#ur e*idence #nly n#t y#ur #-n "ers#nal "re(erence$+ -ill y#u decide (#r right n#-+ -hether the e*idence suggests that sh#uld ser*e ch#c#late milk #r n#t2 Turn and talk)3 01riters+ d# y#u reali:e that -hat y#u 6ust talked a/#ut can /e -hat y#u -rite a/#ut2 By talking thr#ugh y#ur thinking y#u.*e started "lanning the (ast-dra(t letter y#u.ll -rite t#m#rr#-) 5#u may -ant t# e<"lain y#ur side "#int /y "#int /y listing acr#ss y#ur (ingers+ #r /y /#<es = /ullets)3 0Let.s rec#rd -hat -e.*e d#ne s# (ar)3 Chart ")>4
In this sessi#n+ y#u.ll remind children that -riters #(ten use -hat they kn#- a/#ut structuring an essay t# hel" them ,uickly -rite a (ull+ r#ugh dra(t #( their argument)
Teaching 9#int% 0T#day+ I -ant t# remind y#u that -hen a -riter -rites essays+ the -riter #(ten #rgani:es her #"ini#n and reas#ns int# /#<es and /ullets) And -riters #( any genre+ #nce they ha*e a r#ugh idea #( structure+ #(ten try t# get the -h#le "iece #( -riting d#-n #n the "age ,uickly+ r#ughly+ and then g# /ack t# re*ise)3
BEN& I% 'tudents dra(t letters t# the "rinci"al taking a stance #n the issue #( ch#c#late milk) They c#llect and include e*idence (r#m articles and *ide#s+ "ara"hrasing and ,u#ting it) BEN& II% 'tudents -#rk t#-ards "anel "resentati#ns+ as "er the "rinci"al.s res"#nse t# their letters) They research and -rite m#re+ thinking critically+ e*aluating e*idence+ and c#nsidering their audience) BEN& III% 'tudents a""ly -hat they.*e learned in essays #n indi*idually ch#sen issues)
0I.*e added "lanning in /#<es and /ullets t# #ur chart) 5#u.ll n#tice I.*e used the -#rd claim) That.s -hat -riters #(ten call the s"eci(ic statement that e<"resses their "#siti#n) 0 0Thum/s u" i( y#u ha*e ch#sen y#ur side) N#- y#u need t# "lan h#- y#u.ll su""#rt y#ur "#siti#n)3 Re*eal chart "a"er -ith t-# "#ssi/le claims+ #ne (#r and #ne against) 01#rk -ith s#me#ne near y#u -h# shares y#ur "#siti#n t# think #( reas#ns that su""#rt y#ur claim)3 1hile they talk+ add s"aces (#r three reas#ns under each claim #n the chart) 'hare h#- they might state their reas#ns (#r their claim (#ll#-ing the (#rmat 0Ch#c#late milk sh#uld sh#uld n#t$ /e /anned in sch##l /ecause A+ /ecause B+ and m#st #( all+ /ecause C)3 5#u -#n.t all ha*e the same A+ B+ Cs8 5#u can use y#ur (ingers like this t# kee" track #( y#ur reas#ns)3 Chart% 0A Thesis 'tatement O(ten ?#es Like This3 and discuss terms claim+ reas#ns+ thesis$ 4a*e s#me share their thesis statements) 9#int #ut i( #ne has three reas#ns that are all really the same thing may/e all ha*e t# d# -ith it /eing sugary+ etc)$ 4a*e them talk #ut their (irst "aragra"h -ith their "artners) Channel students t# re(er t# the articles #r their n#tes t# cite e*idence) 4a*e them talk #ut their sec#nd "aragra"hs) This time+ remind them t# use "hrases like 0(#r e<am"le+3 0an#ther e<am"le+3 #r 0In the te<t+ it says73 0Take an#ther (e- minutes t# talk #ut y#ur -riting+ and -hen y#u are sure y#u can -rite m#st #( it+ m#*e t# y#ur -riting s"#t) Once y#u start -riting+ y#u -#n.t -ant t# st#" till it.s d#ne)3
4##k the reader /e(#re 6um"ing right int# y#ur thesis) 1hen d#ne+ y#u.*e 6ust /egun% L##k /ack int# the articles8 Reread -hat y#u ha*e s# (ar) N#te "arts #( y#ur letter that y#u really like #r "arts that need m#re -#rk) Then get -ith y#ur "artner and talk a/#ut t#day.s -#rk and -hat y#u might d# ne<t) ?i*e y#ursel( an assignment+ -hat d# y#u think y#u need t# d# ne<t2
In this sessi#n+ y#u.ll teach students that argument -riters c#nduct research and "r#*ide e*idence that su""#rts their claim)
Tell students a "ers#nal st#ry #( a time -hen an argument y#u -ere trying t# make -as strengthened /y gathering and including e*idence) 0Relying #n my #-n (eelings -asn.t g#ing t# /e en#ugh) That.s #(ten true in arguments) 1hen I -as remem/ering this st#ry+ I starting thinking that making arguments #n "a"er is e<actly like making an argument in real li(e) Either -ay+ a "ers#n needs t# /#lster claims-t# actually c#n*ince readers #( s#mething) Teaching 9#int% 0T#day I -ant t# remind y#u that argument -riters d#n.t 6ust say -hat they think "ers#nally) They gi*e c#m"elling e*idence t# "r#*e their "#int) T# d# this+ they "#re #*er research materials+ analy:ing -hich e*idence -ill really su""#rt their claim-and they #(ten start /y "utting that e*idence int# their letter in their #-n -#rds)3 0I.m g#ing t# read y#u a letter -ritten /y a (#rmer student #( mine) C&$ As I read+ y#ur 6#/ is t# listen (#r e*idence he used and t# see i( y#u can think #( -ays t# hel" him use m#re te<t e*idence-(acts and in(#rmati#n (r#m y#ur research-t# strengthen his argument)3 Read letter) 01hat d# y#u n#tice2 E*ery#ne think a/#ut this-is saying that ch#c#late milk has *itamins and calcium really te<t e*idence+ #r is that 6ust c#mm#n kn#-ledge2 4e d#esn.t really ha*e any e*idence (r#m research83 &em#nstrate the "r#cess -riters g# thr#ugh -hen searching (#r and (itting in rele*ant and su""#rti*e te<t e*idence) 0@irst I need t# think #( a s#urce that -#uld su""#rt his claim) That article (r#m yesterday -#uld /e g##d8 Let.s l##k at it and skim read it+ #n the l##k#ut (#r e*idence that -#uld su""#rt -hat Aack is saying8 &em#nstrate that it hel"s t# ask 01hat is this "iece #( e*idence m#stly a/#ut23 -hen trying t# decide -hich "art #( the dra(t it -#uld /est (it int#) Then -rite it d#-n+ n#t the e<act -#rds+ /ut "ara"hrase the e*idence in y#ur #-n -#rds) 0Let.s kee" g#ing+ /ut n#- in charge #( hel"ing Aack) 1hat e*idence c#uld y#u add+ and -here -#uld y#u "ut it2 1hen y#u (ind s#mething+ 6#t it d#-n+ "ara"hrasing it in y#ur #-n -#rds)3 A(ter students -#rk+ share s#me e<am"les) 'uggest that students reread dra(ts and add rele*ant e*idence t# strengthen their arguments) Add t# chart) 9g) BB
BEN& I% 'tudents dra(t letters t# the "rinci"al taking a stance #n the issue #( ch#c#late milk) They c#llect and include e*idence (r#m articles and *ide#s+ "ara"hrasing and ,u#ting it) BEN& II% 'tudents -#rk t#-ards "anel "resentati#ns+ as "er the "rinci"al.s res"#nse t# their letters) They research and -rite m#re+ thinking critically+ e*aluating e*idence+ and c#nsidering their audience) BEN& III% 'tudents a""ly -hat they.*e learned in essays #n indi*idually ch#sen issues)
Acti*e Engagement%
1riters C#nsider N#t Only Cuantity /y Als# Rele*ance #( Te<t E*idence% 04#- many #( y#u ha*e cited e*idence t-ice2 Three times2 4ere.s the thing% The e*idence actually #nly -#rks i( y#u e<"lain h#- it su""#rts the reas#n) Let.s "ractice) Tell me i( I.*e made my e*idence su""#rt my reas#n) ;Cities sh#uld #utla- sm#king in city /uildings e*ery-here /ecause then "e#"le -ill sm#ke less).3 'h#- e*idence% Thirty "ercent (e-er "e#"le sm#ke in Ne- 5#rk City this year than last year) 0&#es this e*idence clearly su""#rt the reas#n #r d# I need t# -rite s#mething m#re t# e<"lain it s# "e#"le see it su""#rts my reas#n2 4#- a/#ut this% ;In Ne- 5#rk
Unit 4 The Research-Based Argument Essay A Lucy Calkins COMMON CORE UNIT City+ a la- -as "assed #utla-ing sm#king in /uildings and n#-+ a(ter that la-+ thirty "ercent (e-er "e#"le sm#ke in Ne- 5#rk City). &# y#u see that "l#""ing d#-n e*idence isn.t en#ugh23
0I.*e "ut t-# O"ini#n 1riting Checklists #n y#ur ta/les-#ne is (#r (#urth grade and #ne is (i(th #r si<th) 5#u decide -here y#ur -riting (its right n#-) 5#u kn#- that the /est s"#rts c#aches are *ery t#ugh #n their athletes) They d#n.t let them get a-ay -ith anything) Th#se c#aches s"#t a sl#""y m#*e and #n it8 They call #ut+ ;5#u can d# /etter8. 5#u need t# /e like a really t#ugh c#ach (#r y#ursel() &#n.t say ;?##d en#ugh+. say ;I can make this /etter8. Aim (#r the sky) 9lease set a g#al (#r y#ursel( (r#m the checklists y#u see)3 9ass #ut an essay that meets the Dth grade g#als #n "g) BE = C&$ and checklist item la/els that students -ill stick #n t# the essay -here they see the student has met each g#al)
04a*e any #( y#u -atched any #( th#se reality TF sh#-s -here they d# a make-#*er2 I (eel like y#ur -#rk -hen thr#ugh #ne #( th#se yesterday) 1e c#uld d# a dis"lay #( ;used t# /e. and ;is n#-. t# sh#- h#- much y#u.*e im"r#*ed /y adding e*idence) My 6#/ is t# hel" y#u get sky high -ith h#- ama:ing y#ur -riting is83 0It -hel"s t# include the e<act -#rds that "e#"le say) '#+ -hat makes a ,u#tati#n "#-er(ul2 1hen y#u.*e had an argument -ith a (riend #r (amily mem/er+ y#u.*e "r#/a/ly said+ ;4e said7. #r ;'he said7. and then y#u ga*e s#me "articularly str#ng ,u#tati#n) But h#- d#es this -#rk in -riting23 Teaching 9#int% 0The ,uesti#n y#u.ll /e e<"l#ring is this% -hat makes a ,u#tati#n "#-er(ul23
BEN& I% 'tudents dra(t letters t# the "rinci"al taking a stance #n the issue #( ch#c#late milk) They c#llect and include e*idence (r#m articles and *ide#s+ "ara"hrasing and ,u#ting it) BEN& II% 'tudents -#rk t#-ards "anel "resentati#ns+ as "er the "rinci"al.s res"#nse t# their letters) They research and -rite m#re+ thinking critically+ e*aluating e*idence+ and c#nsidering their audience) BEN& III% 'tudents a""ly -hat they.*e learned in essays #n indi*idually ch#sen issues)
T# get us started I.ll #((er u" a te<t-a girl telling a/#ut a (ight she sa- #n the "laygr#und) 4er acc#unt is (ull #( ,u#tati#ns+ and they make it "#-er(ul) Think a/#ut -hy its "#-er(ul) &is"lay transcri"t ") 4>$) 1hat has she d#ne that y#u c#uld d# in y#ur -riting2 Turn and talk) Rec#rd #/ser*ati#n #n chart 01hat Makes a Cu#tati#n 9#-er(ul23 ch##ses the ,u#tes that stand #ut the m#st+ ch##ses sur"rising ,u#tes+ ch##ses li(e less#n ,u#tes+ e<"lained -hat -as im"#rtant a/#ut the ,u#tati#n+ sh#-ed -h# said each ,u#te+ etc$ I /et y#u are an<i#us t# get /ack t# y#ur te<ts and *ide#s t# try adding ,u#tes t# y#ur letters) &#n.t (#rget that -riters als# "ara"hrase+ "utting e*idence int# their #-n -#rds s#metimes) Add t# chart "g) 4B$
Using Transiti#nal 9hrases /et-een 1riting and A Cu#tati#n% 9#int #ut #ne student -h# has G)ed "hrases like ;In the article7. #r ;Acc#rding t# the *ide#7. t# set u" their ,u#tati#n) Re*eal chart and enc#urage students t# d# the same) ")44$ 'hare a student.s -#rk -h# has gi*en s#me /ackgr#und kn#-ledge #n a s#urce she cited) 0Listen t# this secti#n #( her -riting+ "aying attenti#n t# the -ay she intr#duced the "ers#n she -as ,u#ting) 'he included s#me /ackgr#und in(#rmati#n #n Aamie Oli*er /e(#re she ,u#ted him) ;Acc#rding t# (am#us che( Aamie Oli*er+7. 4#- else c#uld she ha*e -#rded an intr#ducti#n (#r Aamie Oli*er2 This is such im"#rtant -#rk) As y#u c#ntinue t# -rite+ think a/#ut the in(#rmati#n+ /ut als# the s#urce83 Add t# chart ") 4H$ Add m#re ,u#tes+ and include in(#rmati#n #n the s#urces t##8
In this sessi#n+ y#u c#uld teach students that -riters dra(t and dra(t again+ setting them u" t# -rite a nedra(t that inc#r"#rates additi#nal e*idence and thinking)
Mini-Lesson (10 min) T#day y#u -ill ask students t# redra(t their r#ugh dra(t letters+ inc#r"#rating the ne e*idence they.*e ac,uired #*er the "ast t-# days) 5#u.ll (ind that -hen students start (resh+ they may /e m#re likely t# integrate ne- learning int# their ne- dra(ts+ as #""#sed t# s"rinkling in little /its here and there)
BEN& I% 'tudents dra(t letters t# the "rinci"al taking a stance #n the issue #( ch#c#late milk) They c#llect and include e*idence (r#m articles and *ide#s+ "ara"hrasing and ,u#ting it) BEN& II% 'tudents -#rk t#-ards "anel "resentati#ns+ as "er the "rinci"al.s res"#nse t# their letters) They research and -rite m#re+ thinking critically+ e*aluating e*idence+ and c#nsidering their audience) BEN& III% 'tudents a""ly -hat they.*e learned in essays #n indi*idually ch#sen issues)
01riters+ a y#ung man I kn#- recently t#ld me that he -ill /e clim/ing M#unt &enali in Alaska) &enali is the highest m#untain "eak in all #( N#rth America and clim/s IG+BIG (t a/#ut sea le*el8 Can y#u imagine2 4ere.s the thing th#ugh+ he isn.t 6ust clim/ing /y himsel() 4e.ll /e dragging a sled (ull #( >BG "#unds #( su""lies that he.ll need t# sur*i*e) And carrying a hea*y "ack8 It.s #ne thing t# clim/ a m#untain) It.s an#ther thing entirely t# d# it -ith all th#se e<tra "#unds #( -eight8 A (e- days ag# y#ur essays -ere #nly carrying a (e- "#unds #( -eight- a (e,u#tes+ a /it #( e*idence-and s# the -riting -as much easier) N#-+ they are carrying "#unds and "#unds #( e*idence and ,u#tes+ gathered (r#m their -#rk acr#ss the "ast t-# days+ and this makes -riting their argument letters a /it m#re ardu#us)3 Teaching 9#int% 01hen y#u are n#t 6ust -riting a letter+ /ut -riting a letter in -hich y#u carry the carg# #( e*idence+ d#ing am/iti#n+ challenging -#rk) It is n#t likely that y#ur (irst dra(t -ill /e y#ur /est e((#rt) Chances are y#u.ll -ant t# reread that dra(t+ decide -hat "arts #( it -#rk and -hat "arts d#n.t -#rk+ and then "lan and -rite an#ther dra(t)3 05#u c#uld make the ne- dra(t "ractically the same as the #ld #ne+ kee"ing the general structure+ /ut adding m#re al#ng the -ay) 5#u might ha*e ne- thinking and need t# re#rgani:e y#ur reas#ns) 1ill y#u d# a drumr#ll+ sa*ing the m#st im"#rtant reas#n (#r last2 Or -ill y#u g# (#r sh#ck *alue+ "utting the m#st sur"rising reas#n (irst2 5#u c#uld "ut >s ne<t t# anything y#u -ant in "aragra"h >+ #r try a di((erent meth#d)3
Writing and
Create /#<es #n a "a"er -ith "redicta/le "r#/lems y#u antici"ate children ha*ing+ and -alk ar#und the r##m #/ser*ing+ and 6#tting names int# /#<es) Then "ull small gr#u"s) ")JB$
'u""#rt stamina and *el#city+ use *#ice#*ers% 05#u sh#uld /e #n y#ur sec#nd "aragra"h n#-)3 &i*ide children int# (#ur gr#u"s+ in (#ur c#rners #( the r##m+ ha*ing >-I children sharing in each c#rner care(ully ch#sen as e<cellent e<am"les$) Enc#urage remaining students t# /e acti*e listeners+ and listen -ith a checklist in hand that c#uld hel" them gi*e s"eci(ic (eed/ack) 9ers#nal re(lecti#ns 'tart re*ising y#ur dra(t)
In this sessi#n+ y#u.ll teach students that -riters analy:e their e*idence and e<"lain their thinking+ s# that their #-n *#ice is "#-er(ul thr#ugh#ut their -riting)
'h#- *isuals and tell st#ry #( the /alances #( di((erent layer cakes) 0The (irst #ne -as a really dense cake+ -ith #nly a little /it #( (r#sting) It 6ust crum/led and needed m#re (r#sting t# h#ld it t#gether) The sec#nd #ne -as all this (r#sting+ -ith hardly any cake t# su""#rt it) And the third #ne -as76ust right8 It had 6ust the right /alance #( cake and (r#sting83 'h#- chart "g) JH$ Teaching 9#int% 0T#day I -ant t# teach y#u that a g##d argument is a /it like a layer cake- 6ust the right /alance #( dense+ researched e*idence layered /et-een rich thinking) T# achie*e this /alance+ y#u add y#ur #-n thinking and e<"lanati#ns as s#me (r#sting t# all y#ur e*idence cake83 0The trick t# this -#rk is n#t t# 6ust "l#" m#re and m#re e*idence int# y#ur -riting) 5#u ha*e t# remem/er t# e<"lain the signi(icance #( y#ur e*idence in #rder t# /ind it t#gether the -ay (r#sting h#lds t#gether cake) This means e<"laining y#ur thinking)3 'h#- anch#r chart #( ,uesti#ns -riters can ask t# hel" them add thinking t# e*idence ")JE$ ?i*e e<am"le #( h#- these ,uesti#ns hel"ed Aack+ -h#se "iece they studied a (e- days ag#) 4e had 6ust -ritten a /unch #( (acts) ")JE$ 4mmm7this d#es (eel as i( it.s all cake and n# (r#sting8 Its 6ust "ieces #( e*idence -ith n# thinking8 Listen t# h#- the dra(t changed a(ter he asked himsel( s#me #( these ,uesti#ns)3 ") JE$ 01e can als# use s#me sentence starters!th#ught "r#m"ts t# hel" us "ush #ur thinking)3 Re*eal 1ays t# 9ush Our Thinking chart ")DG$ 0L##k at y#ur letter and "ut y#ur (inger #n #ne "lace -here y#u used a l#t #( e*idence) 1ith y#ur "artner+ try these ,uesti#ns #r sentence starters t# hel" y#u add thinking83 4ighlight the -#rk a success(ul "artnershi" did) Add t# chart ")D>$
BEN& I% 'tudents dra(t letters t# the "rinci"al taking a stance #n the issue #( ch#c#late milk) They c#llect and include e*idence (r#m articles and *ide#s+ "ara"hrasing and ,u#ting it) BEN& II% 'tudents -#rk t#-ards "anel "resentati#ns+ as "er the "rinci"al.s res"#nse t# their letters) They research and -rite m#re+ thinking critically+ e*aluating e*idence+ and c#nsidering their audience) BEN& III% 'tudents a""ly -hat they.*e learned in essays #n indi*idually ch#sen issues)
Acti*e Engagement%
1hittle A-ay E*erything that &#esn.t 'u""#rt the 9#int% 0'#me #( y#u ha*e ,u#tes that are really l#ng+ that they d-ar( the #ther "arts #( y#ur -riting) Michaelangel#+ #ne #( the m#st (am#us artists in all #( hist#ry+ #nce descri/ed h#- he -ent a/#ut taking a /l#ck #( mar/le and turning it int# a scul"ture) 4e said+ ;I 6ust car*e a-ay anything that d#esn.t l##k like a li#n+ and I.m le(t -ith a li#n). In a -ay+ y#u need t# d# that same -#rk) Cut a-ay "arts #( a ,u#te that aren.t im"#rtant t# making y#ur "#int8 1hen t# ,u#te+ -hen t# "ara"hrase l#nger ,u#tes)
'ome(or): Cu#tati#ns are #(ten #*erused+ see -here y#u can "ara"hrase and eliminate s#me ,u#tes)
In this sessi#n+ y#u c#uld teach students that -riters care(ully c#nsider a *ariety #( (#rmats and ch##se the #ne that -ill e((ecti*ely c#n*ey their message)
Mini-Lesson (10 min) T#day y#u -ill set students u" t# make ch#ices a/#ut h#- their argument -ill /e "u/lished and h#- it -ill /e deli*ered t# its audience+ the "rinci"al)
BEN& I% 'tudents dra(t letters t# the "rinci"al taking a stance #n the issue #( ch#c#late milk) They c#llect and include e*idence (r#m articles and *ide#s+ "ara"hrasing and ,u#ting it) BEN& II% 'tudents -#rk t#-ards "anel "resentati#ns+ as "er the "rinci"al.s res"#nse t# their letters) They research and -rite m#re+ thinking critically+ e*aluating e*idence+ and c#nsidering their audience) BEN& III% 'tudents a""ly -hat they.*e learned in essays #n indi*idually ch#sen issues)
'hare a "iece #( y#ur #-n -riting e<ecuted in se*eral di((erent (#rmats email+ "rinted #n (ancy "a"er+ hand-ritten -ith c#l#red "en+ n#tecard+ etc$) Ask them t# think a/#ut h#- the letter.s (#rmat and style a((ects the t#ne #( the te<t+ the -ay it -ill /e "ercei*ed /y the reci"ient)
'end students #(( t# "re"are their letter in the (#rmat #( their ch#ice)
Make c#"ies (#r their "#rt(#li#s /e(#re deli*ering t# the "rinci"al)
Editing Ti"s ?lim"se #( traditi#n ar#und letters% htt"%!!---)/artle/y)c#m!KJ! Cha"ters IH and E gi*e s#me en6#ya/le rules (#r letter--riting) As -e -ait (#r y#ur re"lies+ y#u ha*e a great #""#rtunity t# ste" /ack and e<amine and cele/rate -hat y#u.*e d#ne8 N#- is a g##d time t# n#tice h#- y#ur -riting has gr#-n since the last time -e did this+ early in the unit) 5#ur arguments ha*e /ec#me much m#re s#"histicated+ s# y#u sh#uld see a l#t #( gr#-th8 ?i*e students time t# d# this -#rk #n their #-n+ and then in small gr#u"s l##k #*er c#"ies #( their letters L-hat they.*e d#ne -ell)
In this sessi#n+ y#u.ll teach students that -hen starting a research "r#6ect+ -riters think a/#ut h#- t# ca"ture the in(#rmati#n they need+ setting u" systems t# c#llect their kn#-ledge and research+ thus setting themsel*es u" t# -rite a l#t)
BEN& I% 'tudents dra(t letters t# the "rinci"al taking a stance #n the issue #( ch#c#late milk) They c#llect and include e*idence (r#m articles and *ide#s+ "ara"hrasing and ,u#ting it) BEN& II% 'tudents -#rk t#-ards "anel "resentati#ns+ as "er the "rinci"al.s res"#nse t# their letters) They research and -rite m#re+ thinking critically+ e*aluating e*idence+ and c#nsidering their audience) BEN& III% 'tudents a""ly -hat they.*e learned in essays #n indi*idually ch#sen issues)
01riters+ I ha*e s#me e<citing ne-s) 5#u kn#- h#- y#u sent y#ur letters t# the "rinci"al2 Aust t#day+ s#me#ne (r#m her #((ice deli*ered a res"#nse) I th#ught -e.d read it t#gether8 Letter #n ")H4$ Oh my g##dness+ -riters+ y#u ha*e really started s#mething) 5#ur -#rds are /eing taken s# seri#usly8 A series #( "anel discussi#ns -ith gr#-n-u"s (r#m the sch##l c#mmittee and -ith "arent re"resentati*es+ t##2 9#siti#n "a"ers-/ased #n much m#re research-s##n8 1#-83 01riters+ think hard a/#ut -hat this means) 1hen y#u are acti*ely engaged in changing s#mething small+ then #thers get interested+ and "retty s##n a -h#le gr#u" #( "e#"le are -#rking t#gether t# created a change y#u -ant #r de(end s#mething y#u care a/#ut8 This (eels gigantic8 I need t# kn#- i( y#u are game t# "artici"ate in the "anel+ t# -#rk #n the essays+ t# say ;5es8. This is g#ing t# /e a l#t #( -#rk+ /ecause -hat this means is that y#u start y#ur research #*er-much m#re dee"ly) I.*e g#t m#re res#urces y#u can read) 5#u game23 Teaching 9#int% 0T#day I -ant t# teach y#u that -hen -riters get started #n /ig -riting "r#6ects+ they #(ten start /y making sure they ha*e systems in "lace t# gather kn#-ledge and t# h#ld #nt# all their thinking s# n#ne #( it gets l#st as they research and dra(t) Als# it sets them u" t# think a l#t and -rite a l#t)3 0'# -hat systems d# y#u kn#- that -ill /est let y#u gather e*idence and h#ld #nt# y#ur thinking2 Let.s make a chart)3 (#lder (#r each reas#n+ /##klets+ n#tecards$ 0&#es #ne #( these systems seem right (#r y#u2 Can y#u think #( an#ther -ay2 Turn = talk)3 C#uld c#m/ine+ use n#tecards and then add t# (#lders$) 01hiche*er system y#u decide #n+ take the (irst c#u"le #( minutes #( -#rksh#" time t# c#llect y#ur materials+ then di*e int# researching and gathering e*idence right a-ay83
0It.s time t# settle int# y#ur system and ma<imi:e it) 5#u -ant t# get a l#t d#ne+ n#t tinker -ith 6#tting d#-n little /its #( in(#rmati#n) N#- is the time t# research and think and -rite a l#t83 01e can learn (r#m studying the -#rk #( #thers) 1e -#n.t ha*e time t# study e*ery#ne.s n#tetaking+ /ut I.m g#ing t# call #n a (e- #( y#u t# g# /ack t# y#ur -#rks"aces and set u" a museum #( y#ur n#te-taking strategy (#r us t# see)3 1hile they are getting ready+ dem#nstrate h#- y#u studied an#ther -riter.s system+ gleaning ideas (#r h#- y#u c#uld classi(y y#ur #-n n#tes) c#l#r c#ded n#tes+ lettered c#des t# side #( e*idence+ etc$) 'end students #(( t# study #ther systems+ then rec#n*ene t# make chart #( -hat students n#ticed as #"ti#ns ")E>$) @ind y#ur #-n s#urces and c#llect research)
In this sessi#n+ y#u c#uld teach students that -riters /ring all that they kn#- a/#ut reading critically int# -riting critically)
0I.m rereading 4arry 9#tter right n#-+ and I.m seeing s# much m#re in their early /##ks than I did the (irst time) 5#u.*e "r#/a/ly had this ha""en) @#r e<am"le+ the scene in /##k > -hen 4arry is at the :## and sees the /ig snake /ehind the glass+ &udley m#cks and "ushes him+ 4arry gets mad and melts the glass+ and the snake slides #ut #( the cage and says ;Thanks). The (irst time I read it I 6ust th#ught ;C##l+ the glass melted) And the snake talked) Fery c##l). But n#- that I.*e read all the #ther /##ks+ I kn#- s# much m#re) This time I th#ught+ ;The glass didn.t 6ust melt-that -as 4arry using his magic (#r the (irst time8 And the snake didn.t s"eak English) That -as the (irst time 4arry underst##d 9arselt#ngue+ the snake language he g#t -hen he g#t s#me #( F#ldem#rt.s "#-er) 1hat changed -as that n#- I kn#- m#re+ s# I sam#re in the te<t) The te<t didn.t change+ /ut I changed+ and that made my reading change)3 Teaching 9#int% 01riters+ t#day I -ant t# teach y#u that t# -rite -ell a/#ut in(#rmati#n+ y#u need t# kn#- it -ell) 1hen y#u kn#- in(#rmati#n -ell-like I kn#- the 4arry 9#tter series -elly#u reali:e that in(#rmati#n y#u read recently (its -ith in(#rmati#n y#u read earlier) A /ig "art #( -riting a/#ut in(#rmati#n is seeing c#nnecti#ns and c#ntradicti#ns /et-een s#urces #( in(#rmati#n) The m#re clearly -riters read their s#urces+ the /etter they can see th#se links)3 01hen y#u /ec#me m#re e<"ert #n a t#"ic+ it is ama:ing h#- much m#re y#u see in a te<t) This means it is -#rth-hile t# g# /ack t# te<ts y#u read a -hile ag# and l##k at them -ith (resh eyes) Let.s re*isit #ne #( #ur (irst te<ts+ ;Ch#c#late Milk% m#re 4arm(ul than 4ealth(ul). I.ll read it al#ud and let.s all l##k at it+ e<"ecting that -e -ill /ring m#re t# it n#-)3 Add neth#ughts in the margin) Teacher think-al#ud #n "g) EH Because #( all I n#- kn#-+ that #ne little /it #( te<t s"arked s# much m#re thinking in me8 This #nly -#rk+ th#ugh+ i( y#u /ring the right attitude int# rereading) Let.s read a little m#re #( this+ c#ntinuing t# /ring ne- kn#-ledge t# the te<t) 1hat d# y#u n#tice+ think+ remem/er2 1hat are y#ur c#nnecti#ns2 Turn and talk) 'hare #ut) Re*ie- ch#ices students may make as they g# #(( t# -#rk) 5#u ha*e t#ns #( ne- n#tes already) T#day y#u might -ant t# reread als# t# (ind hidden treasure y#u didn.t n#tice the (irst time) Add t# chart ")KG$
BEN& I% 'tudents dra(t letters t# the "rinci"al taking a stance #n the issue #( ch#c#late milk) They c#llect and include e*idence (r#m articles and *ide#s+ "ara"hrasing and ,u#ting it) BEN& II% 'tudents -#rk t#-ards "anel "resentati#ns+ as "er the "rinci"al.s res"#nse t# their letters) They research and -rite m#re+ thinking critically+ e*aluating e*idence+ and c#nsidering their audience) BEN& III% 'tudents a""ly -hat they.*e learned in essays #n indi*idually ch#sen issues)
Acti*e Engagement%
0I reali:e that #(ten+ -hat l##ks like di((erent "#ints are actually the same thing+ stated di((erently) ;@la*#red milk c#ntains as much sugar as s#da. and ;&rinking (la*#red milk is like ha*ing candy. may /e listed as t-# di((erent "#ints (#r y#u) But "ay attenti#n8 They are really the same8 Ask y#ursel( ;1hat is this "#int really a/#ut2 Is it a ne- idea #r a restatement #( s#mething I already ha*e2 Cr#ss #ut du"licates #r c#m/ine them t# #ne)3
S$are %ime (& min) 1hat can y#u kee" (r#m y#ur (irst letter2 Mark it and trans(er it8 'ome(or): ?et all y#ur materials and research ready t# dra(t t#m#rr#-8
In this sessi#n+ y#u.ll teach students that -riters #(ten "lan (#r and rehearse the entirety #( a dra(t+ and then ch##se a tricky "lace t# (#cus #n as they -#rk)
Tell a st#ry #( an athlete+ like Olym"ic gymnast ?a//y &#uglas+ -h# en*isi#ns the -h#le #( her e*ent /e(#re /eginning) 0Be(#re the (l##r r#utine that -#n her g#ld+ she -asn.t 6ust stretching -ith her hand m#*ements+ she -as en*isi#ning and "racticing the -h#le #( her r#utine /e(#re starting) Its like a singer -h# sings their -h#le s#ng /ackstage right /e(#re g#ing #n) 1riters d# this t##) It hel"s t# imagine -hat y#u.ll /e d#ing+ the intr#ducti#n+ a thesis+ (irst "aragra"h+ and s# #n)3 Teaching 9#int% 0T#day I -ant t# teach y#u that -riters+ like athletes+ #(ten en*isi#n themsel*es g#ing thr#ugh the "r#cess /e(#re getting started) '#metimes as they imagine -riting a /eginning+ middle+ and end #( a te<t+ they reali:e there is tr#u/le ahead) In th#se instances+ it can hel" t# tackle that /it #( tr#u/le /e(#re "icking u" the "en t# dra(t)3
BEN& I% 'tudents dra(t letters t# the "rinci"al taking a stance #n the issue #( ch#c#late milk) They c#llect and include e*idence (r#m articles and *ide#s+ "ara"hrasing and ,u#ting it) BEN& II% 'tudents -#rk t#-ards "anel "resentati#ns+ as "er the "rinci"al.s res"#nse t# their letters) They research and -rite m#re+ thinking critically+ e*aluating e*idence+ and c#nsidering their audience) BEN& III% 'tudents a""ly -hat they.*e learned in essays #n indi*idually ch#sen issues)
0Right n#-+ take a /lank "a"er+ and in y#ur mind+ t# y#ur sel( t#uch the t#" #( the "a"er and imagine the -#rk y#u -ill /e d#ing there2 Remem/er that a g##d intr#ducti#n -ill (irst drathe reader in t# care a/#ut the t#"ic) And it -ill include y#ur thesis) Be(#re y#u -rite y#ur reas#ns+ think #ut h#- y#u -ill #rder them) Are they g#ing (r#m least t# m#st im"#rtant2 '# n#-+ think a/#ut y#ur (irst "aragra"h) List y#ur e*idence acr#ss y#ur (ingers and think #( -hich #rder (#r the e*idence makes the m#st sense) T#uch the "art #( the "age -here that "art -ill g#) 5#u.ll -ant t# include at least #ne direct ,u#te) Mee" g#ing d#-n the "age en*isi#ning h#y#ur "a"er -ill g#)3 01ill y#u think right n#- i( #ne "art -as harder t# en*isi#n2 Is there a "art #( y#ur essay that y#u think y#u still need s#me hel" #n2 I( s#+ stay here #n the car"et) But i( y#u ha*e y#ur "lan in mind and are ready t# -rite (ast and (uri#us+ gi*e me a thum/s u" and I.ll send y#u t# -#rk)3 I( a student #n the (l##r says they are struggling -ith s#mething+ ask i( s#me#ne else #n the (l##r (eels g##d a/#ut that and c#uld hel" ment#r) 9air students u" t# hel" each #ther)
@r#nt-end re*isi#n is /etter than /ack-end re*isi#n) 0?a//y imagined her r#utine /eing /etter than anything she.d e*er d#ne) I( y#u essay (eels /lah7cr#ss #ut that "art right then and there and try again) Reali:e y#u can d# m#re and d# it83 ?i*e an e<am"le #( a student -h# did this) C#nclusi#ns% 'tudy sam"le student Aack.s ending C& and "g>GI-als# "ut #n chart "a"er$) Turn and talk) Tell y#u "artner s"eci(ically -hat y#u n#tice a/#ut the -ay Aack uses his c#nclusi#n t# /ring his argument t#gether) Chart ") >GI Cra(t 9#-er(ul Intr#ducti#ns% 'end h#me -ith a c#"y #( an anch#r chart ")>G4
Use a gym dum//ell anal#gy t# e<"lain that enc#untering challenges #r resistance can make us str#nger) 0I sa- a guy at the gym using the /iggest dum//ells and he l##ked like he -as in s# much "ain+ he -as struggling s# much) I asked him -hy he didn.t use a smaller dum//ell i( he -as in that much "ain) 4e said+ ;I.m n#t here t# -aste my time "retending t# e<ercise) I.m here t# get str#nger) I( it gi*es y#u n# resistance+ then it isn.t really making y#u str#nger) Muscles need t# /e challenged i( y#u -ant them t# gr#- str#nger) ?# hea*y #r g# h#me8.3 &ra- a "arallel t# h#- -e need t# d# this as -riters t##+ acce"t challenges) 01riters can strengthen their -riting /y menti#ning the ideas that "e#"le -#uld raise -hen challenging their argument) They ackn#-ledge c#unterclaims8 Think #( that "re(i< c#unterc#untercl#ck-ise+ c#unterstrike+ c#unteract+ etc7c#unter means against$)3 Teaching 9#int% 0T#day I -ant t# teach y#u that "ersuasi*e -riters antici"ate the c#unterclaim t# an argument and ackn#-ledge that c#unterclaim) They might use language like ;'ke"tics may think7. #r ;'#me -ill argue7. Then -riters re/ut the main c#unterargument)3
BEN& I% 'tudents dra(t letters t# the "rinci"al taking a stance #n the issue #( ch#c#late milk) They c#llect and include e*idence (r#m articles and *ide#s+ "ara"hrasing and ,u#ting it) BEN& II% 'tudents -#rk t#-ards "anel "resentati#ns+ as "er the "rinci"al.s res"#nse t# their letters) They research and -rite m#re+ thinking critically+ e*aluating e*idence+ and c#nsidering their audience) BEN& III% 'tudents a""ly -hat they.*e learned in essays #n indi*idually ch#sen issues)
0&em#nstrate the -ay -riters need t# imagine c#unterarguments+ th#se -h# -ill say 05eah+ /ut73 5#u.ll need t# /e "re"ared -ith a re/uttal t# strengthen y#ur argument) 4ere.s an argument essay I -r#te a/#ut the issue #( letting d#gs "lay l##se in the "ark early in the m#rning% Re*eal #n chart "a"er te<t #n ") >GH$) I.*e included n# resistance t# any #( my "#ints) I.m n#t taking #n any #( the 05eah+ /uts.3 #ut there)3 0I -ant t# sh#- y#u h#- -riters address the 05eah+ /uts)3 Reread y#ur "iece "retending y#u are s#me#ne -h# disagrees) 1atch me try this n#-)3 Use the 05eah+ /uts3 #n "age >GE) 01riters+ did y#u see -hat ha""ened here2 @#r e*ery "art in my essay+ I th#ught a/#ut -hat the re/uttal might /e) My #riginal argument l##ked a l#t -eaker a(ter all th#se c#unterarguments8 I ha*e t# d# s#mething a/#ut these i( I.m t# -in my reader /ack)3 0N#- y#u try it) Think a/#ut the ne<t t-# claims+ and in y#ur n#te/##k+ -rite a "assage that I can add int# my essay that ackn#-ledges the (irst c#unterclaim)3 Chart #( sentence starters "g)>GE 'hare #ut) 01riters+ here.s the "#int) 5#u need t# imagine h#- a "ers#n -ill argue against y#ur claim) ?ra/ a "artner t# hel" y#u think it thr#ugh83 Add t# chart "g)>>G$
Acti*e Engagement%
Using "r#m"ts (#r re/utting c#unterclaims sh#- chart ")>>>$) Try #ne #( these -ith y#ur "artner)
S$are %ime (& min) Let.s l##k /ack at this re*ised essay /y Aack t# see -hat he d#es that -e can try)
9ay attenti#n t# h#- he -ea*es c#unterclaims in+ /ut als# -here)3 9ass #ut c#"ies and underline c#unterclaims) Re*eal a chart "g)>>4$)
In this sessi#n+ y#u.ll teach students that argument -riters e*aluate e*idence t# ensure that their #-n arguments are s#lid)
04a*e y#u e*er heard the e<"ressi#n ;a h#use #( cards2. It.s an e<"ressi#n that means s#mething -ith an uns#und #r n#t a str#ng (#undati#n)3 'tart /uilding #ne (#r *isual) 0L##k h#- these t-# /#tt#m cards su""#rt the t#" card) I /et I c#uld kee" g#ing and kee" /uilding this h#use+ J #r m#re tiers u") But here.s the thing+ n# matter -hat+ it -ill al-ays /e a h#use /uilt #ut #( cards) And that means it.s -eak) I( I take 6ust #ne card a-ay+ the -h#le thing -ill c#lla"se)3 Teaching 9#int% 01riters+ t#day I -ant t# teach y#u that s#me reas#ns and e*idence are /etter than #thers) '#me are str#nger and lead t# *alid arguments+ and s#me are -eaker and can create in*alid arguments) T# /e sure y#u "r#*ide the str#ngest "#ssi/le reas#ns and e*idence+ it hel"s t# kee" asking the ,uesti#n+ 04#- d# I kn#-2. and /e sure that y#u can gi*e "recise+ e<act ans-ers)3
BEN& I% 'tudents dra(t letters t# the "rinci"al taking a stance #n the issue #( ch#c#late milk) They c#llect and include e*idence (r#m articles and *ide#s+ "ara"hrasing and ,u#ting it) BEN& II% 'tudents -#rk t#-ards "anel "resentati#ns+ as "er the "rinci"al.s res"#nse t# their letters) They research and -rite m#re+ thinking critically+ e*aluating e*idence+ and c#nsidering their audience) BEN& III% 'tudents a""ly -hat they.*e learned in essays #n indi*idually ch#sen issues)
05#u kn#- I l#*e crime sh#-s #n TF) 5#u.*e seen #nes -here the guy g#es t# c#urt and his la-yer makes an argument+ saying ;My guy didn.t d# it and I can "r#*e it /ecause he+ #ne+ has an ali/i+ and t#-+ he has a -itness). And then the la-yer (r#m the #ther side takes the stand and ri"s a"art the (irst statement) The ali/i -as (#r the -r#ng time) The -itness -asn.t relia/le /ecause7 5#u need t# d# this same la-yer-like thinking) Test the strength #( y#ur #-n argument as y#u -#rk it) Ask ;4#- d# y#u kn#-2.3 0Researchers ha*e (#und c#mm#n "r#/lems -ith arguments+ /ut instead #( telling these t# y#u+ I -ant y#u t# hel" me (igure it #ut) I.ll gi*e y#u a situati#n and a /unch #( reas#ns s# y#u can rank -hether th#se reas#ns are str#ng #r -eak) &#n.t think -hether y#u agree #r n#t) Think -hether the "ers#n su""#rted their argument)3 'ituati#n and reas#ns #n "g) >IG->I> C#ach "artnershi" c#n*ersati#ns /y "ushing 04#- d# y#u kn#-23 'hare #ut) Create chart as they share ")>II->IB$ 0'# s#me #( y#u -ere n#ticing that s#me arguments had a (la- /ecause they ga*e e*idence a/#ut -hat #ne "ers#n did and used that e<am"le t# assume that.s -hat e*ery#ne -#uld d# 9ers#ns C and B$) '#me #( y#u n#ticed an#ther (la-+ that the argument tried t# c#n*ince /y talking /adly a/#ut the "e#"le+ n#t their arguments 9ers#n &$) '#me 6ust assumed c#nse,uences -#uld ha""en -hen there -as n# e*idence that it -#uld 9ers#n B$) '#me -ere /asing their -h#le argument #n s#mething that they are saying is true /ut may/e isn.t really 9ers#n A$)3 05#u.ll -ant t# start t#day /y rereading y#ur e*idence sus"ici#usly+ checking (#r these (la-s83
0I( y#u catch a (la- in y#ur e*idence+ turn /ack t# research in #rder t# c#rrect it)3 0L##k #*er y#ur e*idence and "#int t# a s"#t y#u c#uld e<"lain (urther+ #r -here y#u see a (la-)3 'hare) U"date chart ")>IH$
In America+ -hen s#me#ne is #n trial+ they are guaranteed a 6ury #( "eers+ a di*erse gr#u" #( "e#"le t# ensure the trial is (air) The la-yer needs t# think a/#ut all the di((erent "e#"le sitting #n the 6ury and h#- he can c#n*ince them that his client is inn#cent) The la-yer has t# think a/#ut his audience)3 0U" until n#-+ y#u.*e /een -#rking hard t# determine -hat y#u /elie*e a/#ut the r#le #( ch#c#late milk in sch##ls) N#- c#mes the hard "art-n#- y#u ha*e t# (igure #ut h#- t# c#n*ince n#t #nly y#ursel*es+ /ut y#u audience as -ell)3 0In 6ust days+ s#me #( y#u -ill "resent t# #ther kids in #ur sch##l+ s#me t# "arents+ ca(eteria sta((+ and "rinci"al) 5#ur audience -ill 6udge the *ari#us arguments they hear and cast *#tes) Re*eal -h# -ill "resent t# -h#m$) That.s a -h#le l#t #( "e#"le t# c#n*ince+ and di((erent kinds #( "e#"le8 1e might need t# t-eak #ur arguments de"ending #n -h# -e are "resenting t#)3 Teaching 9#int% 0The ,uesti#n -e.ll /e e<"l#ring is% 1hat "ersuasi*e techni,ues hel" us addressand s-ay-a "articular audience23
0I -ant y#u t# #/ser*e a little reenactment #( s#mething I -itnessed in an#ther sch##l recently) 1h# -ants t# /e my *#lunteer2 5#u.ll /e the "rinci"al at that #ther sch##l) I.m g#ing t# /e the kids -h# are trying t# c#n*ince the "rinci"al that recess sh#uld /e l#nger) I( I (ail t# c#n*ince y#u -ith me reas#ns+ cr#ss y#ur arms and make a /u::er s#und) 1hen I c#n*ince y#u+ say ding ding ding83 'cri"t #n ")>BI) 01hat c#n*inced y#u+ "rinci"al2 9artners turn and talk a/#ut -hat y#u think c#n*inced the "rinci"al)3 Create chart ")>B4 'et "artners u" t# r#le "lay c#n*incing an audience #( their stance #n ch#c#late milk) @irst ha*e "artner > try t# c#n*ince "artner I re"resenting a "anel #( kids$) Then s-itch "anel #( "arents$) 04#- did it change -hen talking t# a di((erent audience23 Add t# chart) 0Take a m#ment t# re*ie- s#me #( the charts -e.*e made t#gether as a -ay t# get ready t# d# y#ur /est -riting) I h#"e that all #( y#u -ill als# think #( y#ur audience as y#u -#rk t#day) Ask y#ursel(+ ;1hat can I add t# my dra(t that -ill angle it t# get that gr#u" #( "e#"le #n /#ard -ith -hat I /elie*e2. O(( y#u g#83
Ch##se the right -#rds (#r y#ur audience% kid talk *s) "r#(essi#nal talk &i*ide kids int# gr#u"s /y audience acr#ss r##m+ and enc#urage them t# -#rk t#gether t# /rainst#rm -ays t# a((ect their "articular audience) @#ll#- u" #n "lans made in share time+ #n h#- t# /est c#n*ince y#ur audience)
In this sessi#n+ y#u c#uld guide students t# "resent their arguments in "anels+ n#ting that argument -riters aim t# share their arguments in real-li(e situati#ns in #rder t# s-ay audience #"ini#n and enact "#siti*e change)
T#day.s Miniless#n -ill /e t# set students u" (#r the /ig -#rk #( the day-the "anel "resentati#ns) 1hen y#u say 0O(( y#u g#3 t#day+ they.ll head t# their *ari#us "#siti#ns ar#und the sch##l t# "resent their "#siti#n "a"ers #n ch#c#late milk t# a *ariety #( "reselected audiences) A(ter+ y#u.ll gather them t#gether t# re(lect #n their "resentati#ns and the -riting "r#cess and t# set g#als (#r Bend III #( the unit)
BEN& I% 'tudents dra(t letters t# the "rinci"al taking a stance #n the issue #( ch#c#late milk) They c#llect and include e*idence (r#m articles and *ide#s+ "ara"hrasing and ,u#ting it) BEN& II% 'tudents -#rk t#-ards "anel "resentati#ns+ as "er the "rinci"al.s res"#nse t# their letters) They research and -rite m#re+ thinking critically+ e*aluating e*idence+ and c#nsidering their audience) BEN& III% 'tudents a""ly -hat they.*e learned in essays #n indi*idually ch#sen issues)
'ecure *#lunteers (#r the "anel @#r an #((icial (eel+ "rint and sta"le each gr#u".s "#siti#n "a"ers and "ut a (e- #n dis"lay (#r the audience t# "eruse+ "erha"s side /y side -ith the s#urces children dre- #n t# su""#rt their arguments) Once /#th sides "resent+ all#- time (#r audience ,uesti#ns) &etermine -hat the #utc#me -ill /e (#r the -inning side) "#st (indings in ca(eteria+ actually rem#*e ch#c#late milk+ "resentati#ns t# classr##ms+ etc$
01riters+ let.s n#t -aste a minute+ /ecause *ery s##n each #ne #( y#u -ill /e "resenting y#ur (indings t# an audience) ?i*e y#ur sel*es a "at #n the /ack8 All the -#rk y#u.*e d#ne t# "re"are (#r t#day.s "anels -ill /e (#r naught i( y#u d#n.t gi*e e,ual care t# h#- y#u "resent y#ursel( t#day) 5#u.ll need t# stand u" tall+ s"eak in a l#ud+ clear *#ice+ a*#id (idgeting and giggling+ and greet and engage y#ur audience83 &em#nstrate "resenting "##rly+ and then "resenting clearly) 'et children u" in "artnershi"s t# d# the same "ractice) Then send them #(( t# their "anels -ith their "#siti#n "a"ers)
@irst+ hel" students re(lect #n the -#rk they.*e d#ne that culminated in their "resentati#ns+ thinking+ 01hat -#rked es"ecially -ell23 and 01hat might I ha*e d#ne di((erently23 'ec#nd+ re*isit the O"ini#n 1riting Checklist+ "assing #ut c#"ies+ and hel" them c#nsider -hich #( these they ha*e -ithin gras" and -hich they might culti*ate g#ing (#r-ard) That is+ y#u.ll -ant them t# set *ery s"eci(ic g#als (#r the ne<t /end)
In this sessi#n+ y#u c#uld teach students that -riters use argument skills in a *ariety #( -ays+ in a *ariety #( c#nte<ts)
%$is isn;t a traditiona, ,esson< 0at$er4 (e suggest t$at 2ou ma)e time in ot$er 6arts o! 2our da2 to strengt$en 2our students; s)i,,s in argument< Immerse t$em in t$e .u,ture o! de9ate4 or argumentation<
BEN& I% 'tudents dra(t letters t# the "rinci"al taking a stance #n the issue #( ch#c#late milk) They c#llect and include e*idence (r#m articles and *ide#s+ "ara"hrasing and ,u#ting it) BEN& II% 'tudents -#rk t#-ards "anel "resentati#ns+ as "er the "rinci"al.s res"#nse t# their letters) They research and -rite m#re+ thinking critically+ e*aluating e*idence+ and c#nsidering their audience) BEN& III% 'tudents a""ly -hat they.*e learned in essays #n indi*idually ch#sen issues)
'elect a -h#le class read-al#ud that -#uld /e (itting (#r de/ating an argument) Let them kn#- that instead #( listening t# de*el#" ideas a/#ut the characters and the st#ry+ they.*e listen -ith an argument in mind+ -eighing -hich "#siti#n they -ant t# take #n the argument) 9#ssi/le te<t% 0'tray+3 a sh#rt st#ry (r#m E*ery Li*ing Thing /y Cynthia Rylant) The de/ate c#uld /e #n -hether &#ris is str#ng #r -eak) Ask y#ur students t# listen in a -ay that all#-s them t# decide -hich "#siti#n they -ill take and -hy) Nudge students t# think dee"ly /y "ausing in selected s"#ts t# react and t# ask students t# st#" and 6#t+ "ushing them t# think a/#ut the argument at hand) 5#u might #((er "r#m"ts t# nudge students t# turn and talk #r st#" and 6#t% o 0Let.s st#" here t# think a/#ut -hat -e kn#- a/#ut NNNNN s# (ar) 1hat "#siti#n are y#u starting t# take #n the character s# (ar2 Make s#me n#tes t# y#ursel() A#t+ ;'# (ar+ I am taking the "#siti#n that7.3 o 0Are y#u thinking a/#ut that ,uesti#n2 1hat "#siti#n are y#u taking right n#-2 1hat reas#ns and e*idence ha*e y#u gathered2 Tell y#ur "artner -hat "#siti#n y#u are taking and -hy)3 o 0N#- that -e.*e (inished reading+ -hat are y#u thinking2 1hat "#siti#n d# y#u take2 L##k #*er y#ur n#tes and get ready t# ch##se a "#siti#n) 5#u can re*ise #r add t# y#ur n#tes) &# that n#-)3 Run a de/ate -ith their "#siti#ns) ?# #*er -hat that -#uld l##k like) Anch#r chart ")>4K) ?i*e them time t# "lan) @#rm t-# lines (acing each #ther+ #ne "#siti#n #n #ne side+ #ne #n the #ther) 'hake hands) &e/ate) C#ach them t# raise the le*el #( their arguments% o Teach them t# strengthen the #rgani:ati#n #( their argument) o Teach them t# c#nsider c#unterarguments as they "lan) o Teach them t# /e strategic a/#ut "resenting e*idence) o Teach them t# c#nnect e*idence t# the "#int) o Teach them t# re/ut each #( the #""#nent.s "#ints systematically) C#nclude the de/ate) 9erha"s ha*e them -#rk t#gether t# (#rm a 0"#siti#n C+3 a m#re nuanced statement that each can agree #n)
&e/ate "r#cesses and s#luti#ns in mathematics) &e/ate -hich hy"#thesis is m#re likely t# /e "r#*en in science) &e/ate hist#ric e*ents (r#m multi"le "ers"ecti*es in s#cial studies)
In this sessi#n+ y#u.ll teach students that argument -riters stand u" (#r -hat they /elie*e in+ dra-ing #n all they ha*e learned t# /uild a str#ng case)
05#u may ha*e th#ught+ -riters+ that the "ast (e- -eeks -ere all a/#ut ch#c#late milk) And that issue -as certainly the (#cus #( y#ur arguments) But as I -atched y#u research and argue+ I ha*e reali:ed that+ actually+ y#u ha*e /een learning t# /ec#me e((ecti*e acti*ist+ t# /ec#me "e#"le -h# (ight hard t# make changes in the -#rld) N#- that y#u.*e made "e#"le l##k di((erently at ch#c#late milk+ I.m thinking y#u can use y#ur -riting t# make #thers in y#ur c#mmunity think di((erently a/#ut #ther things as -ell) That.s huge)3 Teaching 9#int% 0'#cial acti*ists (ight t# make change) They get in*#l*ed -ith things they kn#and care a/#ut+ d# their research+ and then -rite #r s"eak t# a((ect the -ays #thers see that same t#"ic) T# /ec#me s#cial acti*ists+ y#u need t# use all the skills y#u.*e learned u" until t#day t# argue (#r things that matter t# 5OU83 Tell a st#ry a/#ut h#- y#u used -riting t# make a di((erence se*eral times t# e((ect change) E<"lain that -hen y#u -r#te t# make a di((erent+ y#u n#t #nly made change+ /ut y#u /egan a li(etime #( -riting (#r real--#rld "ur"#ses) E<am"le #n "g) >JH- M#ld in d#rm r##m$ 0The reas#n I.m telling y#u all this is that I -ant y#u t# see that -hen I l##ked ar#und me+ at my li(e+ I n#ticed stu(( that -as n#t right ar#und me+ that had g#ne #n (#r ,uite a -hile+ and that -as s#mething -#rth researching and arguing)3 0'# my ,uesti#n t# y#u t#day is this% 1hat is it that y#u -ant s#me#ne in y#ur -#rld-s#me#ne in y#ur li(e-t# think di((erently a/#ut #r d# s#mething a/#ut2 1hat -#uld y#u like t# change2 1hat little #r /ig thing at h#me2 1hat little s#mething-#r /ig s#mething-that y#u n#tice #n y#ur -ay t# sch##l e*ery m#rning2 1hat a/#ut during sch##l assem/ly2 In the ca(eteria2 At the "laygr#und2 In the halls2 A(ter sch##l2 On y#ur team2 5#u can take any issue and argue t# change it) In silence (#r a minute+ I -ant y#u t# list things y#u.*e e<"erienced #r #/ser*ed that y#u -ant t# argue a/#ut and change)3 0N#- try 6#tting s#me /#<es and /ullets (#r #ne #r t-# #( these ideas) Imagine y#u -ere "lanning and argument right n#-) 4#- might it g#2 1rite a "lan)3
BEN& I% 'tudents dra(t letters t# the "rinci"al taking a stance #n the issue #( ch#c#late milk) They c#llect and include e*idence (r#m articles and *ide#s+ "ara"hrasing and ,u#ting it) BEN& II% 'tudents -#rk t#-ards "anel "resentati#ns+ as "er the "rinci"al.s res"#nse t# their letters) They research and -rite m#re+ thinking critically+ e*aluating e*idence+ and c#nsidering their audience) BEN& III% 'tudents a""ly -hat they.*e learned in essays #n indi*idually ch#sen issues)
Acti*e Engagement%
Take y#ur "artner and rehearse y#ur (a*#rite idea /y gi*ing a little s"eech a/#ut it) 0Be(#re y#u actually start (lash-dra(ting+ take a minute t# make sure y#ur claim is s"eci(ic) Try a /unch #( -ays t# say it until y#u.*e (#und a -ay t# say e<actly -hat y#u mean) Try that n#- in y#ur n#te/##ks% 9it /ulls are /ad O In #ther -#rds+ they are *ery danger#us O In #ther -#rds+ "e#"le sh#uldn.t ha*e them as "ets) They sh#uld /e /anned) Then circle the #ne that is the m#st s"eci(ic and accurate) Then get started) &#n.t (#rget a/#ut all #ur anch#r charts83
Writing and on!erring ("0# min) Mid-1#rksh#" Teaching 9#int% 9lan -ith y#ur deadline in mind) Create a timeline (#r this -eek S$are %ime (& min) 5#u are y#ur #-n 6#/ ca"tain) Make y#ursel( a t#-d# list)
In this sessi#n+ y#u.ll teach students that argument -riters (ind s#me #( the m#st "ersuasi*e e*idence in e*eryday li(e)
'hare the e*idence y#u used t# -rite the "ersuasi*e letter y#u cited in the last sessi#n) 9ictures #( m#ld+ d#ct#rs n#te+ and inter*ie-ith #ther d#rm tenants+ etc$ 0That letter -as #ne #( the m#st "ersuasi*e "ieces #( -riting I ha*e e*er auth#red) 4ere.s the thing I -ant y#u t# n#tice) I didn.t 6ust sit at my desk t# -rite it) I had t# g# #ut and d# research+ and I did that n#t 6ust /y reading+ /ut als# /y meeting "e#"le+ g#ing "laces+ and talking) I did use s#me "rint res#urces #n m#ld+ /ut a /igger "art #( my research in*#l*ed c#llecting ,u#tes (r#m #thers and taking c#m"elling "h#t#gra"hs)3 Teaching 9#int% 01riters+ t#day I -ant t# teach y#u that -riters turn the -#rld u"side d#-n t# c#llect the in(#rmati#n they need t# clari(y their -riting and strengthen their arguments) As -riters disc#*er and c#llect in(#rmati#n (r#m their en*ir#nment+ they are th#ught(ul and deli/erate as they decide -hat t# include and h#- t# include it)3 0@#r t#day.s Miniless#n+ I -ant t# gi*e y#u s#me ti"s+ and then later I.m g#ing t# gi*e y#u s#me time t# d# a /it #( "lanning) 5#u.ll /e "lanning the real-li(e research y#u need t# d#-and its research that needs t# /e d#ne TO&A5 and this e*ening)3 0O(ten researchers decide t# -rite a/#ut t#"ics that are gr#unded in their #-n li(e+ and they kn#- that it isn.t al-ays that easy t# d# a c#m"uter search and turn u" rele*ant in(#rmati#n) '#metimes+ the /est s#urce #( in(#rmati#n is right /e(#re y#ur eyes-in y#ur (riends+ y#ur teachers+ y#ur "rinci"al+ y#ur (amily+ in the "#lice and sh#"kee"ers and li/rarians in y#ur t#-n)3 0I.m g#ing t# gi*e y#u a (e- ti"s that can hel" y#u research -hat is right /e(#re y#ur eyes% o One-details matter) 5#u can.t rec#rd e*ery detail+ s# ch##se the /est #nes+ the kind that -ill really make y#ur readers see #r (eel s#mething a/#ut y#ur t#"ic) o T-#-Once y#u get a #ne "iece #( in(#rmati#n that (eels im"#rtant and interestingP try t# get #thers that g# -ith it) Instead #( ha*ing each "ers#n talk a/#ut s#mething di((erent+ try the same) o Three-Remem/er that num/ers can "ersuade as much as details) One #ut #( (i*e) Eighty "ercent) 5#u.ll actually ha*e s#me statistics /ehind y#ur claim)3 ?i*e students a (e- minutes t# d# s#me "lanning) 'uggest making a t#-d# list #( "laces t# g#+ "e#"le t# talk t#+ sur*eys t# c#nduct+ and d#cuments t# c#"y+ etc) 'hare -ith "artner) Remind -riters #( e*idence they c#uld c#llect+ including n#n-"rint+ in-(r#nt-#(-y#u s#urces)
BEN& I% 'tudents dra(t letters t# the "rinci"al taking a stance #n the issue #( ch#c#late milk) They c#llect and include e*idence (r#m articles and *ide#s+ "ara"hrasing and ,u#ting it) BEN& II% 'tudents -#rk t#-ards "anel "resentati#ns+ as "er the "rinci"al.s res"#nse t# their letters) They research and -rite m#re+ thinking critically+ e*aluating e*idence+ and c#nsidering their audience) BEN& III% 'tudents a""ly -hat they.*e learned in essays #n indi*idually ch#sen issues)
Acti*e Engagement%
A sh#rt "r#6ect can lead t# many m#re- kee" a list #( lingering ,uesti#ns and interests8 'hare ,uesti#ns and c#n(usi#ns y#u still ha*e -ith a "artner) Its im"#rtant t# attend t# these) C#llect 0in-(r#nt-#(-y#u3 s#urces (r#m t#-d# list)
Wor)s$o6 mig$t seem disorder,2 no( t$at ever2one is (or)ing inde6endent,2 and t$at is o)a2< =ou .an use voi.eovers4 or guide,ines on t$e 9oard4 or dro6 note $ints to students as reminders o! ($at t$e2 )no(<
BEN& I% 'tudents dra(t letters t# the "rinci"al taking a stance #n the issue #( ch#c#late milk) They c#llect and include e*idence (r#m articles and *ide#s+ "ara"hrasing and ,u#ting it) BEN& II% 'tudents -#rk t#-ards "anel "resentati#ns+ as "er the "rinci"al.s res"#nse t# their letters) They research and -rite m#re+ thinking critically+ e*aluating e*idence+ and c#nsidering their audience) BEN& III% 'tudents a""ly -hat they.*e learned in essays #n indi*idually ch#sen issues)
4a*e students assess h#- they are "r#gressing t#-ards their deadline) They sh#uld ask themsel*es ,uesti#ns like% 04a*e I added in my ,u#tes23 04a*e I added my thinking t# my e*idence23 04a*e I tried #ut an intr#ducti#n and c#nclusi#n23 and 04a*e I /een -riting23 'hare a tale #( a time -hen y#u "r#crastinated t## l#ng #n a "a"er) Teaching 9#int% 0T#day I -ant t# teach y#u that as any -riter m#*es t#-ard a deadline+ the -riter takes st#ck #( his #r her dra(t #(ten+ making sure that the dra(t is c#ming al#ng and making sure t# lea*e time (#r signi(icant re*isi#n as needed)3 &em#nstrate (#r students h#- y#u can d# this s#rt #( taking st#ck) 5#u might use y#ur #-n -riting+ #r y#u may ch##se t# use a student.s -riting as a m#del) As y#u channel students t# re(lect+ sel(-assess+ and "lan+ /e sure y#u remind them t# l##k at the O"ini#n 1riting Checklist (#r si<th grade+ using it as a s#urce #( g#als (#r themsel*es) 'uggest that they 6#t sticky n#tes t# s"ell #ut their ne<t ste"s+ such as 0de*el#" c#nclusi#n3 and "ut them #n their dra(ts as reminders)
In*ite -riters t# #((er seminars t# #thers) 'tage #n-the-run+ ,uick de/ates+ -here they imagine c#unterclaims and try t# re(ute them) Re(lect #n the e<tent t# -hich their -riting meets the e<"ectati#ns #( the si<th-grade checklist) 9ass #ut la/els #( Dth grade checklist items and ha*e them la/el their #-n -riting like they did a sam"le -riting earlier in the unit$)
Session 17: Using A,, =ou @no( !rom ?t$er %26es o! Writing to Ma)e =our Arguments More 8o(er!u,
In this sessi#n+ y#u.ll teach students that argument -riters strengthen their arguments -hen they use all that they ha*e learned a/#ut #ther ty"es #( -riting)
%oda2 2ou (i,, (ant to give students 9ot$ more dire.tion and more tie to do t$e (or) o! ma)ing t$eir arguments as 6o(er!u, as 6ossi9,e<
BEN& I% 'tudents dra(t letters t# the "rinci"al taking a stance #n the issue #( ch#c#late milk) They c#llect and include e*idence (r#m articles and *ide#s+ "ara"hrasing and ,u#ting it) BEN& II% 'tudents -#rk t#-ards "anel "resentati#ns+ as "er the "rinci"al.s res"#nse t# their letters) They research and -rite m#re+ thinking critically+ e*aluating e*idence+ and c#nsidering their audience) BEN& III% 'tudents a""ly -hat they.*e learned in essays #n indi*idually ch#sen issues)
1hy d# essayists include small m#ments in their essays2 Think (#r a m#ment+ then turn and tell y#ur "artner y#ur ideas) o The m#ment /rings t# li(e the issue) o It can stir u" the reader.s em#ti#ns) o It can get t# the heart #( -hy they care a/#ut the issue) Teaching 9#int% 0T#day I -ant t# remind y#u that -hene*er y#u are d#ing #ne ty"e #( -riting+ such as argument+ y#u can still use e*erything y#u ha*e learned (r#m #ther ty"es #( -riting t# reach y#ur audience) In "articular+ y#ur st#rytelling cra(t can /e a "ersuasi*e techni,ue)3 'h#- students h#- t# d# this -#rk% o One -ay is t# include an in*ented #r imagined m#ment) That.s -here the -riter says s#mething like ;9icture this7. #r ;Imagine this7. o An#ther -ay is t# c#m/ thr#ugh y#ur research (#r a true small m#ment and tuck "art #( that m#ment int# y#ur essay+ an engaging -ay t# "resent e*idence)
Writing and
E<"ect o o o o o
t# lead s#me #( these "redicta/le c#n(erences% Teach students t# engage their readers /y thinking harder a/#ut their audience) 4el" them (ind a real and im"#rtant audience (#r their argument) 4el" students rehearse and re*ise the reas#ning in their arguments /y "ulling small gr#u"s int# de/ates) In*ite y#ur "#ets t# c#nsider language) Remind students that -riters are accurate -ith their ,u#tes and citati#ns)
4a*e #n hand a (e- -ell-ch#sen ment#r te<ts) B#< #ut #r mark "arts that y#u think -#uld /e "r#ducti*e t# study) Make them a*aila/le (#r students t# study (#r re*isi#n ideas) Cele/rate the -ays students ha*e made their -riting m#re "#-er(ul) 9ass #ut c#"ies #( #ne student.s -#rk t# study as a ment#r te<t t#night+ asking -hat did this student d# that make their -riting "#-er(ul+ that I c#uld try t##2
0I s# "r#ud t# see y#u -riting a/#ut real stu((-stu(( that matters in y#ur li*es8 And I.m als# n#ting that y#u can /e "retty "ersuasi*e -hen y#u set y#ur minds t# it8 Remem/er that y#u d#n.t 6ust -ant this reader t# c#nsider y#ur "#int #( *ie-) 5#u -ant t# c#n*ert the reader+ make a /elie*er #ut #( him #r her) 5#u -ant the reader t# end y#ur essay and think+ ;5es8 I agree -ith e*ery -#rd).3 0T# achie*e this le*el #( "ersuasi*eness+ -riters ha*e t# /e cle*er a/#ut the -ay they "resent their e*idence) They d#n.t 6ust gather+ gather+ gather e*idence and then "l#" this e*idence int# the essay) They test the l#gic #( this e*idence (r#m e*ery angle "#ssi/le t# make sure that n# h#les can /e "#ked thr#ugh it)3 Teaching 9#int% 0T#day+ I -ant t# teach y#u that truly "ersuasi*e -riters -#rd and "resent their e*idence in a -ay that is inc#ntesta/le) One -ay they d# this -#rk is t# make sure that they are n#t "resenting s"eci(ic e*idence as /eing true (#r all times and #ccasi#ns-unless it is)3
BEN& I% 'tudents dra(t letters t# the "rinci"al taking a stance #n the issue #( ch#c#late milk) They c#llect and include e*idence (r#m articles and *ide#s+ "ara"hrasing and ,u#ting it) BEN& II% 'tudents -#rk t#-ards "anel "resentati#ns+ as "er the "rinci"al.s res"#nse t# their letters) They research and -rite m#re+ thinking critically+ e*aluating e*idence+ and c#nsidering their audience) BEN& III% 'tudents a""ly -hat they.*e learned in essays #n indi*idually ch#sen issues)
01riters+ l##k at this "#int that I "icked #ut #( #ne "ersuasi*e essay)3 @li" t# chart "a"er -ith this e<cer"t% 0Our sch##l sh#uld (#rce kids t# -ear sch##l uni(#rms) One reas#n is that they are chea"er) ;1e ha*e t# s"end m#re m#ney /uying di((erent cl#thes (#r kids t# -ear t# sch##l e*eryday+. c#m"lained a "arent)3 0Let.s analy:e this e*idence) Can -e "#ke h#les thr#ugh this l#gic2 Can -e say+ ;'#rry -riter+ /ut I d#n.t agree -ith Mrs) 9arent). Turn t# y#ur "artner and share -hy y#u might disagree) 0The s#luti#n is n#t t# discard this e*idence #r try t# (ind #ther e*idence) This e*idence can -#rk8 But t# truly "ersuade us+ the -riter has t# set it u" di((erently)3 @li" t# ne<t chart) Re*ised e<cer"t #n ")>ED$ 0N#tice this time+ -e -ere care(ul n#t t# 6ust say ;uni(#rms are chea"er. like they al-ays are) Instead+ it used -#rds like usually) As a result+ this -riting is m#re h#nest) It isn.t claiming that a "#int is >GGQ true+ e*ery-here+ e*ery time)3 0Lets l##k at a little m#re #( this uni(#rm essay) Again+ see i( y#u can "#ke h#les in the l#gic) 'h#- e<cer"t T#" #( >EH$) Turn and talk) Think 04#- d# y#u kn#-23 0Is that al-ays true23 &em#nstrate h#- care(ully ch#sen -#rds like 0can3 0may3 0(#r many3 can hel") ?esture t#-ards "re*i#us chart 0C#mm#n @la-s in Reas#ning3 and ask students t# sel(-check)
Acti*e Engagement%
Cuick de/ates t# check accuracy and "recisi#n) Be sus"ici#us #( -#rds like 0al-ays3+ 0de(initely3 '#metimes a ,uick additi#n #( the -#rd 0m#st3 isn.t en#ugh) 5#u may ha*e t# re"hrase it all) &#g "arks e<am"le #n ")>K>$ 1rite a ne- dra(t+ making it the /est it can /e)
In this sessi#n+ y#u.ll remind students #( editing strategies they kn#- and -ill als# teach them strategies -riters use t# make decisi#ns a/#ut n#n-(icti#n "aragra"hs)
01riters+ as y#u get ready t# "u/lish y#ur argument essays+ I kn#- that y#u ha*e /een searching (#r real audiences (#r them)3 'hare the audiences s#me children ha*e selected) 0O( c#urse+ y#u.ll -ant y#ur -riting t# /e as "er(ect as "#ssi/le+ s# that n#thing -ill distract (r#m y#ur argument) That means7editing8 Turn and tell y#ur "artner+ -hat are a (e- things that y#u kn#- y#u really -ant t# d#u/le-check and (i< u" as y#u get ready t# "u/lish)3 @li" t# Editing Checklist anch#r chart #r "ass #ut c#"ies) These are the ,uick (i<es+ -riters) But there are grammar ch#ices that y#u.ll need-and -ant-t# think m#re dee"ly a/#ut+ th#se -hich ,uali(y as m#re im"#rtant -riting ch#ices) One #( these is -hen t# make a ne- "aragra"h) Teaching 9#int% 01riters+ t#day I -ant t# teach y#u that n#n(icti#n -riters #(ten use a "aragra"h t# intr#duce a ne- "art #r a ne- idea #r ne- reas#n) N#n(icti#n -riters als# use "aragra"hs t# hel" the reader -ith density-they think a/#ut h#- much in(#rmati#n a reader can handle at #ne time)3 0The "aragra"h in a st#ry is kind #( like a sign"#st (#r the reader that s#mething is changing) 1ell+ it.s the same in n#n(icti#n -riting) 5#ur "aragra"hs are like a sign"#st t# the reader saying+ ;9ay attenti#n8 '#mething is changing8.3 0I.m g#ing t# reread "art #( my argument a/#ut ha*ing d#gs in sch##l) 9g) >KJ$ 1atch as I read thr#ugh the lens #( "aragra"hing)3 @li" t# e<cer"t #n chart "a"er) 0Aust l##king at that much te<t -ith n# -hite s"ace is hard+ right2 It.s 6ust t## dense) It.s hard (#r the reader t# (#ll#-) '#+ -hat t# d#2 4#- d# y#u /reak this int# "aragra"hs23 Think al#ud) 04mm))I think I -#uld "aragra"h right a(ter this7)3 Mark ne- "aragra"hs) Call #n students t# hel" y#u (igure #ut -here else t# "aragra"h+ and t# e<"lain their "aragra"hing decisi#ns) Make sure s#me#ne menti#ns t# l##k (#r transiti#nal "hrases as a hint$ 0As y#u g# #((+ remem/er t# include all y#ur inserti#ns and n#tes #ut t# the side as y#u "u/lish) And remem/er+ -riters hel" each #ther) s# lucky t# -rite in a c#mmunity #( -riters) I( y#u (eel unsure a/#ut any #( y#ur (i<-it -#rk #r y#ur ch#ices+ reach #ut t# an#ther -riter)3
BEN& I% 'tudents dra(t letters t# the "rinci"al taking a stance #n the issue #( ch#c#late milk) They c#llect and include e*idence (r#m articles and *ide#s+ "ara"hrasing and ,u#ting it) BEN& II% 'tudents -#rk t#-ards "anel "resentati#ns+ as "er the "rinci"al.s res"#nse t# their letters) They research and -rite m#re+ thinking critically+ e*aluating e*idence+ and c#nsidering their audience) BEN& III% 'tudents a""ly -hat they.*e learned in essays #n indi*idually ch#sen issues)
Acti*e Engagement%
1riters are daring -ith -#rd ch#ices+ and are "r#/lem-s#l*ers -hen it c#mes t# s"elling) 'hare e<am"le) 'et students u" t# "eer-edit
In this sessi#n+ y#u c#uld teach students that argument -riters share and discuss their -riting+ and make "lans (#r h#- and -here it -ill li*e in the -#rld)
BEN& I% 'tudents dra(t letters t# the "rinci"al taking a stance #n the issue #( ch#c#late milk) They c#llect and include e*idence (r#m articles and *ide#s+ "ara"hrasing and ,u#ting it) BEN& II% 'tudents -#rk t#-ards "anel "resentati#ns+ as "er the "rinci"al.s res"#nse t# their letters) They research and -rite m#re+ thinking critically+ e*aluating e*idence+ and c#nsidering their audience) BEN& III% 'tudents a""ly -hat they.*e learned in essays #n indi*idually ch#sen issues)
Acti*e Engagement%
Writing and