Associação Empresarial de Águeda
Associação Empresarial de Águeda
Associação Empresarial de Águeda
Answer the phone. Say who you are. Say who you are. Ask to speak to Mrs Watson. Say shes not available. Offer to take a message. Ask when shes available. Not till Monday. Offer to take a message. Say when youd like her to call you back. Ask for the callers number and e tension. !ive your number and e tension. Ask the caller to spell his"her name. Spell your name and company name. #heck that you have all the information down correctly. $isten carefully% correct mistakes% say goodbye. any
T +351 234 639270/9 F +351 234 646590 NIPC 500832668 Rua da Indstria, 415, C !" , #I $N1 N rt%, &'( 199 ) 3754)909 *+u%da P rtu+a, -'.a%a(/ 0('t 111(a%a(/ 0('t