My Oral Glossary
My Oral Glossary
My Oral Glossary
Marketplace (noun)
Definition: sphere of trading: the commercial sphere where buying and selling takes place and the laws of supply and demand operate. This message found its way to me in the marketplace. It says here this is a marketplace.
Definition: merchandise, articles for sale or use, often those produced for later consumption, as opposed to services . These goods are selling briskly
Powerful (adjetive)
Definition: influential: able to exert a lot of influence and control over people and events. He gave a powerful performance. We have powerful evidence for this.
Wealthy (adjetive)
Definition: having a large amount of money or possessions. She comes from a wealthy background. She moves in wealthy circles.
Groovy (adjetive)
Definition: used, often as an exclamation, to describe somebody or something that is fashionable, excellent, or pleasing. No one believed in groovy either... Nobody groovy wants to sign my cast.
Western (noun)
Plot (noun)
Definition: a plan decided on in secret, especially to bring about an illegal or subversive act.
Lifelong (adj.)
Definition: lasting for life: lasting the whole of a lifetime. Every teacher must also be a lifelong learner. You don't have any lifelong friends.
Worship (verb)
Definition: to treat somebody or something as divine and show respect by engaging in acts of prayer and devotion. His Worship the Mayor. She worships her children.
Teepee (noun)
Definition: cultural anthropology Another spelling of tepee. The world's largest teepee, was a big disappointment. What does that leave them, a teepee?
Sled (noun)
Definition: small vehicle sliding over snow, a small low vehicle on ski-style or other runners, designed to be pulled over snow or ice by people or dogs. Keep the sled on my footprints. They killed every sled dog in town.
Earth (noun)
Definition: the solid dry land surface of Earth, as opposed to the sea or sky.
Exactly (adv.)
Definition: used to emphasize that a particular quality or quantity is stated precisely and used to emphasize that what is stated is true in all details or to the fullest extent. He did exactly what I said he would. One lap around the park is exactly two miles.
Wooden (adj.)
Definition: made of wood: made or consisting of wood. The house was a ramshackle, wooden affair. To have a wooden expression.
Bussines (noun)
Definition: line of work: a particular trade or profession. Commercial organization: a company or other organization that buys and sells goods, makes products, or provides services take over an ailing business. did you hear about that business yesterday?
Structure (noun)
Definition: something built or erected, a building, bridge, framework, or other object that has been put together from many different parts. System of parts: a system or organization made up of interrelated parts functioning as a whole. The work breakdown structure. the way the symphony is structured.
Brink (noun)
Definition: edge of something, the very edge of something such as a steep drop or riverbank
He was on the brink of ruin.
Destroy (verb)
Definition: to cause (something) to end or no longer exist : to cause the destruction of (something) : to damage (something) so badly that it cannot be repaired. It was imperative to destroy the bridge. Whole towns wer destroyed
Hunt (verb)
Definition: transitive and intransitive verb seek prey: to pursue an animal with the intention of capturing or killing it for sport or food Cats hunt mice and small birds. They've been hunting together for years.
Builder (noun)
Definition: person or company engaged in building or repairing houses or other large structures .
Salesman (noun)
Definition: man employed to sell something: a man who sells goods or services, either in a store or by contacting potential customers. The salesman gets a cut of 5%. "Death of a Salesman.
Cheap (adj.)
Definition: costing little: low in price or cost, or lower in price than might reasonably be expected. It's cheap at the price. The students can get cheap travel.
Square (noun)
Definition: rectangular object: an object in the shape of a square, or a rectangle that is nearly a square. An open, usually foursided area in a city or town where two or more streets meet, often containing trees, grass, and benches for recreational use.
Crosswalk (noun)
Definition: designated place for crossing street: a place marked on a street where pedestrians can cross the street safely. There's a traffic light ahead with a crosswalk button. There's a crosswalk 15 feet up the street.
Draw (verb)
Definition: to make a line, picture, or plan on a surface using a pencil, pen, or crayon rather than paints. to depict or describe something in words She drew a picture of a flower. He drew a vivid picture of life in 18th-century Philadelphia.
Injure (verb)
Definition: to cause physical damage to a person, animal, or body part. Offend somebody, to cause somebody distress by an unkind action or words. He was injured in the accident. Two players were injured.
Viewer (noun)
Own (verb)
Definition: used to emphasize that somebody or something belongs to a particular person or thing and not to somebody or something else. a cat nobody wants to own. I own I was wrong.
Subway (noun)
Bring (verb)
Definition: transitive verb accompany or carry somebody or something: to come from one place to another with somebody or something Please bring me a glass of water. This charm is supposed to bring luck.
Leash (noun)
Definition: a strap, chain, or rope used to control the animal it is attached to, especially a dog. And too something that controls or restrains somebody Our supervisor keeps us on a short leash. But the leash was slightly faster.
Roommate (noun)
Definition: somebody sharing room: somebody with whom a person shares a room, apartment, or house. Karla was my roommate first year. I believe you know my roommate.
Awful (adj.)
Definition: extremely bad: very bad or unpleasant an awful smell. Sick, in poor health.
Upset (adj.)
Definition: unhappy, disappointed, or emotionally distressed because of something that has happened.
Amuzing (adjetive)
I found it amusing.
I didn't find it amusing.
Citizen (noun)
Definition: legal resident of country: somebody who has the right to live in a country because he or she was born there or has been legally accepted as a permanent resident. ...the average citizen... The meanest citizen
Safety (noun)
Definition: protection from, or not being exposed to, the risk of harm or injury a safety device.
Borrow (verb)
Definition: to get temporary possession or use of something belonging to somebody else, usually after asking permission. Dad, can I borrow the car? "can I borrow your pen?"
Evans, V., Dooley, J., Criollo, R. & Olmos, B. (2010). Prime Time 2. Microsoft Encarta 2009. 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. Reservados Todos Los Derechos