This document lists 50 common AutoCAD commands and their corresponding keyboard shortcuts. Some examples include using "L" for the Line command, "C" for Circle, "A" for Arc, and "CTL+Z" for Undo. Many other drawing, editing, and viewing commands have assigned one-letter or hotkey shortcuts to allow for faster drafting in AutoCAD.
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This document lists 50 common AutoCAD commands and their corresponding keyboard shortcuts. Some examples include using "L" for the Line command, "C" for Circle, "A" for Arc, and "CTL+Z" for Undo. Many other drawing, editing, and viewing commands have assigned one-letter or hotkey shortcuts to allow for faster drafting in AutoCAD.
This document lists 50 common AutoCAD commands and their corresponding keyboard shortcuts. Some examples include using "L" for the Line command, "C" for Circle, "A" for Arc, and "CTL+Z" for Undo. Many other drawing, editing, and viewing commands have assigned one-letter or hotkey shortcuts to allow for faster drafting in AutoCAD.
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This document lists 50 common AutoCAD commands and their corresponding keyboard shortcuts. Some examples include using "L" for the Line command, "C" for Circle, "A" for Arc, and "CTL+Z" for Undo. Many other drawing, editing, and viewing commands have assigned one-letter or hotkey shortcuts to allow for faster drafting in AutoCAD.
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Auto CAD popular short cuts
Sl No. commands short cut
1 Line L 2 Circle C 3 Arc A 4 Ellipse El 5 Rectangle REC 5 Polyline PO 6 Donut DO 7 Hatch H 8 Text T 9 Dim. Linear DLI 10 Dim. Aligned DAL 11 Dim. diameter DDI 12 Dim. Arc DAR 13 Dim. Ordinate DOR 14 Dim. Style DST 15 New file N 16 Open file CTL+O 17 Close file Q 18 Save file CTL+S 19 Print file CTL+P 20 Undo CTL+Z 21 Redo CTL+Y 22 Cut CTL+X 23 Paste CTL+V 24 Copy CTL+C 25 Delete DEL 26 Zoom Z 27 Zoom All Z- space-A 28 Zoom Windo Z- space-W 29 Zoom extent Z-Space-E 30 Move M 31 Copy CO 32 scale SC 33 Rotate RO 34 Mirror MI 35 Array AR 36 Break BR 37 Trim TR 38 Extend EX 39 Stretch S 40 Distance DI 41 Chamfer CHA 42 Fillet F 43 Explode EX 44 Properties CTL+1 45 List LI 46 Match properties MO 47 Layer LA 48 Insert block I 49 Erase E 50 options OP