Tomato Chickpea Soup

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Tomato Chickpea Soup

Tomato Chickpea Soup 4 cups vegetable broth 1 14 oz. can chopped tomatoes, with juice (1 ! reserved" ! 1# oz. cans chick peas, drained and rinsed (1 ! reserved" 1 ! cup chopped onions, saut$ed %or about ! minutes & garlic cloves, saut$ed %or about ! minutes ! tablespoons lemon juice 1 4 cup %resh basil leaves 1 4 cup parsle' leaves (reserved" 1 4 cup e(tra virgin olive oil (reserved" salt and black pepper to taste )lace all ingredients, e(cept the reserved ingredients, into blender or %ood processor and secure lid. *lend on high until smooth. +emove top and add the remaining reserved ingredients. *lend %or an additional !, seconds.Cook soup in saucepan on medium low heat %or &, minutes. Serve immediatel'.

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