Game Directions
Game Directions
Game Directions
start first.
1 Roll the die. 2 Move your little guy to the number of spaces you rolled.
!f you land on solve 1 card" get a card #not challenge card$ and solve it. !f you get it right" you get to stay on the block. !f you get it wrong" you have to move 1 space backwards.
1 If you land on solve a challenge card, you get a challenge card and solve it. 2 If you get it right, you move 3 spaces ahead. If you get it wrong, you move 1 space backwards.
If you landed on any block that said to go to the hospital, first, you have to solve a challenge card. If you get it right, you get to go 3 spaces ahead like what it says on step 2 on challenge cards. !ut if you get it wrong, you have to solve the same card over and over again until you get it right and you can"t mover you little guy until you finally solve the card. #If you didn"t get forced to go to the hospital, you $ust need to follow the challenge card section which is if you get it right, you move 3 spaces ahead and if you get it wrong, you move 1 space backwards.
If you land on a block for e%ample solve a challenge card and get 1 e%tra turn or solve 2 cards and move 2 spaces ahead, you get to do what it offers you to do when you get it right. !ut if you get it wrong, you don"t get the special offer and
have to move 1 backward since you got the card#s& or the challenge card#s& wrong.
Notice: Please do not write or break/rip the cards, board, or the game pieces.