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Time: 3.00 Hours) (Maximum Marks: 100: Instructions

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056 ( E )
(JULY, 2009) Time : 3.00 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 100

Instructions : (1) Attempt all the questions. (2) Follow the instructions. (3) Begin new section on a new page. SECTION-A Question Nos. from 1 to 16 are multiple choice questions, each carring one mark. Choose the correct answer (Al B1 Cl D) from the given alternative responses and write it. 1. Which mineral element is essential for germination of pollen grains ? (A) Iron (B), Manganese (C) Boron (D) Zinc 16

2. Which white blood cells make 5 to 6% of the total Leucocytes ? (A) Monocytes (B) Basophils (C) Lymphocytes (D) Acidophils 3. Which substance is released from organ having chlorophyll according to Ingenhousz ? (A) (C) CO2 (B) (D) H2O 02


4. Which digestive gland is exocrine as well as endocrine ? (A) Spleen (B) Pancreas (C) Liver (D) Gall-bladder 056(E)


5. Which plant shows viviparous germination ?

(A) Avicennia (B) Azolla

(C) Orchid



6. Which one of the following is R.Q. of carbohydrate in the presence of

(A) 0.7 (C) 1 7. (B) (D) 4 oo (Infinity)

....... is an example of Thermonasty. (A) Lotus (C) Crocus (B) ( D) Sunflower Mimosa

8. Which mineral is essential for blood clotting ? (A) Potassium (C) Sodium (B) (D) Calcium Phosphorous

9. Which hormone has profound influence on the efficiency of endocrine system ? (A) Melanin ( B) . Melatonin (C) Zeatin (D) LH

10. Which one does not take part in 02 transport in Earthworm ? (A) Haemoglobin (B) Blood plasma (C) Blood vessels (D) Red blood cells 11. In which plant, root system is absent ? (A) Eichornia (C) Lotus (B) (D) Salvinia Ceratophyllum


[19] 12. In which diagnostic method, radio isotopes like C11 or 015 is used? (A) PET (B) MRI (C) CAT (D) DSA

13. Where do crabs stand in Trophic levels ?

(A) Primary carnivores (B) Secondary carnivores (C) Omnivores (D) Defritivores

14. How many genes are present in Human ? (A) 4,000 (B) 13,000 (C) 40,000 (D) 23 pairs

15. Which plant is an example of Commensalism ? (A) Leguminous plant (B) Lichen (C) Viscum (D) Orchids

16. What is called unreasonable dislike of anything ? (A) Hypochondria (B) Phobia (C) Stress (D) Frustration SECTION - B
Question Nos. from 17 to 32 are very short answer type questions.


Each question carry one mark. Give answer in the limit of 1 to 10 words. 17. Which mineral is essential for maintenance of ribosomal constitutes ? 18. Give the location and function of myoglobin. 19. Give full form of G3P. 20. What is Turgidity?
056(E ) P.T.O.

21. Explain term : Gemmules.
22. Which hormone increases permeability of collecting tubules ?
23. Deficiency of which mineral ion can increase amount of purple pigment in plant ? 24. What is Parthenocarpy ?

25. Write location and function of Bowman's gland.

26. Which vegetative organ of diascorea produces new plants ? 27. In Azolla, which symbiotic plant is present ? 28. Write effects of Carbon monoxide on human life. 29. What is Agglutination ? 30. How is sedge medow stage formed ? 31. Write the function of Killer T -cells. 32. Give the example of two plants to which Petroplants belong to. SECTION - C
Question Nos. from 33 to 44 are short answer type questions, each question 24 carries two marks. Give answers in the limit of 30 words.

33. Describe Photosynthetic and Chemosynthetic nutrition. 34. Explain the importance of S.A. and A.V. node. 35. What is Glaucoma ?

[21] 36. Write short notes on : `Polyembryony'. 37. Explain Free Radical Theory. 38. Give four effects of Androgen. 39. Describe mechanism of respiration in Arthropoda. 40. Explain Ecesis. 41. Classify vertebrae according to its location. 42. Explain significance of Transpiration.

Explain fermentation which occurs in Yeast. 43. Write the role of Lungs and Skin in excretion. 44. Write aims of Red light.

Write aims of Animal breeding. SECTION - D
Question Nos. from 45 to 52 are short answer type questions. Each question carries three marks. Give answer in the limit of 50 words.


45. Write short notes on `Pentose-Phosphate Pathway'. 46. Describe the effects of Auxins. 47. Write short notes on - `Biopiracy'.

056(E )


. [22]
48. Give the characteristic of wind pollinating plants. OR
Write the hormones of Thyroid and its functions.

49. Describe Egestion and Absorption of digested food.

50. Explain Haemodialysis. OR Describe Reflex Action. ( Diagram is not necessary) 51. Describe process of Oxidative Phosphorylation. (Chart is not necessary) 52. Describe adaptations to saline habitat. OR Give any six points of Water conservation. SECTION - E Question Nos. from 53 to 57 are long answer type questions . Each question carries four marks. Give answers in the limit of 100 words.
53. Explain Sonography. OR


Describe barriers of innate immunity.

54. Describe biological Nitrogen-fixation. (Chart is necessary) OR Describe Biosynthetic phase. (Chart is necessary)


[231 55. Describe the respiratory diseases caused by defects in trachea and tracheal vessels.

56. Write note on Soil pollution and its control. OR

Describe the depletion of Ozone layer and problems created by it.

57. Explain structure of Ovule and development of female gametophyte. (Diagram is necessary)

056(E )



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