Networking Technologies

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Networking Technologies

Computer network It is a communication system for connecting computers/hosts. And this is for better connectivity, better communication, better sharing of resources etc. Types of computer networks It is of two types. a. Local Area Network (LAN ! "onnects hosts within a relatively small geographical area. It is very faster and cheaper. b. #ide Area Network (#AN ! $osts may be widely dispersed. %ight be across the campuses, cities etc. It is slower but e&pensive. Note! 'wner is there for LAN ( no owner for #AN. %any other differences are there between the two. LAN & WAN)A comparison LAN *ypical speeds are )+, %bps to +, -bps *ypical cost )+ crore for a hundred node LAN (one time cost WAN *ypical speeds are )./ 0bps to 1 %bps *ypical cost )2, lakhs ( recurring cost

Data Transmission methods *here are two data transmission methods in the computer networks. +. "ircuit switching A dedicated communication path is re3uired between two stations. And the path is dedicated for the connection.*hree steps are re3uired for communication. a. "onnection establishment b. 4ata transfer c. "onnection termination 4rawback of circuit switching is that it is very inefficient for bursty traffic.

5. 6acket 7witching %odern form of long)distance data communication. Network resources are not dedicated. #idely used for long)distance data communication. 4ata are transmitted in short packets (80bytes .A longer message is broken up into smaller chunks. *he chunks are called packets. 9very packet contains a header, which contains the relevant information for routing etc. 6acket switching is based on store)and)forward concept. 9ach intermediate network node receives a whole packet. 4ecides the route. :orwards the packet along the selected route. Advantages a. Links can be shared, so link utili;ation is better. b. 7uitable for computer generated traffic. c. 7ome packets can be given priority over others, if desired. How the packets are transmitted 6ackets are transmitted by two approaches. a. <irtual circuits. A similar concept of circuit switching .A route is established before packet transmission starts. All packets follow the same path. 9ach intermediate node maintains a table. "reated during route establishment. =sed for packet forwarding. No dynamic routing decision is taken by the intermediate nodes. b. 4atagram concept No route is established beforehand. 9ach packet is transmitted as an independent entity. 4oes not maintain any history. 9very intermediate node has to take routing decisions dynamically. %akes use of a routing table. 9very packet must contain a source and destination addresses. !ro"lems 6ackets may be delivered out of order. If a node crashes momentarily, all of its 3ueued packets are lost. 4uplicate packets may be generated. Advantages :aster than virtual circuit concept. %ore fle&ible. 6ackets between two hosts may follow different paths.


Layered Network Architecture 'pen 7ystems Interconnection reference model ('7I .It is a seven layered model. "ommunication functions are partitioned into a hierarchical set of layers. All the network protocols (Networking systems are based on '7I reference model. >ut in reality not followed by many protocols. %any ob?ective is that changes in one layer should not re3uire changes in other layers. *he three down layers i.e., 6hysical, 4ata link ( Network are 6oint)to)point layers. *hese layers must be present in all the intermediate nodes including the source and destination systems.*he top four layers i.e., *ransport, 7ession, 6resentation and Application are $ost)to) host layers where they will be present only at the source and destination systems.

#nternetworking devices a. $ub! 9&tends the span of a single LAN. b. >ridge/Layer)5 7witch! "onnects two or more LANs together. It works based on %A" address. c. @outer/Layer)2 7witch! "onnects any combination of LANs and #ANs. It works based on I6 Address. An $%ample of a Networking system "ampus Network 7chematic 9ach department had got a network. 4epartmental network is of 7witched 9thernet or >us based 9thernet. All these departmental networks are connected with each other by a network "ack"one and this might be :ast 9thernet (+,, %bps , A*% (A,, %bps , -igabit 9thernet (+,,, %bps

Connecting to a &utside world <7A*

Institute Network Router

@adio link Leased line *elephone line


TC!'#! #ntroduction a. b. c. d. e. f. *"6/I6 is the first set of protocols used in internet. Allows computers to communicate or share resources across a network. #ork on *"6/I6 started in +BC,Ds.:unded by =7 military. *he modern internet sits on top of the *"6/I6 technology. *"6/I6 is used as a standard. All the computers connected to the internet understands *"6/I6

Network Layering in TC!'#! In +BC1, International 7tandards 'rgani;ation (I7' proposed a C)layer reference model for network services and protocols. 0nown as the '7I model.*"6/I6 does not strictly follow this C) layer model.TC!'#! follows a simplified ()layer model* #hy layering means, a change in one layer does not affect the other layers and it allows a structured development of network software. The +implified ()layer model

@uns on top of layers +,5 ( 2


9nd)to)end message transfer 6ackets delivery across the internet



:rame transmission over link


Data flow in ()Layer model

Application Application









Node A

Node "

Node #



Network layer decides the flow of the data packets ,datagrams- based on the destination address. TC!'#! !rotocol suite @efers to a family of protocols. *he protocols are built based on datagram technology or connectionless technology. %essages are broken down into data packets or datagrams and then they are transmitted in the networks. TC!'#! .amily /em"ers
'T $ T' T$ %MT$ %NM$ N% &ser $roces s

Transmission control protocol (T#$)

&ser ata*ram $rotocol (& $)

Internet $rotocol (I$)

I#M $


AR $


ata ,ink and -ardware [6!]

In a *ypical scenario

&ser $rocess

&ser $rocess


& $


atalink 0 -ardware ,

#hat does I6 doE I6 transports datagrams (packets from the source node to the destination node. @esponsible for routing the packets. This is a unrelia"le service. No error checking is done. 6ackets may be lost. #hat does *"6 doE *"6 provides a connection)oriented relia"le service for sending messages. 9rror control is doe by *"6. #hat does =46 doE =46 provides a connectionless, unreliable service for sending datagrams (packets . It is simpler and faster. Never split the data into packets. 4oes not care about error control.


Address in TC!'#!
&ser process &ser process


& $

6ort address ( +. bits


Internet address (25 bits


6hysical address (/1 bits

$ncapsulation As data flows down the protocol hierarchy, headers (and trailers get appended to it. As data moves up the hierarchy, headers B and trailers get stripped off.


#! Addresses
0asic #! Addressing 9ach host connected to the internet is identified by a uni3ue address. An I6 address is a 25)bit 3uantity, which is e&pressed as a dotted)decimal notation #.F.G.H , where dots are used to separate each of the four octets of the address. I6 address consists of two logical parts + A network number ,5 A host number Dotted decimal notation I6 Address! 4otted decimal notation Hierarchical Addressing A computer on the internet is addressed using a two)tuple. + 5 *he network number ! Assigned and managed by central authority *he host number! Assigned and managed by local network administrator ,+,,,,+, +,,,+,,, ,,++,,,, ,++++++, .. . +2/ . /1 . +5. (>inary notation

Note! #hen routing a packet to the destination network, only the network number is looked at. #! Address classes *here are five defined I6 address classes. "lass A "lass > "lass " "lass 4 "lass 9 =NI"A7* =NI"A7* =NI"A7* %=L*I"A7* @979@<94 ('n e&perimentation

Note! *o which an I6 address belongs is decided by the first few bits in the I6 address .And there are also some special purpose I6 address. *he class)based addressing is also known as the classful model. 4ifferent network classes represent different network)to)hosts ratio.


Class A Address
0 Network Host Host Host

Network bits! C No. of networks I 5C J + I +5C $ost bits! 5/ No. of hosts I 55/ J 5 I +.,CCC,5+/ ( nearly +. million Address range! ,.,.,., to +5C.5AA.5AA.5AA Class 0 Address
10 Network Host Host Host

Network bits! +/ No. of networks I 5+/ J + I +.,212 $ost bits! +. No. of hosts I 5+. J 5 I .A,A2/ Address range! +51.,.,., to +B+.5AA.5AA.5AA


Class C Address
110 Network Host Host Host

Network bits! 5+ No. of networks I 55+ J + I 5,,BC,+A+ $ost bits! 1 No. of hosts I 51 J 5 I 5A/ Address range! +B5.,.,., to 552.5AA.5AA.5AA Class D Address
!!!0 Multicast Address

Address range! 55/.,.,., to 52B.5AA.5AA.5AA

+pecial)purpose #! Addresses @eserved for private use! +,.&.&.& ("lass A

+C5.+...&.& J +C5.2+.&.& ("lass > +B5.+.1.&.& Loopback/local address +5C.,.,., J +5C.5AA.5AA.5AA 4efault network ,.,.,., Limited broadcast 5AA.5AA.5AA.5AA

("lass >

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