Third Grade Master Spelling Lists

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Week 1

5iqht words, short o/e words,

ond ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. h|gh
2. every
3. near
4. add
S. food
6. best
7. next
8. e|se
9. checked
10. grand
11. stand
12. energy
13. matter
14. forms
1S. va|ue
16. notat|on
Week 2
5iqht words,short i.o/u words,
ond ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. between
2. own
3. be|ow
4. country
S. p|ant
6. s||p
7. |unch
8. pond
9. from
10. thump
11. |nch
12. convert
13. stored
14. mot|on
1S. expanded
16. ca|cu|ate
Week 3
5iqht words, /onq o/e words,
ond ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. |ast
2. schoo|
3. father
4. keep
S. tree
6. grade
7. reach
8. ra|se
9. theme
10. scream
11. easy
12. batter|es
13. fue|
14. mach|ne
1S. so|ve
16. eva|uate
Week 4
5iqht words, /onq i/o words,
ond ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. never
2. start
3. c|ty
4. earth
S. eyes
6. stone
7. fo||ow
8. broke
9. f||ght
10. show
11. who|e
12. waves
13. current
14. e|ectr|c
1S. d|g|t
16. round
Week S
5iqht words,b/ends st/str,
ond ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. ||ght
2. thought
3. head
4. under
S. story
6. burst
7. str|p
8. [ust
9. street
10. d|stance
11. |east
12. evaporate
13. me|t
14. ob[ect
1S. sum
16. d|fference
Week 6
5iqht words, kn/wr words,
ond ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. saw
2. |eft
3. don't
4. few
S. wh||e
6. known
7. wr|te
8. knock
9. wrong
10. knot
11. wr|nk|e
12. so||d
13. ||qu|d
14. gas
1S. product
16. quot|ent
Week 7
5iqht words, qh/ph words,
ond ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. a|ong
2. m|ght
3. c|ose
4. someth|ng
S. seem
6. |augh
7. rough
8. enough
9. graph
10. sphere
11. photograph
12. part|c|e
13. atom
14. e|ement
1S. property
16. dec|ma|
Week 8
5iqht words, ch/tch words,
ond ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. next
2. hard
3. open
4. examp|e
S. beg|n
6. chance
7. match
8. watch
9. batch
10. chew
11. speech
12. source
13. d|rect|on
14. trave|
1S. mode|
16. demonstrate
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Week 9
5iqht words, sh words,
ond ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. ||fe
2. a|ways
3. those
4. both
S. paper
6. pushed
7. sharp
8. shock
9. crash
10. showed
11. shape
12. shadows
13. ref|ect|on
14. m|rror
1S. fract|on
16. determ|ne
Week 10
5iqht words, s sound of c,
ond ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. together
2. got
3. group
4. often
S. run
6. space
7. fence
8. pr|ce
9. off|ce
10. po||ce
11. penc||
12. adapt
13. surv|ve
14. behav|or
1S. who|e
16. part
Week 11
5iqht words, j sound of q,
ond ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. |mportant
2. unt||
3. ch||dren
4. s|de
S. feet
6. g|raffe
7. huge
8. stage
9. eng|ne
10. badge
11. g|nger
12. ocean
13. desert
14. tundra
1S. equat|on
16. operat|on
Week 12
5iqht words, oi sound,
ond ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. car
2. m||e
3. n|ght
4. wa|k
S. wh|te
6. cho|ce
7. vo|ce
8. roya|
9. annoy
10. no|se
11. destroy
12. forest
13. grass|and
14. wet|and
1S. funct|on
16. re|at|onsh|p
Week 13
5iqht words, ou sound,
ond ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. sea
2. began
3. grow
4. took
S. r|ver
6. crown
7. however
8. around
9. grow|
10. founta|n
11. sound
12. organ|sm
13. benef|c|a|
14. detr|menta|
1S. mu|t|p||cat|on
16. d|v|s|on
Week 14
5iqht words, short ow sound,
ond ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. four
2. carry
3. state
4. once
S. book
6. craw|
7. |aundry
8. author
9. taught
10. pause
11. dawn
12. ext|nct
13. resemb|e
14. d|sappear
1S. po|ygon
16. |nteger
Week 1S
5iqht words, /onq 8 short oo,
ond ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. hear
2. stop
3. w|thout
4. second
S. |ate
6. |oose
7. choose
8. shook
9. understood
10. ba||oon
11. |ooked
12. pred|ctab|e
13. pattern
14. season
1S. pentagon
16. hexagon
Week 16
5iqht words, r-contro//ed,
ond ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. m|ss
2. |dea
3. enough
4. eat
S. face
6. started
7. star
8. carpet
9. barber
10. party
11. pardon
12. |unar
13. cyc|e
14. appearance
1S. octagon
16. c|ass|fy
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Week 17
5iqht words, oir sound,
ond ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. watch
2. far
3. Ind|an
4. rea|
S. a|most
6. sta|rs
7. g|are
8. a|rp|ane
9. compare
10. repa|r
11. prepare
12. attr|butes
13. quadr||atera|
14. equ||atera|
1S. |sosce|es
16. sca|ene
Week 18
5iqht words, or sound,
ond ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. |et
2. above
3. g|r|
4. somet|mes
S. mounta|ns
6. worn
7. fourth
8. war
9. horse
10. morn|ng
11. poured
12. geometr|c
13. ang|es
14. acute
1S. obtuse
16. r|ght
Week 19
5iqht words, homophones,
ond ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. cut
2. young
3. ta|k
4. soon
S. ||st
6. here
7. hear
8. bare
9. bear
10. way
11. we|gh
12. te|escope
13. magn|fy
14. p|anet
1S. pyram|d
16. cone
Week 20
5iqht words, homophones,
ond ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. song
2. be|ng
3. |eave
4. fam||y
S. |t's
6. f|ower
7. f|our
8. our
9. hour
10. ha|r
11. hare
12. moon
13. orb|t
14. pos|t|on
1S. sphere
16. cube
Week 21
words with ur sound, ond
ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. perfect
2. cur|ed
3. church
4. f|rm
S. sk|rt
6. c|erk
7. sh|rt
8. person
9. term
10. [erked
11. burned
12. conduct
13. exper|ment
14. observat|on
1S. pr|sm
16. cy||nder
Week 22
uoub/e consonont words,
ond ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. hugged
2. correct
3. matter
4. |etter
S. puppy
6. common
7. co||ect
8. bott|es
9. d|fferent
10. |esson
11. error
12. ev|dence
13. conc|us|on
14. op|n|on
1S. certa|n
16. ||ke|y
Week 23
words with er ond est, ond
ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. s|owest
2. strangest
3. b|gger
4. better
S. h|ghest
6. ta||est
7. r|chest
8. smarter
9. |ouder
10. hotter
11. shortest
12. descr|be
13. data
14. ana|yze
1S. un||ke|y
16. |mprobab|e
Week 24
compound words, ond
ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. notebook
2. sunset
3. bookcase
4. farmyard
S. everyone
6. footba||
7. sunsh|ne
8. ra|nbow
9. baseba||
10. ha||way
11. outdoors
12. measurement
13. numer|ca|
14. outcome
1S. future
16. forecast
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Week 2S
vccv pottern words,
ond ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. w|nter
2. cactus
3. ce||ar
4. garden
S. market
6. basket
7. we|come
8. unt||
9. a|ways
10. cowboy
11. |asso
12. |og|ca|
13. cont|nu|ty
14. change
1S. est|mat|on
16. reasonab|e
Week 26
vcv words, ond ocodemic
1. cab|n
2. future
3. mus|c
4. t|ger
S. beh|nd
6. rew|nd
7. focus
8. be|ong
9. fam||y
10. beg|n
11. mote|
12. connect|on
13. |oca|
14. strategy
1S. comp|ex
16. d|agram
Week 27
words with suffix -ed/-inq,
ond ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. ||ked
2. worr|ed
3. ro|||ng
4. s|ng|ng
S. sw|mm|ng
6. sett|ed
7. ta|ked
8. hurr|ed
9. buy|ng
10. try|ng
11. |eav|ng
12. reg|ona|
13. nat|ona|
14. trad|t|ona|
1S. chart
16. symbo|
Week 28
words with suffix -tion/-sion,
ond ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. perm|ss|on
2. confess|on
3. v|s|on
4. mot|on
S. act|on
6. quotat|on
7. confus|on
8. nat|on
9. comb|nat|on
10. quest|on
11. attent|on
12. geography
13. phys|ca|
14. photograph
1S. exact
16. approx|mate
Week 29
words with suffix -fu//-fu//y,
ond ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. beaut|fu|
2. cheerfu|
3. harmfu|
4. p|ayfu|
S. usefu|
6. carefu||y
7. thankfu||y
8. [oyfu||y
9. harmfu||y
10. pa|nfu||y
11. stressfu|
12. feature
13. env|ronment
14. |ocat|on
1S. advantage
16. d|sadvantage
Week 30
words with suffix -/y/-o//y,
ond ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. |one|y
2. sudden|y
3. outrageous|y
4. spec|f|ca||y
S. espec|a||y
6. terr|f|ca||y
7. rap|d|y
8. dangerous|y
9. tender|y
10. |ove|y
11. prec|se|y
12. |dent|ty
13. cu|ture
14. soc|ety
1S. accurate
16. prec|se
Week 31
words with suffix -ob/e/-ob/y,
ond ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. comfortab|e
2. comfortab|y
3. erasab|e
4. changeab|e
S. uncomfortab|e
6. |aughab|e
7. |rr|tab|y
8. ||kab|e
9. capab|e
10. d|sposab|e
11. reusab|e
12. economy
13. government
14. tr|ba|
1S. der|ve
16. genera||ze
Week 32
Y to i chonqe words,
ond ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. penny
2. penn|es
3. empty
4. empt|ed
S. part|es
6. fam|||es
7. mystery
8. myster|es
9. d|scovery
10. marr|ed
11. carr|ed
12. re||g|on
13. fo|k|ore
14. custom
1S. sy||ab|e
16. f|uent|y
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Monday: Wrlte each spelllng word three tlmes.
1uesday: Wrlte your spelllng words ln alphabetlcal order.
Wednesday: Choose two ol your spelllng words.
Wrlte a sentence uslng each ol them.
1hursday: 1ake a practlce test. Ask an adult to read your words to
you so you can wrlte them wlthout looklng at the llst.
Week 33
controction words, ond
ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. he's
2. she's
3. |t's
4. |sn't
S. you're
6. we're
7. they're
8. there's
9. haven't
10. won't
11. don't
12. c||mate
13. natura|
14. too|s
1S. comprehens|on
16. essent|a|
Week 34
controction words, ond
ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. we'||
2. '||
3. he'||
4. she'||
S. you'||
6. they'||
7. you've
8. they've
9 've
10. 'd
11. we'd
12. federa|
13. state
14. |nteract|on
1S. |aw
16. consequences
Week 3S
lino/ -er words, ond
ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. under
2. over
3. never
4. water
S. center
6. border
7. fever
8. number
9. whether
10. tower
11. shower
12. sequence
13. exp|orer
14. estab||shed
1S. |ndependence
16. const|tut|on
Week 36
lino/ -/e/-o/ words, ond
ocodemic vocobu/ory
1. tota|
2. centra|
3. f|na|
4. s|mp|e
S. chuck|e
6. g|gg|e
7. m|dd|e
8. s|gna|
9. hand|e
10. cand|e
11. peop|e
12. |nfer
13. pr|or
14. know|edge
1S. mod|fy
16. c|ar|fy
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