GSM Based Automobile Security System

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GSM based automobile security system Introduction

This paper presents one of the emerging applications of the GSM technology. We present the design of a stand- alone embedded system that can automatically guard the automobile (CA ! door loc"ing and engine loc"ing system using automatic sensor technology. emotely the system allo#s o#ner to monitor and control his automobile $ia mobile phone set by sending commands in the form of SMS messages and recei$ing the loc"ing system status. The hard#are architecture consists of a standalone embedded system that is based on % bit microcontroller& an interface and a dri$er circuit connects the sensors to the microcontroller.

'ro(ect description)
In this pro(ect& the sensors are controlled #ith the help of a cell phone. The system uses sms facility to gi$e the commands and recei$e the status from the recei$er. The mobile user sends a secret code #ith control data. In the recei$er section& GSM modem recei$es the commands and sends the signal to the microcontroller. The micro controller $erifies the secret code and performs the command functions. The controller also triggers the sensor circuit through dri$ers.

*loc" +iagram)

Mobile unit:

,ey S#itches


Receiver Unit

Modem circuitry

Microcontr oller unit

+ri$er circuit

Sensor and control unit

-ard#are re.uirement)
Microcontroller GSM modem 'o#er Supply Control de$ices Mobile

Soft#are re.uirement)
/mbedded C0Assembly language ,eil compiler

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