3-10 Report Card Memo-1
3-10 Report Card Memo-1
3-10 Report Card Memo-1
To: From: Date: Re: Mr. C. Wodchis Vishal Ponugoti st January 15 2014 Performance Memo
To perform better in my Business and Technology class, and get the best mark in class, I will:
Concentrate in class and follow the instruction the teacher has given Make good use of my agenda and write down homework Organize my work so I do the correct work and submit it on time Not procrastinate by thinking I will do it afterwards Study for all my test Not to socialize so I wont get distracted from my work And do all the bonus work and put in my 100 work to get the best mark
I wish to do much better in this course in the future, and hope to get the best mark by the end of the year.