HAL Placement Sample Paper 6

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HAL Sample Test Paper 2008


the purpose of feedback transformer & diode in complementary commutated inverters is to-

2) in order to obtain static voltage equalization in series connected SC !s connection r made of"this question repeated) "i#e# 2 times same question $aaa) %) )) -) in phase controlled rectification &'( *hy sector +inding is used in synchronous motor, . calculation of making current +here /0. & 10 +as given#

2) 3he o,p voltage e1 & e2 of 2 full-bridge inverters added using o4p transformer# 5n order to eliminate -th harmonic from o4p voltage6 the phase angle bet+een e1&e2 +ill be7) . single phase fully controlled line commutated ac-dc converter operates as an inverter +hen8) .n SC has half cycle surge current rating of %999. for -9$z# :ne cycle surge current +ill be# "double of that) ;) *hen compared to an symmetrical thyristor6 the turn off time & reverse blocking voltage of an asymmetrical thyristor +ill be19) . step-up chopper is feed from an 229v dc source to deliver a load voltage of 22o v# 5f the non conducting time is 199micro-sec then reqd pulse +idth +ill be# "get duty cycle only) 11) 3here +ere some --2 numerical problems +hich 5 could not remember totally but they consist of firing angle & po+er transfer of inverter6 SC # <o llok for that# 12) elay current setting & Ct ratio +as given you have to find out elay &ick up Current# 1%) :ne question from =c shunt motor- like a resistance is added of )#- ohm in series +ith arm +here rest of arm is 9#- ohm# /achine is supplied 229v# find out the null current# 1)) 5n aptitude part see through series completion there +as a --2 no of that# 1-) >o aptitude questing like avg6 ?6 proff-loss6 prob6 etc# 17) *hy rotor of SC5/ is ske+ed, 1;) <ood transformer oil contains ho+ much amount of +ater in ppm, 29) @ightning over voltage create ho+ much volt, 21) 14s"sA1)"sA-) then find out the value of 1 so that system become stable# 22) 3here +as a question from definition of >yquist criteria# 2%) Standing done up to the frequency range of, "audio) 2)) 5f a square +aveform if given to the supply side of a 2+dg transformer its o4p +aveform +ill be2-) SC test done on transformer because#### 22) 5f a transformer is operating in #8 &' lag & at efficiency of #;6 if no+ & is #8 lead the efficiency +ill become# 27) 5nterpoles are connected for,

28) =ielectric strength of air, 2;) . alternator is connected to a grid# >o+ its prime mover is go slo+ by B# Change in its eCiting current to held in synchronism# %9) 5s the strength of capacitor in @&' is increased the op voltage +ill%1) 3he voltage of a generator and an infinite bus are given 9#;26 19 deg & 1#96 9 deg resp# the generator acts as a D %2) . +ave +ill not eCperience any reflection +hen impedance of line is equal to- surge imp %%) &o+er transmitted is related to system voltage as%)) =elay creator ckt name "multivibrator name actually) %-) 5n tachogenerator adEustment is done by%2) %8) Surge +ave is attended by- "C6@6 ) ead all electrostatic instrument related question from any competitive eCam book# %7) there +as 19 question related to measurement%;) @o+est reading in moving iron meter is)9) 5n galvanometer damping is provided by)1) 5n electrodynamic meter a battery & a resistance is provide for)2) /egger is used for)%) . question like an ac is applied against a moving coil meter it +ill reads))) ectifier type instrument measures+hat value - " ms) )-) .dvantage of electrostatic instrument is)2) Creeping occurs because)7) *hy 2 holes are drilled oppositely in disc of energy meter# )8) Fnergy meter is a GGGGG type equipment "recording) );) 3here +as a question related to selection of a voltmeter based on accuracy-9) .dvantage of hay bridge over anderson bridge-1) 5nductance is measured by D "all the % bridge name) # -2) &otentiometer is +hich type of instrument-%) *hich type of motor is used in refrigerator, -)) eflection coefficient based problem 1 --) Corona!s advantage-

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