Identify and briefly explain the four-layered Department of Defense reference model for TCP/IP. Application layer. Enables client application programs to access the other layers and defines the protocols that applications use to exchange data. One of these application protocols is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) used to transfer Web page files. Transport layer. Responsible for providing the application layer with communication and packet services. This layer includes TCP and other protocols. Internet layer. Responsible for addressing, routing, and packaging data packets called IP datagrams. The Internet Protocol (IP) is one of the protocols used in this layer. Network interface layer. Responsible for placing packets on and receiving them from the network medium, which could be any networking technology. Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp. 268269
Define the following terms: ATM, ISDN, DSL, and T1. ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode). Parcels information into uniform 53-byte cells, eliminating the need for protocol conversion. It can pass data between computers from different vendors and permits data to be transmitted at any speed the network handles. ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network). An international standard for dial-up network access that integrates voice, data, image, and video services in a single link. DSL (Digital Subscriber Line). Operates over existing copper telephone lines to carry voice, data, and video, but has higher transmission capacities than ISDN. T1. A dedicated telephone connection comprising 24 channels that can support a data transmission rate of 1.544 Mbps. Each of the 64-Kb-per-second channels can be configured to carry voice or data traffic. These services are often used for high-capacity Internet connections. Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp. 275276
What are the business advantages of using voice over IP (VoIP) technology? Lower costs by using the Internet to deliver voice information, avoiding the tolls charged by local and long-distance telephone networks. Lower costs from not having to create a separate telephone network. Enables communication by supporting Internet conference calls using video. Flexibilityphones can be added or moved to different offices without rewiring or reconfiguring the network. Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 290
Compare the uses of e-mail and groupware. Is e-mail a type of groupware? Why or why not? E-mail allows swift, inexpensive transmission of text messages and attachments to one person or to a list of persons. E-mail can go back and forth among the members of an organization much more quickly than written materials and hard copy. Groupware provides additional capabilities for supporting enterprise-wide communications and collaborative work. Individuals, teams, and workgroups at different locations in the organization can use groupware to participate in discussion forums and work on shared documents and projects. Student answers as to whether e-mail is a type of groupware may vary. E-mail is not a type of groupware in that it is typically exchanged between two primary parties; however, it could be considered a type of groupware in that it can be sent to a group of people at once. Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 287
What is the difference between a virtual private network (VPN) and an extranet? A virtual private network (VPN) is a private network of computers linked using a secure tunnel connection over a public network such as the Internet. An extranet is a private intranet based on Internet and World Wide Web technology and standards that is accessible to authorized outsiders. A VPN is a method of securing a network, whereas an extranet describes a type of network in terms of its users, in this case, a firm and authorized vendors or partners. Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp. 286, 290291
You have been hired by a tax preparation firm to set up a network connecting several new branches in a metropolitan area. What type of network hardware and transmission media will you choose and why? Because of security issues, I wouldnt choose wireless transmission. The offices themselves can each have an Ethernet-based LAN, and they can connect to each other and to an Intranet via a secure, encrypted VPN over the Internet. Network hardware anticipated is: coaxial cable, network server, a switch. Because the LANs will be connected through a VPN, a router may not be needed. In anticipation of the need for a lot of data transmission, the connection to the Internet will be through cable modems. A firewall, or several, for security purposes is anticipated. Difficulty: Hard Reference: pp. 265266, 269273
You have been hired by a small new Web design firm to set up a network for its single office location. The network is primarily needed for exchanging files, accessing and managing beta Web sites on their Web server, and connecting to the Internet. The firm hires many freelancers who come into the office on an ad-hoc basis and it does not have a lot of money to spend on infrastructure. What type of network will you recommend? I would recommend a mixed Ethernet and wireless network. The Ethernet LAN would connect the Web servers and primary workstations and connect via cable service to the Internet. Freelancers could connect wirelessly via access points. Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp. 265266, 269273
A political think tank is being set up by a political action committee. The think tank members are located throughout the United States and they primarily need to collaborate on and discuss ideas and documents. What types of collaborative services or software are available to them? If money is no object, and security is a premium, which will you recommend to them and why? Recommend using Internet-based communications. They can use e-mail, instant messaging, chat rooms, FTP for sharing documents, Usenet newsgroups, LISTSERV, groupware, electronic and video conferencing. I would recommend a VPN-based intranet and using groupware that combines all of their document sharing and collaboration needs into one interface. Difficulty: Hard Reference: pp. 286291
Which of the four generic strategies to counteract competitive forces does Google seem to be focusing on in its implementation of information systems, and what tactics, products, or services is it employing to this end? In its creation of new products and services, Google is employing the competitive strategy of product differentiation. New products it has created include: Google maps, Froogle, Adsense, and Google Labs. Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp. 308310
What types of capabilities does the Internet provide businesses and what Internet protocols or technologies support these? Which have proven the most valuable to businesses thus far?
The Internet provides ways to transfer files (FTP), work on remote computers (Telnet), distribute information in the form of pages (The Web), have real-time text-based conversations (instant messaging, chat), collaborate (groupware, electronic conferencing), communicate and share data with suppliers (extranets, Web-based applications), conduct group discussions (LISTSERV, Usenet newsgroups), real-time voice conversations (chat, VOIP), send text messages (e-mail) and create lower cost networks (TCP/IP, extranets, intranets, VPN).
Probably the two most important effects the Internet has had are the effects on network costs and ease of setting up a network using TCP/IP and Internet-based technologies, and email, allowing near-instant documented messaging. E-mail has been a valuable alternative to post office mail.
Difficulty: Medium
Evaluation Hackers and their companion viruses are an increasing problem, especially on the Internet. What can a digital company do to protect itself from this? Is full protection feasible? Why or why not? For protection, a company must institute good security measures, which include firewalls, investigation of personnel to be hired, physical and software security and controls, antivirus software, and internal education measures. These measures are best put in place at the time the system is designed, and careful attention must be paid to them. A prudent company will engage in disaster protection measures, frequent updating of security software, and frequent auditing of all security measures and of all data upon which the company depends. Full protection may not be feasible in light of the time and expenses involved, but a risk analysis can provide insights into which areas are most important and vulnerable. These are the areas to protect first. Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp. 330339
12. . Evaluation Three major concerns of system builders and users are disaster, security, and human error. Of the three, which do you think is most difficult to deal with? Why? Disaster might be the most difficult because it is unexpected, broad-based, and frequently life threatening. In addition, the company cannot know if the disaster plan will work until a disaster occurs, and then its too late to make corrections. Security might be the most difficult because it is an ongoing problem, new viruses are devised constantly, and hackers get smarter every day. Furthermore, damage done by a trusted employee from inside cannot be obviated by system security measures. Human error might be most difficult because it isnt caught until too late, and the consequences may be disastrous. Also, administrative error can occur at any level and through any operation or procedure in the company. Difficulty: Medium Evaluation in terms of value, judge Reference: pp. 316339
Analysis Define a fault-tolerant computer system and a high-availability computer system. How do they differ? When would each be used? Both systems use backup hardware resources. Fault-tolerant computer systems contain extra memory chips, processors, and disk storage devices that can back the system up and keep it running to prevent a system failure. High-availability computing places the emphasis on quick recovery from a system crash. A high-availability system includes redundant servers, mirroring, load balancing, clustering, storage area networks, and a good disaster recovery plan. The main difference between them is that fault-tolerant computer systems dont go down; high-availability computer systems go down, but can recover quickly. Companies need a technology platform with 100 percent, 24-hr system availability, use faulttolerant computer systems. High-availability computing environments are a minimum requirement for firms with heavy electronic commerce processing or that depend on digital networks for their internal operations. Difficulty: Medium Analysis in terms of differentiate Reference: p. 333
Discuss the issue of security challenges on the Internet. List at least 10 Internet security challenges. Large public networks, including the Internet, are more vulnerable because they are virtually open to anyone and because they are so huge that when abuses do occur, they can have an enormously widespread impact. When the Internet becomes part of the corporate network, the organizations information systems can be vulnerable to actions from outsiders. Computers that are constantly connected to the Internet via cable modem or DSL line are more open to penetration by outsiders because they use a fixed Internet address where they can be more easily identified. The fixed Internet address creates the target for hackers. To benefit from electronic commerce, supply chain management, and other digital business processes, companies need to be open to outsiders such as customers, suppliers, and trading partners. Corporate systems must be extended outside the organization so that employees working with wireless and other mobile computing devices can access them. This requires a new security culture and infrastructure, allowing corporations to extend their security policies to include procedures for suppliers and other business partners. Some of the challenges to Internet security are computer viruses, line taps, loss of the machine itself, tapping, sniffing, message alteration, theft and fraud, hacking, computer viruses, vandalism, denial of service attacks, copying of data, and alteration of data. Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp. 316327
What is a digital certificate? How does it work? A digital certificate is a data file used to establish the identity of people and electronic assets for protection of online transactions. It uses a trusted third party known as a certificate authority or CA to validate a users identity. The certificate authority verifies a digital certificate users identity offline. This information is put into a CA server, which generates an encrypted digital certificate containing owner identification information and a copy of the owners public key. The certificate authority makes its own public key available publicly either in print or on the Internet. The recipient of an encrypted message uses the certificate authoritys public key to decode the digital certificate attached to the message, verifies it was issued by the certificate authority, and then obtains the senders public key and identification information contained in the certificate. Using this information, the recipient can send an encrypted reply. Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 342
Evaluation How would the security needs of a large, multinational corporation differ from the needs of a small firm operating from a single office? What security needs would be similar? Which firm would be in a better position to secure its systems, and why? Student answers will vary but should incorporate the idea that the greater networking needs would introduce more points of vulnerability. An example answer is: A large multinational corporation would probably need to use more networking and the Internet. Both networking technologies and Internet technologies place data in vulnerable places and a large corporation would need to spend more attention on where those vulnerabilities are. However, many of the security needs would be the same, if the small firm was connected to the Internet. The small firm might have an easier time keeping informal track of its employees and their activities, however, the small firm may have less capital to devote to security needs, policies, and technologies for protection. Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp. 316342
How are encryption, authentication, digital signatures, and digital certificates each used to ensure security? Encryption scrambles a message according to a key, sends the scrambled message, and unscrambles the message at the other end using a matching key. Authentication may be achieved through different types of techniques: passwords, biometric data, and digital signatures to confirm the identity of a person. Digital signatures are digital codes attached to an electronically transmitted message that are used to verify the origins and content of the message. Digital certificates are data files used to establish the identity of people and electronic assets for protection of online transactions. They use a trusted third party to validate the users identities, with combinations of public and private encryption codes to scramble and unscramble the messages. Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp. 335336, 339342
Synthesis How can a firms security policies contribute and relate to the six main business objectives? Give examples. Operational excellence. Security policies are essential to operational excellence. A firms daily transactions can be severely disrupted by cybercrime and hackers. A firms efficiency relies on accurate data. New products, services, business models. Security policies protect a companys ideas for new products and services, which could be stolen by competitors. Additionally, enhanced security could be seen by a customer as a way to differentiate your product. Customer and supplier intimacy. Customers rely on your security if they enter personal data into your information system; for example, credit card information into your e-commerce site. The information you receive from customers and suppliers directly affects how able you are to customize your product, service, or communication with them. Improved decision making. Secure systems make data accuracy a priority, and good decision making relies on accurate and timely data. Lost and inaccurate data would lead to compromised decision making. Competitive advantage. The knowledge that your firm has superior security than another would, on an otherwise level playing field, make your firm more attractive to do business with. Also, improved decision making, new products and services, which are also affected by security (see above), will contribute to a firms competitive advantage. Survival. New laws and regulations make keeping your security system up-to-date a matter of survival. Firms have been destroyed by errors in security policies. Difficulty: Hard Synthesis in terms of model, assemble Reference: pp. 316342
Evaluation How is the security of a firms information systems and data affected by its people, organization, and technology? Is the contribution of one of these dimensions any more important than the others? Why? There are various technological essentials to protecting an information system: firewalls, authentication, encryption, anti-virus protection, etc. Without technology implemented correctly, there is no security. A firms employees may be its greatest threat, in terms of embezzlement and insider fraud, errors, and lax enforcement of security policies. Probably the most important dimension is organization, because this is what determines a firms business processes and policies. The firms information policies can most enhance security by stressing intelligent design of security systems, appropriate use of security technology, the usability of its security processes. Difficulty: Medium Evaluation in terms of assess, compare Reference: pp. 316342
Synthesis You have just been hired as a security consultant by MegaMalls Inc., a national chain of retail malls, to make sure that the security of their information systems is up to par. Outline the steps you will take to achieve this. Student answers will vary, but should include an understanding of security assessments, audits, and policies. An example answer is: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Establish what data and processes are important and essential to the company. Determine what external and internal information is essential to the different employee roles in the company. Conduct an MIS audit, a security audit, and create a risk assessment analysis. Establish what legal/governmental/industry standards need to be adhered to and which international standards are relevant. Conduct a business impact analysis and determine a disaster recovery and business continuity plan. Create a security policy that defines an acceptable use policy, authorization policies and processes. Plan for any change management needed. Determine how the success of your policy will be measured and set up means for measuring this. Implement such policies Measure and evaluate the effectiveness of the policy and make any additional adjustments. Difficulty: Hard Synthesis in terms of organize, plan Reference: pp. 328335
CHAPTER 9 1. Identify and briefly describe three major enterprise applications. Enterprise systems, customer relationship management, and supply chain management are three enterprise applications. Enterprise systems are based on a suite of integrated software modules and a common central database. Enterprise systems utilize enterprise software to support financial and accounting, human resources, manufacturing and production, and sales and marketing processes. Enterprise systems provide many benefits including an enterpriseenabled organization, improved management reporting and decision making, a unified information systems technology platform, and more efficient operations and customer-driven business processes. Supply chain management systems help an organization better manage its supply chain, including planning, sourcing, and making, delivering, and returning items. Supply chain management software can be categorized as a supply chain planning system or as a supply chain execution system. A supply chain planning system enables a firm to generate demand forecasts for a product and to develop sourcing and manufacturing plans for that product. A supply chain execution system manages the flow of products through distribution centers and warehouses to ensure that products are delivered to the right locations in the most efficient manner. Supply chain management benefits include improved customer service and responsiveness, cost reduction, and cash utilization. Customer relationship management systems help firms maximize the benefits of their customer assets. These systems capture and consolidate data from all over the organization and then distribute the results to various systems and customer touch points across the enterprise. Customer relationship management systems can be classified as operational or as analytical. Operational CRM refers to customer-facing applications, such as sales force automation, call center and customer service support, and marketing automation. Analytical CRM refers to customer relationship management applications dealing with the analysis of customer data to provide information for improving business performance. Benefits include increased customer satisfaction, reduced direct marketing costs, more effective marketing, and lower costs for customer acquisition and retention.
Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp. 357375
What is an enterprise system? What is enterprise software? Enterprise systems focus on integrating the key internal business processes of the firm. Enterprise software is used by enterprise systems and is a set of integrated software modules for finance and accounting, human resources, manufacturing and production, and sales and marketing that allows data to be used by multiple functions and business processes.
Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp. 358359
Evaluation What are the benefits of enterprise systems? What are the challenges of enterprise systems? Benefits include creating an enterprise-enabled organization, providing firmwide knowledgebased management processes, providing a unified information system technology platform and environment, and enabling more efficient operations and customer-driven business processes. Challenges include a daunting implementation process, surviving a cost-benefit analysis, inflexibility, and realizing strategic value.
Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp. 357379
Evaluation in terms of assess, judge 4. Identify two categories of supply chain software. For each category, identify five capabilities. Supply chain planning systems and supply chain execution systems are two classifications for supply chain software. Supply chain planning systems enable a firm to generate demand forecasts for a product and develop sourcing and manufacturing plans for that product. Capabilities include order planning, advanced scheduling and manufacturing planning, demand planning, distribution planning, and transportation planning. Supply chain execution systems manage the flow of products through distribution centers and warehouses to ensure that products are delivered to the right locations. Capabilities include order commitments, final production, replenishment, distribution management, and reverse distribution.
Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp. 364365
Identify two supply chain models. Which is better? Push-based and pull-based models were discussed in the textbook. Push-based refers to a supply chain driven by production master schedules based on forecasts or best guesses of demand for products. Pull-based refers to a supply chain driven by actual customer orders or purchases so that members of the supply chain produce and deliver only what customers have ordered. Pull-based models are better.
Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 366
Identify two aspects of customer relationships management. The two aspects of customer relationships management are: operational CRM and analytical CRM. Operational CRM refers to customer-facing applications, such as sales force automation, call center and customer service support, and marketing automation. Analytical CRM refers to customer relationship management applications dealing with the analysis of customer data to provide information for improving business performance.
Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 374
Identify five benefits of customer relationship management systems. Benefits include: better customer service, making call centers more efficient, cross-sell products more effectively, help sales staff close deals faster, simplify marketing and sales processes, acquire new profitable customers, sell additional products and services, provide customer information for developing new products, increase product utilization, reduce sales and marketing costs, identify and retain profitable customers, optimize service delivery costs, retain high-lifetime value customers, improve customer loyalty, improve response rates to direct mail, increase product profitability, and respond quickly to market opportunities.
Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp. 368375
Synthesis You have been hired by Santori, Inc., a small company that imports and distributes an Italian sparkling water. The company is interested in what benefits an enterprise system would bring. Would an enterprise system be appropriate for this company? What steps would you take in determining this? Student answers will vary; an example answer is: An enterprise system may be too expensive, although there are enterprise software packages that are available to smaller companies. A hosted enterprise application might be the most economical way to implement an enterprise system. To determine whether this would be beneficial to Santori, I would first look at their existing business processes. It would be ideal to determine if their efficiency meets benchmarks in their industry and allows them to be competitive with other businesses in their niche. Then I would review existing hosted applications to see how the applications business processes matched up with Santoris. It would be important to compare the costs of instituting new business processes with the benefits and cost-savings.
Difficulty: Hard Reference: pp. 357380
Synthesis in terms of propose, plan 9. Evaluation Plant Away is an Oregon-based retailer and distributor of trees and shrubs. They have hundreds of smaller nurseries based around the country that grow the plant stock. The majority of their business is conducted online: Consumers purchase typically small quantities of products online and Plant Away coordinates the shipping from the most appropriate nursery. What unique problems might you anticipate they have in their supply chain? What might remedy these problems? Typical problems in supply chains arise from unforeseeable events. In a plant nursery, variations in the weather, growing season, plant diseases, crop output would be uncertainties. Other problems might be interstate regulations governing plants allowed in different states, and making sure plants survive and are healthy during transportation. It would be very important to have up-to-date forecasting of the weather or growing seasons that could anticipate possible problems, and analyze and determine the best transportation routes.
Difficulty: Hard Reference: pp. 360368
(Evaluation) You have been hired by Croydon Visiting Nurse Services, whose business processes are all manual, paper-based processes. How might a CRM system benefit them? A CRM system that includes patients health records would allow any nurse to take over if another needed replacement. Assuming that the nurses had access via laptops or PDAs to the system, a new nurse would have instant access to the patients needs. The CRM might also be able to record which types of treatments or products customers were most interested in or gave the greatest benefit to customers, and help anticipate needs. Additionally, with CRM capabilities, products needed by the nursing service would be more easily anticipated, ordered, and delivered. Since the employees work in the field, or away from a central office, Internet-based communications might provide tools for reviewing employee performance. (Evaluation in terms of appraise, assess)
Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp. 368376
CHAPTER 10 1. Describe how e-commerce affects careers in the four major business functions. Which function do you think is most affected currently? If your career is in finance and accounting, you will be working with systems for receiving payments electronically over the Internet and for delivering new online financial services based on the Web. If your career is in human resources, you will be using online job-hunting sites to attract new employees. If your career is in manufacturing, production or operations management, you will be using the Internet for sourcing, and using public B2B commerce systems and private industrial networks for procurement and management of your supply chain. If your career is in sales and marketing, you will be using the Web to provide digital products and services, and to sell and promote products by using personalization, customization, and community marketing techniques.
I think the function most affected currently by e-commerce is manufacturing and production, as a companys supply chain can affect 75% of its total operating budget. The efficiency and better decision making afforded by e-commerce can make significant changes in a companys supply chain and, therefore, profits. Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 391
"Knowledge increases exponentially," is a phrase with which we are all familiar. How does this concept apply to electronic business and the emergence of the digital firm? Support your contentions. Student answers will vary: One answer might be: The exponential increases of knowledge refer to shared information. For example, once the concept of a wheel is established, inheritors of that knowledge do not have to reinvent the wheel. The Internet is a tool similar to the wheel: it is based on shared standards and universal tools. The Internet and shared networking technologies are allowing new techniques for attracting customers and selling customers to be developed and adapted very quickly. For example, although early Internet retailers had difficulty setting up secure credit card transactions and payment systems, today there are many systems in place as vendors step in to create shared tools for doing this. The Internet is fostering shared knowledge and as such propagating ever greater increases in that knowledge. Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 391418
What are transaction costs? List and describe at least four ways that the Internet can reduce transaction costs. Transaction costs are the costs in participating in a market and purchasing goods and services that a business cannot make itself. Because of its speed and the availability of information, the Internet makes it possible to reduce the time expenditure in such transactions as answering the customer questions, trading shares of stock, correcting an employee record, processing customer orders, making advertising information available, or paying a bill. Because time and effort is reduced, transaction costs are reduced. Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 394
List and describe at least five different Internet business models. Which of these models do you think is the most risky for a dot-com business? Support your answer. The eight models are: virtual storefront, information broker, transaction broker, online marketplace, content provider, online service provider, virtual community, and portal. The choice of riskiest model will depend on the individual student. Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 399
Using Web personalization technology, companies are moving into customer-centered retailing. Discuss this concept, defining relevant terms. Web personalization is the art of gathering enough information about visitors to your Web site that you can present that site to returning visitors, hopefully new customers, by name and by interest area. Customer-centered retailing allows a company to tailor products individually to many customers at the same time. In Internet terms, this is referred to as mass customization. In the past, because it could not know each of its customers individually, a company had to create a product aimed at a broad variety of needs and hope that the needs of enough customers could be met with that product to create a profit. Customers, on the other hand, had to choose among products that already existed, or pay an increased price for a product tailored individually to them. The Internet, by making it possible for companies and their customers to interact individually, has changed this equation. Companies can now use the capacities of the Internet to provide ongoing information, service, and support to individuals, which will create positive interactions with customers that can serve as the foundations for long-term relationships and repeat purchases. Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 405406
List and describe at least three ways in which the individual consumer may pay for purchases on the Internet. The principal electronic payment systems for electronic commerce for the individual are credit card, digital wallet, accumulated balance digital payment systems, stored value systems, digital cash, peer-to-peer payment systems, and electronic checks. Most consumers use their credit card. Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 416417
List and describe the three major types of electronic commerce. Which do you think is ultimately the most valuable to the individual consumer? Support your answer. Business-to-consumer, business-to-business, and consumer-to-consumer. All three are valuable to the consumer, but in the long run, business-to-business may be the most valuable to the individual consumer because it will reduce prices and increase both goods and services. (Other opinions, of course, are supportable.) Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 404412
What methods could a portal use to generate revenue? Which do you think might be most successful, and why? Advertising, subscriptions, selling collected marketing information, and directing buyers to sellers could all generate revenue. I would think the most successful method would be through collecting marketing information, because as a portal that links to large amounts of external information and attracts repeat customers, the portal would have the opportunity to gather a lot of information about each user. Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 399406
You are consulting for Luckys, a chain of gas stations. What types of e-commerce opportunities, if any, are relevant to Luckys? Could Luckys make use of any Internet business models for this opportunity? In terms of B2B e-commerce, Luckys might be able to procure goods over the Internet, use a private industrial network to coordinate their supply chain with suppliers and manage inventory. Depending on the structure of the gasoline retail business, industry net marketplaces and exchanges might be of use. In terms of B2C e-commerce, there are not many opportunities, as it is inefficient to sell gasoline over the Internet. However, a mobile payment system, similar to Mobils SpeedPass payment system, is a way of offering more convenient services to customers. Additionally, Luckys could make sure that its stations are listed in popular location-based mobile services that help drivers find nearby gas stations. Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 404418
You have been hired as a marketing consultant by a law firm in Los Angeles that specializes in juvenile justice. What ways can you use the Internet as a marketing tool and to advertise the firms services? For market research, you could advertise on search engines. You could pay for marketing research at relevant portals. You could also collect customer information from the companys Web site. You could monitor relevant blogs to see what issues are of concern in juvenile justice, so as to address these concerns in your advertising campaigns. To advertise, you could advertise on search engine results and at relevant portals or legal information content providers, using banner ad or popup ads. If it were feasible, you could create a juvenile justice portal and blog for the company in order to attract users whom you could gather market research as well as promote your services. Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 405409
CHAPTER 11 1. Evaluate What is knowledge management? What types of knowledge might a company such as a taxi service have, and could a taxi service benefit from knowledge management? Knowledge management is the set of processes developed in an organization to create, gather, store, disseminate, and apply the firms knowledge. A taxi companys knowledge might include explicit knowledge, such as maps and routes between destinations. Tacit knowledge would include the experience of drivers, such as the best alternate routes between destinations or passenger needs. A taxi service might benefit from a system that gave drivers guides on routes that included alternate routes drivers had found. It might benefit from a learning management system that trained drivers for locations, destinations, and alternate routes.
Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 434
Synthesis Briefly outline the knowledge management chain as it might apply to the online catalog system of a public library. Steps in the knowledge management chain include: a. b. c. d. Acquisition. For an online catalog of a library this would be getting the book data into digital format. Storage. This would involve the systems for storing this data, perhaps a central server. Dissemination. The library would need to determine how the card catalog information is accessed by the public or by staff. Application. This would involve the card catalog becoming part of the librarys business processes. For example, the card catalog would be linked to a system of borrowing, so that users would know from the card catalog whether a book was out on loan. Management and organizational activities. This would entail using the system with a card catalog base for other services, perhaps linking up to a wider library system to share resources, information, or book loaning between systems.
Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 434
Synthesis in terms of model 3. Identify the three major types of knowledge management systems. Provide two examples of each. The major types of knowledge management systems are enterprise knowledge management systems, knowledge work systems, and intelligent techniques. Enterprise knowledge management systems include: Structured knowledge systems, semistructured knowledge systems, learning management systems, and knowledge networks. Knowledge work systems include: Computer-aided design systems, virtual reality systems, and financial investment workstations. Intelligent techniques include: Data mining, expert systems, case-based reasoning, fuzzy logic, neural networks, genetic algorithms, hybrid AI systems, and intelligent agents.
Difficulty: Easy Reference: pp. 437460
How can knowledge be gathered from the personal and undocumented expertise of professionals within a firm? List at least four ways to gather and disseminate such knowledge. The expertise and experience of firm employees can be gathered by documenting their experience through documenting best practices and frequently asked questions. You can also develop a referral system by providing a way for employees to find a company expert for the solution they are looking for. There is commercially available software for enterprise-wide knowledge network system, but other tools you can use include best-practices documents, FAQs, social bookmarking, collaboration tools, wikis, and blogs for helping gather and disseminate tacit knowledge.
Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp. 444445
Evaluation Why are knowledge workers so important to the digital firm? What are their functions and which of these do you feel is most critical to the success of the firm? Why? Student answers will vary, but should include an understanding of the three main functions of knowledge workers. An example answer is: Knowledge workers create new products or find ways to improve existing ones. Without them, the firm would stagnate and become less competitive in an environment that is always changing and is increasingly more competitive. In the modern economy, knowledge is truly power. The three major functions of knowledge workers are: keeping the organization up-todate in knowledge as it develops in the external world; serving as internal consultants regarding their areas of knowledge and its opportunities; and acting as change agents as they evaluate, initiate, and promote new projects. The most important of these is to develop new knowledge as it applies to the making of products or services, as offering products and services is the mainstay of the corporation.
Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 448
Evaluation in terms of judge 6. Identify three important qualities or capabilities of knowledge work systems. Knowledge work systems must give knowledge workers the specialized tools they need, such as powerful graphics, analytical tools, and communications and document-management tools. Knowledge work systems must provide a user-friendly interface to the KWS. These userfriendly interfaces save time by allowing the user to perform needed tasks and get to required information without having to spend a lot of time learning to use the computer. Knowledge work systems must be carefully designed to optimize the performance of the specific tasks of the pertinent knowledge worker.
Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp. 448449
Discuss the concept of virtual reality, especially with regard to VRML and its applications in the business arena. Virtual reality systems use interactive graphics software and hardware to create the illusion of reality in cyberspace. The original applications were in gaming, but new uses in education, science, and business are being developed and have great promise. Virtual reality applications are being developed for the Web using a standard called Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML), which can organize multiple media types to put users in a simulated real-world environment. VRML is platform independent, operates over a desktop computer, and requires little bandwidth. DuPonts HyperPlant is an example of a business application. HyperPlant allows users to go through three-dimensional models as if they were physically walking through a plant, which reduces errors during the construction of manufacturing structures.
Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 450
Synthesis What is the difference between a neural network, fuzzy logic, and genetic algorithms? Which would be most useful to an organization of astronomers analyzing gamma ray emissions reaching Earth? A neural network attempts to emulate the processing patterns of the biological brain. The results are a program that can learn by comparing solutions to known problems to sets of data presented to it. Neural networks are used for solving complex, poorly understood problems for which large amounts of data have been collected. Fuzzy logic creates rules that use approximate or subjective values. It describes a particular phenomenon or process linguistically and then represents that logic in a small number of flexible rules. Genetic algorithms are problem-solving methods that use the model of living organisms adapting to their environment. Possible solutions are evaluated, the best choices are made, then more possible solutions are created by combining the factors involved in those first best choices, and choosing again. The process continues until an optimum solution is reached. These genetic algorithms are useful for finding the optimal solution for a specific problem by examining a very large number of alternative solutions for that problem. I think a neural network would be of most use, because of its ability to analyze large amounts of data and find hidden relationships.
Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 344348
Synthesis in terms of formulate, propose 9. Evaluation What do you see as the challenges in setting up a knowledge management system? Determining what knowledge will be the most effective or offer the most benefits to the company; defining taxonomies, gathering accurate knowledge, quantifying the systems success, change management and implementing business processes that incorporate the system.
Difficulty: Hard Reference: pp. 429468
Evaluation You have been hired by a small architectural firm interested in implementing a knowledge management system. What features do you think would be of most benefit to them? The ability to store structured documents, such as plans, blueprints; collaboration tools, the ability to reference up-to-date local or national building codes, a system for storing case studies, best practices, and corporate standards.
Difficulty: Hard Reference: pp. 349356
Evaluation in terms of appraise, assess CHAPTER 12 1. Describe MIS and DSS and differentiate between them. MIS provide information on the firms performance to help managers monitor and control the business. They typically produce hard copy, fixed, regularly scheduled reports based on data extracted and summarized from the organizations underlying transaction processing systems. DSS provide new sets of capabilities for nonroutine decisions and user control. MIS accents reports based on routine flows of data and assists in the general control of the organization. DSS emphasizes change, flexibility, and rapid response to unstructured problems.
Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 480
What is the difference between a model-driven and a data-driven DSS? Model-driven DSS use some type of model to perform what-if and other types of analyses. Their analysis capabilities were based on a strong theory or model combined with a good user interface to make the model easy to use. Data-driven DSS analyze large pools of data found in major organizational systems. They support decision making by allowing users to extract useful information that was previously buried in large quantities of data.
Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp. 480481
Discuss four types of models commonly used by DSS. Statistical modeling software can be used to help establish relationships, such as relating product sales to differences in age, income, or other factors between communities. Optimization models determined optimal resource allocation to maximize or minimize specified variables such as cost or time. A classic use of optimization models is to determine the proper mix of products within a given market to maximize profits. Forecasting models are often used to forecast sales. The user of this type of model might supply a range of historical data to project future conditions and the sales that might result from those conditions. Companies often use this software to predict the actions of competitors. Sensitivity analysis models ask what-if questions repeatedly to determine the impact of changes in one or more factors on outcomes.
Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 482
What is the business value of a DSS? DSS can help companies improve supply chain management and customer relationship management. Some take advantage of the company-wide data provided by enterprise systems. DSS today can also harness the interactive capabilities of the Web to provide decision-support tools to both employees and customers.
Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 490
Analysis If both contemporary ESS and DSS incorporate tools for modeling and analysis, what qualities distinguish the two types of system? DSS are concerned with solving more specific business problems, such as determining the best pricing for a product, establishing optimized delivery routes, whereas ESS are designed specifically for executives to use as a way of managing the company and seeing an overview of both external and internal information in order to monitor more general business situations. The ESS modeling tools would be used to provide different views of status, rather than to analyze large amounts of data to arrive at a solution for a specific problem.
Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 490
Synthesis List and describe at least three ways in which GIS can be used by modern business. Geographic information systems are a special category of DSS that use data visualization technology to analyze and display data for planning and decision making in the form of digitized maps. GIS can best be used to support decisions that require knowledge about the geographic distribution of people or other resources in scientific research, resource management, and development planning. GIS have modeling capabilities, allowing managers to change data and automatically revise business scenarios to find better solutions. For instance, a company could display its customers on a map and then design the most efficient delivery route for its products. A second way in which it could be used would be to analyze demographic information to decide where to open branch restaurants. A third use could be customer demographic data and map information to locate people who are likely to become customers for the companys services.
Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 490
Synthesis in terms of propose, model 7. Evaluation What do you see as the business value of a GDSS? GDSS helps groups make decisions about unstructured problems. Firstly, because GDSS provides value by allowing collaboration over important decisionsthe decision doesnt rest in the hands of one person alone. By having more people working on the problem, the decision is more likely to realistically reflect the needs and goals of the group, rather than just one person. Secondly, because anonymity is a feature, people are encouraged to be more honest. This will also enhance the accuracy of the solution. The ability of the GDSS to record the meeting and decisions means that the decision-making process, its ideas and solutions, can be made part of the companys knowledge base. Additionally, by providing structure, the GDSS may enhance the efficiency of the particular type of unstructured decision making.
Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp. 498499
Describe and explain how a GDSS works to enhance group decision making. What are at least four factors involved in the successful outcome of any group meeting? Beyond three to five attendees the traditional meeting process breaks down. GDSS software tools contribute to a more collaborative atmosphere by guaranteeing contributors anonymity so that attendees can focus on evaluating the ideas themselves. The GDSS software tools follow structured methods for organizing and evaluating ideas and for preserving the results of meetings, allowing non-attendees to locate needed information after the meeting. The documentation of the meeting by one group at one site can also be used as input to another meeting on the same project at another site. If properly designed and supported, GDSS meetings can increase the number of ideas generated and the quality of decisions while producing the desired results in fewer meetings. The nature of electronic meeting technology is only one of a number of factors that affect meeting processes and output. The outcome of group meetings depends upon the composition of the group, the manner in which the problem is presented to the group, the facilitators effectiveness, the organizations culture and environment, the quality of the planning, the cooperation of the attendees, and the appropriateness of tools selected for different types of meetings and decision problems.
Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp. 498499
Evaluation You have been hired as a consultant for an established bicycle parts manufacturer to assist senior management in planning a new ESS. What factors will you advise management to take into consideration? Student answers will vary, but should take into account technical difficulties (integrating data from different systems), the types of information and overview of the organization needed, and change management. An example answer is: A major challenge of building executive support systems has been to integrate data from systems designed for very different purposes so that senior executives can review organizational performance from a firm-wide perspective. ESS must be designed so that high-level managers and others can use them without much training. One area that merits special attention is the determination of executive information requirements. ESS need to have some facility for environmental scanning. A key information requirement of managers at the strategic level is the capability to detect signals of problems in the organizational environment that indicate strategic threats and opportunities. The ESS need to be designed so that both external and internal sources of information can be used for environmental scanning purposes. Implementation of the ESS must be carefully managed to neutralize the opposition of managers at the lower levels of the organization, because ESS potentially could give top executives the ability to examine their work without their knowledge.
Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp. 493496
What is the balanced scorecard model? Why is it particularly useful? Where does it get its information? The balanced scorecard is a model for analyzing firm performance that supplements traditional financial measures with measurements from additional business perspectives, such as customers, internal business processes, and learning and growth. Managers can use balanced scorecard systems to see how well the firm is meeting its strategic goals. Data to fill out the scorecard, from sources such as financial ledger applications and client retention and market penetration ratios, feed a central data warehouse. The data is mined and ad-hoc reports can be created.
Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 495
CHAPTER 13 21. Synthesis Describe each type of organizational change enabled by information technology. Give an example of each type of change, as it might be illustrated through the operations of a hotel. 1. In automation, employees are assisted with performing tasks automatically. In a hotel, this might mean that a system is set up for the reservations desk to record and process customer reservations. In rationalization of procedures, standard operating procedures are streamlined. In a hotel, this might mean that a reservation system that required three or four steps for checking a customer in would be reduced to one or two steps. In business process reengineering, business processes are analyzed, simplified and redesigned. In a hotel, the reservation and check-in system might be designed to allow the customers to reserve rooms and check in themselves, without the need of a hotel employee to confirm the process. In paradigm shift, the very nature of the business is rethought and new business models are defined. In a hotel, this might mean that the idea of renting rooms on a night-bynight basis to clients might be rethought of as an extended stay place, or perhaps even as a condominium or other business type. Difficulty: Medium Synthesis in terms of model Reference: pp. 514515
Synthesis You are consulting for the information technology division of a state university to guide and facilitate the design of a new system for handling college applications, which has previously been handled entirely with a paper-based process. They would like to set up a system by which prospective students can apply online. What factors should they consider before embarking on systems development? Student answers will vary, but should include an understanding of the elements of reviewing an identified business process to understand how the process works. An example answer is: The university has decided which business process they wish to enable through information technology. Now they should perform some more analysis on that process itself. Factors they will need to look at include: identifying the inputs and outputs. identifying the flow of this process. identifying the various activities and buffers or time delays in the process. identifying the resources: capital, labor, and time involved in the process. identifying the information structure and flow. identifying the process owner. identify other process actors and decision makers.
They will need to review the existing process and determine what steps can be automated or reengineered. A systems analysis with feasibility study should ultimately be conducted. Difficulty: Hard Synthesis in terms of propose 23. Describe how business processes are measured. There are four main dimensions used to measure business processes: a. b. c. d. Process cost: the total cost of the process for a typical transaction. Process time: the total decision and activity time of all actors. Process flexibility: the ability of the process to produce a variety of outputs or change in the face of environmental pressures. Process quality: the amount of time and money spent to correct defective parts and service. Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 521 Reference: p. 520
What is the purpose of systems analysis? What does the systems analyst do to achieve these goals? It consists of defining the problem, identifying its causes, specifying the solution, and identifying the information requirements that must be met by a system solution. The system analyst creates a road map of the existing organization and systems, identifying the primary owners and users of data in the organization. From this organizational analysis, the systems analyst details the problems of existing systems. By examining documents, work papers, and procedures; observing system operations; and interviewing key users of the systems, the analyst can identify the problem areas and objectives a solution would achieve. Often the solution requires building a new information system or improving an existing one. The systems analysis itself would include a feasibility study to determine whether the solution suggested would be achievable from a financial, technical, and organizational standpoint. Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp. 524525
List and describe at least nine factors considered in the design specifications for a new system. Give at least two examples for each one. Output. Medium, content, timing Input. Origins, flow, data entry User interface. Simplicity, efficiency, logic, feedback, errors Database design. Logical data model, volume and speed requirements, organization and design, record specifications Processing. Computations, program modules, required reports, timing of outputs Manual procedures. What activities, who performs them, when, how, where Controls. Input controls, processing controls, output controls, procedural controls Security. Access controls, catastrophe plans, audit trails Documentation. Operations documentation, systems documents, user documentation Conversion. Transfer files, initiate procedures, select testing method, cut over to new system Training. Select training techniques, develop training modules, identify training facilities Organizational changes. Task redesign, job design, process design, organization structure design, reporting relationships Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 526
You work for the IT department of a startup ASP, and it is your job to set up the testing processes for a new enterprise system the company will be hosting. Describe the processes you will recommend. What unique considerations will you have? The first step is to prepare the test plan. Any individual components will need to be tested separately, first, and then the system as a whole will need to be tested. Because this is a hosted application, the system will need to be tested as accessed from the variety of platforms that are supported by the application. If the hosted application supports both Mac and Windows users, the system and its parts will need to be tested using client computers running these systems. Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 527
Evaluation What are the advantages and disadvantages of prototyping? Describe the steps in prototyping. Give at least two circumstances under which prototyping might be useful. Prototyping is most useful when there is some uncertainty about requirements or design solutions. Because prototyping encourages intense end-user involvement throughout the process, it is more likely to produce systems that fulfill user requirements. Working prototype systems can be developed very rapidly and inexpensively. Rapid prototyping can gloss over essential steps in systems development. If the completed prototype works reasonably well, management may not see the need for reprogramming, redesigned, full documentation in testing to build a polished production system. This can backfire later with large quantities of data or large numbers of users in a production environment. The steps in prototyping are: identify the users basic requirements. develop an initial prototype. use the prototype. revise and enhance the prototype.
Prototyping might be especially useful in designing end-user interfaces, or situations in which the users have no clear ideas of what their information requirements are. Difficulty: Medium 28. Reference: pp. 534536
List the identifying features of each of the five systems development approaches. Systems lifecycle. Sequential step-by-step formal process, written specification and approvals, limited role of users Prototyping. Requirements specified dynamically with experimental system; rapid, informal, and iterative process; users continually interact with the prototype Applications software package. Commercial software eliminates the need for internally developed software programs End-user development. Systems created by end users using fourth-generation software tools, rapid and informal, minimal role of information systems specialists Outsourcing. Systems built and sometimes operated by an external vendor Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp. 534539
Evaluation What qualities of object-oriented development make this method especially suitable for Internet applications? Object-oriented development uses the object as the basic unit of systems analysis and design. The system is modeled as a collection of objects and the relationships between them. E-commerce companies need to be able to add, change, and retire their technology capabilities very rapidly. Object-oriented development allows objects to be reused and repackaged with other objects to create new software, saving money and development time. Difficulty: Medium Evaluation in terms of assess, judge Reference: p. 533
Evaluation and synthesis Discuss the role and influence the user plays in software development. The user is the primary focus of software development. Whether a new information system succeeds or fails largely depends on the roles of users. Building successful information systems requires close cooperation among end users and information systems specialists throughout the systems development process. If users are heavily involved in the development of a system, they have more opportunities to mold the system according to their priorities and business requirements, and more opportunities to control the outcome. They also are more likely to react positively to the completed system because they have been active participants in the change process. Incorporating user knowledge and expertise leads to better solutions.
The role of the user in the development of software depends on the method of development used. In SLDC work, end users are limited to providing information requirements and reviewing the technical staffs work. In prototyping, users are involved throughout development, through the use and review of iterative steps of the prototype. In end-user development, the users themselves create the system. Users are typically more involved also in RAD, through the use of prototyping and JAD. In joint application design, end users and information systems specialists work together in an interactive session to discuss design. Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp. 526528, 534541
You are working as a project manager for a small IT consulting firm and have been asked to create a plan for reviewing and auditing completed projects in order to gauge their success. What factors will you use to measure the success of a project? What questions would you ask in order to understand why a project succeeded or failed? Student answers will vary but should include an understanding of the main project variables: Scope, time, cost, quality, and risk. A sample answer is: The factors I would use are: Cost: What was the original budget and final budget Time: What was the original schedule and final schedule Quality: Did the project meet the requirements outlined in the project plan Scope: Did the scope of the project change? Questions I would ask to understand the success or failure of the project would be: What technical difficulties were experienced and which could have been foreseen? What risks did the project entail? What events led to the scope changing? What difficulties occurred that were a consequence of personal, employee-oriented problems? What difficulties occurred that were a consequence of environmental, organizational, or managerial challenges? What do project team members consider as the primary challenges? What do clients or stakeholders consider as the primary challenges? Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 557
Describe the elements of a management structure for information systems projects in a large corporation.
In a large corporation, the management structure typically consists of (from top to bottom levels in the hierarchy):
Corporate strategic planning group: The higher level group of managers responsible for developing the firms strategic plan. Information systems steering committee: A senior management group with responsibility for systems development and operation. Project management: A group of information systems managers and end-user managers responsible for overseeing several specific information systems projects. Project team: The group directly responsible for the individual systems project, consisting of systems analysts, specialists from the relevant end-user business areas, application programmers, and perhaps database specialists.
Difficulty: Medium
Reference: p. 558
List five categories of information that should be included in an information systems plan. General categories of information included in an information plan are: Purpose of the plan Business rationale Current systems or situation New developments to consider Management strategy Implementation plan Budget Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 559
You have been hired as a consultant for a nationwide real estate firm who are interested in achieving better organization between branches by updating their information systems. Will you conduct an enterprise analysis or use a CSF approach to gain an understanding of the corporations information requirements? List at least two reasons why you feel this is the better approach. Student answers will vary: An example answer is: I would choose an enterprise analysis because this will (1) give a better idea of the types of information that need to be shared. Also, (2) since the goal is the sharing of information, rather than reorganizing, I will need an understanding of all the current information and process flows. A CSF approach would be better if the information system were primarily for decision support or executive support and geared toward top managers. Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp. 559563
Describe the process of portfolio analysis. In what situations is this evaluation method useful? Portfolio analysis inventories all of the organizations information systems projects and assets, including infrastructure, outsourcing contracts, and licenses. Each project can be described as having a profile of risk and benefit to the firm, similar to the financial portfolio. In a portfolio analysis, you would list the various systems projects and rate them according to their potential risks and benefits. You would use the portfolio analysis to determine which potential projects should be pursued and which should be modified or abandoned. High risk, low benefit projects should be avoided, while low-risk, high benefit projects would be at the top of the list. High-benefit, high-risk projects and low-risk, low-benefit projects would be reexamined to see if they could be modified to better fit with the companies strategic plans. A mix of profiles could also be defined as acceptable in terms of the companys overall plans, much as is done with a financial portfolio.
Difficulty: Easy
Reference: p. 563
You have been hired as a consultant to make recommendations for Smartys, a healthy fast-food chain that is undergoing major expansion and is in need of a supply chain planning system. They are evaluating two commercially available software packages. What systems evaluation model will help them assess and compare the two packages? How does this model work? A scoring model can be used for selecting projects where many criteria must be considered. It assigns weights to various features of a system and then calculates the weighted totals. What Smartys would do is have decision makers such as top managers list the various features they feel are important to have in the system, such as the processes that need support or reports they may need from the system. Each feature, or criteria, the managers list is given a weight, or rating, in terms of how important it is overall to have in the system. Each package then is evaluated in terms of the percentage of requirements it contributes or supports for each criteria. In the scoring model, you multiply the weight with the softwares percentage of contribution to arrive at a score for each criteria. The scores of both software packages are totaled and compared to see overall their contribution to fulfilling the companys requirements. Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 564
Differentiate between intangible and tangible benefits and list three examples of each. In what types of systems are intangible benefits more predominant? Tangible benefits can be quantified and given a monetary value. For example, a monetary value can be given to increased productivity, lower operational costs, reduced workforce, lower computer expenses, lower outside vendor costs, lower clerical and professional costs, reduced rate of growth in expenses, and reduced facility, telecommunications, software, services, and personnel costs. Intangible benefits cannot be immediately quantified but may lead to quantifiable gains in the long run such as higher sales. Examples of intangible benefits include: improved asset utilization, resource control, organizational planning, decision making, operations; increased flexibility, learning, job satisfaction ,client satisfaction, employee goodwill, more timely information and more information, the fulfillment of legal requirements and a better corporate image. Systems that produce more intangible benefits are MIS, DSS, and collaborative work systems. Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp. 565566
List and describe the four principle capital budgeting models. In what situations are these models not useful? The payback method is a measure of the time required to pay back the initial investment of a project. The accounting rate of return on investment (ROI) calculates the rate of return from an investment by adjusting the cash inflows produced by the investment for depreciation. The net present value is the amount of money an investment is worth, taking into account its cost, earnings, and the time value of money. Internal rate of return (IRR) is defined as the rate of return or profit that an investment is expected to earn, taking into account the time value of money. IRR is the discount (interest) rate that will equate the present value of the projects future cash flows to the initial cost of the project.
These models may not be useful for some information systems projects, especially when their future revenue streams are unclear and the upfront costs are high, and the benefits may be more intangible than tangible.(In such cases, managers might benefit from using real options pricing models to evaluate information technology investments.)
Difficulty: Hard
You are the senior project manager for a Web development company with upwards of 100 current client projects. You have been assigned to evaluate two upcoming projects. One project is to develop a time tracking solution that would allow your 20 freelancers to submit daily time sheets and would report on the time spent on each project. The other project is to redesign the client interface to the company extranet to make it easier to use. The extranet allows clients to log in and view their current Web sites under development, as well as view project statistics, documents, and progress reports. Compare the two projects in terms of risk factors. Student answers will vary but should include an understanding of the main risks factors: size, structure, and technical expertise. An example answer is: The main risk factors are size, structure, and technical expertise. Size. The time-tracking project is a larger project: It involves creating new programming that may interface with back-end systems and will immediately influence payment and cost. It also affects business processes. Redesigning an interface for the client extranet may simply be designing one or two pages that will be replicated for each client once the initial design is done. Structure. It may be easier to define the requirements of the time-tracking software, as this process is relatively straightforward. Understanding what makes the user interface problematic and defining ways to make it easier to use is somewhat of a less tangible quality than reporting on time, so this may be a concern in the second project. Technical expertise. Since the time-tracking project is a new application, there may be some issues of making sure any in-house staff has the appropriate level of expertise. The user interface involves working with existing programming that will not change. However, there may be a need to make sure that an expert who understands usability is present. Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 572
Americlinic, a national chain of budget health-care clinics, is creating an information system that will allow patients and doctors at participating franchises to communicate online. The goal of the system is to allow doctors to respond to minor health questions quickly and more efficiently, saving patients unnecessary visits to the clinic. This will be a major procedural change. What steps would you recommend to this company to ensure the user acceptance of the system? The first step should be to conduct an organizational impact analysis, to determine the changes in procedures, job function, organizational structure, power relationships, and behavior that this system requires or will engender. Any organizational changes should occur prior to implementing the system. In order to gain compliance and support of the doctors, I would establish a review committee of influential participating doctors and change agents to discuss the system prior to development and during development in order to meet physician needs and requirements. I would also involve focus groups of intended users to review prototypes of the system to make sure it is easy to use, and hopefully easier to use in the relevant health situations than going to the doctor. The company will need to make sure that there is also an option for users that do not have Internet access. User training for doctors and nurses will be essential. The company should also consider incentives for doctors and patients that use the system. Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp. 573574, 580583
CHAPTER 15 41. What steps do the authors recommend be taken to develop an international information systems architecture? Begin by developing an understanding of the overall market forces, or business drivers, that are pushing your industry toward global competition, i.e., the global environment. Also examine the inhibitors or negative factors that could scuttle the development of a global business. Develop a corporate strategy for competing in the global environment. Plan how to structure your organization so that it can pursue the strategy you have developed. Consider the management issues in implementing your strategy and making the organization design a reality. The key here will be the design of business procedures. Consider the technology platform. You must have a corporate strategy instructor before you can choose the right technology. Difficulty: Medium 42. . Reference: pp. 597598
List at least four general cultural factors and four specific business factors driving global business. Which two factors (one of each) do you feel are most problematic at the current moment? Why? General Cultural Factors: Global communication and transportation technologies, development of the global culture, emergency global social norms, political stability, and a global knowledge base Specific Business Factors: Global markets, global production operations, global coordination, global workforce, and global economies of scale
One answer might be that two general cultural factors most in danger at the current moment are political stability and development of a global culture (either would be a good answer). Two business factors most problematic at the moment are global coordination and global workforce. Coordinating work on a truly global scale requires a fairly high level of corporation sophistication that only a small number of large firms are truly capable of on a real-time basis; and there is significant opposition in both developed and underdeveloped countries to changes in local labor markets which are threatened by global trade. Difficulty: Medium 43. Reference: p. 598
What are the four specific types of business challenges to global business systems? Which one do you think will be easiest to solve? Why? Standards: Different EDI, e-mail, telecommunications standards. Reliability: Phone networks are not uniformly reliable. Speed: Different data transfer speeds; many are slower than United States speeds. Personnel: Shortages of skilled consultants.
Answers will vary, but an example answer is: The easiest challenge to solve is that of standards, because of the growth of universal, Internet-based standards, Web services, and component-based programming. Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp. 599601
How do cultural, legal, political, and social expectations affect global business? At a cultural level, particularism in all its forms rejects the very concept of a shared global culture and rejects the penetration of domestic markets by foreign goods and services. Differences among cultures produce differences in social expectations, politics, and ultimately in legal rules. Different cultures produce different political regimes, with different laws governing the movement of information, information privacy of their citizens, origins of software and hardware in systems, and radio and satellite telecommunications. Even the hours of business and terms of business trade vary greatly across political cultures. Cultural and political differences profoundly affect organizations standard operating procedures. Everything from the different reliability of telephone systems to the shortage of skilled consultants creates barriers. National laws and traditions have created different accounting practices in various countries, which impact the way profits and losses are analyzed. These accounting practices are tightly intertwined with each countrys legal system, business philosophy, and tax code. Cultural differences can also affect the way organizations use information technology. Japanese firms, for example, use fax technologies intensively but are not comfortable with email. Language is a significant barrier. Software may have to be built with local language interfaces before a new information system can be successfully implemented. Currency fluctuations can play havoc with planning models and projections. Some of these problems will diminish in parts of the world when the euro becomes more widely used. Although the text does not mention this, differences in religious practice (especially if the state promotes a specific religion) can create almost insurmountable problems. Difficulty: Difficult Reference: pp. 598601
What are the organizational principles a company should follow to develop a global company and its information systems support structure? Do you agree? Would you change these principles, or add others? Support your answer. Organize value-adding activities along lines of comparative advantage. Develop and operate systems units at each level of corporate activityregional, national, an international. Establish, at world headquarters, a single office responsible for development of international systems, a global chief information officer position. Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 604
Identify at least five problems associated with international networks. Costs and tariffs Network management Installation delays Poor quality of international services Regulatory constraints Changing user requirements Disparate standards Network capacity Difficulty: Easy Reference: pp. 612613
List at least four difficult problems for management in the development of the international information system. Agreeing on user requirements Introducing changes in business processes Coordinating applications development Coordinating software releases Encouraging local users to support global systems Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp. 606607
You are working for a global electronic parts manufacturing company with divisions in Taiwan, Malaysia, Australia, and Germany, that has embarked on developing a global enterprise system. To ensure that overseas divisions comply with the new system, they are considering a cooptation strategy in which they will permit each country unit the opportunity to develop one transnational application first in its home territory, and then throughout the world. What are the benefits and drawbacks to this approach? Are there any other solutions for the companys cooptation strategy?
With this strategy, local units will feel a sense of ownership in the transnational effort. On the downside, this assumes the ability to develop high-quality systems is widely distributed, and that, a German team can successfully implement systems in Taiwan or Malaysia. This will not always be the case. Another cooptation strategy would be to develop new transnational centers of excellence, or a single center of excellence. In this, you would identify a regional location with excellent implementation of specific business processes. These centers draw heavily from local national units, are based on multinational teams, and must report to worldwide management. The centers of excellence would perform the initial identification and specification of business processes, define the information requirements, perform the business and systems analysis, and accomplish all design and testing. Implementation, however, and pilot testing are rolled out to other parts of the globe. Recruiting a wide range of local groups to transnational centers of excellence helps send the message that all significant groups are involved in the design and will have an influence. Difficulty: Difficult 49. Reference: p. 611
What options does a company have for providing international connectivity? They can build their own international private network, rely on a network service based on the public switched networks throughout the world, or use the Internet and intranets. Difficulty: Easy Reference: pp. 612613
Synthesis How does the Internet benefit the development of a global information system? Should all global systems be based on the Internet? The Internet allows anyone connected to it to communicate and compute at any time, or anywhere. Satellite systems, digital cell phones, and personal communications services will make it even easier to coordinate work and information in many parts of the globe that cannot be reached by existing ground-based systems. Companies can use Internet technology to construct virtual private networks to reduce wide area networking costs and staffing requirements. If it wishes, the company can outsource the virtual private network to an Internet service provider. All global systems cant be based primarily on the Internet, because currently not all countries have the same access to the Internet. Additionally, high-traffic volumes at certain times of the day in various regions may impede responsiveness. Difficulty: Medium Synthesis in terms of formulate Reference: p. 613